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(满分150分 考试时间100分钟) 2018.1

考生注意: 1.本试卷共27题。




1.欲把西湖比西子, 。 (《饮湖上初晴后雨》) 2. ,身世浮沉雨打萍。 (《过零丁洋》) 3.草枯鹰眼疾, 。 (《观猎》)

4. ,蒙络摇缀,参差披拂。 (《小石潭记》) 5. ,在乎山水之间也。 (《醉翁亭记》)


诉衷情 【宋】陆游

当年万里觅封侯,匹马戍梁州。关河梦断何处?尘暗旧貂裘。 ...胡未灭,鬓先秋,泪空流。此生谁料,心在天山,身老沧洲。 .6.下列对文中加点词理解不恰当的一项是( ) (2分)

A.觅:寻找。 B.戍:守边。 C.暗:黑暗。 D.秋:秋霜。

7.词中画线句表达了作者 的情感。(2分)





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③今黄生贫类予,其借书亦类予;惟予之公书与张氏之吝书若不相类。然则予固不幸而遇张乎,生固幸而遇予乎?知幸与不幸,则其读书也必专,而其归书也必速。 8.选文的作者是 (朝代) (人名)。(2分) 9.用现代汉语翻译文中画线句。(3分)

往借,不与,归而形诸梦。 10.选文第③段作者将 与 对比,进而对黄生提出 的希望。(4分)




(选自《阅微草堂笔记》) 【注释】①河间:地名。 ②游僧:云游四方的和尚。 ③研:研磨。 11.解释下列句中加点词。(4分)

?佛作引手取物状( ) ?其佛手必磁石为之( ) ..12.对划线句意思理解最恰当的一项是( )。(3分)


A.先用一尊铜佛放桌子上,旁边盘子里盛着药丸。 B.先把一尊铜佛放桌子上,旁边盘子里盛着药丸。 C.先把一尊铜佛放桌子上,旁边盘子里藏着药丸。 D.先在桌子上放一尊铜佛,旁边盘子里藏着药丸。

13.“举国信之”的原因是 (用自己的话概括)(3分) 14.这则故事带给我们的启示是 。(2分)





②我们先说一下水的形成:一个氧原子和两个氢原子合成一个水分子,而氧原子和氢原子在宇宙中是普遍存在的。太阳系的行星、卫星、彗星都有水,甚至星际尘埃物质也有水分子。所以地球在形成之初,其本身乃至外围都有水的存在,不过可能是气态的。 ③当然,在最初的时候,地球上的水并没有现在多,那么,这些水主要来自哪里呢?2006年,美国哥伦比亚大学的天文学家发布报告,宣布在小行星带靠近木星轨道的位置发现了彗星族群,他们推测这些彗星可能是地球上海洋水的来源。

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15.第④段中加点词语“这条线”具体是指 。(2分) 16.第⑤段主要运用了 、 说明方法,其作用是 。(5分) 17.根据选文内容,概括地球上水的来源。(6分)

(1) (2) (3) 18.文章第②段和第③段能否调换?说明理由。(4分)

答: 19.以下内容符合文意的一项是( )(3分)

A.太阳系的行星、卫星、彗星甚至星际尘埃物质基本都有水。 B.在宇宙中地球像一个水球,但并不是唯一有液态水的星球。 C.在地球大气的高层,每年产生1.5吨太阳风形成的“宇宙水”。 D.彗星将星际尘埃中的水分子凝结成冰,成为地球水的主要来源。


