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光纤 光纤作为光信息的传输媒质是构成光通信系统的重要组 成部分。由于单模光纤具有衰减小、带宽宽、成本低等 优点,国内外都得到广泛应用。 G.652光纤(Characteristics of a single-mode optical fibre and cable ) :目前广泛使用的单模光纤,称为1310nm波长性 能 最 佳 光 纤 , 在 1310nm 波 长 区 域 内 色 散 系 数 低 达 3.5ps/nm.km以下,衰减系数为0.3-0.4dB/km。

光纤 G.653光纤 (Characteristics of a dispersion-shifted single-mode optical fibre cable ) :称为1550nm波长性能最佳光纤,又 称色散移位光纤。1550nm色散系数低达3.5ps/nm.km以 下,衰减系数0.19-0.25dB/km。在1550nm波长很适合 单波长、高速率信息的传输。但用它传输WDM系统,出 现四波混频效应(FWM)。非线性产物限制了它在DWDM 系统中的应用。 由于历史原因,G.653光纤没有在我国如G.652光纤那 样得到广泛应用,这种状况很有利于DWDM技术在我国的 迅速推广。(日本国则由于已敷设了大量G.653光纤, DWDM建设则需另敷设非G.653光纤)

光纤 G.654 光 纤 (Characteristics of cut-off shifted single-mode optical fibre and cable) :称为1550nm波长衰减最小光纤, 在1550nm波长区域,衰减系数低达0.15-0.19dB/km,主 要应用于需要中继距离很长的海底光纤通信。 G.655光纤 (Characteristics of a non-zero dispersion-shifted single-mode optical fibre and cable ):非零色散移位单模 光纤,适用于密集波分复用(DWDM)系统的应用。


G.652光纤 G.652.A Attributes, contains the recommended attributes and values needed to support applications such as those recommended in G.957 and G.691 up to STM-16 – as well as 10 Gbit/s up to 40 km (Ethernet) and STM-256 for G.693. G.652.B Attributes, contains recommended attributes and values needed to support higher bit rate applications, up to STM-64, such as some in G.691 and G.692, STM-256 for some applications in G.693 and G.959.1. Depending on the application, chromatic dispersion accommodation may be necessary. G.652.C Attributes, is similar to G.652.A, but allows transmissions in portions of an extended wavelength range from 1360 nm to 1530 nm. G.652.D Attributes, is similar to G.652.B, but allows transmissions in portions of an extended wavelength range from 1360 nm to 1530 nm.

G.652光纤应用范围G.652A G.652BSTM-64 STM-64STM-256 STM-16 STM-256 10 Gbit/s up to 40 km (Ethernet) STM-256



G.691 G.692(DWDM)




与G.652A类 与G.652B类 似,但允许使 似,但允许使 用1360nm~ 用1360nm~ 1530nm扩展 1530nm扩展 波段 波段



G.652光纤 G.691 Optical interfaces for single-channel STM-64, STM-256 and other SDH systems with optical amplifiers



Optical interfaces for multichannel systems with optical amplifiersOptical interfaces for intra-office applications

G.957 Optical interfaces for equipments and systems relating to the synchronous digital hierarchy G.959.1 Optical transport network physical layer interfaces.

G.652光纤G.652 Fibre attributesAttribute Mode field diameter G.652.A Attributes Wavelength 1310 nm Range of nominal values 8.6-9.5 μm Tolerance 0.7 μm Nominal 125.0 μm Tolerance 1 μm Maximum 0.8 μm Maximum 2.00% Maximum 1260 nm Radius 30 mm Number of turns 100 Maximum at 1550 nm 0.50 dB Minimum 0.69 GPa λ0min 1300 nm λ0max 1324 nm Detail S0max Maximum G.652.B attributes 1310 nm 8.6-9.5 μm 0.7 μm 125.0 μm 1 μm 0.8 μm 2.00% 1260 nm 30 mm 100 0.50 dB 0.69 GPa 1300 nm 1324 nm G.652.C attributes 1310 nm 8.6-9.5 μm 0.7 μm 125.0 μm 1 μm 0.8 μm 2.00% 1260 nm 30 mm 100 0.50 dB 0.69 GPa 1300 nm 1324 nm G.652.D attributes 1310 nm 8.6-9.5 μm 0.7 μm 125.0 μm 1 μm 0.8 μm 2.00% 1260 nm 30 mm 100 0.50 dB 0.69 GPa 1300 nm 1324 nm

Cladding diameter Core concentricity error Cladding noncircularity Cable cut-off wavelength Macrobend loss Proof stress Chromatic dispersion coefficient Uncabled fibre PMD coefficient

0.093 ps/nm2 ×km 0.093 ps/nm2 ×km 0.093 ps/nm2 ×km 0.093 ps/nm2 ×km (Note1) (Note1) (Note 1) (Note1)

G.652光纤G.652 Fibre attributesAttribute Detail G.652.A Attributes 0.5 dB/km (Maximum at 1310 nm) 0.4 dB/km (Maximum at 1550 nm) G.652.B attributes 0.4 dB/km (Maximum at 1310 nm) 0.35 dB/km (Maximum at 1550 nm) 0.4 dB/km (Maximum at 1625 nm) 20 cables 0.01% 0.2 ps/ km G.652.C attributes 0.4 dB/km (Maximum from 1310 nm to 1625 G.652.D attributes 0.4 dB/km (Maximum from 1310 nm to 1625

Attenuation coefficient

(Note 3)(Maximum (Note 3)(Maximum at 1383 nm ± nm) at 1383 nm ± nm) 3 3 0.3 dB/km (Maximum at 1550 nm) 20 cables 0.01% 0.5 ps/ km 0.3 dB/km (Maximum at 1550 nm) 20 cables 0.01% 0.2 ps/ km

PMD coefficient

M Q Maximum PMDQ

20 cables 0.01% 0.5 ps/ km

NOTE 1 – An optional maximum PMD coefficient on uncabled fibre may be specified by cablers to support the primary requirement on cable PMDQ if it has been demonstrated for a particular cable construction. NOTE 2 –This wavelength region can be extended to 1260 nm by adding 0.07 dB/km induced Rayleigh scattering loss to the attenuation value at 1310 nm. In this case, the cable cut-off wavelength should not exceed 1250 nm. NOTE 3 – 该处的衰减在氢损后不得高于1310nm处的衰减.


