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Chapter 1 Ancient Greek Culture

1. How did Zeus punish Prometheus for stealing fire from him? 【宙斯如何惩罚盗火的普罗米修斯?】P 6

Prometheus was chained to a mountain ,an eagle would devour his liver ,and his liver would grow out the next day before the eagle came to devour it again. (普罗米修斯被锁链锁在一座山上,他的肝脏被一只鹰吞噬,而他的肝脏又会在第二天,那只鹰来吃之前长出来)

2. What does the phrase “Achilles’ heel” refer to? 【“阿基里斯之踵”指的是什么呢?】P 12

Achilles is the bravest and strongest of the Greek warriors in the Trojan War,and his heel is his only weakness,now use the word Achilles’ heel to describe ones only weakness. (阿基里是特洛伊战争中一个最勇敢最强壮的战士,后脚跟是他唯一的缺点,现在用这个词来形容一个人唯一的缺点)

3. What is the name of the mountain where the ancient Greeks believed their gods lived?

【古希腊人认为他们的神住在哪座山上?】P 6

Mount Olympia (奥林匹亚山)

4. Who is the god of the underworld? 【阴间的神是谁?】P 8


5. Which battle in ancient Greece started from the apple of discord? 【古希腊开战的祸根?】P13

The Trojan War(特洛伊战争) 6. What are the primary symbols of the sea god Poseidon? 【海神波塞冬的主要标志?】P 8

His weapon,trident(他的武器,三叉戟)

7. What is the psychological term coined by Sigmund Freud based on the Greek mythological character Oedipus?

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【什么心理学词汇是西格蒙德·弗洛伊德根据希腊神话人物俄狄浦斯所创造的? 】 P 14

Oedipus complex(恋母情结)

8. Who was considered by Aristotle to be the first philosopher in Greek tradition? 【谁是亚里士多德认为的希腊传统上第一位哲♂学家】P 15


9. In Greek mythology,Prometheus普罗米修斯made human beings out of clay(粘上), taught man how to survive in the harsh(严酷的) environment and stole fire from heaven for the benefit of man. 10.Apollo阿波罗 is the sun-god and the god of music and poetry. 11. Artemis(阿耳特弥斯), also known as Diana戴安娜, is the goddess of moon, wild animals, the hunt, vegetation, chastity and childbirth.

12. Athena雅典娜 is the goddess of war, handicraft and wisdom.

13. Aphrodite阿佛洛狄忒is the goddess of beauty and love, better known by her Roman name Venus维纳斯.

14. Eros is the son of Venus, better known by his Roman name Cupid丘比特_. 15. Hermes赫尔墨斯is the god of thieves(蒂费斯小偷), travelers and merchants. He is often depicted with a pair of winged sandals有翅膀的凉鞋哈哈哈 and a winged cap(有翅膀的帽子看上去好傻啊哈哈哈),which enable him to travel swifter than sight.

16. Identify who each of the following descriptions is referring to. P 14-22

1) The greatest of ancient Greek epic poets, he is the author of the 'Iliad' and 'Odyssey'.(这个人是古希腊的伟大诗人,写过《伊利亚特》和《奥德赛》)


2) This philosopher was the teacher of Alexander the Great and set up his own school---named---Lyceum.(这个人担任过亚历山大大帝的老师,还建立了“学会”)


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3) For this philosopher everything was related to mathematics and numbers were the ultimate reality. He influenced Plato and discovered a theorem that was named after him.D.毕达哥拉斯_

4) This philosopher was the teacher of Plato and the protagonist of Plato’s dialogues. _E.苏格拉底 5) This philosopher and student of Socrates founded the Academy in Athens, the first institution of higher learning in the Western world.C.柏拉图

A. Aristotle B. Homer C. Plato D. Pythagoras E. Socrates Chapter 3 Food

1. What can the word “salad” mean? And the phrase “salad days”? 【“沙拉”是什么?“沙拉时光”又是什么?】 P77

Salad,a mixture of foods,consisting of chopped vegetables,meat,seafood and so on. Salad days, means a youthful time. (沙拉是一种混合食物,包含了切碎的菜,肉,海鲜之类的;沙拉时光指的是年轻的岁月)