后院里的秘密 熊荟蓉


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④那是个初夏的清晨,一抹朝霞早早地站在东边的山头上,与烟树深处的白墙红瓦遥相呼应。我们小组的男人女人们都穿戴整齐,洒扫庭院,眉眼里藏着喜色。 ⑤玉柱伯的车停在自家老屋的禾场上。这里本来杂草丛生,但现在被大福伯铺上了水泥。看得出,玉柱伯对大福伯很是感激,尤其是当他看到修缮一新的神龛上被擦得锃亮的爹娘的遗像时,他握着大福伯的手,眼里闪动着泪花。每家每户都用贵宾般的礼节迎接他。堂屋的八仙桌上,都摆放着瓜果茶点。厨房里飘出的,都是土罐煨鸡的浓香。 ⑥玉柱伯却既不在堂屋里落座,又不在厨房里闲聊,他喜欢到每家的后院里站一站。后院里有啥呀?不过是千篇一律的几棵柳树,一个柴草堆,再就是臭烘烘的茅室了。有的人家,堂屋里擦得放光,后院里lángjí一片,搁脚的地方都没有。





11玉柱伯这天在三根叔的后院里只站了一小会儿,上了一趟茅室,然后走了。 ○


叔的文化高,有的说是三根叔懂果树栽培技术,我一直都觉得,是三根叔的茅室修得好。 20.根据拼音写汉字。(2分) lángjí( )


?第一部分:第①段到第 段, 4 / 34

?第二部分:第 段到第○11段, ?第三部分:第○12段,玉柱伯选中三根叔担任刘家湾新书记。 22.赏析文中第④段画线句的语言。(4分)


24.下列分析符合文意的一项是( )。(3分) A.玉柱伯没选有才叔是因为他做事形式大于内容。 B.三根叔当选完全是因为他家的茅室修得比别人好。 C.玉柱伯关注每家后院是因为那里藏着人们的秘密。 D.人们用贵宾般的礼仪迎接玉柱伯是因为都爱戴他。


阅读下列材料,完成25——26题 (10分)

阿尔法围棋(AlphaGo)由谷歌旗下DeepMind公司的戴密斯·哈萨比斯领衔开发。其特征是大数据、大计算、大决策三位一体。其原理是用 “策略网络”选择下一步棋的走法,用“价值网络”预测每一步棋后的赢家,从而让它能得到更高效的训练和评估。经过40天的自我训练,AlphaGo击败了世界排名第一的棋手柯洁。它的智慧正在接近人类。未来,AlphaGo将进入医疗领域,利用人工智能技术攻克现代医学中存在的种种难题,从而推动社会变革,改变人类命运。

25.上述材料从 、 、 、 等几个方面介绍了阿尔法围棋(AlphaGo)。(4分)

26.我们的时代是创造奇迹的时代,创造奇迹需要富于幻想,而幻想是青少年的天性。那么请你为100年后的书包做设计,用80字左右的文字加以简要介绍。(6分) 四、写作(60分) 27.题目:爱在我身边 要求:(1)写一篇600字左右的文章。(2)不得透露个人相关信息。(3)不得抄袭。 5 / 34

cupboards and boxes. This will allow the teenagers to keep their space tidy if they want to.

A) focuses on B) amazing C) familiar D) looks like E) affects You may have no idea about how 50 our motherland is. With a history of more than5,000 years, China has always been a mysterious land to foreigners. In 2008 a documentary(纪录片)called Wild China was broadcast on BBC. There were six episodes(集)in all—Heart of the Dragon, Shangri la, Tibet, Beyond the Great Wall, Land of the Panda and Tides of Change. This 300-minute long documentary shocked the audience with China’s beautiful scenery.

Wild China may be the best of China. However, it is more than a travelogue. The documentary not only 51 the wildlife of China but also the way it 52 and interacts with human life. From high definition cameras, you can see the beautiful Himalayas and the Gobi desert; you can take a look at the hills of Southern China filled with rice paddies(水稻田)and the land of the panda; you can also discover how silk is collected and the history of the Silk Road.

It is interesting to see what our motherland 53 from foreigners’ eyes. If you are too busy to travel around China, you are in luck because Wild China can take you on a visual journey of our motherland.

