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1.(2013届滨州联考)—It is more difficult for graduates to make ________ living in the present society.

—Hmm,but they must hold ________ firm belief that all things will get better if they work hard.

A./;/ C./;the

B.a;a D.the;/

【解析】 考查冠词用法。句意:“当今社会大学毕业生谋生比以往更难。”“嗯,但是他们一定要坚信只要努力,一切都会变好。”make a living谋生,为固定用法:belief此处表示“信念”为泛指,故用a修饰,其后的that从句是其同位语。

【答案】 B

2.In my opinion,it's the thought that ________. A.stresses C.functions

B.counts D.applies

【解析】 句意:依我看,有这份心意很重要。count 很重要,很有价值,符合语境。stress强调,function起作用,apply申请。

【答案】 B

3.________ his high social status,it is really hard for us to ________ his joining us in going west to teach children there.

A.Considering;object to B.Considering;object C.To consider;persuade D.Being considered;oppose

【解析】 句意:考虑到他的很高的社会地位,我们确实难以拒绝他和我们一起去西部教孩子学习。considering“考虑到,鉴于”。“反对”用object to或oppose均可。

【答案】 A

4.(2013届日照调研)________ you keep on trying,I don't mind whether you can come top in your class.

A.As far as C.As long as

B.As soon as D.As much as

【解析】 句意:只要你继续努力,我不介意你是否在班内名列前茅。as far as“就??而言”;as soon as“一??就??”;as long as“只要”;as much as“多达,和??一样多”。根据句意可知C项正确。

【答案】 C

5.I can't say which wine is best—it's a(n)________ of personal taste. A.affair C.matter

B.event D.variety

【解析】 a matter of personal taste个人口味问题。matter表示“关乎??的事情”。

【答案】 C

6.Recently our class hold a fierce ________ as to whether to raise the price of school meals or not.

A.bargain C.quarrel

B.debate D.contest

【解析】 句意:最近,我们班就是否提高学校饭菜的价格举行了激烈的讨论。debate“讨论,辩论”符合句意。bargain“交易”;quarrel“吵架,争吵”;contest“竞赛”。hold a debate“举行讨论”。

【答案】 B

7.The final examination is coming up soon.We'd better ________ our studies. A.get down to C.get back for

B.get out D.get over

【解析】 考查短语辨析。句意:期终考试已经临近了,我们最好静下心来准备我们的功课。get down to静下心开始做;get out外出;get over做完,熬过,痊愈,康复;C项应为 get back to。

【答案】 A

8.The two paintings look so much alike that I can't ______ the authentic

painting and the modern copy ________.

A.tell;from C.tell;apart

B.tell;of D.tell;off

【解析】 考查动词短语。句意:这两幅画这么相似以至于我分辨不出真品和仿制品。tell...apart 区分开。

【答案】 C

9.________ the Internet is of great help,I don't think it's a good idea to spend too much time on it.

A.If C.Because

B.While D.As

【解析】 句意:尽管因特网对我们有很大的帮助,但我认为花太多的时间上网也不是一个好主意。while=even though尽管;if如果;because因为;as因为,当??的时候。只有B项符合句意。

【答案】 B

10.Scientists are convinced ________ the good effect of laughter ________ physical and mental health.

A.of;at C.of;on

B.by;in D.on;at

【解析】 句意:科学家们相信笑声对身体健康和精神健康都有好的影响。convince “说服,确信”,与介词 of 连用,意为“使(人)承认或信服”; effect “作用,功效”,与介词 on 连用,意为“对??的影响”。

【答案】 C

11.(2013届烟台检测)John does well in all his subjects at school.________,he takes an active part in the social work.

A.Furthermore C.However

B.Thus D.Afterwards

【解析】 考查副词辨析。句意:约翰在学校各门功课都很好。此外,他积极参加社会活动。furthermore意为“此外,而且”;thus意为“因此”;however意为“然而”;otherwise意为“否则”。

【答案】 A

12.I have made up my mind to study hard and not to ______ my parents and teachers ________.

