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1.A project team member has completed his work on the project. Which of the following MUST

the project manager do then?

A. Provide the team member with copies of his/her work on the project B. Update the employee’s records with the new skills acquired C. Invite him/her to the project closure party

D. Check to make sure he/she is happy with his/her performance

1. 一个项目团队成员已经完成该项目的工作,下面哪项是项目经理必须做的 A.提供该团队成员项目工作的副本

B.更新这个职员的记录,记载获得的新技能 C.邀请他/她出席项目收尾聚会


2.Given that you are neighbors, you and the CEO of your company have established a friendly

personal relationship. This fact has not gone unnoticed by your peers and associates. Which type

of power available to project managers might you be able to rely on? A. Referent B. Reward C. Formal D. Expert

2. 假定你和公司的CEO 是邻居, 你们的关系比较铁, 而公司的同事也都知道你们之间的

关系比较好。你会依靠下列哪种权力类型来行使项目经理的权力? A. 参照型 B. 酬劳型 C. 正式型 D. 专家型

3. Your boss believes that all of your project team members avoid work as much as possible. He or

she often uses threats and various control schemes to make sure people are doing their jobs.

Which approach to managing people does your boss follow? A. Maslow’s hierarchy of needs B. Theory X C. Theory Y

D. Herzberg’s motivation and hygiene factors

3. 你的老板认为你的所有团队成员都在尽可能少工作,他用了很多威胁和其他监督手段来

让大家完成工作,他的管理方法说明了: A. 马斯洛的需求层次论 B. X 理论 C. Y 理论

D. 赫兹伯格的激励和保健理论

4.You are a fabulous project manager, and your team thinks highly of you. You are well respected

by the stakeholders, management team, and project team. When you make decisions, others follow

your lead as a result of which of the following? A. Referent power B. Expert power

C. Legitimate power D. Punishment power

4. 你是一名出色的项目经理。你的小组成员对你非常尊敬。项目干系人,管理小组,项目

组也都很尊敬你。当你做出决定时,其他人能遵照你的要求去办。这是一种什么样的权力类 型?

A. 指示权 B. 专家权 C. 法律权 D. 惩罚权 5.Giving a team member a corner office is different from giving him health benefits because a

corner office is a(n)_____ A. perquisite.

B. fringe benefit.

C.use of the expectancy theory. D.example of formal power

5. 给予一个团队成员单独办公室,与给他健康保障有区别的,因为靠墙的办公室是:

A.额外待遇 B.边际福利

C.期望值理论的使用 D.正式权力的示例

6 . You've promised your team two days of paid time off plus a week's training in the latest

technology of their choice if they complete their project ahead of schedule. This is an example of which of the following? A. Achievement theory B. Expectancy theory C. Maslow's theory D. Contingency theory

6. 你已经答应你的项目小组,如果他们在进度表之前完成项目的话,他们将有两天的带薪

假期并根据他们的选择进行为期一周的技术培训。这是一个什么理论的例子? A. 成就理论

B. 期望理论

C. Maslow’s 理论 D. 应急理论 7. A likely result of using “compromise” to resolve a two-party conflict is:

A. Lose-lose B. Win-lose C. Win-win D. Lose-win

7.采用“妥协”来解决双方冲突的一个可能的结果是: A. 输-输 B. 赢-输 C. 赢-赢 D. 输-赢

8. Which of the following is a form of power that the project manager can use due to the position

of project manager in the company? A. Legitimate B. Expert C. Penalty D. Referent

8. 在公司里,下面哪一个属于项目经理在其职位上可以行使的权力? A. 合法权 B.专家权 C. 惩罚权 D. 参照权

9.As a project manager, you are aware of a number of different conflict resolution methods. Two

team members on your current construction project are engaged in a major argument concerning

storm window installation. They refuse to listen to each other. Although it is March and hurricane

season does not begin until June, a storm is expected to hit your area in less than 8 hours.