Table I.2/G.652 – Differential group delayMaximum PMDQ (ps/ km ) No specification Link length (km) Implied Fibre induce dmaximum DGD (ps) Channel bit rates

Up to 2.5 Gbit/s 400 25 10 Gbit/s 0.5 40 19.0 (Note) 10 Gbit/s 2 7.5 40 Gbit/s 3000 19 10 Gbit/s 0.2 80 7 40 Gbit/s >4000 12 10 Gbit/s 0.1 400 5 40 Gbit/s NOTE – This value applies also for 10 Gigabit Ethernet systems.

G.652光纤 应国内光纤厂商的申诉,2003年7月1日,我国商

务部发布公告,立案对原 产于美国、日本和韩国的G.652光纤产品进行反倾销调查,这是我国通信行 业的第一起反倾销诉讼。 康宁已经宣布从2003年12月15日起在全球范围内终止销售G.652A、B光纤。 在OFS(原美国朗讯)的中文网站上,也已经去除了G.652A和G.652B光纤的 标准,取而代之的是G.652C、G.652D的标准。

05年1月1日,商务部发布2004年第96号公告,最终裁定原产于美国、日本、 韩国的进口非色散位移单模光纤(G.652A、G.652B、G.652C、G.652D) 存在倾销。为此,商务部决定自2005年1月1日起,对原产于美国、日本、 韩国的进口被 调查产品征收7%-46%不等的反倾销税,期限为5年。 美国康宁公司终裁倾销幅度为1.51%,根据《中华人民共和国反倾销条例》 第27条规定,属于微量倾销幅度,免于征收反倾销税。”

G.655光纤 G.655.A Attributes, contains recommended attributes and values to support many G.691, G.692, G.693, and G.959.1 applications. Concerning G.692 applications, depending on the channel wavelengths and dispersion characteristics of the specific fibre, the maximum total launch power could be restricted, and the typical minimum channel spacing could be restricted to 200 GHz. G.655.B Attributes, contains recommended attributes and values to support G.691, G.692, G.693, and G.959.1 applications. Concerning G.692 applications, depending on the channel wavelengths and dispersion characteristics of the specific fibre, the launch power can be higher than for fibres in the previous table, and the typical minimum channel spacing is 100 GHz or less. The PMD requirement allows operation of STM-64 systems to at least 400 km in length. G.655.C Attributes, is similar to G.655.B, but the more stringent PMD requirement allows STM-64 systems to lengths longer than 400 km and G.959.1 STM-256 applications.

G.655光纤G.655 Fibre/cable attributesAttribute Mode field diameter Detail Wavelength Range of nominal values Tolerance Nominal Tolerance Maximum Maximum Maximum Radius Number of turns Maximum at 1550 nm Minimum λmin &λ max Minimum value of Dmin Maximum value of Dmax SignDmax - Dmin

Cladding diameter Core concentricity error Cladding noncircularity Cable cut-off wavelength Macrobend loss Proof stress

G.655.A Attributes 1550 nm 8 – 11 μm 0.7 μm 125 μm 1 μm 0.8 mm 2.00% 1450 nm 30 mm 100 0.50 dB 0.69 GPa1530 nm & 1565 nm 0.1 ps/nm· km 6.0 ps/nm· km positive or negative

G.655.B attributes 1550 nm 8 – 11 μm 0.7 μm 125 μm 1 μm 0.8 mm 2.00% 1450 nm 30 mm 100 0.50 dB 0.69 GPa1530 nm & 1565 nm 1.0 ps/nm· km 10.0 ps/nm· km Positive or negative 5.0 ps/nm km

G.655.C attributes 1550 nm 8 – 11 μm 0.7 μm 125 μm 1 μm 0.8 mm 2.00% 1450 nm 30 mm 100 0.50 dB 0.69 GPa1530 nm & 1565 nm 1.0 ps/nm· km 10.0 ps/nm· km Positive or negative 5.0 ps/nm km

Chromatic dis

persion coefficient Wavelength range: 1530-1565 nm


G.655 Fibre/cable attributesAttribute Detail λmin &λ max Minimum value of Dmin Maximum value of Dmax Sign Maximum Maximum at 1550 nm Maximum at 1625 nm M Q Maximum PMDQ G.655.A AttributesTBD TBD TBD Positive or negative

G.655.B attributesTBD TBD TBD

G.655.C attributes

Chromatic dispersion coefficient Wavelength range: 1565-1625 nm

Positive or negative

Uncabled fibre PMD coefficient Attenuation coefficient

(Note) 0.35 dB/km 20 cables 0.01% 0.5 ps/km

PMD coefficient

(Note) 0.35 dB/km 0.4 dB/km 20 cables 0.01% 0.5 ps/km

(Note) 0.35 dB/km 0.4 dB/km 20 cables 0.01% 0.2 ps/km

Note: An optional maximum PMD coefficient on uncabled fibre may be specified by cablers to support the primary requirement on cable PMDQ if it has been demonstrated for a particular cable construction.




G.656光纤G.656光纤: 适用于DWDM系统S+C+L波段应用的新型光纤,即在 S+C+L波段为非零色

散的光纤 。

