
更新时间:2023-04-11 14:25:01 阅读量: 实用文档 文档下载





Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls. Welcome to Lucy English. Now let me introduce myself first. My name is Lucy, my Chinese name is Ge Rile, and I’ve been teaching kids English for about ten years. And for today, I hope we can have a wonderful time together. Now, let’s begin today’s class. Thank you.


1.Hello, boys and girls. Nice to meet you! My name is Lucy.

So, I say: Hello, everyone.

You say: Hello, Lucy.

Let’s have a try: Hello, everyone. (Hello, Lucy.)


Hello,XXX. (Hello, Lucy.)

(奖励给每个对话的学生一个sticker: Good job! A sticker for you!)

3. 今天谁得的sticker最多,就可以到Lucy这儿换奖品哦~

Hello, everyone!

(Hello, Lucy)

三.Chant: <Walking, walking>

Now, everybody, stand up! Let’s do a chant!

(让学生排成一排)Stand in a row!

(老师站到侧面) Face to Lucy. (挨个纠正)

“Walking, walking, ready? Go !”

“Walking, walking, walking, walking

Hop, hop, hop, hop, hop, hop

Running ,running, running, running, running, running

Now let’s stop! Now, let’s stop!”


Well done! Very good, everyone!


Hello, XXX. (Hello, Lucy)

Good! A sticker for you! Go back to your seat!


1.“ABC Song”

大家都听过字母歌(Alphabet Song)

Today we are going to learn a letter.


Follow me: A-A-A

2. Let’s write the capital A.

Look at me: (老师做straight line的动作) straight line的动作。Straight line! Straight line! One straight line, two straight lines, three straight lines.

Show me your fingers.

Show me your feet.

Stand up! Show me your heap!

Let’s write the small A. 剑桥预备级英语公开课教案

Look at me: (老师做曲线的动作) curved line! Curved line!

One curved line! Two curved lines!

Show me your fingers.

Show me your feet.

Stand up! Show me your heap!

3. Action(做动作)

字母A长成什么样子呢?Let’s make a letter A with our body! A!

4. Sound

Now, everybody listen! (老师发出各种声音) Sound!

What sound does letter A make?

Letter A, letter A, what sound do you make?

I make …sound.

Oh, I see.

Letter A makes …sound!

5. 字母操

Everybody stand up! Let’s do the action!

A A A ……

6. 单词



五.New words: elephant, monkey


It’s words time!

Today, we are going to learn 3 new words.

(一) elephant

1.(拿出一个魔法棒)This is a magic stick! ABRACADABRA! CA T!(指向自己)I am a cat! Miao…ABRACADABRA! DOG! (指向自己) I’m a dog! Woof ABRACADABRA! DUCK!(指向自己) I’m a duck! Quack

2.ABRACADABR! Jack! (指向自己)(做动作)

I am an animal.

I am big.

I have a long long nose.

I have two big ears.

I have four strong legs.

I have a short short tail.

Who am I?


This is a zoo. 这是一个动物园。

What’s in the zoo? 动物园里有什么?


4. Follow me: elephant! Elephant!


6. Together: elephant

7. Do you like elephant? 你们喜欢大象吗?


那我们就可以说:I like elephants.


8. Look at me: I like elephants. (老师边说边做动作)

9. Who can? (请学生一个个上台来讲,讲完给小粘贴)

10. 老师再次拿出卡片:What’s this? Elephant!


Let’s play a game.


Look at me! This is the card. I say: ready? Go! You do like this. (学大象) and turn around, and round and round(转三圈). And you run to the card and pat the card. And say: Elephant!

(二) monkey

1. ABRACADABRA! (指向自己)

I am an animal.

I have a long tail.

I like bananas and apples.

I like climbing the tree.

I like jumping and running.

Who am I?


This is a zoo. 这是一个动物园。

What’s in the zoo? 动物园里有什么?


