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第三十七讲 替代

替代(substitution)是一种避免重复和连接 上下文的手段。对句中相同的非关键性词语可以用替代词(substitute)来替代,从而避免重复。替代的结果还会使替代词的邻近词语受到强调。例如:

Here are two dresses .one is red ; the other blue . I prefer the red one .




首先介绍名词性替代和名词替代词。 1.1什么是名词性替代 用名词替代词one(s),the same ,the kind ,the sort 等所表示的替代现象叫做名词性替代。例如:

The child doesn’t like this book .show him a more interesting one . (one =book) There are good films as well as bad ones .(ones=films)

Can you play the piano ? there is one in the room .(one = a piano ) American food is not the same as the English kind . (kind=food) Slang disappears quickly ,especially the juvenile sort (sort = slang ) 名词替代词还包括一些不定代词,如all ,both ,some ,

any ,enough ,several ,none ,many ,much ,more ,the most ,a few , a little ,less ,the least ,another ,the other , others ,either,neither 等。例如: Can you give me a few nails ? I need some (=some nails)

We offered Jack a cup of coffee ,but he didn’t want any .(=any coffee) I don’t want any more food ,I’ve had enough (=enough food).

Use this typewriter ;all the others (=other typewriters )are being repaired



a) One 通常可用来替代上下文中出现过的可数名词或以可数名词为中心词的整个名词词


The grey horse is stronger than the black one (one = horse ) I lose a neighbor and you gain one . (one = a neighbor )

替代词one的复数形式是onse,只能替代复数名词,既可指人,也可指物。例如: The new design is much better than the old ones , (ones = designs)

There were a few young people with some older ones in the house .(onse = people)

One/onse作为替代词只能用以替代可数名词,不可用来替代不可数名词。例如:不可以说 *it’s cheaper to buy furniture than to have new one made . *if you haven’t got fresh milk ,I’ll take some tinned ones .

在上述两例中,应该分别重复furniture和milk两个词,而不能用one和ones来代替。 B)当替代词one用以替代名词词组中心词时,它通常带有限定词,但是,不定冠词和物主

限定词通常不可以直接位于替代词one之前。在不定冠词和物主限定词之后通常须跟有形容词或其他前置修饰语,随后才可用替代词one。比如可以说: Can I have a melon ? I’d ?like a big one .

Your car isn’t fast enough .Let’s take his new one .


*….I’d like a one . *…Let’s take his new one .

在both和own 之后通常不用one和ones。例如:

I prefer red roses to white ones ,but my wife likes both .(不说*both ones)

I can’t write properly with your pen ; I’d rather use my own .(不说*my own one) If there’s any difficulty about cars ,we can bring our own .(不说*our own ones) 在基数词two,three,etc之后通常不用替代词one/ones。例如: You have four children I have only two . (不说*two ones)


If you want a typewriter ,they will provide you with one .(one =a typerwriter)

He is a brilliant hard-working student , one (= a student)who will be successful in whatever career he chooses .

I need an electric heater to keep warm ,Where could I get one (=an electric heater )? 正因为one用于替代名词词组时的类指性质,它与人称代词和指示代词所表示的照应关系在意义上有所不同,后者通常用于特指。比较:

This dictionary is the one needed by every student of English ,but I can’t afford it(特指) Every student of English needs a good dictionary ,but I can’t afford one .(类指)


I have a new dictionary and several old onse .(替代dictionaries) I don’t like red roses,I like the white ones .(替代roses) E)在下列语境中,替代词one/ones可以省略:

当one/ones 带有this/these ,that/those ,which,either,neither,another,the last,the next等限定词时:

Judy broke the coffee-pot ,so she has to buy another (one) .

Some of your answers were correct ,but I don’t know which (ones). 当one/ones之前有定冠词以及和上文形成对比的形容词时: I prefer the large bottle to the small (one ).

The new chapel (小礼拜堂)will be like the old (one ).

There are ,of course ,bad architects (建筑师)as well as good (ones).

One /ones之前虽有与上文形成对比的形容词,但若该形容词跟在不定冠词之后,则替代词one一般不可省略。例如一般不说: ?I’d prefer a large bottle to a small .


There were two tables laid .He and Ann were expected to preside at the smaller (one) We have to use this machine for want of a better (one).

