07年6月-09年6月英语六级真题听力原文 - Word版学习啊

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为什么有好多学生对英语的学习都感到头疼呢?答案只有一个:“不得法。” 英语与汉语一样都是一种语言,为什么你说汉语会如此流利?那是因为你置身于一个汉语环境中,如果你在伦敦呆上半年,保准说起英语来会非常流利。但很多中学生没有很好的英语环境,那么你可以自己设置一个英语环境,坚持“多说”、“多听”、“多读”、“多写”,那么你的英语成绩肯定会很出色。 一、多“说”。



如果没有合适的伙伴也没关系,你可以拿过一本书或其它什么东西做假想对象,对它谈你一天的所见所闻,谈你的快乐,你的悲伤等等,长此坚持下去你的口语肯定会有较大的提高。 二、多“听”

寻找一切可以听英语的机会。别人用英语交谈时,你应该大胆地去参与,多听听各种各样人的发音,男女老少,节奏快的慢的你都应该接触到,如果这样的机会少的话,你可以选择你不知内容的文章去听,这将会对你帮助很大,而你去听学过的课文的磁带,那将会对你的语言语调的学习有很大的帮助。 三、多“读”。

“读”可以分为两种。一种是“默读”。每天给予一定时间的练习将会对你提高阅读速度有很大的好处,读的内容可以是你的课本,但最好是一些有趣的小读物,因为现在的英语高考越来越重视阅读量和阅读速度。每道题的得分都与你的理解程度有很大关系,所以经过高中三年阅读的训练后,你必定会在高考中胜券在握。 另一种是“朗读”这是学语言必不可少的一种学习途径。 四、多“写”


The teacher often asks us what we want to be in the future.My good friend Tom wishes to be a soldier.However,I'm different .I wish I were a teacher in the future.But my mother wishes me to be a doctor.


学习英语不用花大块的时间,10分钟的散步可以练\说\吃完饭后可以读一会儿英语小说,睡前听几分钟英语,可以使你得到更好地休息……只要你每天抽出一些时间来练英语,你的英语成绩肯定会很快提高的。 背英语单词技巧 1、循环记忆法 艾宾浩斯遗忘曲线

人的大脑是一个记忆的宝库,人脑经历过的事物,思考过的问题,体验过的情感和情绪,练习过的动作,都可以成为人们记忆的内容。例如英文的学习中单词、短语和句子,甚至文章的内容都是通过记忆完成的。从\记\到\忆\是有个过程的,这其中包括了识记、保持、再认和回忆。有很多 人在学习英语的过程中,只注重了学习当时的记忆效果,孰不知,要想做好学习的记忆工作,是要下一番工夫的,单纯的注重当时的记忆效果,而忽视了后期的保持和再认同样是达不到良好的效果的。

在信息的处理上,记忆是对输入信息的编码、贮存和提取的过程,从信息处理的角度上,英文的第一次学习和背诵只是一个输入编码的过程。人的记忆的能力从生理上讲是十分惊人的,它可以存贮1015比特(byte,字节)的信息,可是每个人的记忆宝库被挖掘的只占10%,还有更多的记忆发挥空间。这是因为,有些人只关注了记忆的当时效果,却忽视了记忆中的更大的问题--即记忆的牢固度问题,那就牵涉到心理学中常说的关于记忆遗忘的规律。 一、艾宾浩斯记忆规律曲线解释

德国有一位著名的心理学家名叫艾宾浩斯(Hermann Ebbinghaus,






忘的发展规律,即\先快后慢\的原则。观察这条遗忘曲线,你会发现,学得的知识在一天后,如不抓紧复习,就只剩下原来的25%)。随着时间的推移,遗忘的速度减慢,遗忘的数量也就减少。有人做过一个实验,两组学生学习一段课文,甲组在学习后不久进行一次复习,乙组不予复习,一天后甲组保持98%,乙组保持56%;一周后甲组保持83%,乙组保持33%。乙组的遗忘平均值比甲组高。 二、不同性质材料有不同的遗忘曲线

