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/dз / age orange p /p/ map jeep pig 26个字母发音规律 pen apple 结尾,后跟元音 a /ei/ name cake table 辅音加元音 h /h/ hat he house hand q /kw / quite quilt quick /艾;/ apple cat map am i /ai / fine bike five ice 开音节 r /r/ red radio brother racket y /ai / my fly why bye /α: / want dance 字母组合 多在结尾,没有其/i/ is sit miss pig s /s/ sit miss this 他元音 picture smile books / j / yes yellow 辅音中 /o/ what watch 特例 j / dз / jeep jam jacket jar 开头, 开头 b /b/ book big bag box /z/ nose those rose rulers 元音后 / i / happy baby very k /k/ kite cake black thank l /l/ leg left ruler flag lamp u /ju: / use usually 开头 z / z excuse 跟元音 /s/ face nice pencil /l/ apple bowl 长音节,开音节 / zoo zero 开音节,或后跟元音,结尾 c /k/ cat cake cup clock car t /t/ it sit not that 结尾并且单词table little 里面有元音 tell old 跟辅音单词结尾 /Λ / bus us sun duck d /d/ desk doll dog dad m/m/ am map my mouth milk 短音节,无其他元音 / u / put pull push 单词中 e /i:/ he she meet me n /n/ no know 结尾 new hand /e/ elephant egg bed pen o /?u / old home 词中 v /v / five vase very seven f /f/ fine friend fly foot fan nose coke 开音节, w /w/ we window watch want /o/ dog not clock g /ɡ/ gun glass glad box 短音节

x /ks / box six fox

glove 开头 /Λ / son month mother love

元音组合 ew /ju: / new few ou / au / out house mouth tr /tr/ tree train truck ai /ei/ wait paint ay /ei/ may play day say /u: / flew grew dr /dr/ dress driver our / / four your sh /∫/ shirt wash /au? / our air /ε? / air hair chair ight /ai / right high bright short ir /?: / bird girl al / / tall small ball shirt thirty ow/ ?u / bowl window ch /t∫/ child chair catch ar /α: / farther farm car arm ea /i:/ meat please tea read oa /?u / boat coat /au / now cow flower / k / school Christmas oy /oi/ boy toy ong /o? / long song / dз/ sandwich ur / ?: / turn /e/ head bread ready oo /u/ book foot good tw /tw/ two twin twenty / i? / theater /u:/ moon balloon wh /w/ white wheel what ear / i? / ear hear near 辅音组合 or / : / short fork port / ε? / bear 词尾 th /θ/ thank mouth ts /ts/ jackets kites /h/ who whose whom / ?: / earth

/?: / word world work / δ/ this that ds

with /dz/ birds friends ee /i:/ meet see bee feet jeep oor / / door floor eir / ε? / their ore // more store sore er / ? / worker teacher / ?: / her ere /i ? / here /ε? / where there












Colorado, aficionado(??迷),等等。

3)拉丁词汇:比如ad infinitum(直至无限)中infinitum就按照拉丁语模式,在倒数第二个音节重读。拉丁语对英语重音最大的影响,在于倒数第二音节的辅音特征对重音位置有决定作用(详见第4部分)。







1)ultimate重音:比较常见的后缀有–ade(如lemonade、blockade)、 –eer(如engineer、pioneer、domineer)、–ese(officialese,


2)penult重音:最重要的是形容词后缀(也是名词后缀)-ic和名词后缀-ion,前者还有–atic、–etic、–fic等多种扩展形式,后者有–ation、–faction、-fication、–ition、-sion、-tion等多种扩展形式。对比geography / geographic、climate / climatic、sympathy / sympathetic;invite / invitation、satisfy / satisfaction、clarify/ clarification、compete / competition。但有几个常用的词是例外情况,catholic、lunatic、heretic、arithmetic和television(television的重音可以在penult上,也可在词首,因为这个词并不是动词+ion变来的,televise是后起的)。其他常见的penult重音后