4. Follow me: monkey! monkey


6. Together: monkey

7. Do you like monkeys? 你们喜欢大象吗?


那我们就可以说:I like monkeys.


8. Look at me: I like monkeys. (老师边说边做动作)

9. Who can? (请学生一个个上台来讲,讲完给小粘贴)

10. 老师再次拿出卡片:What’s this? monkey!


Let’s play a game.


Look at me! This is the card. I say: ready? Go! You do like this. (学大象) and turn around, and round and round(转三圈). And you run to the card and pat the card. And say: monkey!


1. Flash Cards: What’s this? …(给最先说的学生sticker)

2. I do the action, you say the word. (老师做动作,学生猜单词,先说的给sticker) 六.Game

It’s game time! Let’s play the game!

1. Pat the cards:


Listen! (点三个同学的名字) Come here! Stand in a line!

I say : mother! Ready, go!

You run to “mother”and pat the card. Say: mother?

Do you understand?

Let’s have a try!

Who is the winner? XXX is the winner!

Together: Winner! Winner! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!

(A sticker for you!)

2. <Monster Game>

I am a monster. I like to eat animals. Everybody stand up! ……

七.Goodbye Song:

It’s time to say goodbye now!

Stand up! Let’s sing a song!

Goodbye, goodbye, goodbye everyone!

La la la , la la la, goodbye everyone!





剑桥少儿英语三级上Unit 1 What was the wearther like yesterday? 教学目的和要求:





What was the weather like yesterday?

It was windy.

It’s always hot.

Last winter the north was cold, and the east windy.

交际词汇:humid, foggy, dry, drizzling, thundering, clear, mild, warm, England, India, London, Australia,, Paris, Greece, Italy.

教学用具:weather, cloudy, rainy, sunny, snowy, rainbow, wet, cold, hot, sky, etc.


Part 1上课时可以用以前学过的句型问大家,What’s the weather like today? Is it sunny? Is it cloudy? Is it rainy?紧接着,教师拿出一些相关的天气图片给大家看,并对大家说,Now, look here. I’ve got many pictures. What are they?然后,让学生一张一张地复习已会的单词。在学

生比较熟练掌握单词后,拿出几个新的单词图片说,Look, It’s drizzling. Do you know “drizzling”“?毛毛细雨”It’s drizzling. Now use this picture to answer my question. What’s the weather like in this picture?教师可以问几遍,然后再学习新的单词。如:foggy, dry, clear, humid, thundering 等。教师给出中文意思的时候,不必说整句话,只需给出某个单词的意思即可。之后,教师可以教新的句型。Now listen carefully. Who can answer my next question? What was the weather like yesterday? Do you know “yesterday”? What was the weather like yesterday?说此句子的时候要特别强调句子中的was, yesterday.如果有学生举手发言,就可以跟该学生进行问答。教师边说边把两个问句写在黑板上,然后用彩色粉笔标出不同之处,同时给出不同的答语。当学生能明白句子时,对学生说,Now I want you to practice the questions and answers in pairs.练习后,教师说Now which pair wants to do in class?

Part 2 Now please close your books. Let’s listen to a dialogue. Listen very carefully. Later I’m going to ask you some questions. / Where’s the first man from? / What was the weather like in last winter?

Where’s the second man from? / Is it always hot in ? / Was it hot last winter?学生问答了问题之后,教师对学生说,Now please open your books. Let’s read this dialogue. Please read after me . Part 3 Let’s compare these two pictures. You see, in Picture A there is a

policeman and an old woman. But in Picture 2 there is a policeman and a boy. What other different things can you see? Who knows?