Windows must be installed now or the entire project is in jeopardy. The most appropriate conflict

resolution approach for you to use in this situation is A. Accommodating B. Compromising C. Collaborating D. Forcing

9.作为一名项目经理, 你了解一些不同的冲突解决方法。你现在的建筑项目小组的两名成


月, 飓

风季节六月才来到,一场不同寻常的风暴不到8 小时就会袭击当地。必须马上安装防护窗,

否则整个项目都会遭到破坏。最合适的解决冲突的方法是 A. 双方通融 B. 折中 C. 合作 D. 强制

10. A project manager made a decision on a complex problem. A few months later,a similar

problem has occurred. What is the most probable reason? A. Poor risk analysis.

B. Negligence of the confirmation on the solved problem. C. Ignorance of reporting to the sponsor. D. No use of Ishikawa diagram.

10.某项目经理就一个复杂的问题作了决策。几个月后,类似的问题又出现了,最可能的原 因是什么?

A. 风险分析不足

B. 疏忽对解决问题的确认 C. 忽略了向发起人汇报 D. 没有使用鱼骨图

11.The Halo effect is important to know because there is a tendency to: A. Promote from within B. Hire the best

C. Move people into project management because they are good in their technical field

D. Move people into project management because they are good in they have had project

management training

11.光环效应是应该了解的一个很重要的方面,因为有一种倾向,即: A.从内部晋升


C.由于一些人才在技术领域干得很不错,而被调配到项目管理岗位上 D.由于一些人才接受过很好的项目管理培训,而被调配到项目管理岗位上

12.What is the Leadership style of PM at the early stage of Project ? A. Coaching B. Supporting C. Delegating D.directing

12.在项目早期,项目经理的领导方式是什么: A.教练 B.支持 C.委派


13.What theory proposes that efforts will lead to effective performance and will be rewarded for accomplishments?

A. Conditional reinforcement B. Maslow’s hierarchy C. McGregor’s D. Expectancy

13.哪个理论认为人们相信努力可以获得有效的成绩,而且可以因此获得奖励? A. 条件加强

B. 马斯洛需求层次 C. 麦格尔 D. 期望理论

14.In which motivation theory do hygiene factors play a part? A. Herzberg’s B. McGregor’s C. Theory Y

D. Maslow’s hierarchy

14.哪项激励理论包括“保健因素”? A. 赫尔兹伯格 B. 麦克格雷 C. Y 理论 D. 马斯洛理论

15 . Which motivational theorist said that people cannot ascend to the next level until the

levelsbelow are fulfilled? A. Maslow B. Deming C. McGregor D. Herzberg

15.下面哪个激励理论认为人们底层的需求满足之后才会考虑上层的需求? A. 马斯洛 B. 戴明 C. 麦克格雷 D. 赫尔兹伯格 16 . According to Herzberg's Motivator-Hygiene Theory, when achievement, recognition, responsibility, and advancement or promotions are not present, employee's will-

A. Become alienated with the organization and leave

B. Lack motivation but will not be dissatisfied with their work C. Lack motivation and become dissatisfied with their work

D. Become dissatisfied only if they do not receive salary increases 16. 按照赫兹伯格的激励理论:当没有成就、认同、责任和晋升的时候, 员工

A. 开始疏远团队并离开

B. 缺少活力但是对工作没有流露不满 C. 缺少活力并且对工作不满

D. 只有工资没有增长的时候才不满

17 . Employees who believe their efforts will lead to effective performance and expect to be

rewarded for their accomplishments remain productive as rewards meet their expectations. This is called:

A. a perquisite. B. a halo effect.

C. the expectancy theory. D. a motivational theory.

17. 职员相信他们的努力将会产生良好的绩效,并且他们的努力也会得到相应的回报。这种 理论被称为: A. 额外津贴 B. 光环效应 C. 期望理论 D. 动机理论 18.According to Herzberg's theory, achieving positive motivation results from the

opportunity to achieve and experience \following is not

one of the motivating agents? A. recognition B. salary

C. responsibility

D. professional growth

18. 根据海兹伯格的理论(Herzberg theory),获得正向激励是由取得并经历“自我实现”的机会

决定的。下列哪项不是一个激励动因? A.表扬 B.工资 C.责任 D.专业成长

19.The management theory that all people can direct their own efforts is:

A. Theory Y

B. Herzberg’s theory C. Maslow’s hierarchy D. Theory X

19. 哪个管理理论认为人们可以决定自己的努力方向?

