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专题一 名 词


1. (2018原创)You’d better keep these ________ between us forever. (secret) 2. (2018原创)For getting a better job,we should develop our interests and always learn more ________. (skill)

3. (2018原创)Grandma went to the market and bought some meat, eggs and ________ for lunch. (tomato)

4. (2018原创)The boy sat at the back of the classroom, so he couldn't see the ________ on the blackboard clearly. (word)

5. (2018原创)Linda is very ________. She never tells a bad word about others.


6. (2018原创)As we all know, China is an ________ country with a long history. (east)

7. (2018预测)I feel ________ in my back,but I don't know what's wrong with it. (pain)

8. (2018预测)I am ________ to have the chance to attend such an important meeting. (luck)

9. (2018预测)It is ________ today, so we can't see the sun. (cloud)

10. (2018预测)Although the ________ grandmother is already 70 years old, she still looks very young. (girl)


1. (2018原创)I go to school by ________________ every day, because my home is far from the school. (校车)

2. (2018原创)We all know that ________________ are made to keep order on the road. They also help to keep people safe. (交通规则)

3. (2018原创)The problem of ________________ has become a hot topic in our society. (食品安全)

4. (2018原创)He was late for school because of the ______________ the day before yesterday. (暴雨)

5. (2018预测)He got ________________ in the exam because he had studied hard. (好成绩)

6. (2018预测)Reading should be a ________________ for everyone of us. (终身旅程)


1. (2017广东)Daniel has tried to lose ________ by eating less recently, but two kilos has been put on instead.

A. weight B. weights C. height D. heights 2. (2017南京 )—I go swimming every day.

—Wow! That's a good ________. It keeps you healthy. A. match B. task C. habit D. dream

3. (2017乌鲁木齐)If you can speak English well, you will have a great ________ over others when looking for a job.

A. activity B. article C. attention D. advantage 4. (2017日照)The TV show Letters Alive brings back people's ________ of writing to each other.

A. ideas B. hobbies C. styles D. memories

5. (2017武汉)—I wonder if you've made a decision on the project, Eric. —Not yet. I can't make it until I have first-hand ________ on prices. A. news B. knowledge C. information D. education

6. (2017沈阳)These light bulbs look the same, but their ________ on the environment are different.

A. solutions B. methods C. effects D. secrets

7. (2017宿迁)—Could you give me a few ________ on how to spend the coming summer holiday?

—OK. Let me see.

A. hobbies B. knowledge C. suggestions D. information

8. (2017襄阳)—The government is trying to develop winter sports for the 2022 Winter Olympics.

—No wonder people are showing more ________ in them. A. warmth B. interest C. victory D. standard 9. (2017徐州)The artist received high ________ from the art community for these sculptures.

A. praise B. prize C. price D. pride

10. (2017凉山州)—How far is your home from the train station? —It’s about 20 ________ walk.

A. minute B. minutes C. minute’s D. minutes’ 11. (2017兰州改编)There are a lot of ________ on the grassland. And a sheep-dog is sitting next to them.

A. sheepes B. sheep C. sheeps D. dog 12. (2017咸宁改编)Zheng He was a Ming dynasty ________. He succeeded in sailing to the east coast of Africa.

A. tourist B. teacher C. inventor D. explorer

13. (2017贵阳改编)There is a ________ in my neighborhood and I often go there to see tigers.

A. zoo B. bank C. school D. library

14. (2017昆明盘龙区二模)—It's everyone's ________to make China stronger and stronger.

—I agree. Let's work hard to make it.

A. duty B. chance C. chores D. ability

15. (2017大理下关四中模拟)These books must be ________, because he likes reading them.

A. Jerry B. Jerrys

C. Jerry's D. belong to Jerry

16. (2018原创)—Could you tell me something about the boy who helped you just now?

—Sorry, I know nothing about him. We are ________. A. friends B. neighbors C. classmates D. strangers

17. (2018原创)________ makes us feel good about ourselves and makes everything around us very positive.

A. Worry B. Excuses C. Mistakes D. Happiness

18. (2018原创)My uncle is a warm-hearted man and he is always happy to help other ________.

A. people B. child C. person D. babies

19. (2018原创)Wow! There are so many ________ taking part in this match on a snowy morning.

A. women player B. women players C. woman players D. woman player

20. (2018原创)In autumn,you can see a lot of ________ on the ground. A. leaf B. tree C. leaves D. trees

21. (2018原创)—I have decided to take part in the sports meeting even I have been ill for days.

—Wish you a ________.

A. failure B. fun C. happiness D. success

22. (2018原创)Young man, don't sit there for daydreaming. No one can achieve anything without ________.

A. effort B. standard C. experience D. pride

23. (2018原创)—I think the dragon is a ________ of China. Do you think so? —I agree with you.

A. symbol B. situation C. promise D. shape

24. (2018原创)—Finding information is not a big deal today.

—Well, the ________ is how we can tell whether the information is useful or not.

A. courage B. damage C. challenge D. knowledge 25. (2018原创)—What is Tony like?

—He is helpful. He often gives people a ________ when they are in need. A. reply B. gift C. hand D. reason

26. (2018原创)—I have great ________ in learning physics and I'm so worried. Could you help me?

—Sure, I'd love to.

A. interest B. fun C. trouble D. question

27. (2018原创)In the north of China, it is a (an) ________ to have dumplings in the Spring Festival.

A. custom B. effort C. manner D. purpose

28. (2018原创)Some people ride bikes to work to reduce ________ pollution. A. water B. air C. soil D. noise

29. (2018原创)Just search the Internet, you can get almost all the________ you need.

A. suggestion B. information C. picture D. story

30. (2018原创)—It's dangerous here. We'd better go out quickly. —But I think we should let ________ go out first. A. woman and children B. women and child C. woman and child D. women and children

31. (2018原创)In order to look after themselves better, teenagers should try

to improve their living ________.

A. styles B. activities C. skills D. actions 32. (2018原创)—It's useful for the deaf and dumb people to learn body language. —Yes,it's a major way of ________ for them. A. suggestion B. vacation C. production D. communication

33. (2018预测)—Mom, I'm hungry. Is there anything to eat? —Here's some________.

A. water B. orange C. bread D. juice

34. (2018预测)—Are there any ________ on the farm? —Yes, there are some.

A. horse B. duck C. chicken D. sheep

35. (2018预测)They are ________ rooms. How beautiful they are! A. John and Kate B. John and Kate’s C. John’s and Kate D. John’s and Kate’s

36. (2018预测)Yesterday evening we had a wonderful party at ________. A. Peter and Helen's B. Peter and Helen C. Peter and Helens D. Peter's and Helen's

37. (2018预测)You'd better ask your teacher to give you some ________ about the problem.

A. advice B. plans C. reports D. place 38. (2018预测)Today, we have many other ________ to pay besides coins and paper money.

A. excuses B. ways C. chances D. plans

39. (2018预测)If you work harder, you will have another ________ to play the violin at the concert.