–ana(表示与某主题相关的所有事物,如Victoriana, Americana)、–escence(表示过程,如convalescence,adolescence等等)、–escent(与前一个后缀对应的形容词后缀,如adolescent)、–i(表示国籍




a)-ial:如imperial、aerial、differential等等。对比manager / managerial,editor / editorial,influence / influential。 b)-ous(扩展形式有-acious、–aneous、-eous、-ious等等,其中-ous前的i和e都算一个音节):如sagacious、spontaneous、


c)-ity(扩展形式有–acity、-aneity、–bility、–icity、–ility、-uity等等,其中-ity前面的e、u都算一个音节): 如sagacity、

spontaneity、capability、futility、ingenuity等等。 d)-ian(扩展形式有-arian、-ician等等):如humanitarian、Canadian、

logician,对比mathematics / mathematician。

e)–ance, -ancy, -ence, -ency(抽象名词后缀):如excellence、


f)-ant, -ent(与上一系列后缀相对应的形容词或名词后缀):如

tolerant、participant、determinant、resilient,等等。 g)-logy,-nomy(表示学科及其他):例如astrology,economy,theology,





4)在antepenult之前的音节上重读:主要是一些弱读的后缀,如-able(或-ible)、-ary、-ery、-ory等等。重音往往在倒数第四音节上(少数在倒数第五音节上,如美国英语的laboratory)。如negligible、ordinary、contemporary、adversary、monastery、conservatory,等等。尤其需要注意的是,-able(-ible)加在一个以重读音节结尾的单词上,重音要前移一个音节,对比compare / comparable(重音在首

音节上)、admire / admirable。

5)不影响重读的后缀:相当多的后缀并不改变原来单词的发音。中国学生普遍把educator等词的重音发错(重音不是在a上,而是在e上),就是不明白这个规则。此类后缀常见的有–acy(与-ate结尾的形容词对应的名词后缀,如inadequacy)、–age、-al(如arrival 、exceptional等等)、–dom、 –er(-or, -ar)、-ful、–ing、-ise(-ize)、–ism、–ist 、–ive(对比productive / competitive)、


6)-ment 如果后面添加别的后缀,重音一般落在-ment上,比如governmental、sentimental、elementary、momentous。但-ity的决定力大于-ment,所以sentimentality的重音仍遵循-ity的规则。




penult上。此规则的效力大于后缀的效力。下面举例说明: 1)按照后缀规则,important的重音位置应该是在首音节上,但由于penult的辅音是rt,符合4的规则,因此重音落在penult上。conference和concurrence重音位置的差别也可如此解释。 2)ludicrous(可笑的)、celebrity(名人)等词虽然penult是双辅音,但属于爆破音+l / r的情况,所以4的规则不适用,仍遵循后缀





1. 单音节词无重音;因最后的一个音节上很少有重音,故双音节词的

重音绝大多数在首音节上,如: creature victim 。

例外:1)有少数必须重读的名词后缀,如:-ee:employee;-oo:bamboo。 2)动词重音常会落在末音节,但这往往也是受拉丁语重音的影响(后有


3)不少双音节词的重音与其词性相关,如:insult(名词) insult(动词)。



1)倒数第二音节的元音为长元音(紧元音),如:horizon[h??????]。 2)倒数第二音节为完全封闭音节,即倒二音节的元音在两个或两个以


注意:以形容词后缀-ic及其相关后缀(-ics,-ical,…)结尾的词,重音要落在-ic的前一个音节,而重读元音常为短元音(松元音),如:horrific,economics, biological其实,这也可追溯于拉丁语重音的影响。拉丁语中规定,以-icus,-ica,-icum结尾的形容词,倒二音节的i为短元音,重音落在倒三,并且,为保持音步所占时间的长度不变,倒三音节的元音常为短元音。在借入英语的过程中,拉丁词尾-us,-a,-um逐渐消失,单词重音却还保持在-ic的前一个音节,其重读