A. Y 理论

B. 海兹伯格理论

C. 马斯洛需求层次理论 D. X 理论 20.People are motivated by the need for achievement, power, or affiliation according to which theory?

A. Expectancy theory B. Achievement theory C. Contingency theory D. Theory X

20. 人们是由对成功、权力、从属关系的需要来激励的。这是由下列哪个理论推测出的? A. 期望理论 B. 成就动机理论 C. 权变理论 D. X 理论

21.A management style characterized by little or no information flowing up or down between the

project manager and project team is called A. Egocentric B. Democratic C. Participative D. Laissez-faire

21. 项目经理与项目队伍之间很少或没有相互的信息流动,以此为特征的管理方式被称为: A.自我中心的 B.民主的 C.参与的 D.放任的

22.Your organization is characterized by hierarchical organizational structures with rigid rules and policies and strict supervisory controls. Individual team members are not expected to engage in

problem solving or use creative approaches to plan and execute work. But because a lot of

company work involves crisis situations, this authoritarian management style has some benefits. Your organization is characterized by which one of the following theories? A. Ouchi’s Theory

B. McGregor’s Theory X

C. Maslow’s self-esteem level D. Vroom’s Expectancy Theory

22. 你们公司拥有严格的等级制度, 各项政策、监控机制也是非常严密的。公


团队成员独自解决问题或者采取与众不同的方法来完成任务。但是, 由于公司的许多工作

都要采取应急措施, 需要当机立断, 因此这种独裁的管理风格也还有些好处。你们公司

的特征符合下列哪种理论的说法? A. 奥齐理论

B. 麦克格雷格X 理论

C. 马斯洛需要层次理论中自尊层次上的需求 D. 期望理论

23.\This is an example of what

type of conflict resolution technique? A. problem solving B. forcing C. withdrawal D. compromising

23. \我们各方为什么不能各作一些让步来解决这个问题呢?\这是哪种冲突解决技巧的示例? A.问题解决 B.强迫 C.撤退 D.妥协

24.Conflict on projects is usually caused by:

A. schedules, priorities, technical opinions, and resources. B. schedules, personalities, priorities, and resources.

C. schedules, personalities, priorities, and technical opinions. D. schedules, cost, priorities, and resources. 24. 项目中通常引发冲突的原因是: A. 进度, 优先级, 技术观点, 和资源 B. 进度, 个人性格, 优先级, 和资源

C. 进度, 个人性格, 优先级, 和技术观点 D. 进度, 成本, 优先级, 和资源

25.The project manager can help the project team develop a sense of identity as a group by

A. Communicating frequently through e-mail

B. Creating an air of mystery about the project C. Having a \

D. Issuing guidelines on how team members should interact with other stakeholders

25. 项目经理可以通过( ),帮助项目团队建立一种团体认同感。 A.定期用电子邮件沟通

B.对项目建立一种神秘的气氛 C.建立一个\作战室\


26. Which of the following conflict resolution techniques is used when the conflicting parties are uncooperative and unassertive? A. Compromise B. Withdrawal C. Problem solve D. Smoothing

26. 冲突双方虽然有分歧却并不固执,应该采用什么方式来解决问题? A. 妥协 B. 撤退 C. 解决问题 D. 缓和

27. This win-win conflict resolution technique is the one that project managers should use most. A. Problem solve B. Compromise C. Withdrawal D. Smoothing

27.一种项目经理最常用的双赢的矛盾解决方法是: A. 解决问题 B. 让步 C. 撤退 D. 缓和

28.What does a resource histogram show that a responsibility assignment matrix does not? A. Time B. Activity

C. Interrelationships

D. The person in charge of each activity

28.哪个是资源直方图能显示而责任矩阵不能显示的 A. 时间 B. 活动 C. 相互关系 D. 负责活动的人

29. A team member show doesn’t have the required skills or knowledge was assigned to a team.

Who is responsible for ensuring that he receives the proper training? A. sponsor

B. functional manager C. project manager

D. training coordinator

29. 一个不具备要求的技能或知识的团队成员被分配到一个项目。谁负责确保他得到适当的

培训? A.发起人 B.职能经理 C.项目经理 D.培训协调员

30. The primary communication skills you will use in working with functional managers will be- A. Problem solving. B. Negotiating. C. Team building. D. Public relations.