而且,艾宾浩斯还在关于记忆的实验中发现,记住12个无意义音节,平均需要重复16.5次;为了记住36个无意义章节,需重复54次;而记忆六首诗中的480个音节,平均只需要重复8次!这个实验告诉我们,凡是理解了的知识,就能记得迅速、全面而牢固。不然,愣是死记硬背,那也是费力不讨好的。因此,比较容易记忆的是那些有意义的材料,而那些无意义的材料在记忆的时候比较费力气,在以后回忆起来的时候也很不轻松。因此,艾宾浩斯遗忘曲线是关于遗忘的一种曲线,而且是对无意义的音节而言,对于与其他材料的对比,艾宾浩斯又得出了不同性质材料的不同遗忘曲线,不过他们大体上都是一致的。 因此,艾宾浩斯的实验向我们充分证实了一个道理,学习要勤于复习,而且记忆的理解效果越好,遗忘的也越慢。


上述的艾宾浩斯记忆曲线是艾宾浩斯在实验室中经过了大量测试后,产生了不同的记忆数据,从而生成的一种曲线,是一个具有共性的群体规律。此记忆曲线并不考虑接受试验个人的个性特点,而是寻求一种处于平衡点的记忆规律。 但是记忆规律可以具体到我们每个人,因为我们的生理特点、生活经历不同,可能导致我们有不同的记忆习惯、记忆方式、记忆特点。规律对于自然人改造世界的行为,只能起一个催化的作用,如果与每个人的记忆特点相吻合,那么就如顺水扬帆,一日千里;如果与个人记忆特点相悖,记忆效果则会大打折扣。因此,我们要根据每个人的不同特点,寻找到属于自己的艾宾浩斯记忆曲线 2》如何学英语





(1)要过好语音关。把每一个音标发正确,注意改正有问题的音素,特别是那些容易混淆的音素,尽早地掌握国际音标,并尽量的掌握一些读音规则,尽快地能利用读音规则来拼单词,掌握读音规则对单词的记忆和拼写非常有用。 (2)掌握一定数量的英语单词。对于学习者来说掌握英语词汇是一难关,学习单词要从单词的形、音、义这三方面去掌握,要注意单词的一词多义,一词多类的用法,要学会一些构词法的知识,来扩展词汇量。学习单词要在语言材料中去学,要结合词组,通过句子,阅读文章来活记单词,死记的单词是记不牢的。坚持在读、说前,先反复听,听的时候反应单词、句子的意思和节奏,想一下单词的拼法、句子结构。并要同学习语法规则有机结合起来进行。

(3)掌握好基本语法。语法在学习英语中也很重要,它能帮助我们把握住英语的基本规律,通过例句或语言现象把死的语法规则要记住,活的规则要通过做大量的练习掌握。总之学习英语要通过听、说、读、写、译来进行操练,不但要注意数量,更重要的是要注意质量,尤其是基本知识要掌握的准确,熟练。只有经过大量的实践,才能做到熟能生巧,运用自如。 提前预习,有的放矢

作为学生,在每次上课前,都要对要学的课文提前预习。首先在音标的帮助下试着拼读单词,也可以借助配套磁带反复听,对比一下,把握不准的要标出来,注意上课老师的发音,还要记一下单词的汉语意思和词性。借助课文的注释或辅导材料,预习一遍课文,找出不明白的地方,做到心中有数,在教师讲课时注意听这些地方。总之,预习的目的是熟悉要学的内容,找出不明白的地方,带着问题听课,做到有的放矢。 认真听课,积极配合

课堂是老师与学生一起学习、掌握、运用知识的主要场所。作为起主导作用的老师一方引导学生搞好课堂教学是很必要的,但也需要学习者的积极配合。上课要专心听讲、作好笔记、认真操练、积极思考。预习时出现的问题在课堂上教师没有讲到的,要向老师提出,把问题搞清楚,老师讲授的问题,先注意听,下课后整理一下笔记,反复思考一下这些问题,抓住老师所讲的重点,难点和考点。总之,上课时要做到耳听、眼观、嘴动、脑想,调动起多个感官来。 完成作业,找出问题

学完每一课,要认真完成课后作业。做作业时一定不要看参考书上题的答案,做完后再对答案,对于作业中所出现的不明白的问题,应该记下来,等下次上课时提出来。做作业是英语学习的很重要的环节,它是消化知识和巩固知识的过程,一定要认真完成规定的作业,笔头作业要动一动笔,口头作业要动一动嘴,提高听力要练一练耳,课文在听和读的基础上,最好背诵某些精彩段落。总之,要做大量的练习,英语是练出来的, 一定不要偷懒。 及时复习,巩固知识