A. chance B. problem C. mistake D. ability 一、1. secrets 【解析】句意:你最好永远保守我们之间的秘密。空前有these修饰,且secret是可数名词。故填secrets。

2. skills 【解析】句意:为了得到一份更好的工作,我们应该培养我们的兴趣,并且不断地学习更多的技能。空前有more修饰,名词应用复数形式。故填skills。

3. tomatoes 【解析】句意:奶奶去市场为午饭买了一些肉,鸡蛋和西红柿。空前有some修饰,可数名词应用复数。故填tomatoes。

4. words 【解析】句意:男孩坐在教室的后面,所以他看不清黑板上的字。根据常识可知字不止一个所以应该用复数。故填words。

5. friendly 【解析】句意:琳达非常友善。她从来不说别人的坏话。分析结构可知缺少形容词做表语。故填friendly。

6. eastern 【解析】句意:众所周知,中国是一个有着悠久历史的东方国家。需此处填一个形容词修饰名词。故填eastern。

7. painful 【解析】句意:我感到背疼,但我不知道怎么了。feel是系动词后接形容词作表语。故填painful。

8. lucky 【解析】句意:我很幸运能有机会参加如此重要的一个会议。分析句子结构


9. cloudy 【解析】句意:今天多云,所以我们看不到太阳。缺少形容词做表语。故填cloudy。

10. girl's 【解析】句意:尽管这个女孩的奶奶已经七十岁了,然而她看起来却非常年轻。根据句意可知表示女孩的,应用名词所有格。故填girl's。

二、1. school bus 【解析】句意:我家离学校远,所以我每天坐校车去学校。校车school bus。

2. traffic rules 【解析】 句意:我们都知道,制定交通规则是为了维持道路上的秩序。它们也帮助保护人们的安全。交通规则 traffic rule,由谓语动词are可知此处应用名词复数形式,故填traffic rules。

3. food safety 【解析】句意:食品安全问题在我们的社会上已经成为一个热门话题。食品安全food safety。

4. heavy rain 【解析】句意:前天因为暴雨他上学迟到了。暴雨heavy rain。 5. good grades 【解析】句意:他在考试中取得了好成绩,因为他学习很努力。好成绩good grades。

6. life-long journey 【解析】句意:阅读对于我们每个人来说都应该是一次终身旅程。终身旅程life-long journey。

三、1. A 【解析】考查名词词义辨析和单复数。句意:丹尼尔最近通过少吃来努力减________,但反而增加了两公斤。根据句意可知此处用短语lose one's weight表示减肥,其中的weight是不可数名词,没有复数形式,故选A。

2. C 【解析】考查名词词义辨析。句意为“我每天去游泳。”“哇!那是一个好________。它会让你保持健康。”match比赛,火柴;task任务;habit习惯;dream梦想。根据语境可知每天游泳是一个好习惯。故选C。

3. D 【解析】考查名词词义辨析。句意:如果你能很好地说英语,在找工作时你会比别人有很大的________。activity 活动;article文章;attention注意;advantage优势。根据句意可知表示优势。故选D。

4. D 【解析】考查名词词义辨析。句意为:电视节目《见字如面》唤起了人们给彼此写信的________。ideas想法;hobbies爱好;styles风格;memories记忆。根据句中的关键词“brings back”可知是记忆,故选D。

5. C 【解析】本题考查名词词义辨析。句意:“艾瑞克,我想知道你做好关于这个项目的决定了吗?”“还没有,在我得到第一手价格________之前我没法做决定。”news新闻;一般指通过媒体向大众发布的社会各方面的最新消息;knowledge了解,知识;information信息,通常指在阅读、观察、谈话或书信往来中的消息;education教育。根据句意可知此处表示“第一手价格信息”。故选C。

6. C 【解析】考查名词词义辨析。句意:这些灯泡看起来是一样的,但是它们对环境的________是截然不同的。solutions解决办法; methods 方法; effects影响; secrets秘密。根据句意可知此处是指 “对环境的影响”。故选C。

7. C 【解析】考查名词词义辨析。句意为:“你能告诉我一些关于怎样度过即将到来的暑假的________吗?”“可以,让我想想。”hobbies爱好;knowledge知识;suggestions建议;information信息。根据a few可知,此处用可数名词复数形式,排除B、D项。分析语境可知此处要求给出一些怎样度过暑假的建议。故选C。

8. B 【解析】考查名词词义辨析。句意:“政府为了2022冬奥会正在努力开展冬季运动。”“难怪人们对它们表现出更多的________。”warmth温暖;interest兴趣;victory胜利;standard标准。根据句意应该是“难怪人们对它们感兴趣”。故选B。

9. A 【解析】考查名词词义辨析。句意为:这个艺术家因为这些雕塑获得了艺术协会的高度________。praise赞扬;prize奖品;price价格;pride自豪。一个艺术家因为他的雕塑要么是获得艺术协会的奖品,要么是获得艺术协会的赞扬,故排除C、D两项;又因为prize是可数名词,空格前没有冠词a,而且prize不能用high来修饰,故此处指获得了艺术协会的高度赞扬。故选A。

10. D 【解析】考查名词所有格的用法。句意:“从火车站多远?”“你家到从步行约20分钟的路程。”空格前有基数词20修饰,其后的名词应用复数形式,故填minutes,但空格处指代的是20“分钟的”步行,所以用名词所有格形式。故选D。

11. B 【解析】考查主谓一致以及不定冠词。句意为:草地上有很多________。一只牧羊犬在它们旁边坐着。根据There are可知第一空应用名词复数形式。sheep 绵羊,单复数同形;故选B。

12. D 【解析】考查名词词义辨析。句意为:郑和是明朝的一位________。他成功地航行到了非洲的东海岸。tourist游客;teacher老师;inventor发明家;explorer探险家。根据后句语境及常识可知郑和是一位探险家,故选D。

13. A 【解析】考查名词词义辨析。句意:在我家附近有一个________而且我经常去那里看老虎。zoo动物园;bank银行;school学校;library图书馆。由后面关键词tigers可知,我家附近应有动物园。故选A。

14. A 【解析】考查名词词义辨析。句意“让中国越来越强大是每个人的________。”“我同意。让我们努力去实现它吧。”duty职责;chance机会;chores日常家务;ability能力。根据常识可知建设祖国人人有责,故选A。

15. C 【解析】考查名词所有格的用法。句意:这些书一定是杰瑞的,因为他喜欢读书。根据句意可知表示所属关系,应用名词所有格。故选C。

16. D 【解析】考查名词词义辨析。句意:“你能告诉我一些关于刚刚帮助你的那个男孩的事情吗?”“不好意思,我一点也不了解他,我们是 ________。”friends朋友;neighbors邻居;classmates同班同学;strangers陌生人。根据我对他不了解可知我们是陌生人。故选D。

17. D 【解析】考查名词词义辨析。句意:________使我们对自己感觉良好,并且使你身边的所有都变得积极起来。Worry担忧;Excuses借口; Mistakes错误;Happiness幸福。根据谓语动词makes可知用名词单数,所以排除B,C项。又由句意可知是幸福让我们有这种感受。故选D。

18. A 【解析】考查名词同义辨析及单复数。句意:我叔叔是个热心肠的人,他总是乐意帮助其他________。people 人们;child 小孩;person人;babies婴儿。句中other“其他的”后接可数名词复数,根据语境可知是帮助其他人,故选A。