30.你在与职能经理一起工作将使用的主要沟通技能是: A.问题解决 B.谈判 C.团队建设 D.公关

31.During your project meeting, a problem was discussed and a resolution to the problem was

reached. During the meeting, the participants started wondering why they thought the problem

was such a big issue. Sometime after the meeting, you received an e-mail from one of the meeting

members saying they've changed their mind about the solution reached in the meeting and need to

resurface the problem. The solution reached during the initial project meeting is an example of

which of the following conflict resolution techniques? A. Problem solve B. Forcing C. Smoothing D. Storming




需要重新找出实质的问题所在。在最初的项目会议中的达成的解决办法的例子属于下列哪种 争论解决技术。 A. 解决问题 B. 强制 C. 调和 D. 震荡

32.All of the following are forms of power derived from the project manager’s position EXCEPT? A. Formal B. Reward C. Penalty D. Expert

32.下面各项都是项目经理通过职位获得的权力类型,除了: A. 正式 B. 奖励 C. 处罚 D. 专家

33. A project manager often solicits opinions from his team members. This is an example of having:

A. difficult team members he needs to keep satisfied. B. a theory X style of leadership. C. a participative management style. D. difficulty making decisions.

33. 一个项目经理以常向他的团队成员征求意见。这是( )的例子。 A.他需要满足棘手的团队成员。 B.X 理论的领导风格。 C.参与式管理风格。 D.难做决策

34. The following could all be signs of decreasing team motivation except for :

A. scope change

B. project staff turnover C. absenteeism

D. conflicts between team members

34. 下列各项除( ) 外都是降低团队动机的迹象 A. 范围变更 B. 项目人员流动 C. 旷工

D. 团队成员之间冲突

35. As the project manager for your team, you are told that one of your team members has started

the work of a project deliverable. However, now that he is half way into the work, he is beginning to feel intimidated and overwhelmed by the visibility he is receiving from others in the

organization due to the importance of his work. What should you do? A. Talk to the team member to understand and acknowledge any of his concerns, and then offer

him support and confidence that you know he will be successful in

completing the task due to his proven skills and talent. B. Do nothing.

C. Talk to the team member's manager and ask her to address the problem. D. Tell the rest of the team that this deliverable will not be completed on time.

35. 作为你们团队的项目经理,你被告知其中一位团队成员已经开始了基于某个可交付成果



A. 告诉该团队成员你理解并承认他的任何担忧,然后给他提供支持和信心,告诉他具备实

力和天赋,可以胜任他的工作。 B. 什么也不做

C. 告知该团队成员的经理,让她来处理这个问题 D. 告知团队其他成员该可交付成果不能够及时完成

36 Major difficulties arise when multiple projects need to be managed in the functional

organizational structure because of-

A. The level of authority of the project manager

B. Conflicts over the relative priorities of different projects in competition for limited resources

C. Project team members who are focused on their functional specialty rather than on the project D. The need for the project manager to use interpersonal skills to resolve conflicts informally

36. 当多项目需要在职能组织结构中进行管理的时候, 会出现很大的困难, 因为:

A. 项目经理的权力级别

B. 不同项目在争取有限资源时的相对优先等级冲突

C. 项目团队成员关心他们各自的职能领域而不是项目本身

D. 项目经理需要利用处理人际关系的技能,以非正式的方法解决冲突 37.A resource histogram shows resources by: A. unit of time. B. task.

C. area of expertise. D. phase.

37.资源直方图根据以下什么哪项来显示资源? A.单位时间 B.任务 C.专业范围 D.阶段 38. You’re working on an internal service project and are in the beginning

of the Planning

processes. You noticed that specific staff members were named as project team members during

your review of the project charter. Which of the following does this question describe?