学英语简单吗?肯定会有许多学生说:“难死了”。为什么有好多学生对英语的学习都感到头疼呢?答案只有一个:“不得法。” 英语与汉语一样都是一种语言,为什么你说汉语会如此流利?那是因为你置身于一个汉语环境中,如果你在伦敦呆上半年,保准说起英语来会非常流利。但很多中学生没有很好的英语环境,那么你可以自己设置一个英语环境,坚持“多说”、“多听”、“多读”、“多写”,那么你的英语成绩肯定会很出色。 一、多“说”。



如果没有合适的伙伴也没关系,你可以拿过一本书或其它什么东西做假想对象,对它谈你一天的所见所闻,谈你的快乐,你的悲伤等等,长此坚持下去你的口语肯定会有较大的提高。 二、多“听”

寻找一切可以听英语的机会。别人用英语交谈时,你应该大胆地去参与,多听听各种各样人的发音,男女老少,节奏快的慢的你都应该接触到,如果这样的机会少的话,你可以选择你不知内容的文章去听,这将会对你帮助很大,而你去听学过的课文的磁带,那将会对你的语言语调的学习有很大的帮助。 三、多“读”。

“读”可以分为两种。一种是“默读”。每天给予一定时间的练习将会对你提高阅读速度有很大的好处,读的内容可以是你的课本,但最好是一些有趣的小读物,因为现在的英语高考越来越重视阅读量和阅读速度。每道题的得分都与你的理解程度有很大关系,所以经过高中三年阅读的训练后,你必定会在高考中胜券在握。 另一种是“朗读”这是学语言必不可少的一种学习途径。 四、多“写”


某一个词组,你可以创设一个语境恰如其份地用上这个词。这样即可帮你记住这个词的用法,又可以锻炼你的写作能力,比如学“wish”一词时,可写一小段如下: The teacher often asks us what we want to be in the future.My good friend Tom wishes to be a soldier.However,I'm different .I wish I were a teacher in the future.But my mother wishes me to be a doctor.


学习英语不用花大块的时间,10分钟的散步可以练\说\吃完饭后可以读一会儿英语小说,睡前听几分钟英语,可以使你得到更好地休息……只要你每天抽出一些时间来练英语,你的英语成绩肯定会很快提高的。 背英语单词技巧 1、循环记忆法 艾宾浩斯遗忘曲线

人的大脑是一个记忆的宝库,人脑经历过的事物,思考过的问题,体验过的情感和情绪,练习过的动作,都可以成为人们记忆的内容。例如英文的学习中单词、短语和句子,甚至文章的内容都是通过记忆完成的。从\记\到\忆\是有个过程的,这其中包括了识记、保持、再认和回忆。有很多 人在学习英语的过程中,只注重了学习当时的记忆效果,孰不知,要想做好学习的记忆工作,是要下一番工夫的,单纯的注重当时的记忆效果,而忽视了后期的保持和再认同样是达不到良好的效果的。

在信息的处理上,记忆是对输入信息的编码、贮存和提取的过程,从信息处理的角度上,英文的第一次学习和背诵只是一个输入编码的过程。人的记忆的能力从生理上讲是十分惊人的,它可以存贮1015比特(byte,字节)的信息,可是每个人的记忆宝库被挖掘的只占10%,还有更多的记忆发挥空间。这是因为,有些人只关注了记忆的当时效果,却忽视了记忆中的更大的问题--即记忆的牢固度问题,那就牵涉到心理学中常说的关于记忆遗忘的规律。 一、艾宾浩斯记忆规律曲线解释

德国有一位著名的心理学家名叫艾宾浩斯(Hermann Ebbinghaus,1850-1909),他在1885年发表了他的实验报告后,记忆研究就成了心理学中被研究最多的领域之一,而艾宾浩斯正是发现记忆遗忘规律的第一人。 根据我们所知道的,记忆的保持在时间上是不同的,有短时的记忆和长时的记忆两种。而我们平时的记忆的过程是这样的:


然后,艾宾浩斯又根据了这些点描绘出了一条曲线,这就是非常有名的揭示遗忘规律的曲线:艾宾浩斯遗忘曲线,图中竖轴表示学习中记住的知识数量,横轴表示时间(天数),曲线表示记忆量变化的规律。 这条曲线告诉人们在学习中的遗忘是有规律的,遗忘的进程不是均衡的,不是固定的一天丢掉几个,转天又丢几个的,而是在记忆的最初阶段遗忘的速度很快,后来就逐渐减慢了,到了相当长的时候后,几乎就不再遗忘了,这就是遗忘的发展规律,即\先快后慢\的原则。观察这条遗忘曲线,你会发现,学得的知识在一天后,如不抓紧复习,就只剩下原来的25%)。随着时间的推移,遗忘的速度减慢,遗忘的数量也就减少。有人做过一个实验,两组学生学习一段课文,甲组在学习后不久进行一次复习,乙组不予复习,一天后甲组保持98%,乙组保持56%;一周后甲组保持83%,乙组保持33%。乙组的遗忘平均值比甲组高。 二、不同性质材料有不同的遗忘曲线