IV.(用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子。没空格限填一词)(共8分) 54. People are very pleased with food ___________ this month.(price) 55. Let’s take the lift to the restaurant on the ___________ floor.(twenty)

56. The ___________ local culture is beginning to attract the attention of the world. (tradition)

57. The walls were ___________ blue and white in color. (main)

58. Let me show you how to ___________ the new machine. (operation) 59. It’s a ___________ to share my ideas with all of you.(pleasant)

60. It’s common ___________ that the day becomes longer and longer when summer comes. (know)

61. Maggie loves the freedom of ___________ travel very much.(depend) V.(根据所给要求完成句子。62—67小题没空格限填一词)(共14分) 62. My car broke down on my way to work this morning.(改为一般疑问句) _____________ your car ___________ down on your way to work this morning? 63. Jack is taking Chinese poems as a course to learn about Chinese culture.(对划线部分提问)

______________________ Jack taking Chinese poems as a course?

64. The couple will start on a journey around the world tomorrow.(保持句意基本不变)

The couple will ___________ ___________ on a journey around the world tomorrow. 65. The public transportation is developing very quickly these years.(改为感叹句) ___________ ___________ the public transportation is developing these years! 66. The journalist will interview some students tomorrow.(改为被动语态) Some students will ___________ ___________ by the journalist tomorrow. 67. What does the Belt and Road mean? Can you tell us?(两句并一句)

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Can you tell us ___________ the Belt and Roan ___________? 68. not, it’s. to, very safe, over the Internet, pay


Part 3 Reading and Writing(第三部分读写)

VI.Reading comprehension(阅读理解)(共50分)

A.Choose the best answer(根据短文内容,选择最恰当的答案)(共12分) Riverside High School is home to three very special young people: Alan, Mary and Natalie. These three students all give up several hours each week to help out other people.

Mary loves animals and plans to be a vet. Every Saturday morning, while other teens are playing sports, studying or sleeping. Mary is helping out at an animal hospital. But volunteering brings its own reward, according to Mary. “Sure, I work hard,” she says, “but I’m also learning a lot about animals.”

Natalie likes reading. She taught herself to read at the age of four. She works as the volunteer at an After School Reading Center, helping young people to read. “Volunteering is great,” says Natalie, “because you can do things that you love to do and help others at the same time.”

Alan wants to be a professional singer. Most weekends, he works at a charity hospital. Volunteers don’t receive any money. For Alan, the reward comes in bringing happiness to others. Alan says, “Everyone should do some kind of volunteer work. It makes me learn to appreciate what I have and cherish the little things in life. Then the world would be a better place.”

Now, Mary, Alan and Natalie have a plan to join in a volunteer abroad program. They want to experience volunteer vacations while they’re traveling overseas. IVHQ. The world’s leading volunteer travel organization with over 10 years’ experience in providing impactful and affordable volunteer abroad programs, can connect thousands of travelers with meaningful volunteer opportunities abroad. Are you considering volunteering abroad in 2018? Take a quiz to help you find out the perfect volunteer abroad opportunity and make 2018 your best year!

()69. Alan, Mary and Natalie are special because________.

A) they are young B)they are volunteers C) they are students D)they have free time

()70. Mary is helping out at________.

A) a charity hospital B)a high school C) an animal hospital D)a reading centre

()72. The underlined word “reward”in the passage means “________”. A) an amount of money that is offered for finding something lost B) an idea that something special is likely to happen

C) a thing that you are given for something go4od you have done D) a hope of giving food to a person, an animal or a plant

()73. With the help of IVHQ, the three students’volunteer vacation will ________ their whole life.

A) enrich B)contact C) control

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D) protect

()74. The passage is about________.

A) teens who volunteer B)important things in life

C) home to special people D)things to do at weekends

B.Choose the best answer and complete the passage(选择最恰当的选项完成短文)(共12分)

I just returned from a trip to New Jersey. On the way back, I was stopped by a traffic accident. This accident involved a truck carrying a lot of dangerous materials that were leaking out(外漏). This meant that we weren’t going anywhere for several hours.

After being told by the policeman that we would be sitting there until the cleanup was completed. I got out of the truck to have a rest. Other truck drivers did the same. At one point there were five of us standing by my truck, 75 .