Part 4 ,按要求把图画出来。Let’s have a quick look at yesterday’s weather report. Among some of the big cities, there was a bit snow in Beijing . Many people went outside and played with snowballs. In Lanzhou , it was clear .Many people went shopping and stayed in the parks. But Guangzhou had a thunder shower. It cooled down the hot air . In Dalian , it was sunny and hot. Many people swam in the sea. In Chongqing it was a bit foggy. In Wuhan there was a strong wind . Now let’s look at today’s weaher…

Part 5 目的在于扩大学生有关天气的相关知识。教师在教此部分时,一定要以朗读和理解为主,没有必要让学生记住文章中的所有单词,特别是没有必要逐字逐句翻译成汉语。如有些意思不好用英语解释时,可以适当给出该短语的中文意思。

Part 6 可以让学生表演小对话。由于这一部分没有太多难点,可直接让学生两人一组进行练习。

练习一可以让学生以小组为单位进行竞赛。先让学生分组拼出单词,然后将所拼出的词写在黑板上。每拼对一个词给10分,最后算总分。Now let’s play a word-spelling game .We’ve got an apple tree here .On each apple there’s a letter. Work in groups and spell the words out. When you finish , run to the blackboard and copy them down. Later we’ll see how many minutes you’ve used and how many correct words you’ve got. Is it clear ? Now let’s begin.在学生以小组为单位拼写的时候,教师可以在黑板上标出每个小组的地盘,准备让每组的学生拼写用。练习二It’s a sunny day. A pretty girl is standing in front of a bus stop. Not far from her, there’s a bus coming. She is holding an umbrella. On the umbrella , there is a little bird sitting on the top.

A young boy, who is next to the girl , wants to catch the bird.



教学活动1 Make a telephone call.


比如,Hello, what’s the weather like in Shanghai today? What was the weather like yesterday? Do you want to go outside today? 等等。在学生表演的时候,教师可以让学生复习地名、国名等。教师可以用英语这样说,Now, let’s play a game. I want you to ask questions and answer the questions over the telephone. Let’s see what you are going to talk about. You may use the words we’ve learned today. Later you can also use country and city names.

教学活动2 Let’s guess the word on the blackboard.

教师事先准备若干个有关天气的单词卡或图片。上课时,教师对大家说,Now I

want you to play a game. Look, on the blackboard there are many words. But they’re facing down. One person can come to the front. After I say a word, you can decide which word needs to be turned over. If you turn the right card over within the next 30 seconds, you whole group can have one minute break in class. If not , you will lose one score by turning the wrong card.

The first correct pick will be given 25 points. / The second correct pick will be given 25 points. The third correct pick will be given 12.5 points. / The fourth correct pick will be given 6.5 points.

The fifth correct pick will be given 3 points. 第一轮完成之后,教师可以将所有的卡片重新安排一遍,再继续第二个学生。Finally we’ll see which group has got more points than others. 课后作业:

1.Listen to the weather report every day and take a careful note. Then , draw a diagram to show each day’s weather report.

2.Listen to the tape of Part 5, three times .And for the last time , you may close your books and listen to the tape to see whether you can remember each passage.

剑桥少儿英语三级上Unit 2 What's the favourite season?






What is your favourite season?

Which season is it?

It’s getting warmer and warmer.

It’s not too hot and not too cold.

交际词汇:island, shining, swan, difference, possible, crops, ripe, club, compete, pide, enjoy, plant,, sunglasses, field, boots, season


上课时可以用学生们较熟悉的内容来引出话题。Now let me ask you some questions. What’s your favouite colour? What’s your favourite food? What’s your favourite fruit ? What’s your favourite subject? 然后问,What’s your favourite season? 如果学生能回答上来的话,教师就可以继续问几个学生。如果学生不知道如何回答时,教师就可以问,Do you like spring? Do you like summer? 此时,教师还可以问一些相关的问题,How many seasons are there in a year? What are

they? What’s your favourite season? 在学生回答问题的基础上,教师可以让学生猜谜语。教师说,Good! Now I want you to guess some riddles. Which season is it?教师可以分别说出第三部分的谜语,让学生猜。猜完之后,可以让大家听录音,并让学生跟着录音带一起朗读本部分的小短文。由于此部分没有多少单词,所以教师可以让学生熟读此段内容。在此基础上,