上述的艾宾浩斯记忆曲线是艾宾浩斯在实验室中经过了大量测试后,产生了不同的记忆数据,从而生成的一种曲线,是一个具有共性的群体规律。此记忆曲线并不考虑接受试验个人的个性特点,而是寻求一种处于平衡点的记忆规律。 但是记忆规律可以具体到我们每个人,因为我们的生理特点、生活经历不同,可能导致我们有不同的记忆习惯、记忆方式、记忆特点。规律对于自然人改造世界的行为,只能起一个催化的作用,如果与每个人的记忆特点相吻合,那么就如顺水扬帆,一日千里;如果与个人记忆特点相悖,记忆效果则会大打折扣。因此,我们要根据每个人的不同特点,寻找到属于自己的艾宾浩斯记忆曲线 2》如何学英语



内,累计业余学习英语时间大约三千小时,也就说每天抽出几个小时来学英语。如果我们做到他那样,一定也能学好英语。最重要的是坚持,只要能下定决心,坚持每天至少一个小时的学习英语,战胜自我最后肯定会有收获的。 注意方法,循序渐进


(1)要过好语音关。把每一个音标发正确,注意改正有问题的音素,特别是那些容易混淆的音素,尽早地掌握国际音标,并尽量的掌握一些读音规则,尽快地能利用读音规则来拼单词,掌握读音规则对单词的记忆和拼写非常有用。 (2)掌握一定数量的英语单词。对于学习者来说掌握英语词汇是一难关,学习单词要从单词的形、音、义这三方面去掌握,要注意单词的一词多义,一词多类的用法,要学会一些构词法的知识,来扩展词汇量。学习单词要在语言材料中去学,要结合词组,通过句子,阅读文章来活记单词,死记的单词是记不牢的。坚持在读、说前,先反复听,听的时候反应单词、句子的意思和节奏,想一下单词的拼法、句子结构。并要同学习语法规则有机结合起来进行。

(3)掌握好基本语法。语法在学习英语中也很重要,它能帮助我们把握住英语的基本规律,通过例句或语言现象把死的语法规则要记住,活的规则要通过做大量的练习掌握。总之学习英语要通过听、说、读、写、译来进行操练,不但要注意数量,更重要的是要注意质量,尤其是基本知识要掌握的准确,熟练。只有经过大量的实践,才能做到熟能生巧,运用自如。 提前预习,有的放矢

作为学生,在每次上课前,都要对要学的课文提前预习。首先在音标的帮助下试着拼读单词,也可以借助配套磁带反复听,对比一下,把握不准的要标出来,注意上课老师的发音,还要记一下单词的汉语意思和词性。借助课文的注释或辅导材料,预习一遍课文,找出不明白的地方,做到心中有数,在教师讲课时注意听这些地方。总之,预习的目的是熟悉要学的内容,找出不明白的地方,带着问题听课,做到有的放矢。 认真听课,积极配合

课堂是老师与学生一起学习、掌握、运用知识的主要场所。作为起主导作用的老师一方引导学生搞好课堂教学是很必要的,但也需要学习者的积极配合。上课要专心听讲、作好笔记、认真操练、积极思考。预习时出现的问题在课堂上教师没有讲到的,要向老师提出,把问题搞清楚,老师讲授的问题,先注意听,下课后整理一下笔记,反复思考一下这些问题,抓住老师所讲的重点,难点和考点。总之,上课时要做到耳听、眼观、嘴动、脑想,调动起多个感官来。 完成作业,找出问题


听力要练一练耳,课文在听和读的基础上,最好背诵某些精彩段落。总之,要做大量的练习,英语是练出来的, 一定不要偷懒。 及时复习,巩固知识




11. W: Jim, you are on the net again! We are going to get off. It’s time for the talk


M: Just a minute dear! I’m looking at a new jewelry site. I want to make sure I get the right gift for mom s birthday. Q: What is the man doing right now?

12. W: I’ve never seen you have such confidence before in the exam!

M: It s more than confidence! Right now I felt that if I got less than an A, it will be the fault of the exam itself. Q: What does the man mean?