Another truck with two elderly people inside stopped near us. The man, Joe, let the 76 down and asked why no one was moving.

Soon we were all talking with this couple. I said that if I had known about this, I would have bought something to drink, for I was becoming 77 .The lady, Anna, said that they had plenty of water in the cooler in their truck and offered everyone something to drink. While she was back there, she said that she also had plenty of food and she could make sandwiches for us. While Anna was making the sandwiches, she was singing like a songbird. Being close to70, I guessed, she had a remarkable voice.

When she finished making the sandwiches, I saw a Mississippi license(执照)plate on the truck. I asked what part of Mississippi they were from. Joe said Biloxi. Knowing that Biloxi had been 78 by Humcane Katrina(卡特里娜飓风), I asked him about the disaster. Joe said that they had lost almost everything. Everything they had was in the truck.

All of us drivers tried unsuccessfully to pay them for their drinks and sandwiches. Joe said that their son was living around Harrisonburg, Virginia and they were going there. There was a home for sale and they were going to start all over there. Starting over 79 , we know, would not be easy. These people lost everything except the pictures and some clothes. These wonderful people lost practically everything they owned and still would not accept any money for their food and drinks. Joe said that it was better to give than to 80 .

()75. A) complaining B) explaining C) describing D)proving

()76. A) door B) button C) window D)hand

()77. A) tired B) thirsty C) hungry D) sleepy

()78. A) caused B) recycled C) covered

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D)damaged ()79. A) in their truck B) at their age C) with their son D) for their home

()80. A) forgive B) forget C) receive D)refuse


Fifteen years ago, an incident that happened at Walt Disney touched me greatly. A guest checking out of our Polynesian Village resort(度假胜地)at Walt Disney was asked how she e 81 her visit. She told the front-desk clerk she had had a wonderful vacation, but was heartbroken about losing several rolls of Kodak color film she had not yet developed(冲洗). At that moment she was particularly s 82 over the loss of the pictures she had taken at the show, as this was a memory she especially treasured.

In fact, there are no written rules covering lost photos in the park. L 83 ,the clerk at the front desk understood Disney’s idea of loving our guests. She asked the woman to leave her a couple rolls of unused film, and then she p 84 to take some photos for them. Two weeks later the guest received a packet at her home. In it were photos of all the actors of the show, personally signed by each performer. There were also pictures of the public procession(游行队伍)and fireworks in the park. These photos were taken by the clerk in her own time after work. I happened to know this s 85 because this guest wrote us a letter to express her thanks.

Excellent s 85 does not come from policy(政策性的)handbooks. It comes from people who c 87 —— and from a culture that encourages and models that attitude. D. Answer the questions(根据以下内容回答问题)(12分)

As a mother of three young girls, Alison Cowan worried about her daughters growing up too fast. From asking for the latest toy to wanting to wear make-up, it seemed to Alison and her husband, Alan, that their children were never satisfied with what they had.

The girls would ask for a toy, but would lose interest in it as soon as their friends had something new. Birthday parties were no longer just a few party games and blowing up balloons. All the parents seemed to invite professional performers and compete over who could give the most expensive party bag. At just seven years old, Amy and her friends were paying more and more attention to their appearance. It was a feeling that many parents would have.

However, few would dream of leaving a comfortable family life and a comfortable house to move their family 3,000 miles away to Africa in search of a simpler life. But, last June, Alison and her husband, Alan, moved with their daughters to Kampalain Uganda, to show them a different lifestyle.

For almost a year, the girls paly in the red, dusty streets with local children and visit markets to buy fresh fish and vegetables for dinner. They have been able to play and use their imagination away from the distractions(分心)of the consumer-driven society. Now, instead of competing over who has won a computer game, the girls

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think about things like the frequent water shortages and electricity cuts in certain areas. “At times, we’ve been without water for five days. The girls always accept it, though. Their world before had been so small, but now they understand 93 .

