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Time is money

People often say, \when money is spent, we can earn it back. However, when time is lost, it will never return. This is the reason why we must value time.


The time we have is limited. Every second is precious. We should make full use of our time. But there are a lot of people who do not know the importance of time. They spend their time chatting, smoking or drinking , They do not realize that wasting time is simply wasting their valuable life.


In a word, we should get into the good habit of saving time. Do not leave what can be done today until tomorrow. Always remember, time is money.


Five tips for time management

? 1. You should do a good job ioverall plan before do every thing,then you have a

“Personal List”.And the most important is that you should distinguish between important and urgent matters.

? 2.Good habits are a personal competitive edge.You must learn do it just now and know

time values.Learn to say “no” for something which is not important. ? 3.Good practive is to progress success is 1% per day.Every day you must have clear

objectives.There are at least half an hour to an hour of “non-interference with time”. ? 4.You must control yourself.Don’t put much time on telephone。So you can save a lot

of time to do things which are important for you. ? 5.Your goals and your values to be consistent and not contradictory.The same type of

time,once done the best,most productive thing to do.Time is greater than money.

Are Chinese people time-conscious?

Are Chinese people time-conscious?Of course! In fact,punctuality is a traditional merit of Chinese.

We can find examples without too much cifficulty.In Qin Dynasty,there was once a hero named Zhang Liang. His teacher wanted to teach him the Art of War and asked him to meet him in the morning.Zhang went to that place early in the morning to see the old man already there.His teacher was not pleased and said Zhang was late,then he asked Zhang to go there next morning.This time,Zhang arrived there with the sun rise.Still,he met his

teacher already there.The old man said angrily Zhang was late again and gave him one last chance to go there the next morning.So Zhang went there the third day when it was still dark.Moved by Zhang,the old man praised him as a integrity young man and taught Zhang with all his knoledge. So,Chinese people is time-conscious.

My ideal wife

? First of all ,I hope my wife will be kind for my parents, this is the most important nature

she should own. Parents bring me up , we should be kind for them . Don not you think so ?For instance, she helps our parents to do housework and cook in order to make them more relaxed. Moreover, she always submits to our parents and does not make them angry. I trust she will be my parents’ obedient daughter too. ? Besides, I hope she is my intimate companion .we can work together , study together .she

reminded me what I should do today and encouraged me to study more. ? I believe My life became more brilliant since she appeared. Therefore, I am going to

marry her, and we will have a harmonious family. ? Good and bad things about marrying a foreigner

Marrying a foreigner,not only seems a good idea,but also will cause

some problems. The good thing of marrying a foreigner is that we can experience the different culture and the pleasure which is taken by the great love of two people from two countries.I think this is wonderful! But on the other side,it has the bade side.Just because the different culture,two people may have different ideas on the same things,what's more,the language is also a problem,communication may be not very idealized.And if you want to go to your lover's parents,you must face a long jurney,this is very annoying. Ideas may vary from people to people.This my opinion.

Whether mixed-marriages will cause changes to the couple involved Whether mixed-marriages will cause changes to the couple involved.The answer is \they should live together for the rest life.A couple must learn how to be competible. On the one hand,because the two people come from two different cultures.There is no doubt that they have diverse customs and habits.To be compatible,they need to try to follow another custom,or at least,they must do not exclude(包容) another custom.Growning in distinct cultures background,their ways they bring up their childern are discrepant(有差异的)more or less. On the other hand,to a couple,the two people may have different characters.And everyone has shortcomings.Maybe,he or she is lazy,dirty and bad-tempered.So when they are both tolorant and compromised,they could be harmonious and happy. In a word,mixed-marriages will cause changes to the couple involved.