13. W: Just look at this newspaper! Nothing but murder, death and war! Do you still

believe people are basically good?

M: Of course I do! But newspapers hardly ever report stories about peace and generosity. They are not news! Q: What do we learn from the conversation?

14. M: Tom must be joking when he said he plans to sell his shop and go to medical


W: You are quite right! He’s just kidding! He’s also told me time and time again he wished to study for some profession instead of going into business.

Q: What will Tom probably do according to the conversation?

15. W: I hear your boss has a real good impression of you, and he is thinking about

giving you two more days off each month.

M: I hope not. I d rather get more work hours I can get enough bucks to help out my two kids at college. Q: What does the man truly want?

16. M: I heard you took a trip to Mexico last month. How did you like it?

W: Oh, I got sick and tired of the hotel and hotel food! So now I understand the thing: East, west, home is best! Q: What does the woman mean?

17. W: I m worried about Anna. She’s really been depressed lately. All she does is

staying in her room all day.

M: That sounds serious! She’d better see a psychiatrist at the counseling centre. Q: What does the man suggest Anna do?

18. M: I could hardly recognize Sam after we got that new job! He’s always in a suit

and tie now.

W: Yeah. He was never liked that in college. Back then, he went around in old T-shirts and jeans.

Q: What does the speaker say about Sam? Conversation 1

M: Hi, Anna! Welcome back! How’s your trip to the States?

W: Very busy. I had a lot of meetings, so, of course, I didn’t have much time to see New York.

M: What a pity! Actually, I have a trip there myself next week.

W: Do you? Then take my advice, do the well-being in the air program. It really works.

M: Oh, I read about that in a magazine. You say it works?

W: Yes, I did the program on the flight to the States, and when I arrived at New York, I didn’t have any problem, no jet lag at all. On the way back, I didn’t do it, and I felt terrible.

M: You’re joking!

W: Not at all, it really meant a lot of difference. M: En. So what did you do?

W: Well, I didn’t drink an alcohol or coffee, and I didn’t eat any meat or rich food. I drink a lot of water, and fresh juice, and I ate the noodles on the well-being menu. They’re lighter. They have fish, vegetables, and noodles, for example, and I did some of the exercises of the program. M: Exercises? On a plane?

W: Yes. I didn’t do many, of course, there isn’t much space on a plane. M: How many passengers do the exercises? W: Not many.

M: Then how much champagne did they drink? W: A lot! It was more popular than mineral water.

M: So, basically, it’s a choice. Mineral water and exercises, or champagne and jet lag. W: That’s right! It’s a difficult choice.

Questions 19 to 22 are based on the conversation you’ve just heard. 19. Why did the woman go to New York?

20. What does the woman say about the well-being in the air program? 21. What did the woman do to follow the well-being menu? 22. What did the woman say about other passengers? Conversation Two: W: Morning. Can I help you?

M: Well, I’m not rally sure. I’m just looking.

W: I see. Well, there’s plenty to look at it again this year. I’m sure you have to walk miles to see each stand. M: That’s true.

W: Er…, would you like a coffee? Come and sit down for a minute, no obligation. M: Well, that’s very kind of you, but…

W: Now, please. Is this the first year you’ve been to the fair, Mr…. M: Yes, Johnson, James Johnson.

W: My name’s Susan Carter. Are you looking for anything in particular, or are you interested in computers in general?

M: Well, actually, I have some specific jobs in mind. I owe a small company, we’ve grown quite dramatically over the past 12 months, and we really need some technological help to enable us to keep on top of everything. W: What’s your line of business, Mr. Johnson? M: We’re a training consultancy.

W: I see. And what do you mean ―to keep on top‖?

M: The first thing is correspondence. We have a lot of standard letters and forms. So I suppose we need some kind of word processor.

W: Right. Well, that’s no problem. But it may be possible for you to get a system that does a lot of other things in addition to word processing. What might suit you is the MR5000. That’s it over there! It’s IBM compatible. M: What about the price?

W: Well, the MR5000 costs 1,050 pounds. Software comes free with the hardware. M: Well, I’ll think about it. Thank you.

W: Here’s my card. Please feel free to contact me.

