The difference between American political system and British

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The difference between American political system and British political system


The American political system The United States is a federal constitutional republic, in which the President of the United States (the head of state and head of government), Congress, and judiciary share powers reserved to the national government, and the federal government shares sovereignty with the state governments. Federal and state elections generally take place within a two-party system, although this is not enshrined in law.


The executive、legislature and judiciary The executive branch is headed by President and is independent of the legislature. Legislative power is vested in the two chambers of Congress, the Senate and the House of Representatives. The judicial branch (or judiciary), composed of the Supreme Court and lower federal courts, exercises judicial power (or judiciary). The judiciary's function is to interpret the United States Constitution and federal laws and regulations. This includes resolving disputes between the executive and legislative branches. The federal government of the United States was established by the Constitution.


The two parties in America Two parties, the Democratic Party and the Republican Party, have dominated American politics since the American Civil War, although other parties have also existed.


The British political system Britain is both a parliamentary democracy and a constitution monarchy.Although the king or Queen is the head of state,their powers are largely symbolic.The government is elected by people and governs according to British constitutional priciples.


The executive、legislature and judiciary As a parliamentary democracy,the british government is characterized by a division of powers among the legislature,the executive and the judiciary.However,the division among these three branches is not so absolute as that in the united states,because the prime Minister,the head of the executive branch,is also the leader of the majority party in parliament.Futhermore,he advises the monarch on the candidates of judges of the supreme court.


The three parties in britain

the conservative party the labor party and the liberal democrats


contrast between the American and british political system The same: 1. both have a parliament The difference: 1. Perhaps the most fundamental difference is the constitution - or the lack of one. The United States has a written constitution which is very difficult to change. The UK does not have a single document called the constitution but instead its constitutional provisions are scattered over various Acts of Parliament, any of which can be changed by a simple majority in the Parliament. 2. In the United States, the Democratic and Republican Parties absolutely

dominate federal and state elections with independents securing only small proportions of the vote. In the United Kingdom, the two main political parties - Conservative and Labour - win a smaller and declinin

g share of the total vote, with a growing share being taken by the likes of the Liberal Party and the UK Independence Party at national level and by the likes of the Scottish and Welsh Nationalist Parties at the devolved level.


contrast between the American and british political system 3.Britain is a constitutional monarchy, the United States is The Democratic Republic Britain's head of state is King, there is no real power; President of the United States is the highest executive power and military power