A.Resource availability B. Pre-assignment

C. Staff management plan D. Virtual teams

38. 你管理一个内部服务项目并处于计划过程中,你注意到在你审阅项目章程时发现某些

员工已经被指定为项目团队成员,这个问题说明了: A. 资源可利用性 B. 预分配

C. 员工管理计划 D. 虚拟团队

39. The following exchange took place at your last team meeting: “I don’t agree with Violet, and I’m not going to stop working on the secret formula just because she doesn’t have the equipment

in place for the experiments.” What stage is this team in? A. Confrontation B. Norming C. Storming D. Withdrawal

39. 上一次开会时发生了这样的交谈,“我不同意维埃特的看法,我不会因为她没有及时把

实验设备安装到位,而稀里糊涂的停止我的工作。”这个团对处于什么阶段? A. 面对 B. 规范阶段 C. 震荡阶段 D. 撤退

40. Your project schedule is tight and in danger of falling behind when two team members start disrupting status meetings by arguing with each other. As project manager, what is the BEST thing you can do?

A. Separate the two until the project is back on track

B. Speak with each team member and give each a verbal warning C. Discuss the problem with the manager of the two team member

D. Meet with both team members and their manager to determine the source of conflict

40. 你的项目计划进度很紧,而且处于进度落后的危险之中,这时两个团队成员吵了起来,

干扰了正在进行的状态会议。作为项目经理你最好应该: A. 把这两个人分开,直到项目恢复正规 B. 分别和他们谈话,给于口头警告 C. 和他们的经理讨论这个问题

D. 和他们两人以及他们的经理讨论确定冲突的来源

41. The following is not true about the Responsibility Assignment Matrix: A. It details people assigned to project roles B. It details project roles and responsibilities C. It details when staff are allocated to tasks D. It is linked to the scope definition or WBS 41. 关于责任分配矩阵,下面哪一个说法是不对的? A. 它详细说明人员的角色分配 B. 它详细说明角色和职责

C. 它详细说明员工何时分配到任务上 D. 它和WBS 或者范围定义相关联

42. A Project Manager has ultimate responsibility for the following: A. Develop project team B. Project approval

C. Ensuring no project change once the project is approved D. Design and test specs 42. 项目经理最终负责哪一个? A. 建设项目团队 B. 项目批准

C. 项目批准后保证不再变更 D. 设计和测试规格 43.The leadship capability of PM doesn’t include which of the following? A. Deliver what the customer needs. B. Communicating C. Aligning. D. Inspiring

43.项目经理的领导力,涉及以下所有各项,除了: A. 交付客户要求 B. 沟通 C. 协调思想 D. 激励

44. Which of the followings four options is less effective in developing project team?

A. Hold kickoff meetings. B. Team participation for establishment of ground rules for team behavior. C. Encourage informal communication and activities to build trust and work relationships.

D. Co-locate your team or set up a project war room.

44.下列四项选择中,哪一项在有效的建设项目团队中作用较小? A. 举行开工会议

B. 团队参与制定团队行为的基本规则

C. 鼓励非正式的沟通活动以建立信任和关系 D. 集中办公,设立项目作战室

45. During project planning in a matrix organization, the project manager determines that

additional human resources are needed. From whom would he request these resources?

A. Project manager B. Functional manager C. Team

D. Project sponsor

45. 在矩阵型组织中的项目规划阶段,项目经理决定需要追回人力资源。他需要从以下何人

手中申请这些人员? A. 项目经理 B. 职能部门经理 C. 项目团队 D. 项目出资人

46.Which of the following factors contributes the most to team communication?

A. External feedback

B. Performance appraisals

C. Smoothing over of team conflicts by the project manager D. Collocation

46.下列哪项因素对团队沟通所做的贡献最大? A.外部反馈 B.绩效评估

C.由项目经理调和团队中发生的冲突 D.集中办公

47.What are the drawbacks with the democratic style of management? A. It is difficult to make a quick decision.

B. Majority rules which may not indicate the appropriate solution C. If the wrong group within the project team is polled, an incorrect decision may occur. D. All of the above

47.民主的管理风格的缺点是什么? A.难于快速决策


C.如果项目团队选择了错误的团体,错误的决策就发生了 D.以上全部

48. To help the project team function more efficiently on complex and interrelated tasks, the

project manager decides to use a war room. What dose this mean? A. All the project records are kept in many locations.

B. The tools needed to accomplish the work are kept in one place with easy access by the team

from various locations.