19. B 【解析】考查名词单复数。句意:哇,在这下雪的清晨,有这么多女运动员参加比赛。名词修饰名词中,man、woman随着后面的名词的单复数的变化而变化,many许多,修饰名词复数,故选B。

20. C 【解析】考查名词的单复数与词义辨析。句意:秋天,你可以在地上看到很多的________ 。 根据句意可知表示树叶。a lot of 后跟可数名词复数。故选C。

21. D 【解析】考查名词词义辨析。句意“即使病了好久我也决定参加这次的运动会。”“希望你________。”failure失败;fun乐趣;happiness快乐;success成功。根据句意可知表示希望你成功。故选D。

22. A 【解析】考查名词词义辨析。句意:年轻人,不要一天坐那儿做白日梦,不________没有人会成功。effort努力;standard标准;experience经历;pride骄傲。根据句意可知表示没有努力就不会成功。故选A。

23. A 【解析】考查名词词义辨析。句意:“我认为龙是中国的________。你这样认为吗?”“我同意。”symbol 象征;situation 形势;promise 诺言;shape 形状。根据句意及题干分析可知此处是表示龙是中国的象征,故选A。

24. C 【解析】考查名词词义辨析。句意:“如今发现信息并不是一件大事。”“________是我们如何辨别信息是否有用。”courage 勇气;damage 损害; challenge 挑战;knowledge 知识。根据句意及题干分析可知应是挑战的意思,故选C。

25. C 【解析】考查名词词义辨析。句意:“托尼是一个怎样的人?”“他乐于助人,他经常帮助有需要的人。”reply回答;gift礼物;hand 手;reason原因。固定搭配:give sb. a hand给予某人帮助,故选C。

26. C 【解析】考查名词词义辨析。句意:“我在学习物理上有很大________,我很担心。你可以帮助我吗?”“当然可以,我很乐意。”interest 爱好;fun有趣的事情; trouble困难;question 问题。结合句意可知此处是指有很大的困难,固定搭配:have trouble in doing sth.,故选C。

27. A 【解析】考查名词词义辨析。句意:在中国北方,春节吃饺子是一个________。custom习俗; effort 努力; manner礼仪;purpose目的。根据句意及题干分析此题应是习俗的意思,故选A。

28. B 【解析】考查名词词义辨析。句意:为了减少______污染,一些人骑自行车去上班。water 水;air 空气;soil 土壤;noise噪音。根据句意及生活常识可知,汽车会造成空气污染,而骑自行车能减少空气污染。故选B。

29. B 【解析】考查名词词义辨析。句意:仅仅上网查,你就能搜到你需要的所有 ________ 。sugguestion建议;information信息;picture图画;story故事。根据句意此处指信息。故选B。

30. D 【解析】考查名词单复数。句意“这里危险,我们最好马上出去。”“但是我认为应该先让________离开。”此处不上一个妇女和儿童所以应用复数。woman的复数是women;child的复数是children。故选D。

31. C 【解析】考查名词词义辨析。句意:为了能更好的照顾自己,青少年们应该要尽量提高他们的生存________。styles 风格;activities 活动;skills技能;actions 行动。根据句意及题干分析此题应是提升技能的意思,故选C。

32. D 【解析】考查名词词义辨析。句意:“聋哑人学习肢体语言是很有用的。”“是的,这是他们________的一种主要方式。”suggestion 建议;vacation 假期; production 生产;communication 交流。根据句意及题干分析此题应是交流的意思,故选D。

33. C 【解析】考查名词词义辨析。句意:“妈妈,我很饿,有什么东西可以吃吗?”“这里有一些________。”water 水;orange 橘子;bread 面包;juice果汁。some可修饰可数名词和不可数名词,前面的is提示后面接的是不可数名词,再根据句意及题干分析,想要的是填饱肚子的东西,故选C。

34. D 【解析】考查名词词义辨析及单复数。句意“农场里有________吗?”“是的,有一些。”根据are和some可知应用名词复数。故选D。

35. D 【解析】考查名词所有格的用法。句意:它们是________房间。它们多么漂亮呀!根据“They are”可知是两个人各自的房间。故选D。

36. A 【解析】考查名词所有格的用法。句意:昨天晚上我们在彼得和海伦的家办了个很棒的聚会。根据a wonderful party可知是双方共同拥有的。故选A。

37. A 【解析】考查名词词义辨析及单复数。句意:你最好就这个问题请求老师给你一些________。advice 建议;plans计划;reports报告;place地方、场所。根据句意可知表示给予一些意见。advice是不可数名词。故选A。

38. B 【解析】考查名词词义辨析。句意:现在除了硬币和纸币外,我们还有许多其他的________付钱。excuses借口,理由;ways方式,方法;chances机会,运气;plans 计划。根据句意及题干分析此题应是方式的意思,故选B。

39. A 【解析】考查名词词义辨析。句意:如果你更加努力,你还会有________在音乐会上演奏小提琴。chance机会;problem 问题;mistake 错误;ability能力。根据句意及题干分析此题应是演奏小提琴的机会,故选A。

专题二 代 词


1. (2018原创)The boy’s mother often washes clothes for______, because he is too young to do it by himself.(he)

2. (2018原创)My sister likes painting. It's one of________ hobbies. (she) 3. (2018原创)Our teachers often tell ________ that we should behave well while we are traveling. (we)

4. (2018原创)You are my best friends, so make________ at home.(you)

5. (2018原创)After arguing with your parents, you must communicate with ________ and explain why you have done that. (they)

6. (2018预测)My pen is similar to________, but I bought it earlier than she did. (her)

7. (2018预测)Jack advised________ to try another way to practice my spoken English. (I)

8. (2018预测)Both teachers and classmates like_______because he is an easy-going student.(he)

9. (2018预测)They don't like to eat out. Instead, they often cook meals by________ at home. (they)

10. (2018预测) Look, my name is written on the cover of the book. It’s________. (my)


1. (2017上海)________ knowledge and experience are important to finish that task.

A. Either B. Neither C. None D. Both

2. (2017上海)The headmaster introduced ________ to the German visitors before the welcome party.

A. we B. us C. our D. ours 3. (2017安徽)—Is this iPad yours?

—Yes. My parents bought ________ for my language learning. A. one B. it C. other D. another 4. (2017河北)—Is this Kate's bicycle?

—No, ________ is under the tree. She put it there this morning. A. his B. hers C. mine D. yours

5. (2017南京)Linda and Kitty will go to Greenery Theme Park by________ next Sunday.

A. they B. them

C. their D. themselves 6. (2017苏州)Dad doesn't always come to you. You have to fight and save ________! A. yourself B. himself C. myself D. herself 7. (2017温州) —Did anyone call me when I was out? —Yes. A man who called ________ Tom.

A. myself B. himself C. herself D. yourself 8. (2017武威)“Let us move a little faster. We do not have ________ time left,” said the tour guide.

A. few B. little C. many D. much

9. (2017内江)In the school, I asked one boy and two girls about the name of their headmaster, but ________ of them could help me.

A. neither B. none C. both D. all 10. (2017济宁)—What else do you need, sir? —________ else. I’ve got enough. Thanks.

A. Nothing B. Anything C. Something D. Everything

11. (2017临沂)—Do you plan to watch a talent show or a sports show tonight? —________. I can’t stand them. I plan to watch a sitcom. A. Neither B. Both C. None D. Either

12. (2017日照)Li Hua’s parents hold different opinions on whether they should have ________ child.

