译林版七年级上册英语Unit4 第42页部分课文翻译

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译林版七年级上册英语Unit4 My day第42页部分课文翻译

1 Wake up, Eddie!醒醒,埃迪!

2 Is it time for breakfast?到早饭时间了吗?

3 Shall we go walking in the hills?我们到山间去散步好吗?

No. I seldom go out. After breakfast, I sleep, and then I have lunch. After lunch, l always need a good rest. 不。我很少出去。早饭后,我睡觉,然后我吃午饭。午饭后,我总是需要好好休息。

4 Some dogs just don t know how to have fun. 有些狗就是不知道怎样娱乐。 School life学校生活

Millie writes to her online friend about her school life. She also writes about her likes and dislikes at school. 米莉给她的网友写关于她的学校生活。她也写了关于她在学校的喜恶。

Task: Tell your friends about your day at school and your likes and dislikes. 任务:告诉你的朋友们关于你在学校的一天以及你的喜恶。

Unit4 Welcome to the unit B部分课文翻译

Millie is telling her aunt about her school life. Work in pairs and talk about your school life. Use the conversation below as a model.

米莉在告诉她的姑母关于她的学校生活。结对活动并谈论你们的学校生活。用下面的对话作为范例。 Aunt: Millie, when do you go to school every day? 姑母:米莉,你每天什么时候去上学?

Millie: I usually go to school at 7: 20. I'm never late for it. 米莉:我通常在7:20去上学。我上学从不迟到。 Aunt: Good. What time do you start lessons? 姑母:很好。你什么时候开始上课? Millie: At a quarter past eight. 米莉:在8:15。

Aunt: Do you enjoy school, Millie? 姑母:你喜欢学校吗,米莉? Millie: Yes. I enjoy it very much. 米莉:是的。我非常喜欢它。

Unit4 Reading A部分课文翻译P44

Millie often writes to her online friend Tommy. Here is one of her emails,

来莉经常写信给她的网友汤米。这是她的一封电子邮件。 Dear Tommy, 亲爱的汤米,

Now I am a student at Sunshine Middle School. I love my school. 现在我是阳光中学的学生。我爱我的学校。

Our school starts at eight in the morning from Monday to Friday. Usually we do morning exercises first. Our lessons begin at 8: 15. My favourite subject is English. I am very good at it.


I have a lot of friends here. They are all nice to me. After class, we often chat with each other or play in the playground. 在这里我有很多朋友。他们都对我很好。课后,我们经常互相聊天或者在操场上玩。

Sometimes my friends and I go to the library in the afternoon We have a Reading Club. We often read books there on Tuesday and Thursday. I also like playing volleyball. I am in the school volleyball team We practise after school on Wednesday afternoon.


We always have a good time at school.我们在学校总是过得很愉快。 Best wishes, 最美好的祝愿, Millie米莉

Unit4 Reading B1-B2部分课文翻译

B1 部分翻译

Tommy wants to know what Millie and her classmates do at school. Help him match each activity with the correct time. 汤米想知道米莉和她的同学在学校做什么。帮助他给每项活动和正确的时间连线。

1 do morning exercises做早操 a after class放学后

2 start lessons开始上课 b on Wednesday afternoon在星期三下午

3 go to the Reading Club去阅读俱乐部 c at a quarter past eight 在八点十五 4 play volleyball打排球 d at eight在八点

5 play in the playground在操场上玩 e on Tuesday and Thursday在星期二和星期四

B2 部分翻译

Read Tommy's notes about Millie's email. Write a T if a sentence is true or an F if it is false. 读汤米关于米莉的电子邮件的笔记。如果句子正确写T,如果句予错误写F。 1 Millie likes her school very much米莉非常喜欢她的学校。 2 Millie's school starts at 8:15.米莉的学校在8:15开始上课。 3 English is Millie's favourite subject.英语是米莉最喜欢的科目。

4 Millie seldom chats with her friends after class.米莉很少在课后和她的朋友们聊天。 5 Millie only goes to the Reading Club on Tuesday.米莉只在星期二去阅读俱乐部。 6 Millie is a member of the school swimming team.米莉是学校游泳队的一员。

B3 部分翻译

Tommy's friend Joan is asking Tommy about Millie's school day. Complete their conversation. Use the words and phrases in Millie's email on page 44.

