期末作文专题复习O( - )O

更新时间:2024-06-14 01:42:01 阅读量: 综合文库 文档下载



姓名:___________ 班级:____________

1、假定你是李华,你的英国朋友Peter 来信向你咨询如何才能学好中文。请你


要点:1. 参加中文学习班;

2. 看中文书刊、报纸、电视节目,学唱中文歌曲;

3. 交中国朋友。 注意:1. 词数 100左右;

2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯; 3. 开头语已为你写好。

















2、假如你是李华,你的笔友Jim最近沉溺于玩电脑游戏,为此你很担心。 Jim

的表现和你的看法及建议如下: Jim 过去 功课好,积极参加学校的各项活动。 Jim 现在 对学习没有兴趣,上课不专心,不按时交作业。 也许玩电脑游戏能使你放松,但沉溺于其中会占用学习时间,你的看法 危害健康。 你的建议 实现学业和爱好之间的平衡;疲倦时参加户外活动。 写作内容 根据以上信息给Jim写一封信,内容包括: 1.Jim的表现 2. 谈谈你的看法和建议 写作要求




















3、(2013浙江卷)请以“One Thing I’m Proud of”为题, 用英语写一篇100~120个



2.简要说明你感到得意的原因或从中得到的启示。 注意:文章的标题已给出(不计词数)。




















4、(2014浙江卷) 学校图书馆需要购置一批新书,现向学生征求意见。假如你是

李越,你认为学校图书馆最需要购置科普类图书(popular science books)和文学类图书(literary books)。请你用英语给图书馆王老师写一封100—120词的信,推荐这两类书,并分别说明推荐理由。























1、Dear Peter,

I’m glad to receive your letter asking for my advice on how to learn Chinese well.

Here are a few suggestions. First, it is important to take a Chinese course, as you’ll be able to learn from the teacher and practice with your fellow students. Then, it also helps to watch TV and read books, newspapers and magazine in Chinese whenever possible.

Besides, it should be a good idea to learn and sing Chinese songs, because by doing so you’ll learn and remember Chinese words more easily. You can also make more friends from China. They will tell you a lot about China and help you learn Chinese. Try and write me in Chinese next time. Best wishes.

Yours, Li Hua

2、Dear Jim,

I really feel worried about you. You used to do well in your lessons and took an active part in the activities at school, but now you are so crazy about computer games that you have no interest in your schoolwork

and don’t listen to teachers carefully as before in class. Also, you can’t hand in homework on time.

Perhaps playing computer games can make you feel relaxed, but if you spend too much time on it, you will have less time to study and it may do harm to your health.

I hope you should achieve a balance between your schoolwork and your hobbies. Why not join in some outdoor activities when you feel bored? As your friend, I’ll be glad to share your happiness and sadness. Best wishes.

Yours, Li Hua

3、 One Thing I’m Proud of

I still remember how I became a good table tennis player.

The first day I went to high school, I saw some of my classmates playing table tennis. Amazed at how skillful they were, I was determined to be just as good. Later on, I often watched them carefully to learn their techniques. Then I kept practising until I became confident enough to challenge the good players. At the final of the term I became one of the best players in my class.

I am really proud of this experience, because it helps me realise that

we all can fulfill our potential and achieve our goals through hard work, it also helps me better understand the proverb “Practice makes perfect”.

4、Dear Mr. Wang,

Knowing that our library is going to buy books, I’d like to give some suggestions. What we need most are popular science books. Usually popular science books explain basic principles of nature in a simple and interesting way. They help us understand science subjects better and arouse our curiosity about scientific discoveries.

In addition to reading for knowledge, we read for fun and inspiration. That is why I recommend another category of books:literary books.Classic works, written by masters, present great thoughts through fascinating stories and language. They not only offer us joy and excitement, but also encourage us to think critically. I’ll be glad if you

can consider my recommendation.

Yours sincerely,

Li Yue