A.let;off C.let;out

B.let;alone D.let;down

【解析】 句意:我已下决心努力学习,不让我的父母和老师失望。let...off“放过,宽恕”;let...alone“不管”;let...out“泄露”;let...down“使??失望”。

【答案】 D

13.John couldn't resist ________ another look at the diamond necklace through the shop window.

A.to take C.taking

B.to be taking D.being taken

【解析】 resist doing sth.“抵制做某事”, can't/couldn't resist doing sth.“忍不住做某事”。

【答案】 C

14.You do work hard but personally I think your problem ________ lacking efficient methods.

A.lies in C.adds to

B.sets in D.belongs to

【解析】 考查动词短语辨析。句意:你的确工作很努力,但是我个人认为,你的问题在于缺少有效的方法。lie in意为“在于”;set in意为“以??为背景”;add to意为“增添”;belong to意为“属于”。

【答案】 A

15.—What do you think of this proposal? —________ I didn't have much time to read it. A.I've got no idea. C.Up to you.

B.It doesn't matter. D.Oh,never mind.

【解析】 考查交际用语。句意:“你觉得这项提议怎么样?”“我不知道。我没有太多的时间去读它。”I've got no idea意为“我不知道”;It doesn't matter意为“没关系;不要紧”;Up to you意为“由你决定”;Oh,never mind意为


【答案】 A Ⅱ.翻译句子


_________________________________________________________________ 2.无论明天天气好坏,我都会去看他。(whether...or...)

_________________________________________________________________ 3.据估计有3000人要参加这个会议。(estimate)

_________________________________________________________________ 4.这个问题对我来说很难回答。(to do)

_________________________________________________________________ 5.如果你开车小心,你就会很安全。(as long as)

_________________________________________________________________ 【答案】 1.You can take as many books as you like. 2.Whether the weather is fine or not tomorrow,I will pay him a visit. 3.It's estimated that 3,000 people will attend the meeting. 4.The question is difficult for me to answer. 5.As long as you drive carefully,you will be very safe.


(2013届莱芜模拟)This is a story about five brothers who live in peace in a village.They are orphans and they live by running the rice field __1__ from their parents.The rice field is far from their home,so they have to go to the field before sunrise.

They have __2__ to let the youngest brother stay at home to take care of their __3__ .The youngest is very happy about the __4__ .Every day when his elder brothers come home,they find the house clean,tidy and __5__ .Foods and drinks have been __6__ on the table,and their beds are __7__ and all the dirty __8__ have been washed.

But one of the older brothers is __9__ of the youngest,so he says to the other boys that the job of the __10__ is too easy and that he should also go to the field.And the others agree to his suggestion.__11__ now when they come home they find that their home is __12__ ,and that the table is __13__,they realize that their youngest

brother has played a very important role,and they have underestimated his __14__ to the home.

__15__ what can we get from this story? Never underestimate people who work behind the __16__ ,who is “useless” in your house.Maybe your grandpa or grandma who is __17__ there every day;maybe the servant who seems lazy.Unconsciously we may say arrogantly (傲慢地) to these people,“You are __18__ ! ” If we really do this kind of thing,one day we will find that we have lost the best people in our life.Learn to see the importance of their presence,and imagine what would happen if they disappeared from your life.Each one of us is equipped with __19__ talent and only __20__ cooperation can we make the most of all our lives. 【语篇解读】 大千世界,芸芸众生,每个人都有其特殊的、不可替代的作用。肯定他人的价值并相互合作,我们才能拥有最美好的生活。

