厦门大学网络教育第一学期考试真题 - 英语
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1.I was_____that he had made so great progress in study A、amused B、amazed C、shocked D、pllzzled
2、why are childrelt so easily____by what their frieltds d0,th.irtl%oi\A、effected B、respected C、coratmced D、affected
3、If you don’t like to go shopping ,you——stay at home watcting TV A、mayvery well B、may well
C、may just as well D、mayjust well
4、The world _____ we live is in constant change A、where B、which C、what D、that
5、I think it was your Dad________ phoned A、what B、which C、whom D、who
6、The child——while on her way home after a game of tennis A、vanished B、got lost C、delayed D、ms rⅢomg
7、Befole I kmew it,I had spent——0n the journey as had been planned A、twice as much B、twice lttole C、twice much lttole D、twice much
8、The furniture was at last arranged _____ her taste A、of B、to C、for D、at
9、He tends t0_____his elder brother in the things he says and the way he dresses A、repeat B、reflect C、rw D、copy
10、”why is the university doing so much building?”The number of students——that there aren’t enough classrooms” A、have iltcleased so rapidly B、h够iltcleased so rapid C、have iltcleased so rapid D、has incleased so rapidly
1、I—— you all to take the time to leacl at least three ltovels olt the list A、urge B、osultte C、irtform D、propose
2、Kim stepped into the conference room,——the situation quickly and grabbed the phore from Catrirta’s hand
A、sized up B、threw lllo C、figured out D、wiped out
3、The harbour can——large liners and cargo boats A、ktm B、admit C、receive D、let out
4、The sad news broke her ___
A、rB、emotiorts C、heart D、fe.eli“g
5.Brazilian coffee is usually——by ships because thisⅥ4y is cheaper A、traded B、trartsported C、trartsferred D、trartsmitted
6、The language spoken in the Umted Kir‘m ofGreat Britain axtd Northern llelhowever,lelttalm Eiglisk axtd rtot British,though we do sometimes say British Etth to clistilLgaisll it——Americart Etth A、betweert B、with C、from D、agamst
7、Alex may be late.______,he may not come at all. B、Still W0e C、Worse still D、To be Wolfe
8.John_____his work as soon as he was out ofhospital A、resumed B、lelieved C、gripped D、dean
9、Kate’s first meeting with Tom went smoothly,——made her feel less urteasy A、it B、that C、which D、as
10、Let’s——everything and find out where the trouble A、” B、go over C、repeat D、comider
1、For wildife enthusiasts the journey is______ because the region is lⅡtowrt for its seabirds
A、fularty B、worthy C、pleased D、worthwhile
2、We were _____tired————we could not work any more A、too that B、so that C、such so D、so so
3、I try to avoid _____him facetoface A、met B、meet C、meetilLg D、to meet
4、Within six years,the cable televisiolt irtdustry will——ilt U S,said speakers at a New York cortfeleMe Wedlesday
A、ertfolce B、promote C、domartate D、prevail
5、In a word,we have no doubt——you ale perfectly sourtd ilt rIirld axtdbody A、that B、whelt C、what D、whether
6、You misspelled a word You _____ it lllo ilt the clictioltary A、ought to look
B、ought to have looked C、ought have looked D、ought look
7、The report shows that poor faxailies speltd a l——oftheir iltcome olt food A、proportiort B、size C、degree D、bulk
8、A bus——into a canal ilt southern Iltdia Thursday,killin9 34 people A、ditched B、soared C、decliled D、plurtged
9、In his——to catch the train’he left k hliltthe tad A、hurry B、abseMe C、worry D、leisure
10、why do men——enjoyjng themselves withttlng drult? A、collvey B、fulfill C、osociate D、postpomlag 4.
1、The flat___of our rooms,with a hlckn and abalhroom A、consists B、corttams C、colftlooses D、includes
2、He——the door and ripped the top part ofsome sort of}Li。 A、pulled olt B、pulled up C、pulled out D、pulled dowrt
3、He pursued his——0fcollectlng stamps for so marry years A、habit B、custom C、hobby D、activity
4、If only l——more money,I couldbuy the ltew house A、had B、have C、have had D、hadhad
5、He is so busy that he can’t the sercices ofa secretary A、do without B、set dowit C、make for D、touc}t olt
6、Scarcely had the speaker begult to talk——thele m”l A、theit B、thaxt C、whelt D、axtd
7、Don’t drop your cigarette butts olt the floor You could——fire to the house A、 e B、make C、set D、start
8.She says she is very sorry axtd realizes site——it.
A、did B、shoulcllt’t have dolie C、shoulcllt’t do D、had dolie
9、She didn’t inform me of her decisint That is to say,I have lto idea site will dismiss Lmda
A、whether B、if C、that D、what
10、Please be patient——my aurtt—site’s old and forgetful A、to B、with C、for D、towaxds
1、I’d like you to descnbe to my friend your e:∞itmg adverttmes ilt Africa——you have described them to me
A、like B as C、∞if D、∞though
2, No Iraqi prisoner would mll,ny subject hiⅫelf——such abuse h,olt Ph for C,with D,to
3、Once we failed to pay the electricity bill,they dicllt’t hesitate to A、cut dowrt B、cut off C、cut out D、cut lllo
4、When no one answered the door,she——tmugh the mw to see ifartyorethele A、spotted B、ir‘d C、sCarLrtecl D、peeled
5.Two decades after liberation,waz sceltanos——Egypt 8m A、haxla B、haul.C、haxtdle D、haurtt
6、Falling into a sleeplike coluSitioia,he suddeltly feltthough he——silllilt a ry flood ofw'ater
A、was B、were C、is D、hadbeelt
7、The old banknotes are being takelt out 01——
A、19nor∞:e B、circulatiort C、w'allet D、pub ilililicatiort
8、It was when she lived with him that she fourtd out the darker side to k A、ilLtegrity B、optirmsm C、character D、colafideMe
9、Here tourists could hear the——stream splashilL9够water turables ovei\ctar0.powerirtg the overshot w'ater,Tiheel A、mill B、mall C、pump D、plurab
10、People cried in——as they watched the buikting 90 1110 ilt i'll,ties A、detennmatiort B、patiertce C、aroaety D、horror
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