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1. As Kara happily flipped through her college catalogues, her parents looked on in dismay, mentally calculating the total ____ costs.

A. fare B. wage C. tuition D. fee

2. I attribute her success in science ____ the encourage she received from her parents.

A. on B. to C. with D. into

3. Even when it was ____ for her to keep her mouth shut, she was always ready with a retort.

A. advise B. advisable C. advisory D. advising

4. It is difficult to believe the newspaper accounts of the riots because of the way some reporters distort and ____ the actual events. A. exaggerate B. enlarge C. widen D. overtake

5. Over the last fifteen years, running has become a popular ____ for 30 million participants of all ages.

A. fantasy B. pastime C. symposium D. penalty

6. In her hometown, she was a big fish in a small ____, but after she moved to New York, she was just only one among many millions. A. pond B. sea C. ocean D. lake

7. Although he thought he was helping us with the job, he was only ____.

A. in a way B. in the way C. on the way D. by the way

8. Because these lines are taken out of context, they do not ____ the message the author intended.

A. convert B. transfer C. exchange D. convey

9. Inability to relax, to ____ a problem, often prevents its solution.

A. let off on B. let up on C. let go of D. let down in

10. Try to be ____ in your eating this holiday season; if you control your appetite, you won’t gain too much weight.

A. temperate B. terminal C. tranquil D. tender

11. Spanish women ____ just 4.1% of corporate boards, according to a study by the European Professional Women’s Network.

A. make off B. make for C. make out D. make up 12. If you don’t eat more ____ dinner, you’ll be hungry later on.

A. vast B. considerate C. resourceful D. substantial 13. On or vacation we ____ an interesting antique store.

A. chanced upon B. concentrated upon C. counted upon D. congratulated


14. Now, there’s absolutely no question in any objective observer’s mind that entry to Oxford and Cambridge is ____ competitive. A. finely B. firmly C. fiercely D. flexibly

15. The new Lenovo laptop with the butterfly keyboard and the built-in FAX modem is a pretty ____ machine.

A. profound B. significant C. fundamental D. sophisticated

16. A dog’s ____ to its owner is one of the reasons why that animal is a favorite household pet.

A. accuracy B. fidelity C. hospitality D. ingenuity

17. The tenant must be prepared to decorate the house ____ the term of the contract.

A. in the vicinity of B. in quest of C. in accordance with D. in collaboration


18. Alice’s blog contains ____ photographs and hundreds of articles and short videos from her trip around the globe.

A. prosperous B. gorgeous C. spacious D. simultaneous

19. After the quarrel, Tina said nothing could ____ her to talk to Tony again.

A. deduce B. tempt C. excite D. induce

20. Up until that time, his interest had focused almost ____ on fully mastering the skills and techniques of his craft.

A. restrictively B. radically C. inclusively D. exclusively 21. She is ____ at every aspect of the job; all she lacks is imagination.

A. sufficient B. adequate C. proficient D. ample

22. He was so committed to the ____ of his faith that he was unable to evaluate them impartially.

A. credits B. doctrines C. certificates D. documents

23. It would be imprudent of you to ____ from your present job before you are offered another.

A. resign B. reject C. retreat D. retire 24. When it comes to fishing, I beat him by ____.

A. kilometers B. grams C. meters D. miles

25. The wood was so rotten that, when we pulled, it ____ into fragments.

A. broke off B. broke away C. broke through D. broke up 26. His speech was confusing and full of ____.

A. contrary B. conflict C. contrast D. contradiction

27. The statute of limitations sets limits on how long you have to take legal actions in ____ cases.

A. eccentric B. specific C. unique D. odd

28. Body paint or face paint is used mostly by men in pre-literate societies in order to attract good health or to ____ disease.

A. set aside B. ward off C. shrug off D. give away

29. At last they had to resort ____ forcing the door to rescue the boy.

A. with B. against C. from D. to

30. The criminally insane are said to have lost the ability to ____ between good and evil.

A. tell B. discriminate C. classify D. categorize

31. No matter how ____ the patient’s mutterings may seem, they give us some indications of what is on his mind.

A. irrelevant B. irresistible C. invisible D. intolerable

32. In certain countries the law ____ parents to send their children to school.

A. imposes B. obliges C. conforms D. submits

33. Supporters of the death penalty argue that the regulation would ____ criminals from carrying guns.

A. detach B. deter C. desert D. destine

34. Despite their lack of success so far, research scientists have ____ in their research for a cure for AIDS.

A. maintained B. retained C. insisted D. persevered

35. The doctor had almost lost hope at one point, but the patient finally ____.

A. pulled together B. pulled up C. pulled through D. pulled over

36. Rosa was such a last-minute worker that she could never start writing a paper till the deadline was ____.

A. emergent B. adjacent C. compulsory D. imminent

37. When a number of people ____ together in a conversational knot, each individual expresses his position in the group by where he stands. A. pad B. pack C. squeeze D. cluster

38. They are talking ____ steps in preparation for a possible war.

A. primitive B. preliminary C. productive D. progressive

39. Language, culture, and personality may be considered ____ of each other in thought, but they are inseparable in fact.

A. indistinctly B. separately C. irrelevantly D. independently

40. Nobody yet knows how long and how seriously the shakiness in the financial system will ____ down the economy. A. put B. settle C. drag D. knock

41. He drew on his cigarette and blew out a ____ of smoke.

A. flash B. stream C. storm D. circle

42. The beauty of Venice largely ____ the style of its ancient buildings.

A. consists in B. relies on C. composes of D. comprises in

43. The wealth of a country should be measured ____ the health and happiness of its people as well as the materials goods it can produce.