A. another B. other C. others D. the other

13. (2017六盘水)—Would you like something to drink, coffee or milk? —________. I would like a cup of tea.

A. Either B. Both C. Neither D. None

14. (2017成都改编)Mike lost his school ID card this morning. He is looking for ________ now.

A. it B. him C. them D. her

15. (2018原创)—________ do you think of your hometown Kunming?

—It’s really beautiful and it has developed rapidly in recent years. A. Which B. Who C. What D. Whose

16. (2018原创)Most young people find ________exciting to watch a football match.

A. one B. this C. that D. it

17. (2018原创)Don't just wait for the teachers' help. We should learn to teach________.

A. you B. yourselves C. us D. ourselves

18. (2018原创) I always believe that________ is difficult if we try our best to do it.

A. something B. anything C. everything D. nothing

19. (2018原创)Everyone may make mistakes in life. The most important thing is

not to repeat________.

A. it B. them C. him D. her

20. (2018原创) I searched two bookshops for a dictionary I wanted, but ________ of them had it.

A. either B. both C. neither D. none

21. (2018原创)I'm free recently, so________ day is OK for me to go shopping with my mom.

A. either B. neither C. any D. some

22. (2018原创)—Do you know something about inventions, Bob? —Yes,________. I want to learn more about them. A. little B. a little C. few D. a few

23. (2018原创)The girl with glasses is new in our class, so ________ students know her.

A. few B. a few C. little D. a little 24. (2018原创)—What an exciting match!

—Yeah. ________ of them are trying their best, because they want to win. A. None B. All C. Any D. Some

25. (2018原创)This is your jacket. The blue one on the bed is ________. A. I B. me C. my D. mine 26. (2018原创)Good books are like________ wise friends, because they encourage you to walk forward and help you understand the world.

A. you B. your C. yours D. yourself

27. (2018原创)—________ can speak French in your class, Kelly? —Mark.

A. Who B. Whose C. Which D. How

28. (2018原创) A lot of people like my father because ________ is friendly and kind to others.

A. he B. him C. his D. himself

29. (2018原创)—Mom, ________ is my good friend Anna. —Nice to meet you, Anna.

A. this B. that C. it D. he

30. (2018原创)—Which kind of magazine will you take,the fashion magazine or the science magazine?

—Neither. I think ________ of them are very boring. A. either B. both C. any D. some

31. (2018原创)—Excuse me, I forget to bring my pen to school today. Can I use ________?

—Sure. Here you are.

A. your B. yours C. my D. mine

32. (2018原创)—Were your brother and sister at home yesterday, Victor? —No, we________ went to the park for a picnic. A. both B. neither C. all D. none

33. (2018原创)—Do you know the boy in a white T-shirt over there? —________ is Bob, my pen pal from Australia.

A. This B. That C. Those D. These

34. (2018原创)The Mid-Autumn Day is coming. ________ of us is given a mooncake by our school.

A. Many B. Some C. Each D. Much

35. (2018原创)________ can go to the library with me because all of them are going to the old people's home.

A. Someone B. Anyone C. Nobody D. Everyone

36. (2018原创) The light in the classroom is still on. There must be________ studying there.

A. anybody B. somebody C. everybody D. nobody

37. (2018原创)—Excuse me,________ is the way to the bus station? —Sorry, I’m a stranger here. A. why B. who C. which D. how

38. (2018原创) —Have you got any books on English grammar?I want to borrow ________.

—Here you are. But you must return it by Friday. A. it B. some C. one D. that

39. (2018原创)—Sara almost knows________ in the party.

—Yes, she is really good at communicating with others and she has lots of friends.

A. somebody B. nobody C. anybody D. everybody

40. (2018原创)There is ________ wrong with the radio, but I can't fix it. A. everything B. nothing C. something D. anything

41. (2018预测)The Browns had a party with their neighbors yesterday. ________ all enjoyed themselves.

A. We B. Us C. They D. Them

42. (2018预测)Jane can dress________ although she is very young. A. her B. his C. herself D. himself

43. (2018预测) —What do you think of their school? —It’s really beautiful. But I don't think their school is as big as________. A. we B. us C. our D. ours

44. (2018预测) — ________ are you looking for, Jim? — I am looking for my dictionary. I can't find it. A. How B. Whose C. Which D. What

45. (2018预测)Emily usually tries to solve problems by________ because she thinks it’s a good way to improve her abilities.

A. myself B. yourself C. themselves D. herself

46. (2018预测)—Long time no see. How is ________ with you, Bill? —Fine,thanks.

A. everything B. anything C. nothing D. something

47. (2018预测)— ________ books are these on the desk, Lily? —They are Mar’'s. He just bought them. A. Who B. Whose C. Which D. What 一、1. him 【解析】句意为:这个男孩的妈妈经常给他洗衣服,因为他太小而不能自己做这些事。介词for后跟代词的宾格形式,he的宾格是him。故填him。

2. her 【解析】句意为:我的姐姐喜欢画画。那是她的爱好之一。根据空格后为名词可知此处应填形容词性物主代词,故填her。

3. us 【解析】句意为:老师们经常告诉我们,当我们旅游时应该举止得体。分析可知此处是tell sb...告诉某人……。动词后跟人称代词的宾格形式,we的宾格形式是us,故填us。

4. yourselves 【解析】句意为:你们是我最好的朋友,所以不要客气。make oneself at home意为不要客气,随意,所以此处应填you的反身代词yourself或yourselves。根据前句friends可知,此处的you是指你们,所以填yourselves。

5. them 【解析】句意为:和你的父母争吵后,你必须和他们交流并解释你为什么那样做。根据固定搭配communicate with sb.和某人交流可知空处作介词with的宾语,故填宾格形式。they的宾格为them,故填them。

6. hers 【解析】句意为:我的笔和她的笔很像,但我比她买得早。be similar to和……很相像前后比较的是“我的笔”和“她的笔”,空格处应填her的名词性物主代词,故填hers。

7. me 【解析】句意为:杰克建议我换种方式练习英语口语。分析句子结构可知空格处所填词在句中作advised的宾语,此处需填I的宾格形式me。

8. him 【解析】句意为:老师和同学们都喜欢他,因为他是一个随和的学生。分析句子结构可知空格处所填词在句中作like的宾语,此处需填he的宾格,故填him。

9. themselves 【解析】句意为:他们不喜欢到外面吃饭,相反他们经常在家里自己做饭吃。此处考查的是固定短语by oneself 独自,单独,所以此空应该填they的反身代词 themselves。

10. mine 【解析】句意为:看,我的名字被写在书的封面上了,它是我的。空格处缺名词作表语,应填名词性物主代词,故填mine。

二、1. D 【解析】考查不定代词词义辨析。句意:知识和经验对完成这项任务都很重要。Either两者中的一个;Neither两者都不;None一个也没有(三者或三者以上);Both两者都。根据常识,知识和经验都很重要,是两者。故选D。

2. B 【解析】考查人称代词词义辨析。句意:在欢迎会前,我们的校长向德国来宾介绍我们。we我们(主格);us我们(宾格);our我们的(形容词性物主代词);ours我们的(名词性物主代词)。分析句子成分可知,动词之后应接宾语,故应用代词的宾格形式。故选B。

