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从句的类型 与 分析
Ⅰ. 三大类从句 1.名词性从句 2.形容词性从句(定语从句) 3.副词性从句(状语从句) Ⅱ.名词性从句 1.主语从句 2.宾语从句 3.表语从句 4.同位语从句
Ⅰ名词性从句 名词从句,顾名思义,起着名词的作用,因此,在句 中可充当主语、宾语、表语、和同位语等成分。名词 从句,按其不同的成分作用,又可分为主语从句、宾 语从句、表语从句和同位语从句。引导名词性从句的 词可分为三类: ⑴连词that:没有词义,在句中不担任语义成分。 ⑵wh-疑问词,在句中担任一个语义成分。这些词包 括who, whom, what, which, when, how和why. 它们 通常称为关系代词和关系副词。Whether和if 也属于 这一类,但它们在句中也不担任词义成分。 ⑶名词性关系词:这一类词没有疑问词义,它本身是 先行词与另一个关系代词或关系副词的结合。这些词 包括名词性关系代词、名词性关系副词。 名词性关系代词有: What = the things which/that Whatever= anything that Who= the person who
Whoever= anyone who Whom= the person whom Which= the one that Whichever= anything that 名词性关系副词有: When = the time when Where =the place where How = the way that Why=the reason why
1.主语从句 主语从句 (subject clause)可以由连词 that, wh-疑问词或名 词性关系词引导。 ⑴连词 that 引导 由连词that 引导的主语从句可以置于句首。但常见的形式是主 语从句放在句末,作逻辑主语:句首用引导词it 作形式主语, 这样句子结构更为紧凑。
Examples: That all livings are composed of cells is known to all. It is believed that the formation of the sun, the planets and other stars began with the condensation of a gas cloud. It is remarkable that a table spoonful of soil can tell us so much about the structure and early history of the moon. 用形式主语it 的主语从句常见结构有: It is a fact ( a good thing, good new, ect.) that… It is clear (necessary, important, possible, remarkable, etc.) that… It is well-known (reported, recorded, noted, estimated, ect.) that… It must be pointed out that… It has been found that… It turns out that… It has been proved that… It can be seen that…
此外,当全句是一般疑问句时,也多用it 做形式主语, 如: Is it possible that he will come today? ⑵. wh-疑问词引导 由wh-疑问词引导的名词从句既可以前置,又可以借 助于先行词it 而后置。 Examples: How the prisoner escaped is a mystery. It depends on many factors whether infection occurs or not. It remains unknown who will come to the meeting. 由 whether 引导的名词从句既可位
于句首,又可位于 句后;而由if 引导的从句只能位于主句后。 Whether he will come is uncertain. / it is uncertain whether / if he will come.
⑶. 名词性关系词引导 由名词性关系词引导的主语从句一般位于句首, Examples; What is written in the book should be tested in practice. What impressed me most is not what he did, but how he did it. Whatever brings about happiness has utility, according to the doctrine of utilitarianism. Excises: 用主语从句翻译下列句子。 ① 难的是一辈子做好事,不做坏事。 ② 理论必须密切联系实际是我们应当经常记住的一条原则。 ③ 据说如果交通运输技术也像计算机那样飞速发展的话,今天 人们跨越大西洋就只需几秒钟了。 ④ 确实,自从八十年代以来我们的总体生活水平提高了很多, 我们可以夸耀我们在物质方面取得的进步。
2.宾语从句起宾语作用的名词性从句叫做宾语从句。宾语从句通常由连词 that, wh-疑问词与名词性关系词引导。宾语从句一般置于谓语动词后,但 也可作某些介词与某些具有动作意义的形容如afraid, sure, aware, certain等的宾语。⑴ 由连词 that 引导的宾语从句在动词believed, think, know, say, suppose等 后面时,连词that 可以省略。
Example: We know foreign languages are useful tools in research work. 在带有宾语补足语的句子中,往往用it 作形式宾语,而将that-从句 置于句末作逻辑宾语,表达具体内容。 Examples: We have made it clear that prevention is better than cure. We consider it necessary that theory should be combined with practice. 此外,在由不及物动词加介词构成的短语动词后也用先行代词it作形 式宾语,后接由that 引导的宾语从句。 Examples: We will answer for it that the product is of extra superior quality. You may depend on it that she is qualified for the task.