A. in line with B, in terms of C. in regard with D. by means of 44. He was very sick and his life was hanging by a ____.

A. rope B. thread C. cord D. string

45. I tried very hard to persuade him to join our group but I met with a flat ____.

A. disapproval B. rejection C. refusal D. decline

46. Although her early poetry was clearly ____ in nature, the critics thought she had promise and eventually would find her own voice.

A. destructive B. digestive C. distinctive D. derivative

47. The future of this company is ____: many of its talented employees are flowing into more profitable net-based businesses.

A. at odds B. in trouble C. in vain D. at stake 48. Don’t bring Robert to the picnic. He’s such a wet ____.

A. sheet B. carpet C. blanket D. bedclothes

49. The police fired tear gas into the crowd to ____ the protesters.

A. distribute B. disperse C. spread D. stretch

50. After her appointment ____ this eminent position, she seldom had time for her former friends.

A. to B. with C. at D. over

51. Mike’s strong desire to outshine his elder sister was all the ____ he needed to do well in school.

A. incentive B. attraction C. temptation D. appeal 52. He felt ____ at the ill-treatment of helpless animals.

A. indignity B. indignation C. indulgence D. inconvenience

53. One of the responsibilities of the Coast Guard is to make sure that all ships ____ follow traffic rules in busy harbors.

A. cautiously B. dutifully C. faithfully D. skillfully

54. She thought of her retirement day as the light at the end of the ____.

A. tube B. tub C. tunnel D. channel

55. Despite the monthly lovers’ quarrels, we always manage to ____.

A. adjust B. reconcile C. modify D. vary

56. Henry doesn’t know what to ____ at the university; he can’t make up his mind about his future.

A. take in B. take up C. take over D. take after

57. I never trusted him because I always thought of him as such a ____ character.

A. gracious B. suspicious C. skeptical D. passive

58. When I ____ my senses, I found myself wrapped up in bed in my little room, with Grandma bending over me.

A. woke up B. took to C. picked up D. came to 59. His ____ greeting made me feel unwelcome from the start.

A. isolated B. solo C. distant D. private

60. The chairman of the board ____ on me the unpleasant job of dismissing good workers the firm can no longer afford to employ. A. compelled B. posed C. pressed D. tempted

61. The ____ of the U.S.S.R. has been the most momentous event of the last quarter of the 20th century.

A. solution B. resolution C. distillation D. dissolution

62. The bandits desolated the countryside, burning farms and carrying ____ harvest.

A. out B. off C. on D. through

63. Stella held her ground against several attempts to ____ her as secretary of the club.

A. remove B. shift C. cancel D. transmit

64. Soon after the shooting, “No Trespassing” signs appeared in ____ colors around the preserve.

A. conspicuous B. suspicious C. spacious D. conscientious

65. It is through learning that the individual ____ many habitual ways of reacting to situations.

A. retains B. gains C. achieves D. acquires

66. Both parties promised to ____ their contract to be signed the following day.

A. keep with B. tangle with C. adhere to D. devote to 67. Some insects have a life ____ of no more than a few hours.

A. potential B. span C. scale D. scope

68. The ____ newspaper accounts of the marital problems of the royal couple

fascinated many readers but made others a little uncomfortable. A. sensitive B. sensible C. sentimental D. sensational

69. I needed more money and so I decided to make the ____ by the horns and ask my boss for more pay.

A. bull B. cow C. goat D. wolf

70. Failure in a required subject may ____ the denial of a diploma.

A. result from B. bring down C. result in D. bring out

71. The limestone was eroded by the ____ water until only a thin shell remained.

A. spilling B. dropping C. dripping D. leaking

72. These areas rely on agriculture almost ____, having few mineral resources and a minimum of industrial development.

A. respectively B. extraordinarily C. incredibly D. exclusively

73. The ranch owners appropriate the lands that had originally been ____ for the Indians’ use.

A. set away B. set aside C. set back D. set out

74. The goal is to make higher education available to everyone who is willing and capable ____ his financial situation.

A. with respect to B. in accordance with C. regardless of D. in terms of 75. Too polite to laugh in anyone’s face, Roy did his best to ____ his laughter at Ed’s inane remark.

A. distress B. oppress C. impress D. suppress

76. Digby’s embarrassment when he met Madonna was ____: his ears turned bright pink and he kept scuffing one shoe in the dirt. A. acute B. manifest C. keen D. severe

77. Fiber-optic cables can carry hundreds of telephone conversations ____.

A. simultaneously B. spontaneously C. homogeneously D. contemporarily 78. I am afraid that his border raid is the ____ to more serious attacks.

A. symptom B. reference C. prelude D. inference

79. The elderly Russians find it hard to live ____ their state pensions.

A. on B. through C. with D. up to

80. The farmers have taken strenuous pains to turn the ____ land into fertile fields.

A. bald B. void C. blank D. barren

81. Even though the Red Cross had ____ a large sum for the relief of the sufferers of the disaster, many people perished.

A. indicated B. allocated C. designated D. appointed

82. Individual supports are run by over 370 independent government bodies whose functions usually include ____ rules, holding events and promoting international links.

A. drawing on B. drawing in C. drawing up D. drawing down 83. I think you have permitted your son too much ____ in this matter.

A. attitude B. altitude C. latitude D. aptitude

84. The deaths of such ____ actors as John Candy and George Burns tell is that the galaxy of Hollywood superstars is rapidly disappearing.

A. obvious B. conspicuous C. noticeable D. renowned