-ous:anonymous -ian:authoritarian -ion:competition -ity:simplicity


上,如:blackboard, friendship。

1)部份派生后缀,如,-ism,-ist,-ize,-ment ,-able?。

individual individualism

ideology ideologist

serial serialize

establish establishment

identify identifiable


investigate investigated

consequence consequences




①末音节含长元音,如:erase combine

②末音节为完全封闭音节(末辅音为两个及两个以上),如:collapse, torment, ,insult , exist?, 以及由后缀-esce(开始成为?)派生出的所有动词,如:convalesce(恢复),rejuvenesce(变年轻),


其实,-esce源自拉丁语动词后缀 –escere,后者的倒二音节为完全封闭音节,故重音落在倒二音节;而在借入英语的过程中,词尾-ere为-e替代,因而丢失了一个音节,而重音不变,于是英语后缀-esce 表



astonish , exit


封闭音节)environmentalist(-ist 重音从原)。而在实际操作中,因很熟悉environment ,前两步往往就省略掉了。只要我们经常结合上述重音规则进行实践,最终能在面对一个英语单词时,敏捷反应,一





Prefer, Conglomerate,Exclude... 但是也有例外比如Excellent


PerCEPtion, perFECTion, phiLOsophy, deLIberately



1. 英语中派生词的重音和词根重音一致。

派生词就是一些有同样词根的词。比如: act, active, actively com'pare com'parison 2. 带有下列后缀的词:-ary, -ery, -ory, -ism, -ist, -mony, -ment, -ary等,重音通常在第一个音节上。例如: customary scientist slavery factory realism 3. 带下列前缀的词:a-, ab-, ac-, ad-, al-, be-, con-, de-, dis-, em-, en-, in-, mis-, re-, tans-, un-重音通常在第二音节上。例如: a'bout ab'duce ac'cede ad'mire be'long con'sult de'tect dis'like

4. 带下列后缀的词:-aim, -ain, -cur, -eem, -duce, -ere, -firm, -gn, -oin, -oke, -ose, -pt, -rce, -self, -ume重音通常在第二音节。 contain occur sincere design confirm

5. 带下列后缀的词:-ade, -ain, -ee, -eer, -esque, -ette, -ique, -ine, -oon重音通常在最后一个音节。这些词一般都是从法语中借来的词。例如:

emplo'yee an'tique maga'zine

ci'gar volun'teer gaso'line

6. 带下列后缀的词:-eous, -ial, -ian, -ic, -ics, -ient, -ion, -ious, -ish, -it, -liar, -sive, -tal, -uous重音通常在倒数第二音节上。例如: oc'casion re'lation as'tonish de'posit mu'sician

7. 但是有些派生词,比如从名词派生出来的形容词,它的重音就得发生变化,通常是后移。 例如: 'science scien'tific 'accident acci'dental 'democrat demo'cratic 'politics po'litical


笨笨熊:Mr Robot, 今天该说多音节词的重音规则了吧? Mr Robot: Yes. 多音节词指的是含有三个或三个以上音节的词,它们的重音是有一些



Mr Robot: 嗯,根据你目前的英语水平,可以先学以下四条: 1.多音节词通常重读倒数第三个音节,也就是说,假如这个词只有三个音节,那就应该重读第一个音节,如:`accident, `Africa, `Italy, `family, `favorite等。如果有四个音节, 就要重读第二个音节, 如: A`merican, bi`ology, in`telligent, o`pinion, de`licious等,




un`friendly, `dangerous, re`quirement, `officer, `usually等。

3. 多音节复合名词通常重读第一个音节。如:

`basketball, `goalkeeper, `interview, `newspaper, `sunglasses


4. 词尾有-tion, -sion或-ian的多音节词,其重音一般在-tion, -sion或-ian前面的一个音节上。你瞧:appli`cation, di`rection; de`cision(决定); I`talian, mu`sician等。但`television(电视)例


笨笨熊: 为什么有的单词的左下角有个“.”号呀?