Questions 23 to 25 are based on the conversation you’ve just heard: 23. Where did the conversation take place? 24. What are the speakers talking about? 25. What is the man’s line of business? Passage P1

The new year always brings with the cultural tradition of new possibilities. We see it as a chance for renewal. We begin to dream of new possible selves. We design our ideal self or an image that is quite different from what we are now. For some of us, we roll at dreamy film in our heads just because it’s the beginning of a new year. But we aren’t serious about making changes. We just make some half-hearted resolution and it evaporates after a week or two. The experience makes us feel less successful and leads us to discount our ability to change in the future. It’ not the change is impossible

but that it would lose(?) unless our resolutions are supported with plans for implementation. We have to make our intentions manageable by detailing the specific steps that will carry us to our goal. Say your goal is to lose weight by dieting and cutting off sweets. But one night you just have to have a cookie. And you know there’s a bag of your favorites in the cupboard. You want one, you eat two, you check the bag and find out you’ve just shot 132 calories. You say to yourself, ―What the hell!‖ and polish off the whole bag. Then you begin to draw all kinds of unpleasant conclusions about yourself. To protect your sense of self, you begin to discount the goal. You may think – ―Well, dieting wasn’t that important to me and I won’t make it anyhow.‖ So you abandon the goal and return to your bad habits. 26 What do people usually wish to do at the beginning of a new year? 27 How can people turn their new year’s resolutions into reality? 28 Why does the speaker mention the example of sweets and cookies? P2

25 years ago, Ray Anderson, a single parent with a one-year-old son witnessed a terrible accident which took place when the driver of a truck ran a red light and collided with the car of Sandra D. The impact of the collision killed Sandra instantly. But her three-month-old daughter was left trapped in the burning car. While others looked on in horror, Andersen jumped out of his vehicle and crawled into the car through the shadowed rear window to try to free the infant. Seconds later, the car was enclosed in flames. But to everyone’s amazement, Andersen was able to pull the baby to safety. While the baby was all right, Andersen was seriously injured. Two days later he died. But his heroic act was published widely in the media. His son was soon adopted by relatives. The most remarkable part of the story unfolded only last week. Karen and her boyfriend Michael were looking through some old boxes when they came across some old newspaper clippings. ―This is me when I was a new born baby. I was rescued from a burning car. But my mother died in the accident,‖ explained Karen. Although Michael knew Karen’s mother had died years earlier, he never fully understood the circumstances until he skimmed over the newspaper article. To Karen’s surprise, Michael was absorbed in the details of the accident. And he began to

cry uncontrollably. Then he revealed that the man that pulled Karen from the flames was the father he never knew. The two embraced and shed many tears, recounting stories told to them about their parents. 29 What happened twenty-five years ago?

30 What does the speaker say about Michael’s father?

31 Why did Michael cry uncontrollably when he skimmed over the newspaper article? P3

Americans suffer from an overdose of work. Regardless of who they are or what they do. Americans spend more time at work than that any time since World War II. In 1950, the US had fewer working hours than any other industrialized country. Today, it exceeds every country but Japan where industrialized employees load 2155 hours a year compared with 1951 in the US and 1603 in the former West Germany. Between 1969 and 1989, employed Americans add an average of 138 hours to their yearly work schedules. The workweek has remained above 40 hours. But people are working more weeks each year. Specifically pay time off holidays, vacations, sick leave shrink by 50% in the 1980s. As corporations have experienced stiff competitions and slow in growth of productivity, they have pressed employees to work longer. Cost-cutting lay-offs in the 1980s reduce the professional and managerial runs, leaving fewer people to get the job done. In lower paid occupations where wages have been reduced, workers have added hours in overtime or extra jobs to preserve their living standards. The government estimates that more than 7 million people hold a second job. For the first time, large numbers of people say they want to cut back on working hours even it means earning less money. But most employers are unwilling to let them do so. The government which has stepped back from its traditional role as a regulator of work time should take steps to make shorter hours possible. Question 32-35 are based on the passage you’ve just heard

32. In which country do industrial employees work the longest hours? 33. How do employed Americans manage to work more hours?