88. Alison Cowan’s children were pleased with what they had, weren’t they? ___________________________________________________________ 89. What would the girls do when their friends had something new? _________________________________________________________ 90. What does the underlined word “It” in the second paragraph refer to? ___________________________________________________________

91. Why did Alison and Alan decide to move to Kampala in Uganda? (No more than 15 words)

___________________________________________________________ 92. What do the two girl think of their present life?

___________________________________________________________ 93. Complete the last sentence and make it reasonable.

Their world before had been so small, but now they understand _______________________________________

VII. Writing(作文)(共20分)

94. Write at least60 words on the topic “I’m looking forward to … in 2018” (以“2018,我期待……”为题写一篇不少于60个词的短文,标点符号不占格) 每个人对生活都有憧憬和期待,2018年你的期待是什么?请说说你的理由。 (注意:短文中不得出现任何人名、校名及其他相关信息,否则不予评分。)

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初三理化 试卷

物理部分 2018.1


1. 下列器材中,利用连通器原理工作的是( ) A. 真空吸盘 B. 密度计 C. 液位计 D. 吸尘器 2. 九年级第一学期物理课本的质量约为( ) A. 0.02千克 B. 0.2千克 C. 2千克 D. 5千克 3. 一杯水倒出一半后,不变的物理量是( ) A. 体积 B. 质量 C. 重力 D. 密度 4. 经过研究得出物体受到浮力的大小与其排开液体重力关系的科学家是( ) A. 托里拆利 B. 阿基米德 C. 欧姆 D. 安培

5. 如图1所示,取完全相同的长方体物体1块、2块、3块分别竖放、平放、竖放在水平 地面上,它们对地面的压强分别为pa、pb和pc(已知长方体的长>宽>高),则( )

A. pa?pc?pb

B. pa?pc?pb C. pa?pb?pc D. pa?pb?pc

6. 在图2所示的电路中,电键S从断开到闭合,电流表A两次示数之比为3:5,若将电阻R1、

R2串联在电路中,则它们两端的电压之比为( )

A. 2:3 B. 3:2 C. 3:5 D. 5:3

7. 在图3所示的电路中,电源电压保持不变。闭合电键S,移动滑动变阻器滑片P,可使某一个电表的示数为零,已知电路元件均完好,则( ) A. 向右移动变阻器的滑片可使电压表V1示数变为零 B. 向右移动变阻器的滑片可使电流表A示数变为零 C. 向左移动变阻器的滑片可使电压表V1示数变为零 D. 向左移动变阻器的滑片可使电压表V2示数变为零

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8. 甲、乙两个实心正方体物块放在相同的海绵上,甲的凹陷程度比较深。将它们沿水平方向切去一部分后,剩余部分对海绵的凹陷程度如图4所示,则( ) A. 甲切去的质量一定比乙小 B. 它们切去的质量一定相同 C. 甲切去的高度一定比乙大 D. 它们切去的高度一定相同


9. 一节干电池的电压为______伏,上海地区家庭电路的电压为______伏,电视机与空调是______连接的(选填“串联”或“并联”)。

10. 马德堡半球实验证明了______的存在;____________实验首先测出了大气压强的值。已



311. 体积为1?10?3米、密度为0.6?10千克/米的物块漂浮在水面上,它的质量为



12. 现有长度相同的铜导线甲和乙,已知甲的电阻较大,则甲的横截面积______乙的横截面


13. 某导体两端的电压为9伏,电阻为15欧,通过该导体的电流为______安,10秒内通过


14. 在图5所示的电路中,电源电压为U。已知电路中仅有一处


15. 我们的地球被一层厚厚的大气层包围着,同海水以及一切其他物体一样,大气也受到地

球的引力作用,所以这层大气是不会逃逸到宇宙中去的,如果把大气比作为海洋,我们就生活在这层海洋的底部。地球上海拔高度越高,大气越稀薄。 ①根据上述信息及液体与气体的相同点,小王同学提出了有关大气压强的猜想:大气向

各个方向均有压强。他的依据是:大气受到地球引力作用,__________________。 ②根据上述信息及所学液体压强的相关知识,公式p?F/s、p??gh中不能用来计