Mr Robot: 哦,这叫次重音符号。 笨笨熊:那次重音又是怎么回事呢?

Mr Robot: 噢,笨笨熊真好学啊!朗读单词时,按照发每个音时呼出气流的强度,我们通常可把重音分为主重音和次重音两类。所谓主重音,就是我们平常所说的重读音节,可在其左上方标上重音符号“`”来表示。而次重音呢,发音时呼出的气流比主重音稍弱一点,但比非重读音节强得多,我们常在此音节的左下方标“.”来表示。一般来说,从重读音节算起


如:.appli`cation, .infor`mation, .under`stand等。

Mr Robot: 哦,原来是这样。


Root, Prefix or Suffix

Meaning Examples

a, ac, ad, af, ag, to, toward, near, aside, accompany, adjust, aggression, allocate, annihilate, affix, associate, attend, adverb apolitical, atheist, al, an, in addition to, by ap, as, at a-, an- not, without anarchy, anonymous, apathy, aphasia, anemia ab, abs -able, -ible acer, away from, off Adjective: worth, absolve, abrupt, absent solvable, incredible ability acerbic, acidity, acrid, acid, acri active, react, agent, act, ag do, act, drive active, agitate acute, acupuncture, acu sharp accurate Noun: state or -acy, -cy quality -ade

bitter, sour, sharp acrimony privacy, nfancy, adequacy, intimacy, supremacy blockade, lemonade act, product, sweet

drink air, atmosphere, aer, aero aviation agent, agenda, agitate, ag, agi, do, move, go ig, act action Noun: activity, or -age result of action agri, agro pertaining to agriculture, agroindustry fields or soil Noun: action, -al result of action -al, Adjective: -ial, quality, relation -ical white, without alb, albo pigment ali, allo, alter

aerial, aerosol, aerodrome navigate, ambiguous, courage, suffrage, shrinkage, tonnage referral, disavowal, disposal, festival structural, territorial, categorical albino, albite alias, alibi, alien, other alloy, alter, alter ego, altruism

alt am, ami, high, deep altimeter, altitude amorous, amiable, love, like, liking amor ambi both amicable, enamoured ambidextrous ambulatory, amble, ambul to walk ambulance, somnambulist artisan, guardian, -an Noun: person historian, magician up, back, again, ana, ano anew Noun: action, -ance, state, quality or -ence process -ancy, -ency Noun: state, quality or capacity male, andr, characteristics of andro men ang angular angle androcentric, android vacancy, agency, truancy, latency extravagance, fraudulence resistance, independence, anode, anagram, anagenetic

mind, life, spirit, anim anger ann, annual, annual, annuity, annu, enni Noun: an agent, -ant, something that -ent performs the action -ant, Adjective: kind of -ent, agent, indication -ient anterior, anteroom, ante before antebellum, antedate, antecedent antediluvian anthropology, anthrop man misanthrope, philanthropy antisocial, antiseptic, antithesis, antibody, anti, ant against, opposite antinomies, antifreeze, antipathy convenient important, dependent, fragrant disinfectant, dependent, yearly anniversary, perrenial animal, animate, animosity

anti, old antico apo, ap, aph aqu away from, detached, formed water Adjective: -ar, -ary resembling, related to antique, antiquated, antiquity apology, apocalypse, aphagia aqueous spectacular, unitary archangel, architect, archaic, monarchy, arch chief, first, rule matriarchy, patriarchy, Archeozoic era -ard, -art aster, star astr Noun: state, -ate office, fuction delegate graduate, ameliorate, -ate Verb: cause to be amputate, colligate

Noun: braggart, drunkard, wizard characterized aster, asterisk, asteroid, astronomy, astronaut candidate, electorate,