34. Why do corporations press their employees to work longer hours according to the


35. What does the speaker say many Americans prefer to do? Compound dictation

Nursing, as a typically female profession, must deal constantly with the false impression that nurses are there to wait on the physician. As nurses, we are licensed to provide nursing care only. We do not have any legal or moral obligation to any physician. We provide health teaching, assess physical as well as emotional problems, coordinate patient related services, and make all our nursing decision based upon what is best or suitable for the patient. If in any circumstance we feel that a physician’s order is inappropriate or unsafe, we have a legal responsibility to question that order, or refuse to carry it out. Nursing is not a nine-to-five job with every weekend off. All nurses are aware of that before they enter the profession. The emotional and physical stress, however, that occurs due to odd working hours is a prime reason for a large of the career dissatisfaction. It is sometimes required that we work overtime, and that we change shifts four or five times a month. That disturbs our personal lives, destruct our sleeping and eating habits, and isolates us from everything except job related friends and activities. The quality of nursing care is being affected dramatically by these situations. Most hospitals are now staffed by new graduates, as experienced nurses finally give up trying to change the system. Consumers of medically related services have evidently not been affected enough yet to demand changes in our medical system. But if trends continue as predicted, they will find that most critical hospital care will be provided by new, inexperienced, and sometimes inadequately trained nurses.


Section A

11. M: The biological project is now in trouble, you know, my colleague and I have completely different ideas about how to proceed.

W: Why don’t you compromise (让步,妥协)?Try to make it a win-win situation (双赢) for you both.

Q: What does the woman suggest the man do?

12. M: How does Nancy like the new dress she bought in Rome?

W: She said she would never have bought an Italian style dress if she had known Mary Had already got such a dress. Q: What do we learn from the conversation?

13. M: You are not going to do all those dishes before we leave, are you? If we don’t pick up(开车接) George and Martha in 25 minutes, we’ll never get to the theater on time.

W: Oh, didn’t I tell you Martha called to say her daughter was ill and they could not got tonight?

Q: What is the woman probably going to do first?

14. M: You’ve been hanging on to the phone (打电话不挂断) for quite a while. Who were you talking with?

W: Oh, it was Sally. You know, she always has the latest news in town and can’t wait to talk it over with me.

Q: What to we learn about Sally from the conversation?

15. W: It’s always been hard to get this car into first gear (挂一挡),and now the clutch seems to be slipping.

M: If you leave the car with me, I will fix it for you this afternoon. Q: Who is the woman probably speaking to?

16. M: Kate, why does the downtown area look deserted now?

W: Well, there used to be some really good stores, but lots of them moved out to the mall.’

Q: What do we learn from the conversation?

17. W: I find the lounge such a cozy place to study in. I really like the feeling of sitting on the sofa and doing the reading.

M: Well, for me the hardest part about studying here is staying awake . Q: What does the man mean?

18. W: There mosquito bites are killing me. I can’t help scratching.

M: Next time you go camping, take some precaution, say, wearing long sleeves . Q: Why does the man suggest the woman wear long sleeves? Conversation One

M: Hello, and welcome to our program, ―Working Abroad‖. Our guest this evening is a Londoner, who lives and works in Italy, Her name’s Susan Hill. Susan, welcome to the program (19). You live in Florence, how long have you been living there? W: Since 1982. But when I went there in 1982, I planned to stay for only 6 months(20).

M: Why did you change your mind?

W: Well, I’m a designer, I design leather goods, mainly shoes and handbags, Soon after I arrived in Florence, I got a job with one of Italy’s top fashion houses, Ferregamo. So, I decided to stay.

M: How lucky! Do you still work for Ferregamo?

W: No, I’ve been a freelance designer for quite a long time now, since 1988, in fact. (21)

M: So does that mean you design for several different companies now?

W: Yes, that’s right. I’ve designed many fashion items for a number of Italian companies, and in the last four years, I’ve also been designing for the British company, Burberrys. (21)

M: What have you been designing for them? W: Mostly handbags and small leather goods.

M: How’s the fashion industry in Italy changed since 1982?

W: oh, yes. It’s become a lot more competitive (22). Because the quality of products from other countries has improved a lot. But Italian quality and design is still world-famous.

M: And do you ever think of returning to live in England?

W: No, not really. Working in Italy is more interesting. I also love the Mediterranean sun and the Italian life style.

M: Well, thank you for talking to us, Susan.

W: It was a pleasure.

Questions 19 to 22 are based on the conversation you have just heard. 19. Where does this talk most probably take place?

20. What was the woman’ s original plan when she went to Florence? 21. What has the woman been doing for a living since 1988? 22. What do we learn about the change in Italy’s fashion industry? Conversation Two

M: So, Claire, you’re into drama?

W: Yes, I have a master’s degree in Drama and Theatre. At the moment, I’m hoping to get onto a Ph.D. Program. M: What excites you about drama?

W: Well, I find it’s a communicative way to study people and you learn how to read people in drama. So usually I can understand what people are saying, even though they might be lying. (23) M: That would be useful.

