Modlule The Great Sport Personality - 图文

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Module 5 The Great Sports Personality教学案例

The second period Reading

设计教师:广东韶关市浈江区曲仁中学 黄晓华 教学年级:高中二年级

课题名称:Module 5 The Great Sports Personality 阅读课 教材版本:外研版 授课时间:40分钟






1. 知识目标:学会如何介绍体育运动和体坛名人。

2. 能力目标:通过对本课的学习,提高学生的阅读能力;发展学生获取信


3. 情感目标:通过学习本文,让学生在领会文章基础上,领悟艰辛奋斗才



1. 理解文章,找出段落和文章的从属关系。

2. 培养阅读时的联想、理解、前后联系的能力和逻辑分析能力。 3. 阅读的同时也培养学生运用所学的词汇进行语言交际的能力。




Teaching procedures 教学过程

Step1Pre-reading Leading in

A. After watching the video I believe I can fly ,ask the students:

T:Do you know who is it about? Yes,it is about Jordan who was called a flying man on

the basketball court.

Do you like sports? What sports do you like most?

Show the students some pictures of sportsmen and ask them; Who the people are and which sports they play.

Deng Yaping Yao Ming Beckham table tennis basketball football

Guo Jingjing Li Ning dive gymnastics


T: Ok, please turn to page 42.Look at the picture carefully and tell me what you can see in the picture. Then answer some questions. 1.What is the name of this gymnast? What is he doing? 2.Do you know the name of this type of gymnastic he is doing? 3.What else do you know about him?

S1:His name is Li Ning. He is giving his gymnastic performance. S2:The name of this gymnastics he is doing is side horse. S3:He was called the prince of gymnasts.

T: Yes, He is Li Ning, a famous gymnast .Now we are going to study a passage about him and his life in sport. Before we take up the text on page 42,Let’s learn some new words and expressions.

1 a prize you can win at a sports competition 2 having a strong wish to do something 3 to introduce (into the market)

4 the name of a product made by a specific company 5 sports clothes

6 a big international company

7 a symbol which represents a particular brand 8 people you compete against 9 to come out

10 a strong wish for the future

Key: 1.medal 2.determined3.launch 4.brand 5.sportswear giant 7.logo 8.rivals 9.step out10.goal Step 2 Reading

Fast reading Individual work

A. The students are required to read the passage as quickly as possible to find the answers to the following questions. 1.Why did Li Ning start a sports wear company? 2.Why has he been successful?

Key: 1.Because he didn’t forget his sporting background and wanted to compete with

global giants like Nike and Adidas.

2.Because his sports clothes came onto the market at just the right time and Li Ning’s designs were attractive but comparatively cheaper. B. Look at the advertisement of Li Ning product and ask: 1.What are the two pinyin letters that the bright red logo is made up of?


2.What does it mean?

Key: 1.It is made up of the first to pinyin letters of Li Ning’s name, L and N. 2.It means anything is possible.

C. Listen to the tape. Get the students to divided the text into several parts and try to summarize the main idea of each part. Pair work


Two minutes later, ask several students to give their answers.

Sample answers:

Parts Part 1(para 1) Part 2(para2-4) Main idea Li Ning was a great sportsman. Li Ning succeeded in his new life as a businessman Part 3(para5) Li Ning’s dream of opening a school for gymnasts came true.

Main idea Second reading Individual work

Get the students to listen to the passage and find more information about Li ning

A. Choose the correct answer

1. Li Ning won ___medals at the 1982 World Championship and at the 1984 Olympics.


A.3 B.6 C.9 D.12

2. If Li Ning’s product costs you 200yuan, a similar Nike product could cost up to ___ yuan. A. 100 B. 200 C.500 D.1000

3. How many Li Ning’s products can be sold in 10 minutes? As many as___. A.60 B.6 C.10 D.600 Key: CDA

B. If these sentences are true or false.

(1)He was not happy with his results at the Seoul Olympics. (2)He got a new job working for Nike sportswear. (3)He chose the name of his sportswear company carefully.

(4)Li Ning clothes are worn by the national teams of France and Italy. (5)In 1991 he opened a school with Pele and Muhammad Ali. (6)He wants to help children become good at sport. Key:1.T 2.F 3.T 4.T 5.F 6.T Post-reading

A. Filling in the blanks with the words given below. gymnasts popularity retirement achieve market aiming making attractive anything listed

As one of the greatest athletes, Li Ning had won lots of honours for China, for which his name was even ___as the greatest sportsman of the 20th century. But that is not all of his sports life even after his___---he set up a clothes company under his own name, ___to compete with other global giants like Nike and Adidas. Because of the ___designs and the cheaper price coming at the right time, Li Ning’s product won ___in the national ___.But ___money is not his goal of entering the business. In 1991,He opened a school for ___and he helped many young people ___their sporting ambitions---just as what his slogan says, ___is possible.

Key:1. listed 2.retirement 3.aiming 4.attractive 5.popularity

6. market 7.making 8.gymnasts 9.achieve 10.anything

Step 3 Writing Group Work

Write a short passage about the sportsman you like.