Adjective: kind of -ate state Noun: action, -ation resulting state aggravation, alternation specialization, inviolate auc, aug, to originate, to augment , author, augment, aut increase auction audience, audio, audible, aud, auditorium, audiovisual, audi, aur, aus ausculate aug, auc increase augur, augment, auction automobile, automatic, aut, auto self automotive, autograph, autonomous, autoimmune bar weight, pressure on, around, over, about, be excessively, make, cause, name, affect belli

to hear, listen audition, auricular, barometer berate, bedeck, bespeak, belittle, beleaguer war rebellion, belligerent,

casus belli, bellicose benefactor, beneficial, bene good, well, gentle benevolent, benediction, beneficiary, benefit biped, bifurcate, bi, bine two biweekly, bivalve, biannual bibl, bibliophile, bibli, biblio biography, biology, bio, bi life biometricsm biome, biosphere brev cad, cap, cas, ceiv, cept, capt, cid, cip to take, to seize, to hold short abbreviate, brevity, brief receive, deceive, capable, capacious, captive, accident, capture, occasion, concept, intercept, forceps, except, reciprocate book bibliography, Bible

cad, cas -cade to fall procession cadaver, cadence, cascade motorcade calorie, caloric, calor heat calorimeter capit, head capt decapitate, capital, captain, caption carnivorous, incarnate, carn flesh reincarnation, carnal cat, catalogue, category, cata, cath caus, burn, heat caut cause, cause, motive cuse, cus ceas, ced, to go, to yield, cede, move, go, surrender ceed, cess

down, with catheter caustic, cauldron, cauterize because, excuse, accusation succeed, proceed, precede, recede, secession, exceed, succession

centennial, century, cent hundred centipede eccentricity, centr, center centri eccentric chrome, chromosome, chrom color polychrome, chromatic chronology, chronic, chron time chronicle chronometer, anachronism, synchronize fratricide, homicide, cide, cis, cise to kill, to cut, cut incision, incision, down circumcision, scissors circumnavigate, circumflex, circumstance, circumcision, circum around circumference, circumorbital, circumlocution, circumvent, circumscribe, centrifugal, concentric,

circulatory cit call, start incite, citation, cite civic, civil, civilian, civ citizen civilization exclamation, clamor, clam, cry out claim reclamation, acclaim decline, aclinic, clin lean, bend inclination include, exclude, clause, clud, claustrophobia, enclose, clus claus conclude cohesiveness, cognate, co, cog, col, coll, con, com, cor with, together collaborate, convene, commitment, compress, contemporary, converge, compact, confluence, convenient, concatenate, conjoin, combine, correct to close, shut exclusive, reclusive, proclamation,

recognize, cognizant, cogn, to know gnos incognito, prognosis complete, compel, com, con fully conscious, condense, confess, confirm contr, contra, counter cord, cordial, concord, discord, cor, cardi corporation, corporal corp body punishment, corpse, corpulent, corpus luteum cort correct escort, cortage cosmos, microcosm, cosm universe, world cosmopolitan, cosmonaut cour, run, course cur, discourse, courier, course occur, excursion, heart courage, encourage against, opposite contradict, counteract, contravene, contrary, counterspy, contrapuntal diagnose, agnostic,

curr, curs crat, rule cracy cre, cresc, grow cret, crease creature, recreation, crea create creation creed, credo, credence, cred believe credit, credulous, incredulous, incredible cresc, cret, rise, grow crease, cru critical, criterion, crit separate, choose hypocrite cur, curs run current, concurrent, increase, decrease, accrue crescendo, concrete, accretion, increase create, crescent, theocracy, technocracy autocrat, aristocrat,

concur, incur, recur, occur, courier, precursor, cursive curator, curative, cura care manicure cycl, cyclo wheel, circle, circular Cyclops, unicycle, bicycle, cyclone, cyclic detach, deploy, derange, from, down, away, decrease, deodorize, de- to do the opposite, devoid, deflate, reverse, against degenerate decimal, decade, dec, deca ten, ten times decalogue, decimate, decathlon dec, dign suitable decent decorate dignity divinity, divine, deity, dei, div God divination, deify people, populace, dem, demo population dent,

