Being a safe and responsible driver takes a combination of knowledge

更新时间:2023-05-23 16:14:01 阅读量: 实用文档 文档下载


Being a safe and responsible driver takes a combination of knowledge, skill and attitude.

To begin, you must know the traffic laws and driving practices that help traffic move safely. Breaking these "rules of the road" is the major cause of collisions.

Traffic laws are made by federal, provincial and municipal governments, and police from each level can enforce them. If you break a traffic law, you may be fined, sent to jail or lose your driver's license. If you get caught driving while your license is suspended your vehicle may be impounded.

But you need to do more than just obey the rules. You must care about the safety of others on the road. Everyone is responsible for avoiding collisions. Even if someone else does something wrong, you may be found responsible for a collision if you could have done something to avoid it. Because drivers have to cooperate to keep traffic moving safely, you must also be predictable, doing what other people using the road expect you to do. And you must be courteous. Courteous driving means giving other drivers space to change lanes, not cutting them off and signalling your turns and lane changes properly.

You must be able to see dangerous situations before they happen and to respond quickly and effectively to prevent them. This is called defensive or strategic driving. There are collision avoidance courses available where you can practice these techniques.

Defensive driving is based on three ideas: visibility, space and communication.

Visibility is about seeing and being seen. You should always be aware of traffic in front, behind and beside you. Keep your eyes constantly moving, scanning the road ahead and to the side and checking your mirrors every five seconds or so. The farther ahead you look, the less likely you will be surprised, and you will have time to avoid any hazards. Make sure other drivers can see you by using your signal lights as required.

Managing the space around your vehicle lets you see and be seen and gives you time and space to avoid a collision. Leave a cushion of space ahead, behind and to both sides. Because the greatest risk of a collision is in front of you, stay well back.

Communicate with other road users to make sure they see you and know what you are doing. Make eye contact with pedestrians, cyclists and drivers at intersections and signal whenever you want to slow down, stop, turn or change lanes. If you need to get another person's attention, use your horn. 作为一个安全和负责任的司机需要的知识,技能和态度的结合。

首先,你必须知道的交通法规和驾驶习惯助行车安全移动。 打破这些“交通规则”是发生碰撞的主要原因。 交通法规是由联邦,省和市级政府,以及每个级别的警察可以强制他们。如果你打破了交通法,你可能会被罚款,被判入狱或失去你的驾驶执照,如果逮住驾驶您的许可证被暂停时,您的车辆可能会被扣押。 但是,你需要做的不仅仅是遵守规则。 你必须关心他人的安全的道路上。每个人都有责任为避免碰撞。 即使别人做错了事,你可能会发现,如果你可以做的东西,以避免它负责碰撞。

因为司机要保持交通畅顺安全合作,你还必须是可预见的,做其他使用道路的人期望你做什么。 你一定要有礼貌。 有礼貌的驱动装置,给其他司机变更车道的空间,而不是切断他们和信令转弯和变更车道正常。

你必须能够看到危险的情况下才发生,迅速和有效地应对,以防止他们。这就是所谓的防御或战略驱动。 有防撞课程,在那里你可以练习这些技巧。


能见度看与被看。 你应该总是知道在前面的交通,后面,在你身边。 睁大你的眼睛不停地移动,前进的道路上,扫描到一边,检查后视镜,每五秒钟左右。 放远一点,你看,不太可能,你会惊奇地发现,你将有时间,以避免任何危险。 确保其他司机可以看清你的信号灯。

管理您的车辆周围的空间 ,可以让你看与被看,让你有时间和空间,以避免碰撞。 提前留下缓冲的空间,后方和两侧。 因为碰撞的最大风险是在你的面前,留好备份。

与其他道路使用者沟通 ,以确保他们看到你,知道你在做什么。 眼睛接触与行人,骑自行车者和司机在路口和信号,每当你想减慢,停止,转弯或变更车道。 如果你需要得到其他人的注意,用你的号角。