2. When can salad be served during a meal? 【沙拉可以在那一餐上吃呢?】P78

Salads may be served at any point during a meal(沙拉在什么时候都可以吃)

3. Can you name some kinds of salad and explain them? What is the difference between green salads and vegetable salads?

【你能举一些沙拉品种的例子并且解释它们吗?绿色沙拉和蔬菜沙拉有什么区别吗?】 P78

Side salads,a kind of side dish;Entree salads,as the main dishes.We can add some meat, fish in green salads, but not in vegetables salads.(配菜沙拉,一种配菜;主菜沙拉,充当主菜;我们可以在绿色沙拉里面加鱼加肉 ,但不在蔬菜沙拉中加)

4. What are salad dressings? What are the three basic types of salad dressing applied in Western culture? Please give some examples of each type.

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【沙拉酱是什么?西方文化中的三大主要沙拉酱是什么?请举例】 P79

They are sauces for salads.The three basic types of salads dressing are vinaigrette,creamy dressing and cooked dressing.(他们是沙拉的酱汁。三大主要沙拉酱是指醋,奶油酱和烹饪调料)

5. What is a typical cheese making process composed of? 【典型乳酪的制作过程】P81

Preparing the milk,separating the curds from the whey,pressing the curds,aging the cheese,wrapping natural cheese,and making and wrapping the processed cheese.(准备牛奶,从乳清中扩散凝乳,压凝乳,乳酪熟化,包装自然乳酪和制作并包装成品乳酪)

6. What are the eight cheese families? 【八大乳酪家族?】 P81

Fresh cheese,Bloomy rind cheese,Natural rind cheese,Blue-veined cheese,Uncooked pressed cheese,Cooked pressed cheese and Processed cheese.(白乳酪,花皮软质奶酪,水洗软质奶酪 ,压缩未熟奶酪 ,蓝(青)纹奶酪 ,压缩成熟奶酪, 山羊奶酪和 融化奶酪(再制干酪))顺序按百度的资料而定 7. When is the National Sandwich Day/Month in America? What is the main

purpose of the celebration?【美国的国家三明治日在什么时候?庆祝的主要目的是?】 P82

November 3;The main purpose is to call people’s attention to the convenience,versatility and nutrition of sandwiches,(十一月3号;主要目的是让人关注三明治的便捷,多功能和营养)

8. What can the word “spaghetti” mean? And where does the phrase “spaghetti genre(类型) of films” originate from?

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Spaghetti is one type of pasta that is loved throughout the world.And the phrase “spaghetti genre of films”can be used to describe something that is complicated or tangled. Most of these films were produced and directed by Italians.(意大利面s是意大利面p的一种类型,被全世界热爱。“意大利面类型的电影”这句短语是指错综复杂的电影,这些电影通常由意大利人编导)

9. What can the word “turkey” evoke(唤起) and why? 【“火鸡”这个词是怎么叫开的?为什么?】P85

Images of family, friends celebration and giving thanks since turkey has been associated(相关的) with holidays such as Thanksgiving and Christmas for a long time.(很长一段时间内,在家庭聚会,朋友们庆祝的时候,例如感恩节和圣诞节,都有火鸡的身影)

10. When is the season to for enjoying turkey? 【享用火鸡的季节?】 P85


11. What is the turkey viewed as? 【火鸡被视为什么?】P85

An icon of America and symbol of freedom(美国的图标与自由的象征哈哈哈!火鸡居然是自由的象征哈哈哈!还是美国的图标哈哈哈~~~~~~)

12. What is a full course dinner made up of? 【一个完整的晚餐流程?】P88

Appetizer, main (meat) course and dessert.(开胃菜,主菜和小吃)

13. What is the simple rule to order the wine? 【点酒次序的简单规则?】P88

White wine for white meat such as fish and chicken and red wine for red meat such

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