组胚&组织学与胚胎学切片作业 - 图文

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组织学与胚胎学 实验报告

专业________临床______________ 班级________ ________________ 姓名____________ _______________

学号 _________________ 电子信箱 __ ______ 完成日期________________

实验一 假复层纤毛柱状上皮

报告主题:假复层纤毛柱状上皮 主题属性:指定 标本号:27# 材料:豚鼠气管切片 染色:HE染色


纤毛(cilium) 基膜(besement membrane) 杯状细胞(goblet cell)

图1 假复层纤毛柱状上皮 (豚鼠气管切片,HE染色,40×10)

Figure1 Pseudostratified epithelium (Guinea pig tracheal section,HE staned,40×10)


Pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelium is composed by a layer of prismatic cells of vertical section view, the cells are columnar; nuclear is ellipse, closed to the cell base department. The epithelial cells of the free surface have aligned pale red filament.there are goblet cells between columnar cells . Basement membrane is dyed into damask, visible clearly.


实验二 骨单位

报告主题:骨单位 主题属性:指定 标本号:6# 材料:脱钙人骨切片 染色:Schmorl氏法染色 教学要求:掌握骨组织的结构

间骨板(interstitial lamella) 中央管(central canal) 骨单位骨板(osteon lamella)

图2 骨单位 (脱钙人骨切片,Schmorl氏法染色,40×10)

Figure 2 Osteon (Decalcified bone section,Schmorl stained,40×10)


There are many specimens bone unit, its centre is a round central tube, multilayer osteone around the central tube is concentric arrangement. There are irrigullar arrengment interstitial lamella in the osteon.


实验三 心肌

报告主题:心肌 主题属性:指定 标本号:12# 材料:人心肌切片 染色:HE染色


心肌纤维(cardiac muscle) 闰盘(intercalated disk)

图3 心肌纤维 (人心肌切片 HE染色 40×10)

Figure 3 Cardiac muscle (The section of cardiac muscle, HE stained, 40×10)


The arrengment of myocardial fibers is irregular.Myocardial fibers are parallel

arrangement, but have bifurcates,connected with each other into network.There are not obvious horizontal stripes. a single nucleus, ovoid, located in the central. There is a visible hyperchromatic banded structure at the connection of end to end , which is intercalated disc,a special structure of the myocardial fibers.


实验四 多级神经元

报告主题:多级神经元 主题属性:指定 标本号:9# 材料:小牛脊髓切片 染色:HE染色


轴突(axon) 胞体(soma)

图 4 多极神经元(小牛脊髓切片,HE染色,40×10)

Figure 4 Multipolar neuron (Dallas spinal nerve,HE stained,40×10)


Multipolar neuron is polygon, triangular or spindle. Flashes is set out from the cell body, Cell nuclear is big, round, bright, and nucleoli is clear. Cell and bumps can ben seen many purple blue patches, small and irregulararrengment, named Nissl body.Axon and shaft in the hill don’t have Nissl body.


