8A Unit 2 短语(中英文对照)

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8A Unit 2 短语(中英文对照)

1. 我们比人聪明。 2. 不得不更加努力 3. 校园生活怎么样? 4. 有较少的广告 5. 不同的单词表达相同的意思 6. 在周五下午/本周六上午 7. 给某人买某物 8. 在学校附近的商店 9. 周末有安排 10.一起走/和你一起去 11.校足球队 12.今年秋天有一场重要比赛 13.在8年级 14.一所混合学校 15. 一起上课 16.在所有的学科中 17.最喜欢法语 18.学外语真的很有趣。 19.阅读周 20.从图书馆借更多的书 21.从家里带进杂志 22.临近本周末 23.和我同学讨论某事 24.时间似乎过得更快。 25.去好友俱乐部 26.给我提供帮助 27.每天上不同的课

28.我们学校比平时放得早。 29.一周两次 30.放学后打棒球 31.我队上周赢了两场比赛。 32.和…一样

We are cleverer than people. have to work harder What’s school life like?

There are fewer advertisements. different words for the same thing

on Friday afternoon/ this Saturday morning buy sth. for sb.

in the shop near the school have plans for the weekend

go together/ go with you the school football team

have an important match this autumn in Grade 8/ in Year 8/ in the 8th grade a mixed school

have lessons together among all the subjects like French best

Learning foreign languages is really fun. a Reading Week

borrow more books from the library bring in magazines from home near the end of the week

discuss sth. with my classmates Time seems to go faster. go to the Buddy Club

offer me help/ offer help to me have different classes every day Our school ends earlier than usual. twice a week

play baseball after school

Our team won two games last week. (be) the same as


33.读一个男孩写的文章 34.在我们三人中 35.在比赛中跑第一 36.我班其他任何一个学生 37.我班其他学生 38.我校教师人数 39.暑假 40.穿校服,系领带 41.做早操 42.休息三周 43.在爱好上花的时间最多 44.花一小时下棋 45.有一小时的作业量 46.最多/最少 47.游泳半小时 48.进行英语测试 49.进行月考/周练 50.有关每门学科 51.快速浏览…

read an article by a boy

among the three of us come the first in the race any other student in my class the other students in my class

the number of the teachers in our school the summer holiday

wear school uniforms and ties wear morning exercises have three weeks off

spend the most time on hobbies have an hour for playing chess have an hour of homework at most/ at least

go swimming for half an hour have an English test

have a monthly/ weekly test on each subject

look through…quickly

52.看书报杂志 read newspapers and magazines

53.坚持用英语记录我的日常生活 keep writing in English about my daily life 54.学着用这种方法更好地使用英语 learn to use English better this way 55,周末看英文碟片 watch English videos at weekends 56.过得很开心 have a lovely/good/great/wonderful time 57.不需要早起 don’t need to get up early 58.做课外活动 do after-school activities 59.花一小时吃饭 have an hour for lunch 60.在午餐时间 at lunchtime 61.在每个班 in each class 62.选修课 63.上计算机课 64.参加学校去某地的旅行

choose subjects to study have computer lessons go on a school trip to…


