英语专转本教案 - 写作
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(一)短文写作的目的与要求 “专转本”考试中的短文写作主要是要求根据所给提纲,写出一篇不少于120词的短文。按照试卷上给出的题目及提纲或图标作文,或按给出的关键词、论点作文等。作文要求切题,能正确表达思想,意义连贯,文理基本通顺,无重大语言错误。作文的范围通常为科技、社会、文化等方面的一般常识。写作测试的目
的是检测学生使用书面英语表达思想的能力。 (二)短文的构成要素 1.选词
We hire a more effective manager than the one we currently have.
Our former teacher usually terminated his class two or three minutes ahead.
He is well-built, with large shoulders.
The living level of the people in China has been greatly raised. 2.造句
There are many students play football on the sports ground after class.
Now we have a professor who teach his lessons in a interesting and humorous way. 2) 意思完整
He had finished his work.
The TV program was so interesting. 3) 重点突出
The students were waiting for the class to begin. They talked with one another. They talked about their English teacher. She had just got married.
While waiting for the class to begin, the students talked with one another about their English teacher who had just married. 4)表达简洁
The process was performed in two steps. The first of these consisted of drying the sample, and the second consisted of weighting it.
The process was performed in two steps: drying the sample and then weighing it. 3.组段
1) 段落的组成
: Topic Sentence Supporting Sentences Concluding Sentence
(主题句)Television can help us see the pattern of American life and understand the events that unite us. (辅助句)(1)Consider an example of the deaths of the political leaders, including John F. Kennedy, Martin Luther King,Jr. and Robert Kennedy. (2) These deaths caused a profound unification of the whole nation. (3) Therefore the whole nation shared the experience of grief and shame. (4) Television let us intensely and dramatically participate in these historical events. (5) Through it we are joined with other people for a few electric moments.
(结论句)So television does more than transimmit movies, weather, sports. It helps to unite us. 2)句子结构多样化
(a) The old man began to tell us the story of his life. He was fifteen. He ran away to sea. He traveled to South America, China, and Australia. Then he was too old to work. He came to this country to live with relatives. Now he thinks all the time about the ?good old days?. He was young then.
(b) The old man began to tell us the story of his life, and he started with the age of fifteen. He ran away to sea at that age, and he traveled to South America, China, and Australia. He became too old to work. And he came to this country to live with relatives. Now he thinks all the time about the ?good old days? and he was young man. (c) The old man began to tell us the story of his life. When he was fifteen, he ran away to sea. He traveled to south America, China, and Australia. When he was too old to work, he came to his country to live with relatives. Now he thinks all the time about the ?good old days? when he was young.
(三) 短文的一致性与连贯性 1、短文的一致性
①There were several reasons why I decided to attend Bingston University. ②First and most important, the university offered a wonderful study program in agriculture, my chosen field. ③It required all its agriculture students to gain practical experience by working on farms in the area while they were still going
to school; I knew that this would provide invaluable experience and prepare me to better use the skills I had learned in the classroom. ④Second, Bingston hired only the finest teachers to teach in its graduate program. ⑤Then, too, there was Bingston?s deferred payment plan; this represented a great convenience to my parents. ⑥A final reason was the reasonable tuition. 2. 短文的连贯性
①One of the most important men in our society is the garbage man.②Each year more and more garbage is produced, and more man are required to dispose of it. ③These men do this “dirty work”despite the danger of being disabled or killed by the blades of the disposal trucks.④If more people realized how important the garbage men?s job is, perhaps their working conditions would improve.⑤ My brother uesd to work on a garbage truck.⑥He quit because the job was too dangerous.
二、短文写作的主要类型及写作要点 (一)提纲作文
Fire accidents in Big Cities 1) Present state
2) Causes of fire accidents 3) Ways to prevent fires 2、提纲作文的写作要点
2)考生在论述过程中首先要写出每一段的主题句。 A.要充分利用提纲中所提供的信息。 B.主题中一定要包含段落的主导思想(controlling idea)。
C.主题句的写作要直截了当,言简意赅。 如上例主题句可以这样写
1)Recent years have witnessed a marked growth of fire accidents in big cities.
2) What are the causes of fire accidents?
3) We should take measures to prevent fire accidents. 例文:
Fire accidents in Big Cities
Recent years have witnessed a marked growth of fire accidents in big cities in our country. Almost every day we can see flashing fire engines rushing through the streets. Fires have not only caused heavy economic losses but also injured and killed many people.