3. B 【解析】考查代词词义辨析。句意为“这个iPad是你的吗?”“是的,我父母为我学习语言而买的它。”one一个,指代前面提到同类的人或物;it它,指代前面提到的同一物;other其他的;another另外一个。根据句意可知,这里指代的是上句提到的iPad。故选B。

4. B 【解析】考查名词性物主代词词义辨析。句意为“这个是凯特的自行车吗?”“不,________在那棵树下。她今天早上把它放在那儿了。”his他的;hers她的;mine我的;yours你的,你们的。从上句“Is this Kate's bicycle ”可知,他们谈论的是“凯特的”自行车,应该使用第三人称代词,且Kate为女性。故选B。

5. D 【解析】考查代词词义辨析。句意为:琳达和凯蒂下周日将________去绿博园。根据介词by可知她们将独自去绿博园,by oneself独自地,此处指代主语Linda and Kitty,应用themselves。故选D。

6. A 【解析】考查反身代词词义辨析。句意为:爸爸不是每次都能来救你,你得战斗,救________。yourself你自己;himself他自己;myself我自己;herself她自己。根据后句中的主语“You”可知空格处要用you的反身代词yourself。故选A。

7. B 【解析】考查反身代词词义辨析。句意“我出去的时候有人给我打电话吗?”“有。一个________汤姆的人给你打过。”myself我自己;himself他自己;herself她自己;yourself你自己。此处指是一个自称汤姆的人。汤姆是第三人称,故要用第三人称“他”的反身代词。故选B。

8. D 【解析】考查不定代词词义辨析。句意:导游说:“我们得快点。剩的时间________”few几乎没有,修饰可数名词;little 几乎没有,修饰不可数名词;many很多,修饰可数名词;much很多,修饰不可数名词。time作为“时间”讲是不可数名词,所以排除A、C。此处指没有多少时间了,又根据“We don't have”排除表示否定的little,故选D。

9. B 【解析】考查不定代词词义辨析。句意为:在学校里,我问了一个男孩儿和两个女孩儿他们校长的名字,但是他们________可以帮助我。neither两者都不;none没有,用于数量为三者及以上;both两者都;all(三者及三者以上)都。问了三名学生,他们一个也不知道他们校长的名字,none表示“一个也没有(三者或三者以上)”,故选B。

10. A 【解析】考查复合不定代词词义辨析。句意为“先生,还需要别的什么吗?”“________其他。足够了,谢谢你。”Nothing 没有什么,没有一件东西(具有否定意义);Anything任何事物(用在肯定句中),某事物(用在否定和疑问句);Something某事某物,某东西(用在肯定句中);Everything每件事物。根据后面的足够了,可知是不需要别的东西了,所以应该用nothing。故选A。

11. A 【解析】考查代不定代词词义辨析。句意为“今晚你计划看达人秀还是看体育节目呢?”“________。我受不了它们。我打算看情景喜剧。”Neither二者都不;Both两者都;None没有,用于数量为三者及以上;Either二者任一。根据答语“我受不了它们。我打算看情景喜剧。”可知此处表示两者都否定,故选A。

12. A 【解析】考查代词词义辨析。句意为:李华的父母就他们是否再生一个孩子有着不同的看法。another另一,又一,只能代替或修饰单数可数名词;other作形容词或代词,作形容词时意思是“别的,其它的”,泛指其它的人或事;others代词,复数,不修饰名词;the other 表示的是两者中剩下的一个。根据空后的child可知,应用another,故选A。

13. C 【解析】考查不定代词词义辨析。句意:“你想喝点什么东西吗,咖啡还是牛奶?”“________。我想喝一杯茶。”Either(两者中)任何一个;Both(两者)都;Neither(两者)都不;None(多者中)没人/物。根据问句可知,发话者问的是两者,排除D;根据答语“I would like a cup of tea”的意思可知,应答者否定了发话者的提议。故选C。

14. A 【解析】考查人称代词词义辨析。句意为:今天早上迈克把他的学生证丢了。他正在找________。it它,指代同名同物;him他,he的宾格;them他们,they的宾格;her她,她的,she的宾格或形容词性物主代词。此处指的是前句提到的school ID card“学生证”,是同一物体,且为单数应用it来代替,故选A。

15. C 【解析】考查疑问代词词义辨析。句意“你认为你的家乡昆明怎么样?”“它真的很漂亮,并且近几年发展得很快。”Which哪个;Who谁;What什么;Whose谁的。根据答语语境可知,此处询问评价。考查“What do you think of... 你觉得……怎么样?”。


16. D 【解析】考查it作形式宾语的用法。句意为:许多年轻人觉得看一场足球比赛是令人激动的。one一个,泛指上下文提及的同类人或事物中的一个,同一类而不同一;this这个,指示代词;that那个,指示代词,指代上文提到的事物;it它,指代上下文提到的同一个事物。根据固定句型“find it+adj.+to do sth.”可知此处缺it作形式宾语。故选D。

17. D 【解析】考查人称代词词义辨析。句意为:不要只等老师的帮助。我们应该学会________。teach oneself自学,固定搭配,根据句意及前面的We可知此处指“我们自己”,故选D。

18. D 【解析】考查复合不定代词词义辨析。句意为:我一直相信如果我们尽最大的努力去做一件事的话,________(事情)是困难的。something某事;anything任何事;everything每件事物,一切;nothing没什么。结合句意和各选项含义可知此处是指没有什么事情是困难的。D项符合句意。故选D。

19. B 【解析】考查人称代词词义辨析。句意为:每个人在生活中都会犯错误。重要的是不要重复________。联系句意可知空格处指的是前面的错误,由前面的“mistakes”是复数形式可知应用them,故选B。

20. C 【解析】考查普通不定代词词义辨析。句意为:为了找我想要的词典,我找了两家书店,但是它们________有它。either两者中的任何一个;both两者都;neither两者都不;none三者或三者以上都不。根据but可知后半句转折指的是两家书店都没有我想要的词典。故选C。

21. C 【解析】考查代词词义辨析。句意为:我最近闲着,因此________ 天和妈妈一起去购物都可以。either两者中的任何一个;neither两个都不,表否定;any任何;some某一,一些。 由前半句“I'm free recently”可知此处应是“任何一天”,故选C。

22. B 【解析】考查普通不定代词词义辨析。句意“鲍勃,你知道关于发明的一些知识吗?”“知道________。我想学习更多关于发明的知识。”little几乎没有,表否定,修饰不可数名词;a little一些,表肯定,修饰不可数名词;few几乎没有,表否定,修饰可数名词;a few一些,表肯定,修饰可数名词。根据Yes可知,空处表肯定,故排除A、C。前句问的是不可数名词“knowledge”,故应用a little修饰,故选B。

23. A 【解析】考查代词的用法。句意为:戴眼镜的那个女孩是个新同学,因此________同学认识她。few几乎没有,表否定,修饰可数名词;a few一些,表肯定,修饰可数名词;littlet几乎没有,表否定,修饰不可数名词;a little一些,表肯定,修饰不可数名词。由前面的new可知,她是新人因此很少有同学认识她,故本句应是否定句,可排除B、D项;student为可数名词,不能用little修饰。故选A。