1.A.bought C.taken

B.inherited D.rented

【解析】 前文说他们兄弟五个生活在一起,而且是孤儿。显然这些稻田都是父母去世后留下的,故选B项。inherit“继承”。

【答案】 B 2.A.agreed C.planned

B.thought D.said

【解析】 第一段说他们的稻田离家很远,所以他们要早出晚归。因此这里承接上文,他们一致同意让最小的弟弟留下来收拾家。agree“同意,达成一致”。

【答案】 A 3.A.house C.cattle

B.life D.children

【解析】 从后文知,弟弟在家做饭、洗衣服、收拾房间,因此选house。 【答案】 A 4.A.plan C.decision

B.job D.house

【解析】 前面提到大家一致同意小弟弟留下来,这是大家的决定,故选decision。

【答案】 C 5.A.comfortable C.empty

B.large D.warm

【解析】 这里说弟弟把家里收拾得干净舒适。comfortable 与clean和tidy相照应。

【答案】 A 6.A.served C.cooked

B.made D.bought

【解析】 本句意为:吃的和喝的都已经摆在桌子上??。serve服务,上菜,符合文意。其他三项均不符合语境。

【答案】 A 7.A.prepared C.dried

B.cleaned D.made

【解析】 make the bed铺床。 【答案】 D 8.A.clothes C.floors

B.dishes D.cars

【解析】 本段叙述的是小弟弟在家里把吃、穿、住这几个方面的工作都做得井井有条。这里指洗衣服,是穿衣方面的,故选A项。

【答案】 A 9.A.satisfied C.accustomed

B.jealous D.conscious

【解析】 从后文知其中一位哥哥说小弟弟的工作太容易,可见这位哥哥嫉妒他的工作。satisfied满意的;jealous羡慕的,嫉妒的;accustomed习惯的;conscious清醒的,意识到的。根据句意可知应选B。

【答案】 B 10.A.youngest C.others

B.oldest D.brothers

【解析】 句意为:??所以他对其他的兄弟说,小弟弟的工作太容易,他也应该下地干活。

【答案】 A 11.A.So C.Therefore

B.But D.However

【解析】 前面说小弟弟把家里收拾得整洁舒适,而这里说家里乱糟糟一团,故前后为转折关系。

【答案】 B 12.A.in order C.in fashion

B.in place D.in a mess

【解析】 由上下文可知,此处应选D。in a mess“一团糟”;in order“井然有序”;in place“在适当的位臵”;in fashion“流行中”。

【答案】 D 13.A.crowded C.wide

B.empty D.smooth

【解析】 桌子上空空的,没有饭,所以他们意识到了小弟弟工作的重要性。empty“空的”。

【答案】 B 14.A.work C.mind

B.contribution D.heart

【解析】 句意:他们低估了小弟弟对这个家庭所做出的贡献。contribution“贡献”。

【答案】 B 15.A.But C.And

B.So D.Therefore

【解析】 这里是总结上文,意思:那么我们从这个故事中能得到什么启示呢?故选B。

【答案】 B 16.A.tables C.scenes

B.walls D.others

【解析】 针对前面的故事,作者发表议论,所以永远也不要低估幕后的那些默默工作的人们。scene幕,屏幕,一幕。

【答案】 C 17.A.sitting C.working

B.cleaning D.cooking

【解析】 由上文中who is “useless” in your house可知,此处描述的是被认为无用的人,句意为:可能是你整天坐在那里的祖父或祖母。

【答案】 A 18.A.important C.useful

B.useless D.necessary

【解析】 从前文的who is “useless” in your house可知,这里说:我们或许会情不自禁地说出“你真没用!”的话。

【答案】 B 19.A.excellent C.little

B.some D.unique

【解析】 我们每个人都有独特的才能。unique独特的。 【答案】 D 20.A.with C.in

B.by D.on

【解析】 所以只有通过合作我们才能充分利用我们的能力,享受我们的生活。by“通过”,表示方式;with“用”,后面接要使用的工具。

【答案】 B Ⅳ.阅读理解

Suppose someone gave you a pen—a sealed,solid-colored pen.You couldn't see how much ink it had.It might run dry after the first few tentative words or last just long enough to create a masterpiece (or several) that would last forever and make a difference in the scheme of things.You don't know before you begin.

Under the rules of the game,you really never know.You have to take a chance! Actually,no rule of the game states you must do anything.Instead of picking up and using the pen,you could leave it on a shelf or in a drawer where it will dry up,unused.