What are the causes of fire accidents? Most of the fires are caused by carelessness and violation of fire safety regulations. Other fires are caused by home electrical appliances because they are poor quality or because people do not know how to use them properly. Besides, some businesses have focused so much of their attention on profits that they often ignore fire precautions.
We should take measures to prevent fire accidents.
(2) easy to be informed (3)stable jobs
(4) enough supply of goods
(5) many places for recreation and relaxation 第二段:(1) air pollution (2) crowded in the street
(3) not hospitable among the people (4) quick pace of living
第三段: my perference owing to daily conceniences (三)起草成文
Many peole appreciate the convenience of the city. People can enjoy colorful life there. They are easy to be informed because they have the access to news. They are well-paid because they have stable jobs. They are well-fed and well-dressed because there are adequate of goods. They often have a wonderful time because there are many places for them to spend the long and tedious nights.
However, living in the city have also some disadvantages. Air pollution is very serious in the city. Nowhere people can find a clear river and enjoy the fresh air. Moreover, it is so crowded in the street that many people don?t want to go out. Besides, the pace of living in the city is not gentle so that the people there have little chance to talke to each other.
I prefer to live in the city owing to its daily conveniences. (四)修改润色
Many people appreciate the conceniences of the life in the city. People can enjoy colorful life there. They are
well-in-formed because they have the access to news. They are well-paid because they have stable jobs. They are well-fed and well-dressed because there is an adequate supply of goods. They often have a wonderful time because there are many places to kill the long and tedious nights.
However, living in the city has some disadvantages. Pollution is very serious in the city. Nowhere can people find a clear stream or take the fresh air. Moreover, it is so crowded in the street that many people don?t want to go out. Besides, the pace of living in the city is not gentle. As a result, people there have little chance to talke to each other.
Considering its daily conveniences, I prefer to live in the city.
1、用于段落开头的过渡词 Generally speaking
It goes without saying that… There is no doubt that….
As is known to all…. As the proverb says…. As the saying goes….. It is true that….. Now / Presently …. Recently / Lately …..
e.g.1) There is no doubt that different books give different kinds of knowledge. Some are good and others are bad…..
2) As the saying goes, caution is the parent of safety. 2、用于段落结尾的过渡词
In summary / to sum up / in conclusion In short / in brief
On the whole / all in all
As has been noted / as I have said In my opinion Therefore / thus Eventually
From this point of view
e.g.1)In conclusion, a good teacher-student relationship can be mutually beneficial. The student gains knowledge eagerly and enjoyable, and the teacher gains satisfaction from this job.
2)As I have said, country life is more beneficial than city life.
举例:for example, such as….. 比较:similarly, the same as….. 对照:on the contrary, otherwise….. 让步:although, yet, however ….. 原因:because, due to …..
结果:therefore, as a result of….. 强调:especially, surely…… 列举:first,second, finally….. 五、常见的错误
One tend to think he is better than others. 2、代词和先行词不一致
The lecturer leaves time for the audience to ask them
3、非谓语动词与主句的主语不一致 Listening intently, a noise was heard. 4、时态、人称和数的不一致
Those who are imprisoned find it hard to find a job after they have been released.
College graduates take a good position, a handsome salary and a satisfactory working condition when they chose a job.
Whether one enjoys or resents TV commercials, we are actually bombarded with it every time when people turn on their TV.
Many students want to get a very good job that can bring someone much money and reputation. 5、断句方面
TV becomes an important part in our daily life. Because we cannot live without it.
There are many ways to improve city traffic. For example, widening streets, building subways and so on. Nuclear power has some distinct advantages. Such as it is clean and cheap. 6、连词方面
The air in the countryside is fresh, many people like to live there.
A graduate wants to be employed, he must have a successful job interview first. 7、搭配方面
Nowdays , the traffic in big cities is getting more and more crowed.
For some students, the tuition fees are so expensive
that they can?t afford them. 8、误用方面
first adv. (首先) at first adv. (起初,最开始) every day n. (每天) everyday adj. (每一天) effect n. (结果) effect vt. (影响,外在的) influence vt./n. (影响,外在)
economic adj. (经济的) economical adj. (经济实惠)的 continuous adj.(连续的) continual adj. (时断时续的) 9、汉语项目英语化方面
After the military training for several months, our bodies become very healthy.
In university, we must spend bitter work to master knowledge.
Some girl students in our class don?t study well. All day they talk love.
Because with the quick development in coastal areas, the inlanders find that they should try their best to catch up.
If without the co-operation of the whole society, Project Hope would not have been so successful.
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