24. B 【解析】考查普通不定代词词义辨析。句意为“好精彩的一场比赛啊!”“是的。他们________打得很带劲,因为他们想要赢。”None没有一个(三者或三者以上);All全都(三者或三者以上);Any任何一个(三者或三者以上);Some一些。根据语境“因为他们都想赢”可知选B。

25. D 【解析】考查名词性物主代词的用法。句意为:这是你的夹克。床上的蓝色夹克是________。I我,人称代词主格;me我,人称代词宾格;my我的,形容词性物主代词;mine我的,名词性物主代词。由句意可知,此处指“我的夹克”,应用名词性物主代词,故选D。

26. B 【解析】考查形容词性物主代词的用法。句意为:好书就像________智慧的朋友,因为他们鼓励你前进,帮助你了解这个世界。根据后面的名词friends可知此处缺少形容词性物主代词。故选B。

27. A 【解析】考查疑问代词的用法。句意为“凯莉,你们班________会讲法语?”“马克。” Who谁;Whose谁的;Which哪个;How怎样,如何。根据答语“马克”可知此处是询问人,故选A。

28. A 【解析】考查人称代词的用法。句意为:很多人都喜欢我的父亲,因为________ 对别人很友好和和蔼。分析语境及句子结构可知,空格处在because引导的原因状语从句中作主语,指代“my father”,应用人称代词主格。故选A。

29. A 【解析】考查指示代词词义辨析。句意:“妈妈,________是我的好朋友安娜。”“很高兴认识你,安娜。”this这个;that那个;it它;he他。Anna是女孩儿,故排除指物的it和指代男性的he;由句意可知是当着妈妈的面介绍朋友,应用“这个”,故选A。

30. B 【解析】考查普通不定代词词义辨析。句意为“这两本杂志你将带走哪本,时尚杂志还是科学杂志?”“ 一个都不带,我觉得________很无聊。”either两者中任一个;both两者都;any任何一个,some一些。根据“两本都不会带走”可知两本都很无聊,故选B。

31. B 【解析】考查名词性物主代词的用法。句意为“打扰一下,我今天来学校忘带我的钢笔了,我能用一下________吗?”“当然。给你。”your你的,形容词性物主代词;yours你的,名词性物主代词;my我的,形容词性物主代词;mine我的,名词性物主代词。根据句意“我忘带我的钢笔了”可知应是借用你的,故排除C、D项。再根据use缺少宾语,可知此处应填名词性物主代词,故选B。

32. C 【解析】考查普通不定代词词义辨析。句意为“维克托,昨天你的弟弟妹妹都在家吗?”“不,我们________去公园野餐了。”both两者都;neither两者都不;all三者及三者以上都;none三者及三者以上都不。根据答语“不,我们都去公园野餐了”可知应是表示肯定,再由“brother and sister”及“we”可知应是三者。故选C。

33. B 【解析】考查指示代词词义辨析。句意:“你认识那边穿白色T恤的男孩吗?”“________是鲍勃,我澳大利亚的笔友。”This这个,指近处;That那个,指远处; Those那些;These这些。Those是That的复数形式;These是This的复数形式。此处只指代Bob,因此排除C、D。根据前句“那边穿白色T恤的男孩”可知此处指远处的男孩,故选B。

34. C 【解析】考查代词词义辨析。句意为:中秋节快要来临了,我们学校给了我们每个人一个月饼。Many很多,谓语动词用复数;Some一些,谓语动词用复数;Each每一个,谓语动词用单数;Much很多,修饰不可数名词,谓语动词用单数。根据空格后is可排除A、B项。us为复数,故选C。

35. C 【解析】考查复合不定代词词义辨析。句意为:________人可以和我去图书馆因为他们所有人都要去敬老院。Someone某人;Anyone任何人;Nobody没有人;Everyone每个人。根据“他们所有人都要去敬老院。”可知没有人和“我”去图书馆。故选C。

36. B 【解析】考查复合不定代词词义辨析。句意为:教室的灯依然亮着。肯定________在那儿学习。anybody任何人;somebody某个人;everybody每个人;nobody没有人。由前句“The light in the classroom is still on.”可知,教室里灯光亮着,肯定有人在写作业。故选B。

37. C 【解析】考查疑问代词词义辨析。句意为“打扰一下,________是去车站的路?”“不好意思,我是初次到这儿。”why为什么;who谁;which哪个;how如何,怎样。根据句意,此处指“哪个”,故选C。

38. C 【解析】考查代词词义辨析。句意“你有关于英语语法的书吗?我想借________。”“给你。但是你必须在星期五之前归还它。”it指代同名同物;some一些;


39. D 【解析】考查复合不定代词词义辨析。句意“萨拉几乎认识这个聚会上的________”“是的,她很擅长和别人交流并且她有许多朋友”。somebody 某人,有人;nobody没有人;anybody任何人;everybody 每个人。根据语境可知萨拉在那儿几乎认识每个人,故选D。

40. C 【解析】考查不定代词词义辨析。句意为:这台收音机有点毛病,但是我不会修理它。everything 每一件事;nothing没有什么事;something一些事情;anything任何事,多用于否定句或疑问句。根据句意,收音机应该是有一些毛病,故选C。

41. C 【解析】考查人称代词词义辨析。句意为:布朗一家昨天和他们的邻居们举办了一场聚会。________ 都玩得很开心。分析句意,指代“布朗一家和他们的邻居们”应该用“他们”,并且代词在句中作主语,应用代词主格。故选C。

42. C 【解析】考查反身代词词义辨析。句意为:虽然简非常小,但她可以自己穿衣服。dress oneself自己穿衣服,主语是Jane,用反身代词herself。故选C。

43. D 【解析】考查名词性物主代词的用法。句意为“你觉得他们的学校怎么样?”“确实很漂亮。但是我觉得他们的学校没有________大。”此句为同级比较,且前面的their school,可知此处是指our school,其等同于ours。故选D。

44. D 【解析】考查疑问代词词义辨析。句意:“你在找什么,吉姆?”“我正在找我的字典,我找不到它了。” How 怎样,如何;Whose谁的;Which哪个;What什么。根据答语可知问句在问找什么,故选D。

45. D 【解析】考查反身代词词义辨析。句意为:艾米丽通常靠________尽力解决问题,因为她认为那是提高她自己能力的一个好方法。by oneself独自,故用反身代词;主语是Emily,对应的反身代词是herself。故选D。

46. A 【解析】考查复合不定代词词义辨析。句意为:“好久不见。你一切都好吗,比尔?”“很好,谢谢!”everything 每一件事;anything任何事,多用于否定句或疑问句;nothing没有什么事;something一些事情。How is everything with sb. 意为某人最近如何,为固定问法,故选A。

47. B 【解析】考查疑问代词词义辨析。句意为:“莉莉,桌上的这些书是________ ”“是马克的,他刚买的。”Who 谁;Whose谁的;Which哪个;What什么。根据“是马克的”可知问那些书是谁的,故选B。

专题三 冠 词

1. (2017重庆A卷)There is ________ tall man in front of the zoo gate. A. a B. an C. the D. /

2. (2017重庆B卷)The boys often play ________ basketball after school. A. / B. a C. an D. the

3. (2017青岛)Look! There is ________ bottle on the table. A. a B. an C. the D. /

4. (2017温州)—This photo makes me think of ________ trip to the Great Wall last year.