The legislative power is exercised by two Houses ,an Upper (one )and a Lower (one) If you offer him cookies ,he will take a handful of the biggest (ones) 1.3替代词one、类指代词one和数词one

要注意区别替代词one,类指代词one和数词one。试比较: One can’t be too careful in matters like this (类指代词) My old car is much better than the new one .(替代词) One cannot do the work of twenty .(数词)


She bought a cotton dress and a ‘silk one .(one =dress,是替代词) 又例如:

A: Can I have those apples ?

B: You’ve already ‘got one .(one 是替代词)

数词one的复数形式是some而不是ones。比较: A: How do you like the roses?

B: I prefer the red ones (ones 是替代词) 1.4替代词one/ones和实义词one/ones


George went on drinking ,and by and by he fell to misusing (开始虐待)his wife and the little ones(=his children) badly .

Oh ,you are a one (= a bold amusing person),telling that joke in front of the priest .


接着介绍动词性替代和动词替代词。 2.1什么是动词性替代

用动词替代词或代动词do,do so等表示的替代现象叫做动词性替代。例如: A: We all hate hypocrisy .

B: Yes, everybody does .(does=hates hypocrisy)

A: Mary didn’t come ,did she ? B: Yes ,she did .(did= came).

A: Does granny look after you every day ?

B: she can’t do at weekends .(do=look after me )


A: Does Peter speak French?

B: Yes,he does (does= speaks French )

No, he doesn’t .(doesn’t =doesn’t speak French )

上述肯定结构是动词性替代现象,而否定结构则是动词性省略现象。因此,上述肯定结构中的does是动词替代词,它本身是主动词;而在否定结构中,does为助动词,它后面的主动词及其补足成分被省略,因此这个does不同于动词替代词。 2.2动词替代词的用法


A) 在替代主动词的用法中,动词替代词do所替代的通常是实义动词;如果被替代的主动

词是及物的,则替代词之后须跟宾语。动词替代词可与情态助动词连用;在否定句和疑问句居中有时还须引进助动词do的适当形式为操作词。例如: She plays the piano bette than she does (=plays) the guitar . John speakers French as fluently as he does(=speaks) German .

The production increases as it has done (=increased) for the last few years. John has never acted as he should have done (=atced).


Paula looks very happy, She always used to (=look very happy ),I remember.

Paula looks very happy, she seems happier now than she did (=seemed happy) last time we met .

在上述两例中,美国英语多用省略结构used to,或重复使用look和seemed: Paula looks very happy,she always used to ,I remember .

Paula looks very happy, she seems happier now than she seemed last time we met . B)由do与so搭配构成的复合代动词do so,既可替代“动—宾”谓语结构,也可替代“动—状”谓语结构。例如:

He said he would tell me the news ,but he didn’t do so .(=tell me the news) He smokes a lot , Does his brother do so ?(=smoke a lot) Do so 有时可以和do that,do it交替使用。例如:

The boys played doctors and nurses ,We watched them doing that(=playing doctors and nurse )but they wanted us to do so (=to play doctors and nurses ), too.

My brother said he was going to send a letter of protest to the President ,I did it last week . c)代动词do还可以与连接性副词so搭配,构成两个意义不同的常用句型:“so+do+主语”和“so+主语+do”,这两种句型常用于简短反应。

在简短反应中表示“我也如此”或“另外一个人也如此”时,常用“so+do+主语”结构。在这种结构中,主语不同于上文的主语。例如: A:I like playing football .

B:So do I .(= I like playing football too .)

So does my brother .( =My brother likes playing football too .) So did my father .( =My father liked playing football too .)

如果上文表示否定意义而在简短反应中表示同样看法时,则用“Neither/Nor+do+主语”。不过,在否定结构中,do便不是动词替代词(代动词),而是助动词。例如: A:He doesn't speak Russian . B:Neither /Nor do I.

Neither / Nor does my brother . Neither/Nor did my father .

在简短反应中,对别人所说的情况加以肯定时,常用“So+主语+do”结构。在这种结构中,主语与上文主语相同,so的意义相当于indeed,certainly,表示“不错”、“对了”。例如: A:The students work hard .

B:So they do.( = certainly they work hard )

A:Your father smoked a lot .

B:so he does .( =He smokes a lot indeed .)

A:Your father smoked a lot .

B:so he did (= certainly he smoked a lot .)