16. 在图6中,重为6牛的物体静止在水平地面上,请用力的图示法画出物体对地面的压力。 17. 在图7中的○里填上适当的电表符号,使之成为正确的电路图。

18. 在图8所示的电路中,有两根导线尚未连接,请用笔画线代替导线补上。补上后要求:

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19. 金属块排开水的体积为2?10?3米。求金属块受到浮力F浮的大小。

20. 体积为2?10?3米的水结成冰,已知冰的密度为0.9?103千克/米,求冰的质量m冰。

21. 在图9所示的电路中,电源电压保持不变,电阻R1的阻值为10欧。闭合电键S,两电流表的示数分别为0.8安和0.6安。

①求电源电压U; ②求电阻R2的阻值;



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22. 如图10所示,轻质薄壁圆柱形容器置于水平地面,容器中盛有质量为4千克的水.





方法 将物体放入容器中 将物体垫在容器下方 地面受到压强的变化量(帕) 980 2940



23. 在“测定物质的密度”实验中,需要测量的物理量是______和______。在“探究物质质


24. 在“用电压表测电压”实验中,电压表______直接接在电源两端(选填“能”或“不能”),




25. 为了探究物体受到的浮力F浮与物体体积V物有关还是与物体浸入液体的体积V浸有


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①现有可供选择的物体如右表所示,在研究F浮与V物物体 A B C 4V 2V V 体积 的关系时应选择_____物体(选填“一个”或“多个”),




实验序号 1 2 3 4 5 实验示意图 V物(米) V浸(米3) F浮(牛) 根据序号_______的实验示意图及数据,可得F浮与V物无关。 根据序号1和2和3中的实验示意图及数据,可得出的初步结论是:

同一物体浸入水中, _____________________。



0.1×10-3 1 3 0.4×10 -3 0.4×10-3 4 0.2×10-3 0.1×10-3 1 2 0.2×10-3 2 0.2×10-3 F浮?F2?F1?p2S?p1S??液gh2S??液gh1S??液g?h2?h1?S??液gV物



26. 小李同学做“用电流表、电压表测电阻”实



电压表、滑动变阻器、电键及导线若干。小李连接电路,使变阻器接入电路中的电阻最大,闭合电键时观察到电压表示数为10伏、电流表示数为0.2安。小李移动滑片P到某一位置,发现电压表和电流表示数如图14(a)、(b)所示。他继续移动滑片P至另一端时发现电流表示数为1.1安。 ①请画出小李同学的实验电路图。

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②请将正确的数据填写在下表中。(计算电阻时,精确到0.1欧) 物理量 实验序号 1 2 3 电压Ux (伏) 电流Ix (安) 电阻Rx (欧) 电阻Rx平均值 (欧) 27 / 34


一、选择题 1 C 2 B 3 D 4 B 5 A 6 A 7 D 8 C 二、填空题 9. 1.5;220;并联

10. 大气压;托里拆利;质量 11. 0.6;5.88;不变 12. 小于;等于;大于 13. 0.6;6;15

14. 若电流表有示数:R断路,若电流表无示数:L断路

15. ①具有流动性;②p=ρgh;大气压分布不均匀大气密度无法确定,深度也没法确定 三、作图题 16.略 17.略 18.略

四、计算题 19. 196N 20. 2kg

21.①6V ②30Ω ③10Ω 22.①4×10-3m3 ②980Pa ③无水溢出 五、实验题

23.质量;体积;质量;多种 24.能;量程;电源电压;A1 25.①多个;不同 ②1与4或2与5 ③浮力与浸入液体的体积成正比F浮=F2-F1=P2S-P1S=ρ液h3S-0=ρ液gV浸 26.①略 ②

物理量 实验序号 1 2 3

电压Ux (伏) 2 4 12 电流Ix (安) 0.2 0.4 1.1 电阻Rx (欧) 10.0 10.0 10.9 10.3 电阻Rx平均值 (欧)

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