对学生说,I know that many of you like spring . Some of you like summer. Some of you like autumn or winter. Do you know what season I like? Ok. Autumn is my favourite season. Last year my friend and I went camping with the children’s club. After we got to the camping place?接下来将本单元第四部分的故事讲完。讲故事时,不要让学生看书,同时尽量使用身体语言和手势,使故事更加有意思。Now I want you to listen to the tape once more .Later you’re going to do some exercises.

本单元为有一些用于朗读的小段子。教师可以将这些内容分别处理。比如第五部分比较容易,教师可以让学生直接朗读。而第六部分,则可以让学生每人试着读。教师可以这样对学生说,Now let’s read Part 5 together. This is not difficult. All of you know how to say it. Now let’s begin. Very good, this time I will leave you a new passage. I want you to read it loudly by yourself. I’m sure you can read it. If you don’t know. I can help you. Now you may begin. 最后教师让学生朗读,然后再让学生听录音,一起跟着朗读。



Part 7 听力资料

This is a very small town. People here live a happy life. They enjoy the sea, the beach, the grass, the hills and the weather. The weather here is rather changeable. Sometimes in the same town you can experience different weathers.

Look! On the seaside . Many people are playing on the beach. The weather is very hot. Oh, where is the sun?

Please draw a red sun above the buildings. Right! And draw a blue duck on the sea. On the other side of the hill , you can see some black clouds. Why is the man running? Oh. It’s raining. Please draw some raindrops. And also draw an umbrella in the man’s hand. On this side of the hill the weather is very nice. There are there beautiful flowers.

Please colour the left flower yellow, the right flower green and the middle flower red. On the grass, two boys are playing football. Yes, please draw a football between the two boys. On the right two dogs are playing. Please draw a brown ball between the two dogs. Look! Under the big tree, there are some children singing . In the tree there are two birds. They are singing, too. Please colour them purple. Good!


(1)I like spring because ….

教师首先用英语对学生说,You know that there are four seasons in a year. Do you know how many people in our class like spring? Now there’s a season in each corner. 教师将事先准备好的分别写有四季的纸张贴在每个角的位置上。I want you to go to your favourite colour and stand there. You stand there and say why you like spring. The other group may disagree. And you can say why you like the season. This time you want to see which group has got more to say.教师组织这个活动的意义是让学生能用英语表达自己想要说的意思。

(2)Brainstorming each season!

此项活动的目的是让学生用不同的词语来描述某个季节,开拓学生的思维与联想。具体的操作方式如下。教师对学生说,Spring is a beautiful season. What things can be used to describe spring? What things are related to spring. Who can give me a word? Let me give you an example.

Trees? because in spring the trees turn into green. 其他的词还有:

Spring: flowers, warm, green, birds, windy, grass, happy, kite, camping, picnics, mild, sunny, festival, holiday, rain

Summer: hot, shorts, long days, short nights, green, flowers, grass, birds, sunny, lightning, thundering, swim, T-shirt, shirt, ice cream, cold water, fridge, swimming, skirts, beach, sand, thundershower

Autumn: cool, beautiful, clear, blue sky, happy, joyful, school, holiday, leaves, yellow, crops, jobs, traveling, visit, fall

Winter: cold, grey, warm, heat, fire, hard, windy, stay at home, gloves, boots, sweater, overcoat, festival, snow, snowball, not interesting, nothing to do, no interesting, nothing to do, no grass, freeze


1.Find or draw your own season pictures and write a paragraph under each picture like the ones in Part.3

2.Listen to the tape of this unit and read it aloud.

剑桥少儿英语三级上Unit 3 When did Bob get up yesterday?






篇三:大森林剑桥幼儿英语Big Jungle Fun 1级1单元教学指南