C. The entire team is located in one area.

D. The project’s entire senior management team is located in one area. 48.为了帮助项目团队更有效的发挥任用,以完成错综复杂的任务,项目经理决定采取作战


A. 所有项目记录都保存在许多地方

B. 对于完成工作所需的工具保存在一个地方以便不同地方的团队成员使用 C. 整个团队集中在一个地方办公

D. 项目的整个高层管理团队集中在一个地方办公

49. You have just been assigned as project manager for a large telecommunications project. This

one-year project is about halfway done. The project team consists of five sellers and 20 of your

company’s employees. You want to understand who is responsible for doing what on the project.

Where would you find such information? A. Responsibility matrix B. Resource histogram C. Gantt chart

D. Project organization chart


提供商和20 名你公司的职员组成。你希望了解在这个项目中谁负责干什么,在哪里可以找 到此类信息? A.责任矩阵 B.资源柱状图 C.甘特图 D.项目组织图

50.A lady is pregnant in you team and the doctor advised her to stay at home for the benefit of her coming baby. It may be of moderate difficulty to recruit someone to replace her from the HR market. But you,as the project manager,have decided that she must continue to work at home. Why?

A. She has good practice about project and skills needed for the project. B. There is no budget to recruit someone to replace her.

C. Personnel administrative affairs are not the project manager’s responsibility.

D. The time is tight and you do not want the project behind schedule.

50. 你团队中的一位女士怀孕了,医生建议她为了即将出生的婴儿而呆在家里。从人力资源

市场上招募人员来代替她具有中等难度。但你作为项目经理决定她必须在家继续工作,为什 么?

A. 她具有关于项目的良好经验和项目需要的技能 B. 在其预算中没包括招聘新组员的费用 C. 人事管理事务不是项目经理的职责 D. 时间很紧,你不想项目落后于进度

51.The method most often used by project managers to solve conflict is—

A. Compromise B. Confrontation C. Smoothing D. Negotiation

51.最常被项目经理用来解决冲突的方法是: A. 妥协的方式 B. 对话 C. 消除冲突 D. 谈判

52. The process of identifying and documenting project roles, responsibilities, and reporting

relationships, as well as creating the staffing management plan is: A. Plan scope

B. Plan human resource management C. Plan quality

D. Manage Project Team

52. 确定并记录项目角色、职责、汇报关系,并创建人员配备管理计划的过程称为:

A. 规划范围

B. 规划人力资源管理 C. 规划质量 D. 管理项目团队

答案:1. 参考答案:B。团队成员参与项目获得成长,做好经验教训总结 2. 参考答案:A。 3. 参考答案:B。 4. 参考答案:B。 5. 参考答案:A。 6. 参考答案:B。 7. 参考答案:A。 8. 参考答案:A。 9. 参考答案:D。 10. 参考答案:B。 11. 参考答案:C。

12. 参考答案:D。 13. 参考答案:D。 14. 参考答案:A。 15. 参考答案:A。 16. 参考答案:B。 17. 参考答案:C。 18. 参考答案:B。 19. 参考答案:A 20. 参考答案:B。


21. 参考答案:D。 22. 参考答案:B。 23. 参考答案:D。 24. 参考答案:A。 25. 参考答案:C。 26. 参考答案:C。 27. 参考答案:A。 28. 参考答案:A。 29. 参考答案:C 30. 参考答案:B。

31. 参考答案:C。之前达成解决方法,但后来又改变主意,说明之前并没有解决问题,排 除A。

32. 参考答案:D。 33. 参考答案:C 34. 参考答案:A 35. 参考答案:A

36. 参考答案:B。多个项目,会去争抢资源。 37. 参考答案:A。 38. 参考答案:B。 39. 参考答案:C。

40. 参考答案:B。题目有特殊的场景:进度很紧,并且处于进度落后的危险之中,此时应

该采用强制的权力,即强迫。选项A 是撤退;选项C 和D,需要花较长时间来解决问题,


41. 参考答案:C。 42. 参考答案:A 43. 参考答案:A

44. 参考答案:A。选项B\\C\\D,是建设项目团队的工具, 45. 参考答案:B。 46. 参考答案:D。

47. 参考答案:D。 48. 参考答案:C。 49. 参考答案:A。 50. 参考答案:A。 51. 参考答案:B。 52. 参考答案:B。