democracy, demography, demagogue, epidemic dental, denture, tooth

dont orthodontist, periodontal hypodermic, dermatology, derm skin, covering epidermis, taxidermy divide, diverge, di-, dy- two, twice, double diglycerides diameter, diagonal, through, across, dia between dialectic, diagnosis, diachronic dictation, dictionary, dictate, dictator, dic, say, speak dict, dit predict, verdict, contradict, benediction dismiss, differ, disallow, disperse, dissuade, not, opposite of, divide, disconnect, dis, dif reverse, separate, disproportion, deprive of, away disrespect, distemper, disarray Dictaphone, edict, dialogue dialect,

dit give credit, audit docile, doctor, doctrine, doc, doct teach, prove document, dogma, indoctrinate master, that which domin is under control don dorm give sleep thought, opinion, dox praise dominate, dominion, predominant, domain donate, condone dormant, dormitory orthodox, heterodox, paradox, doxology syndrome, aerodrome, -drome run, step velodrome produce, abduct, product, transducer, viaduct, duc, duct to lead, pull aqueduct, induct, deduct, reduce, induce dura hard, lasting durable, duration, endure dynamo, dynamic, dynamite, dynam power hydrodynamics

figment fila, thread fili filter, filet, filibuster final, finite, finish, fin end, ended, finished confine, fine, refine, define, finale fix, fixation, fixture, fix repair, attach affix, prefix, suffix flex, reflex, flexible, flex, bend flect reflect, deflect,circumflex affliction, conflict, flict strike inflict flu, influence, fluid, flue, fluc, flow fluv, fluctuate, reflux, influx flux Adverb: in a manner -fold of, marked by fourfold flush, fluently, flexor, inflexibility, filigree, filament,

forecast, fortune, for, fore before foresee effort, fort, forte, forc, strength, strong fort forte, fortitude form, format, conform, form shape, resemble formulate, perform, formal, formula fract, frag, frai break fracture, infraction, fragile, fraction, refract, frail subterfuge, refuge, fuge flee centrifuge Noun: an amount or -ful quanity that fills Adjective: having, -ful giving, marked by fuse -fy pour make, form into confuse, transfuse falsify, dandify fanciful mouthful fortifiable, fortify,

bigamy, monogamy, gam marriage polygamy gastr, stomach gastro gen kind gastritis, gastropod generous genesis, genetics, eugenics, genealogy, gen birth, race, produce generate, genetic, antigen, pathogen geometry, geography, geo earth geocentric, geology germination, germ, germ vital part germane gest giga gin gloss, tongue glot glu, glo lump, bond, glue epiglottis glue, agglutinate, carry, bear billion careful congest, gestation gigabyte, gigaflop gingerly glossary, polyglot, gastric, gastronomic,

conglomerate to gather, to bring gor together grad, to gather, to bring grade, degree, progress, gress, together, step, go gradual, graduate, egress gree graph, graphic, autograph, photography, graph, graphite, telegram, gram, graf biography, lithograph, graphic congratulate, gratuity, grat pleasing grateful, ingrate grave, gravity, grav heavy, weighty aggravate, gravitate gregarious, greg herd congregation, segregate, gregarian hale, make whole, sound inhale, exhale, heal, write, written, draw polygraph, grammar, category, categorize

heal healthy, healthiness heliograph, heliotrope, helio sun heliocentric hema, blood hemo hemorrhage, hemoglobin, hemophilia, hemostat adhere, cohere, cohesion, her, stick here, hes hesitate heterodox, hetero other, different heterogeneous, heterosexual, heterodyne hex, ses, six sex sestet, sextuplets homogenize, homosexual, homo same homonym, homophone hum, earth, ground, man human hydr, hydra, hydro

inherent, hereditary, hexagon, hexameter, humus, exhume, humane dehydrate, hydrant, water hydraulic, hydraulics, hydrogen, hydrophobia