⑵. 由wh-疑问词引导 Examples: Most people know what it is like to have their blood pressure taken, but few people understand the meaning of the numbers used to record blood pressure. Progress depends primarily on whether the individual makes the effort. 注意: whether, if 都可以引导宾语从句,二者的区别在于: whether 引导的宾语从句可以做介词宾语,而if则不能。 Examples: It depends on whether he comes. I worry about whether I hurt his feelings. ⑶.由名词性关系词引导 Examples: You can choose whichever book you like here. They should enjoy complete freedom to live with whomever they desire to.
⑷.跟在介词后面的宾语从句 Examples: The resistance of a wire also depends upon what material it is made of. Physiology is the science of how the
body functions or works. 介词后面的宾语从句一般不跟that 引导的宾语从句。在英语中,只有五 个介词后面可跟that从句,它们是except, in, but, besides, save. Examples: Living things are different from non-living things in that the former perform life functions and the latter do not. I don’t know his address except that it was Leadenhall Street. I agree with you, save that you have got some facts wrong. They believed that land did not belong to people, but that people belong to land. Excises: 用宾语从句完成下列句子。 ①he differed from other people____________(他在工作中比别人 都看得远些)。 ②________________(从以上所说的) it can be seen that practice is the key to mastery of a foreign language. ③They gave___________(来校的人) a warm welcome.
3. 表语从句起表语作用的句词性从句,叫做表语从句。连词that, wh-疑 问词和名词性关系词都可以引导表语从句。 ⑴由连词that 引导 What impressed me most was that he could speak both English and Japanese fluently and beautifully. ⑵.由wh-疑问词引导 The problem is what I can do to make up for the time lost. ⑶.由名词性关系词引导 This is why our teaching method must be improved. ⑷表语从句也可用because引起,但通常只用”this (that,it) is because”这种结构。 “can you tell me why women live longer than men after retirement?” “That’s because women can continue to do something they are used to doing.”
Excises:– ①the question is ___________(怎样给 老人提供更舒适安全的生活环境)。 – ②one reason why Hamlet is such a popular play is (它对各阶层的人都有吸引 力)。 – ③the problem is ___________(人们从 未像今天这样对婚姻抱如此之高的期望)。
4.同位语从句起同位语作用的名词性从句叫做同位语从句。它表示与之同位 的名词中心词的实际内容。这些名词中心词常见的有: fact, news, hopes, opinion, order, question, problem, belief, truth, theory, decision, discovery, conclusion, statement, promise, rumor等。同位语从句一般由连词that 和 wh-疑问 词引导。 ⑴ 以连词that 引导 The fact that deeds are better than words is quite clear. ⑵ 以wh-疑问词引导 The question how I did it is hard to answer. They had no idea where they should go to find some food. My problem whether I should go to see him was solved when I learned that he was ill.
Excises: 用同位语从句翻译下列句子– ①中国人一直保持着春节全家人团圆的传统。 – ②随着计算机科学的发展,计算机能否超越 人类的问题就提出来了。 – ③他们的唯一儿子在海中丧身的可怕事实使 他们痛苦不堪。
同位语从句与定语从句的区别 同位语从句与定语从句的区别主要有三点:其一是
同位语从句是 用来表明与之同位的名词中心词的具体内容;而定语从句则是对 其先行词加以限制、描绘或说明。第二点区是同位语从句的同位 名词仅限于为数不多的具有内容含义的抽象名词如belief , doubt ,fact , hope , idea , news , possibility , thought , order , suggestion , wish , answer , information , conclusion , decision , discovery , knowledge , law , opinion , problem , promise , proof , question , report , truth , risk 等 ;定语从句的先行词则没有限制, 不计其
数。第三点区别是引导同位语从句的that 为连词,在从句中不 担任任何成分;引导定语从句的that 为关系词,在从句中担任 一定成分。 Examples: The news that our women’s volleyball team had won was know to all of us. The news that was informed of by Mr. Zhang proved to be a false one.
辨认下列同位语从句与定语从句。 1. The whole truth came out at last that he was a wolf in sheep’s clothing . 2. don’t run away with the idea that all Englishmen are the same. 3.a diagnosis is the conclusion that the doctor draws from observation of symptoms. 4. I was under the impression that he just didn’t care much about me. 5. anything which is visible to the naked eye is said to be microscopic. 6.he put forward the startling proposal that euthanasia should become common practice. 7. we recognize things that are alive by what they do. 8. the fact that he didn’t turn up shows that he was never really serious about coming. 9. he hotly denied the rumor that was then being circulated. 10. he hotly denied the rumor that he had been visited by the police in connection with the recent crime.

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