—Yeah, we had a great time there.

A. a B. an C. the D. /

5. (2017十堰)I usually have ________ breakfast at home. I think it's good for my health.

A. a B. an C. the D. /

6. (2017广西四市)He often watches news on TV for nearly ________ hour after dinner.

A. a B. an C. the D. /

7. (2017成都改编)I want to be ________ engineer when I grow up. A. a B. an C. the D. /

8. (2017昆明官渡区二模)—Did you watch In the name of people(人民的名义)? —Yes, I did. It's one of ________ most popular TV plays this year. A. a B. an C. the D. /

9. (2017大理统考)—May 13th is ________ unlucky day for Mike. —I think so. He lost both his girlfriend and his program. A. a B. an C. the D. /

10. (2017大理下关四中模拟)—Do you enjoy your stay in Dali, Smith? —Yes. I’ve had ________ great time.

A. an B. a C. the D. /

11. (2018原创)Transformers: The Last Knight is ________ interesting movie. My friends and I went to watch it last weekend.

A. a B. an C. the D. /

12. (2018原创) It is such ________ good weather that people go out to relax themselves in the field.

A. a B. an C. the D. / 13. (2018原创)—What’s this in English, Maria? —It’s ________ map.

A. a B. an C. the D. /

14. (2018预测)Susan joined an art club at ________ age of six and she paints well now.

A. a B. an C. the D. /

15. (2018预测)I want to have ________ eleven-day trip in an European country some day.

A. a B. an C. the D. /

16. (2018预测)Eric is not going to Nanjing by ________ plane. Instead, he will take a train.

A. a B. an C. the D. / 1. A 【解析】考查不定冠词的用法。句意:在动物园门前有一位高大的男士。a表泛指,用在辅音音素开头的单词前;an表泛指,用在元音音素开头的单词前;the表特指,指确定的人或事物,也可用于序数词、西洋乐器、世界上独一无二的事物前;零冠词用在一日三餐及球类运动前。有一位高大的男士,表泛指,且tall以辅音音素开头,故选A。

2. A 【解析】考查零冠词的用法。句意为:这些男孩经常在放学后打篮球。basketball篮球,球类运动前不需要冠词修饰,并且play basketball为固定搭配打篮球。故选A。

3. A 【解析】考查不定冠词的用法。句意为:看!桌子上有一个瓶子。bottle为单数可数名词,根据句意所填空应为不定冠词,表示泛指一个瓶子,排除C和D。因bottle的首字母为辅音音素,故选A。

4. C 【解析】考查定冠词的用法。句意:“这张照片让我想起了去年的长城之旅。”“是的,我们在那儿玩的很愉快。”分析可知此处的旅游是特指长城之旅,所以要用定冠词。故选C。

5. D 【解析】考查零冠词的用法。句意:我通常在家里吃早餐。我觉得这样有利于我的健康。一日三餐前用零冠词,题中为breakfast。故选D。

6. B 【解析】考查不定冠词的用法。句意:他经常晚餐后看一个小时左右的电视新闻。hour是以元音音素开头的单词。故选B。

7. B 【解析】考查不定冠词的用法。句意:长大后我想要成为一名工程师。此处表泛指,又因空格后的名词engineer以元音音素开头,故选B。

8. C 【解析】考查定冠词的用法。句意“你看《人民的名义》了吗?”“是的,看了。这是今年最流行的电视剧之一。”one of+the+最高级+名词复数,为固定句型。故选C。

9. B 【解析】考查不定冠词的用法。句意“5月13日对迈克来说是不幸运的一天。”“我认为是这样的。他失去了他的女朋友和他的项目。”分析语境可知本句泛指一天,unlucky的第一个字母的音素为元音,故选B。

10. B 【解析】考查不定冠词的用法。句意“史密斯,你喜欢待在大理的日子吗?”“是的。我玩的很开心。”have a great time玩得高兴,是固定搭配。故选B。

11. B 【解析】考查不定冠词的用法。句意:《变形金刚5: 终极骑士》是一部有趣的电影。我和我朋友上周末去看了。空后是interesting,以元音音素开头,应用不定冠词an。故选B。

12. D 【解析】考查零冠词的用法。句意:天气如此好以至于人们外出到田野中放松自己。weather是不可数名词,其前用零冠词。故选D。

13. A 【解析】考查不定冠词的用法。句意“玛丽亚,这个用英语怎么说?”“这是一张地图。”空处是泛指一张地图。并且map是以辅音音素开头的单词。故选A。

14. C 【解析】考查定冠词的用法。句意:苏珊在6岁的时候参加了艺术俱乐部,现在她画得非常好。at the age of 固定搭配,表示“在某人……岁时”。故选C。

15. B 【解析】考查不定冠词的用法。句意为:将来我想要在一个欧洲国家进行一次11天的旅行。本句中trip为泛指,且空格后的单词以元音音素开头,所以用an, 故选B。

16. D 【解析】考查零冠词的用法。句意:艾瑞克不准备坐飞机去南京而是乘火车去。当by 与交通工具连用时,中间用零冠词。故选D。

专题四 数 词


1. (2017上海)My school is going to have an open day on the ________ of next month. (ten)

2. (2017白银)The boy got the ________ place in the singing competition. (one) 3. (2017曲靖一中模拟)Wu Yishu was the winner in the ________ season of Chinese Poetry Competition. (two)

4. (2018原创)I live on the________ floor of that apartment. You can visit me if you have spare time. (nineteen)

5. (2018原创)July is the ________ month of a year. And it's my favorite month. (seven)

6. (2018原创)Jim made progress and he took the________ position in his class.


7. (2018原创)The palace was built in the ________ century. It looks old but special. (fifteen)

8. (2018原创)All our family came to our grandfather’s________ birthday party yesterday. (eighty)

9. (2018预测)I have ever been to Kunming________, but I can never forget its scenery. (one)

10. (2018预测)You must think ________before you make an important decision. (two)


1. (2017重庆B卷)This Saturday is my ________ birthday. Welcome to my party! A. fourteenth B. the fourteenth C. fourteen D. the fourteen 2. (2017资阳)Cindy likes stamps very much. She has collected about two ________ stamps from different countries so far.

A. thousand of B. thousand C. thousands of D. thousands

3. (2017昆明滇池模拟)—How was your day off yesterday?

—Perfect! It was________ birthday of my grandma’s. We had a big family celebration.