But if you do decide to use it,what would you do with it? How would you play

the game? Would you plan and plan before you ever wrote a word? Would your plans be so extensive that you never even got to the writing? Or would you take the pen in hand,plunge right in and just do it,struggling to keep up with the twists and turns of the torrents of words that take you where they take you?

Would you write cautiously and carefully,as if the pen might run dry the next moment,or would you pretend or believe (or pretend to believe) that the pen will write forever and proceed accordingly? And of what would you write: Of love? Hate? Fun? Misery? Life? Death? Nothing.Everything? Would you write to please just yourself? Or others? Or yourself by writing for others?

Would your strokes (笔画) be tremblingly timid or brilliantly bold? Fancy with a flourish or plain? Would you even write? Once you have the pen,no rule says you have to write.Would you sketch? Scribble? Doodle or draw? Would you stay in or on the lines,or see no lines at all,even if they were there?Or are they?There's a lot to think about here,isn't there?

Now,suppose someone gave you a life...

【语篇解读】 本文一篇美文。给您一支水笔,你如何思考?如何书写?假如给你人生,你该怎么办呢?

1.Which of the following do you consider is the BEST title for this passage? A.How to use your pen correctly!

B.How to make a difference in the scheme of things! C.Write your own life! D.Face your life bravely!

【解析】 文章标题题。依据文章最后一句进行判断。 【答案】 C

2.According to the passage,the following statements are true EXCEPT ________.

A.You'd better not sketch or scribble with your pen B.Everyone is sure to take chances.

C.A person should write cautiously and carefully D.There's a lot to think about

【解析】 理解判断题。B项与第二段第二句表述不符,故错误。

【答案】 B

3.What's the writer's writing style in writing this passage? A.analytical(分析的) C.pessimistic(悲观的)

B.negative D.timid(胆小的)

【解析】 理解判断题题。作者运用了“分析”的写作手法,分析到位,思路清晰,发人深省。negative意为“消极的”,pessimistic意为“悲观的”,timid意为“胆小的”,都不符合。

【答案】 A

4.What do you think is the correct attitude toward a pen after reading this passage?

A.Leave it on a shelf or in a drawer where it will dry up,unused. B.Never get to the writing,for your plans are so extensive.

C.Though there is no rule of the game,you'd better get down to writing something.

D.Pretend to believe that the pen will write forever and proceed accordingly. 【解析】 观点态度题。其他三项都是消极处理问题的方法。作者以商量的口吻,让读者做选择题,相信读者有判断能力。

【答案】 C

5.Which figure of speech(修辞法) does the author adopted while writing this article ?

A.exaggeration夸张 C.allusion典故

B.personification拟人 D.metaphor隐喻

【解析】 理解判断题。用“水笔”代表“人生”。 【答案】 D

【答案】 B

3.What's the writer's writing style in writing this passage? A.analytical(分析的) C.pessimistic(悲观的)

B.negative D.timid(胆小的)

【解析】 理解判断题题。作者运用了“分析”的写作手法,分析到位,思路清晰,发人深省。negative意为“消极的”,pessimistic意为“悲观的”,timid意为“胆小的”,都不符合。

【答案】 A

4.What do you think is the correct attitude toward a pen after reading this passage?

A.Leave it on a shelf or in a drawer where it will dry up,unused. B.Never get to the writing,for your plans are so extensive.

C.Though there is no rule of the game,you'd better get down to writing something.

D.Pretend to believe that the pen will write forever and proceed accordingly. 【解析】 观点态度题。其他三项都是消极处理问题的方法。作者以商量的口吻,让读者做选择题,相信读者有判断能力。

【答案】 C

5.Which figure of speech(修辞法) does the author adopted while writing this article ?

A.exaggeration夸张 C.allusion典故

B.personification拟人 D.metaphor隐喻

【解析】 理解判断题。用“水笔”代表“人生”。 【答案】 D