W: Yeah, it’s very useful for me as well. I’m an English lecturer, so use a lot for drama in my classes, such as role plays. And I ask my students to create mini-dramas. They really respond well. (24) At the moment, I’m hoping to get onto a Ph. D. course. I would like to concentrate on Asian drama and try to bring Asian theatre to the world’s attention. I don’t know how successful I would be, but, here’s hoping. M: Oh, I’m sure you’ll be successful. Now, Claire , what do you do for stage fright? W: Ah, stage fright! Well, many actors have that problem. Get stage fright every time I’m going to teach a new class. The night before, I usually can’t sleep. M: What? For teaching?

W: Yes. I get really bad stage fright. But the minute I step into the classroom or get onto the stage, it just all falls into place. Then I just feel like: Yeah, this is what I mean to do. And I’m fine (25). M: Wow, that’s cool!

Questions 23 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard. 23. Why does the woman find study in drama and theatre useful?

24. How did the woman’s students respond to her way of teaching Englsih? 25. What does the woman say about her stage fright? Section B Passage One

In January 1989, the Community of European Railways presented their proposal for a high speed pan-European train network, extending from Sweden to Sicily, and from Portugal to Poland by the year 2020. (26) If their proposal becomes a reality, it will revolutionize train travel in Europe. Journeys between major cities will take half the time they take today. (27) Brussels will be only one and a half hours from Paris. The quickest way to get from Paris to Frankfurt, from Barcelona to Madrid will be by train, not plane. When the network is compete, it will integrate three types of railway line: totally new high-speed lines with trains operating at speeds of 300 kilometers per hour, upgraded lines which allow for speeds up to 200 to 225 kilometers per hour, and existing lines for local connections and distribution of freight. If business people can choose between a 3-hour train journey from city-center to city-center and 1-hour flight, they’ll choose the train (28), says an executive travel consultant. They won’t go by plane any more. If you calculate flight time, check-in and travel to-and-from the airport, you’ll find almost no difference. And if your plane arrives late due to bad weather or air traffic jams or strikes, then the train passengers will arrive at their destination first. (28) Since France introduced the first 260-kilometer per hour high speed train service between Paris and Lyon in 1981 (29), the trains have achieved higher and higher speeds. On many routes, airlines have lost up to 90% of their passengers to high speed trains. If people accept the Community of European Railways’ Railways’ Plan, the 21st century will be new age of the trains. Question 26 to 29 are based on the passage you have just heard.

26. What is the proposal presented by the Community of European Railways? 27. What will happen when the proposal becomes a reality?

28. Why will business people prefer a 3-hour train journey to a 1-hour flight? 29. When did France introduce the first high speed train service? Passage Two

Western doctors are beginning to understand what traditional healers have always known that the body and the mind are inseparable. (30) Until recently, modern urban physicians heal the body, psychiatrist the mind, and priests the soul. However, the medical world is now paying more attention to holistic medicine, which is an approach based on the belief that people’s state of mind can make them sick or speed their recovery from sickness. Several studies show that the effectiveness of a certain drug often depends on the patients’ expectations of it. For example, in one recent study, psychiatrists at a major hospital tried to see how patients could be made calm. (31) They divided them into two groups. One group was given a drug while the other group received a harmless substance instead of medicine without their knowledge. Surprisingly, more patients in the second group showed the desired effect than those in the first group. In study after study, there’s a positive reaction in almost one-third of the patients taking harmless substances. How was this possible? How can such a substance have an effect on the body? Evidence from a 1997 study at the University of California shows that several patients who received such substances were able to produce their own natural drug, that is, as they took the substance their brains released natural chemicals that act like a drug. (32) Scientists theorized that the amount of these chemicals released by a person’s brain quite possibly indicates how much faith the person has in his or her doctor.

Question 30 to 32 are based on the passage you have just heard.

30. According to the speaker, what are western doctors beginning to understand? 31. What does the recent study at a major hospital seem to prove?

32. What evidence does the 1997 study at the University of California produce? Passage Three

So we’ve already talked a bit about the growth of extreme sports like rock-climbing. As psychologists, we need to ask ourselves (35): Why is this person doing this? Why do people take these risks and put themselves in danger when they don’t have to? One common trait among risk-takers is that they enjoy strong feelings or sensations. (33) We call this trait sensation-seeking. A sensation-seeker is someone who’s always looking for new sensations. What else do we know about sensation-seekers? Well, as