A. the ninety B. the nineteenth C. the ninetieth D. the ninth

4. (2017大理统考)________ of the students in our class have lunch at school. A. Two fifth B. Threes fifths C. One thirds D. Three quarters

5. (2018原创)He climbed so fast that he reached ________ floor in two minutes. A. nine B. the nine C. the ninth D. ninth

6. (2018原创)My brother spends ________ of his money buying books every year. A. two fifths B. two fifth C. second fifths D. one fifths

7. (2018预测)There are more than two ________ people in the city. A. millions B. millions of C. million D. of millions

一、1. tenth 【解析】句意:我们学校下个月十号有一个开放日。根据句意及the可知此处应用序数词。故填tenth。

2. first 【解析】句意:这个男孩在歌唱比赛中获得了第一名。根据句意和常识可知此处指第一名。故填first。

3. second 【解析】句意:武亦姝是《中国诗词大会》第二季的冠军。根据句意及the可知此处应用序数词。故填second。

4. nineteenth 【解析】句意:我住在那个公寓的第十九层。你空闲的时候可以来拜访我。根据句意和常识可知此处指第十九层。故填nineteenth。

5. seventh 【解析】句意:七月是一年中的第七个月。它是我最爱的月份。根据句意可知七月是每年的第七个月。故填seventh。

6. ninth 【解析】句意:吉姆取得了进步,他在班级里排第九名。根据句意可知此处指第九名。故填ninth。

7. fifteenth 【解析】这个宫殿是十五世纪建成的。它看起来很旧却很特别。根据句意可知此处应用序数词。故填fifteenth。

8. eightieth 【解析】句意: 昨天我们全家都来参加祖父的八十岁寿宴。此处应用序数词表示八十岁生日,故填 eightieth。

9. once 【解析】句意:我曾经去过昆明一次,但我永远忘不了它的景色。根据句意可知此处指去过一次。故填once。

10. twice 【解析】句意:在做重大决定之前你必须三思。think twice三思。故填twice。

二、1. A 【解析】考查序数词的用法。句意为:这周星期六是我的十四岁生日。欢迎来我的聚会!生日前应该使用序数词形式,故排除选项C、D;在本空前有物主代词my,不再用定冠词the,故选A。

2. B 【解析】考查数词的用法。句意为:辛迪非常喜欢邮票。迄今为止她已经收集了来自不同国家的两千张邮票。“two”是一个基数词,与“hundred”“thousand”'等数词连用时,这些数词不能加“-s”,其后也不能使用介词“of”。“基数词+hundred/ thousand / million +复数名词”是一种固定结构。故选B。

3. C 【解析】考查序数词的用法。句意“你昨天的假期怎么样?”“完美!那是我奶奶的________ 岁生日。我们举行了一个盛大的家庭庆典。”根据句意可知此处应用序数词,排除A;再根据常识可知grandma的年龄只能选C。

4. D 【解析】考查分数的表达。句意:在我们班有________学生在学校吃午饭。分数的表达为:分子用基数词,分母用序数词,分子大于1,分母用复数。故选D。

5. C 【解析】考查序数词的用法。句意:他爬的如此快以至于他两分钟就爬到了第九层。根据句意可知此处指第九层,应用序数词,序数词前一般要加定冠词the。故选C。

6. A 【解析】考查分数的表达。句意:我的哥哥每年花费他的________的钱买书。分数的表达遵循的原则为“分子基分母序,分子大于一,分母加-s”,故选A。

7.C 【解析】考查数词的用法。句意:这个城市有超过两________的人。hundred,thousand及million这类词后面有of时,用复数;无of时,用单数,并在前面加基数词。故选C。

专题五 介 词


1. (2018原创)Brush your teeth ________________ twice a day, in the morning and before going to bed. (至少)

2. (2018原创)The window wasn't broken by someone________________. The wind blew strongly last night. (故意)

3. (2018原创)________________, I was the first one to come to the classroom this morning. (令我惊讶的是)

4. (2018原创) I was ________________ and left my book at home, so I had to go back home. (匆忙)

5. (2018原创)Ann usually goes to school ________________ except on rainy days. (骑自行车)

6. (2018原创) I got this book ________________ in a second-hand bookshop. (偶然)

7. (2018原创)I am ________________ today and it’s my turn to clean the classroom.(值日)

8. (2018原创)I don't need the dictionary ________________ because I know all these words. (目前)

9. (2018预测)There were many goods __________ in the shopping mall last weekend and I bought a T-shirt. (廉价出售)

10. (2018预测)Tony is good at English and he often helps me with my English ________________. (在周末)


1. (2017上海)We won! The honor belongs ________ all the members of our team. A. by B. of C. at D. to

2. (2017上海)Shirley is still waiting for her flight to New York City ________ the airport.

A. at B. under C. on D. with

3. (2017南京)Over 10, 000 runners joined a half and mini marathons in Xianlin, Nanjing________ May 7, 2017.

A. in B. on C. at D. by

4. (2017德州)—________, there must be life on other planets though none has been discovered.

—I agree with you. The universe is so large after all.

A. To my surprise B. To be honest C. In my opinion D. Again and again 5. (2017襄阳)—Most of the wild animals are ________ because of their bad living environment.

—So we must do something to save them.

A. in need B. on duty C. at work D . in danger 6. (2017泰州)—If someone is ________ your way, what will you do? —I will wait until he or she moves instead of pushing past. A. in B. on C. by D. along

7. (2017 十堰)He did all this ________ silence, and very rapidly. A. at B. in C. with D. of

8. (2017白银)The whole family were ________ agreement about what they should do next.

A. about B. of C. in D. on

9. (2017长沙改编)________April 22nd, people around the world celebrate Earth Day in different ways.

A. In B. At C. On D. By

10. (2018原创)Xiao Jie is my best friend. He always gives me a hand whenever I am________.

A. in person B. in style C. in order D. in trouble

11. (2018原创)It is necessary________ us to help our friends when they need


A. to B. of C. with D. for

12. (2018原创)More and more people in Yunnan choose to go to work ________ bus instead of driving a car.

A. at B. by C. for D. in

13. (2018原创)Jackie Chan and Jet Lee have much ________. And they often play similar roles in the movies.

A. in style B. in turn C. in common D. in fashion 14. (2018原创)—Peter, can you tell me the differences ________ the four words? —Sorry, I don’t know.

A. among B. between C. against D. without

15. (2018原创)There is a big square________ the middle of the park. Many people like doing exercise there.

A. on B. in C. to D. at

16. (2018原创)These pictures will be ________ in November. Lots of visitors will visit them.

A. on show B. on holiday C. on duty D. on business

17. (2018原创)My father has been in Beijing________ business for three days. He will be back in two days.

A. for B. at C. on D. with 18. (2018预测)—Mom, where is our cat?

—Look! She is sleeping________ the sofa. A. for B. on C. with D. in 19. (2018预测)________ the help of my parents, I become confident and outgoing. A. By B. From C. With D. In

20. (2018预测)Lin Xia is shy and she is afraid of giving a speech________. A. in public B. in total C. in danger D. in need

一、1. at least 【解析】句意:每天至少刷两次牙。一次在早上,一次在睡觉前。至少at least。

2. on purpose 【解析】句意:窗户不是有人故意打碎的。昨天晚上的风很大。故意on purpose。

3. To my surprise 【解析】句意:令我惊讶的是,今天早上我是第一个到教室的。 to one's surprise令某人吃惊的是。令我惊讶的是to my surprise。注意句首首字母大写。

4. in a hurry 【解析】句意:我走的很匆忙把书忘在家里了,因此我不得不回去。系动词后可跟介词短语,匆忙in a hurry,为固定搭配。

5. by bike 【解析】句意:安通常骑自行车去学校,除了下雨天。骑自行车by bike和ride a bike。空格后缺方式状语,而不是动词短语,故此处填by bike。

6. by chance 【解析】句意:我偶然在一个二手书店里得到的这本书。偶然by chance,固定搭配。

7. on duty 【解析】句意:今天我值日,轮到我打扫教室了。系动词后可直接跟介词短语。值日on duty。