The love story that impressed me most

Among so many love stories ,I think the story of \one that impressed me most. There were many reasons.firstly I think,their story is really intresting,they grown up together and love each other at last,they used their own ways to express classcial love of the eastern.Secondly,their stories were full of difficulties,frustration

and other things that beyond our imagination.But to our surprise, they overcame many of which and lived together for a period of time though they both died eventually , and then they could not continue their love,but the way they fight for love moved us all,their stories tell us the importance of freedom to love,as an old saying goes,\happened.\

The best age for a person to begin dating

Different people have different opinions about what is the best age for a person to begin dating. Recently, we have a survey about the question. According to our research, some people hold the view that the best age for a person to begin dating is when you are an adult. .Because you have learned more knowledge about love. And you can deal with some love problems wisely. However, as a popular saying goes “ever coin has its tow sides”. Others are in support of the idea that the best age for a person to dating is depend on you. They said” we always take it for grant that dating is design for adult. It’s wrong. Love is a right, so everyone can love and date when you want. Personally, I agree on the best age for a person to begin dating when you are an adult. Love is a two-edged sword. If you begin dating blindly, it will hurt you. Therefore, when we are adults, who have much experience and intelligence than teenagers, we begin dating.

I'm in love with

I'm in love with traveling .The reasons are as follows.First of all,we can see many beautiful and interesting things which will make us very happy and relaxed.Second,traveling can brodan our horizons and we can look at the outside world.Third,we can know and learn about other places'civilization to improve ourself.What's more, traviling can promote the development of economy.Last but out the least,we can meet with many people and make friends with some of them who are campatible with us.That's all. Why I choose my English name

I think English name should be very simple and then others can remeber and call easily.Many people find a name which is pronouncedly similar with their chinese name as their English name,this idea works everytime. My English name is star .Becase the name is very simple and my pet name is star. I think the name is very good ,the name mean sunney. So I tjink the name is very good.

Is there any connection between names and personalities?

Is there any connection between names and personalities? Throughout history,names have not merely identified people but also described them. As the old saying goes \name is,so is he\For example,people think Susan is a woman who is very attrative and sunshine, but a woman named Susan can be wery dull. And when we talk about \dull man but he can be very humourous. So, in my opinion,names are only a kind of marks,and personalities are from one's deep heart.It has no connections between names and personalities. 刘宏波 金花

Why my parents gave me my name?

Everyone has own name and every name has different sense. such as me. my name is zhaojiuqian.\in my clan. The \

wide. so my parents decides to give me this name which call \hope on me. That's the reason why my parents give me my name.

What sports mean to me

Life lies in sports

Sport plays an important role in my life

? Exercise helps us strengthen our bodies and avoid disease

? If our bodies are strong ,our spirit to do things will certainly be quite well ? Sports help to keep people healthy and happy ,and to live longer ? It can help me lose weight and keep fit

The spirit of sports

The most important thing in the games

is not to win but to participate, not the triumph but the struggle, not to have conquered but to have fought well.For example the Olympic is friendship,never give up,uniting

a brief history of the Olympic games

The history of Olymplad can be divided into two parts:the ancient Olympic ganmes and the modern Olympic games.

The ancient Olympic games-Times:776BC-393AD Place:In Athens of Greece Athletes:only men,no women Sports games:many sports were the same as they are now

The modern Olympic games-Times:1896-until now Place:many places in the world Athletes:anybody of every country Sports games:several hundred kinds . .How can parents and children improve their mutual understanding? 如何能提高他们的父母和孩子相互理解?

Parents and children should be more exchanges, more exchanges do not mean a single language, but many of the exchanges. Parents should be more contacts with their children, often with the activities, to travel, to participate in activities together (should be the child's permission to attend) and so on. In doing these things should also understand a child's circle of friends, children and friends can also communicate with their friends welcome the children home to play. Able to communicate regularly and the kids understand what they like now, to understand fashion items, so the children can maintain communication topic. Infiltration in the exchange from time to time under the parental mean, slowly let your children understand the parents hard to understand the well-intentioned parents, the use of spiritual encouragement, to promote exchanges in the entertainment activities, enhance family.

There are four key points to study English: listening, speaking, reading and writing. Firstly, we should be brave to talk with others in English. By doing this, we can improve ore talking and listening skill. Secondly, we should try to listen to all kinds of English programmes as much as possible. In this way, we can gradually improve our pronunciation. Thirdly, we should often read English books. When we come across a new word. We should guess its meaning through the contest first. then look it up in the dictionary to have a check. I thin,, it is a good way of reading. Fourthly, we should practice our writing skills. Whenever we have any idea, we should get the pen and write it down at once. It is very important to avoid writing in Chinese way and using the Chinese grammar. As long as we listen, speak, read and write more, we are sure to make remarkable progress!