汤米的朋友琼正在问汤米关于米莉的上学日。完成他们的对话。用44页米莉的电子邮件中的单词和短语。 Joan: l know your friend Millie is now at Sunshine Middle School. When does her school (1) start in the morning? 琼:我知道你的朋友米莉现在在阳光中学。她早上什么时候开始上学?

Tommy: At eight. They do (2)morning exercises first. Their lessons (3)begin at 8:15. 汤米:在八点。他们先做早操。他们在8:15开始上课。 Joan: Does Millie like (4)English? 琼:米莉喜欢英语吗?

Tommy: Yes, she does. She's good at it. 汤米:是的,她喜欢。她擅长它。 Joan: Does she have many friends at school? 琼:她在学校有很多朋友吗?

Tommy: Yes. She has (5)a lot of friends there. They often (6) chat with each other or play in the playground after class. 汤米:是的。她在那儿有许多朋友。他们在课后经常相互聊天或在操场上玩。

Joan: Do they have a library? 琼:他们有图书馆吗?

Tommy: Yes, they do. They also have a (7) Reading Club. They often read books there on (8)Tuesday and (9) Thursday. 汤米:是的,他们有。他们还有阅读俱乐部。他们经常周二和周四在那里读书。

Joan: Does Millie like sports? 琼:米莉喜欢运动吗?

Tommy: Yes. She likes playing volleyball. She's in the school (10)volleyball team They (11) practise after school on (12) Wednesday afternoon.


C 部分翻译Complete the sentences about your day.完成关于你的一天的句子。

1 0ur school starts at_______. 我们的学校开始在______。 2 0ur lessons begin at_______. 我们开始上课在______。

3 My favourite subject(s) is/are_______. 我最喜欢的科目是______。 4 After class, I_______. 放学后,我______。 5 I_______ after school. 我放学后______。

A 部分翻译

We use different prepositions to talk about time. 我们用不同的介词来谈论时间。 My parents watch TV in the evening.我的父母在晚上看电视。 We plant trees in March every year. 我们每年在三月份植树。 In Hainan, it never snows in winter. 在海南,冬天从不下雪。 The 22nd World Cup is in 2022. 第22届世界杯在2022年。 We do not go to school on Saturday. 我们在星期六不上学。 Our summer holiday starts on 1 July. 我们的暑假从七月一日开始。 Amy goes swimming on Sunday morning. 埃米在星期日上午去游泳。

They have lots of fun on Children's Day. 在儿童节他们玩得很开心。 Millie has breakfast at seven o'clock. 米莉在七点钟吃早餐。

Children in China start school at 6 years old. 在中国孩子们六岁开始上学。 Tommy's school life 汤米的学校生活

Tommy is writing back to Millie. Help him complete his email with the correct prepositions of time. 汤米在绘米莉写回信。用正确的时间介词帮助他完成他的电子邮件。 Dear Millie, 亲爱的米莉,

Thanks for your email. I would like to tell you about my life here. 谢谢你的电子邮件。我想要告诉你关于我在这里的生活。

Our lessons begin (1)at nine o'clock. Usually we have three lessons (2)in the morning and two (3)in the afternoon We do not have lessons (4)on Saturday or Sunday. I love sports. I am good at playing football. I often play it with my friends (5)on Saturday afternoon We have a school football match (6) in autumn every year. This year, it is (7)on 15 November. My friends and I always have great fun then.


All the best,一切顺利, Tommy汤米

B 部分翻译

Adverbs of frequency频度副词

Adverbs of frequency tell you how often things happen, Look at the graph below. 频度副词告诉你事情多久发生一次。看下面的图表。

never从不 seldom很少sometimes有时候 often经常usually通常always总是 How often do they exercise? 他们多久锻炼一次?

