牛津英语8A Unit4 Reading Giant pandas教

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牛津英语8A Unit4 Reading Giant pandas教案设计

金坛市华罗庚实验学校 张蔚莹

设计题目 教学内容 牛津英语8A Unit4 Reading Giant pandas 1.It tells us something about giant pandas. It’s helpful to enhance the students’ awareness of the need to protect giant pandas and other wild animals, try to live peacefully with the animals because we live in the same world. 2.Language Focus The students will be able to use the following words and patterns . outside bamboo leaf… The baby panda look like grow into… Sadly, it’s very difficult for giant pandas to survive in the wild. They must know the following words and expressions. survive following reserve up to on their own kill…for… When Xi Wang was born, she weighed just 100 grams. … 3. Key points 1)Get to know the growth of giant pandas and how to protect them. 2)Some words and phrases 4. Difficult points 1)To be able to describe giant pandas 2)To help students learn adverbial clauses of condition introduced by if. 教学对象 八年级学生通过前两册书和本单元Welcome to the Unit的学习,认识了许多的动物,应该有话可说,有话要说。通过本课的教学以复习学过的内容,达到温故而知新的目的。 教学目标 Knowledge objectives: 1.To read the passage about giant pandas and get the main idea of the whole text. 2.To Get students to learn some words and phrases, get to know the growth of giant pandas and how to protect them. 3.To help students learn adverbial clauses of condition introduced by if. Emotion objectives: 1.To encourage the students to do as much as they can to help the wild

animals. 2.To activate the students’ awareness of protecting wild animals and the nature. Ability objectives: 1.To improve students’ ability of communication. 2.To develop students’ comprehensive language competence. 教学策略 1.Teaching aid: A multi-media computer 2.Teaching approach: Communicative Approach Task-based Language Approach Cooperative Language Learning Approach 教学过程(可续页) 所 教学步骤 时 间 Pre-reading Step1.Revision 4 1)Play the video 1)Enjoy the video, 通过视频和游戏来复习学过的动物,不仅能给用 教 师 活 动 学 生 活 动 设计说明 分 about animals for the and then list as students 1) Enjoy a video 2) Play a guessing game Step2:Leading in and presentation many animals they 学生留下深刻的印象,2)Describe different have noticed as they 激发他们的求知兴趣,kinds of animals can. 同时锻炼了学生的口语Eg:This animal is fat 2)Guess what the 能力,调动了他们的学and strong, they walk animals are on tiptoe. Which animal is 习积极性,让学生在轻松愉快的氛围中复习了学过的各种动物。 Listen to the teacher 猜动物游戏以大熊猫结4分 black and white, and carefully and learn 尾,自然过渡到本课主 it lives only in the new words 题。通过一环扣一环的提问,相继呈现需要学生掌握的词汇。这一环节能诱发他们的求知兴趣,牢固掌握生词。 China? Thus present actively. giant panda. Where do giant pandas live? Thus present forest.

While-reading What do giant pandas eat? Thus present bamboo 在文章的处理上,我将shoots and leaves. In this way, present new words like hunter, kill and survive. 1)Read the text 151)Have students Step3:Reading and 分 quickly read through quickly to find the 全文分为两部分。先整Listening the text, with two simple questions given. answers to the questions. 体通读全文了解大熊猫的概况。再听第一部分关于大熊猫生长过程的2)Divide the text into 2)Listen and watch 录音,同时欣赏直观的two parts. Have the video at the 熊猫成长视频。此时,我预先设计的两个问题students listen to the same time. first part. While listening, enjoy a 3)Read this part and 促使学生听和看时紧张try to complete the 思索,这样就紧紧抓住video about a baby chart on the screen 了学生的注意力,避免panda’s growth. 3)Have students 4)Read it again and 他们感到听得乏味。在try to talk about the 回答问题的同时学生又chart in their own words. 锻炼了听力和口头表达能力,提高了逻辑思维能力和语言运用能力。第二部分是大熊猫独立listen to the rest part, 5)Try to find the with a question given: What problems may Xi three problems. Then read this part 生活后可能遇到的问and find the actions 题。我要求学生通过听和仔细的反复的阅读来自己找出各种问题,并Wang have if she is to protect giant alone? pandas. 6)Then discuss and 小组讨论来发现更多的think of more actions. 威胁。这样的处理方法激发了学生的学习热情,让每个人都参与到

Step4.Practice Post-reading 课堂中来,同时又锻炼了他们的自学能力和口语能力。 101) Put the second 分 part into a dialogue 1)Practice reading in 通过改编对话,采访,pairs, then act out the dialogue 小组讨论,有节奏的吟唱等环节的设计,进一2) Tell students that 2)One student act as 步提炼出文章的重点和Xi Wang has Xi Wang, all the 难点,帮助学生理解。特别是采访这一环节,由于加入了抢答加分的come to us and others act as hold an interview interviewers and ask her any question 方式,进一步激发了学they are interested 生的热情,将整节课的in. 气氛推向了高潮。 8分 1) Hold a further 1)Discuss heatedly. 对文章主体内容处理完毕之后,我选用了集体讨论和有节奏的吟唱的形式,给每个学生表达自己观点的机会,拓宽学生的思路,引导学生探讨出希望这一名字背后的隐含意义,唤起学生保护野生动物,爱护大自然的情感。 通过根据课文内容缺词填空这一题型有效地检Step5.Activate ( Discussion and chant) discussion :Why do we call her Xi Wang? Find another name for her. 2) A Chant. 2)Chant with emotion. Step6.Consolidation 4分 Explain the exercises 1) Fill in the (Exercises and homework) to the students. missing words according to the 验了本节课学生的掌握text. 2) Design the poster after class. 情况,而设计海报这一独具创意的家庭作业,将学习活动延伸到了课外。

教学反思 这节课的教学目标是了解大熊猫的生长过程和面临的危险。具体涉及语言、技能、策略、情感等方面内容。语言知识包括outside bamboo leaf The baby panda look like grow into Sadly, it’s very difficult for giant pandas to survive in the wild.等四会内容。还有survive following reserve up to on their own kill…for… When Xi Wang was born, she weighed just 100 grams.等三会内容。语言技能是学生们能用这些语言知识来谈论保护大熊猫。情感态度方面主要是培养学生热爱野生动物,热爱大自然。学习策略方面要学生通过individual work, pair work和group work等主动高效地学习,除了记住单词,理解文本内容外,还要善于把握交流机会,学会计划,实施和反思。 本课是一篇介绍大熊猫的科普文章,我在备课时增加了watching the videos, guessing game, making up dialogues, interview, chant,discussion等活动,不但满足了学生的表演欲望,还可以激发学生的灵活性和创造性,提高他们的逻辑思维能力和语言运用能力,培养学生的人际交往能力和语言综合运用能力。尤其是视频加游戏导入和采访这两个环节,深受学生的喜爱,不仅活跃了课堂气氛,同时还有助于学生对知识的掌握和能力的培养。 这样充满“乐”感的课堂,让学生感悟知识的价值,使学习变得有趣, 课堂也成为了师生互动的课堂。 方法是教学的成败之关键。在教学实践中所运用的方法和模式都不会仅仅限于一种。这不仅是教学的需要,也是学习者心理的需要。在本课中我交替使用了听说法、交际法、视听法、多媒体教学法和任务型教学法,做到动静结合,有张有弛,让学生始终保持良好的学习状态。 总的来说,这是一堂比较成功的课,对于我今后的课堂也有很多的启示。我还要更细心的观察平时的每一节课,进一步的提高自己的教学水平。