在上述结构中,其主语间或也可不同于上文的主语。例如: A: In those days many merchants travelled on horseback. B:So lots of other people dd . I imagine . So even the old artist did .

在主动词have(做“有”解)用于上述两种简短反应时,可有两种形式:一种是用主动词have的一定形式,另一种是用代动词do的一定形式。例如: A: John has a new dictionary , B: Yes ,and so have I / so do I. Yes , so he has /so he does .

在上述两种简短反应,如果上文谓语动词带有情态动词will,则用“So+will+主语”和“So + 主语+will”。例如:

A: Mary will enter the competition B: So will Joan .

A:Mary will win the prize . B: So she will .


再介绍一下分句性替代和分句替代词 3.1 什么是分句性替代

用分句替代词so/not 替代整个分句的现象叫做分句性替代。例如: A: Do you think he'll come tomorrow ?

B:Yes ,I think so . (so= that he'll come tomorrow) No,I think not (not= that he'll not come tomorrow)

A:Is there going to be a meeting tonight ?

B: I am afraid /believe/expect/fear/guess/hope/suppose so /not .

有时,分句替代词so可置于句首,起承接作用: A:He's leaving for London tonight ,you know ? B:So I've heard .

分句替代词so/not 还可与从属连词if搭配,构成无动词条件分句if so, if not。例如: We are told he will come tonight ,and it so ,our meeting will be held tomorrow .If not , there won't be any meeting tomorrow .( if so =if he comes tonight ; if not = if he doesn't come tonight )

3.2分句替代词的用法 在上述诸例可以看出,用分句替代词so/not 所取代的that-分句通常带有不甚确定的含义,

既不肯定,也不否定,所以so/not常与I'm afraid,believe,expect ,fear,guess,hope,suppose,think等词语搭配。在能作转移否定的结构中,以用I don't think so,I don't suppose so更加自然。在表示明显肯定口气或者怀疑口气的简短反应中,通常不用so/not 。例如:

A: Are the girls coming to the party ? B: I'm sure they are / I'm sure of it . I doubt if they are / I doubt it .

在上述答语中,不可以说*I'm sure so /not .* I doubt so /not.基于相同个的理由,通常也不说*I know so / not 。

分句替代词so还可以和某些表示说话的动词连用,而not通常不这样用。例如: A: The Yankees(美国人)will win the game . B: All my friends say so .

A:How do you know that he's leaving soon? B:He told me so .


A: Are the Yankees a very strong team? B:No, they say not .


A: Is your brother going with you ?

B: Perhaps not.(perhaps he is not going with me .)

A:Will Mary come to the party tomorrow ?

B:Possibly not .(=it is possible that she won't come .)

A: Will you waste your time and money on that ? B:Certainly not .(= certainly I will not do it .)

在上述结构中,通常不用so,此外,not还可与why搭配,构成缩略疑问句Why not。例如: A:I didn't stop him .

B: Why not ?(=why did not you stop him ?) 在上述结构中,用Why so则比较少见。

既不肯定,也不否定,所以so/not常与I'm afraid,believe,expect ,fear,guess,hope,suppose,think等词语搭配。在能作转移否定的结构中,以用I don't think so,I don't suppose so更加自然。在表示明显肯定口气或者怀疑口气的简短反应中,通常不用so/not 。例如:

A: Are the girls coming to the party ? B: I'm sure they are / I'm sure of it . I doubt if they are / I doubt it .

在上述答语中,不可以说*I'm sure so /not .* I doubt so /not.基于相同个的理由,通常也不说*I know so / not 。

分句替代词so还可以和某些表示说话的动词连用,而not通常不这样用。例如: A: The Yankees(美国人)will win the game . B: All my friends say so .

A:How do you know that he's leaving soon? B:He told me so .


A: Are the Yankees a very strong team? B:No, they say not .


A: Is your brother going with you ?

B: Perhaps not.(perhaps he is not going with me .)

A:Will Mary come to the party tomorrow ?

B:Possibly not .(=it is possible that she won't come .)

A: Will you waste your time and money on that ? B:Certainly not .(= certainly I will not do it .)

在上述结构中,通常不用so,此外,not还可与why搭配,构成缩略疑问句Why not。例如: A:I didn't stop him .

B: Why not ?(=why did not you stop him ?) 在上述结构中,用Why so则比较少见。

