2019七年级英语上册 Module 2 My family词句精讲精练(新版)外研版

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Module 2 My family


词汇精讲 1. family


例如:I have a big family. 我有一个大家庭。 My family are very kind. 我家人都很和蔼。 2. parent,grandparent parent 名词,“父亲或母亲”,指父母双亲之一。作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式;parents是parent的复数形式;意为“父母”,指两个人;作主语时谓语动词用复数形式。同样,grandparent指祖父母中的一个人,而grandparents指的是祖父母两个人。祖父母单独的具体称谓是grandfather(爷爷/姥爷)和grandmother(奶奶/姥姥);口语中也可以称grandpa和grandma。

例如:Your parent is coming, don’t worry. 你的家长就要来了,不要担心。 Her parents are workers. 她的父母亲都是工人。

His grandparents live in the village. 他的祖父母住在那个小村庄里。 3. sister / brother

这两个词都是可数名词,复数是brothers / sisters;意为“姐姐,妹妹/哥哥,弟弟”。英语中需要表示长幼区别时通常在brother,sister前加上elder表示“兄,姐”;加上little / younger表示“弟,妹”。

例如:This is my younger sister Lily. 这是我的妹妹Lily。

It’s a photo of my elder brother. 这是一张我哥哥的照片。 4. these,those

these 是this的复数形式,意为“这些”。those是that的复数形式,意为“那些”。this,these,


是单数指示代词;those与these后接复数名词,是复数指示代词。通常谈论离自己近的人或物时用this/these; 谈论离自己远的人或物时用that/those。 例如:This is a book. 这是一本书。

Those girls are in Class 3. 那些女孩在三班。 5. uncle, aunt, cousin

这三词对应的汉语意思很广,可以通过上下文意思来判断,uncle可以指父亲或者母亲的兄弟,即“叔叔、伯伯和舅舅”,aunt指父亲或者母亲的姐妹,即“姑姑、婶婶和阿姨”。cousin 是他们的子女,即“堂(表)兄弟、堂(表)姐妹”。这三个词均为可数名词。 例如: My father’s brother is my uncle. 我爸爸的弟弟(哥哥)是我的叔叔(伯伯)。 My uncle’s son is my cousin. 我叔叔的儿子是我的堂兄弟。 Her mother’s sister is her aunt. 她妈妈的妹妹是她的姨姨。 6. a photo of Tony’s family a photo of Tony’s family的意思是“托尼的一张全家福照片”,相当于“Tony’s family photo”。of是表示名词所有格,是常用来表示无生命的名词所有格的形式, 表示所属关系;意为“……的”


例如:a map of China 一幅中国地图 the leg of the table 桌子的腿 拓展:


两词都有“照片、相片”之意,都是可数名词,其复数都在词尾加s,其区别如下: photo 常指拍摄的“照片”。

例如:This is a photo of my brother. 这是我哥哥的一张照片。 picture不仅指“照片”,还可以指“图片、画像”。 例如:Can you draw a picture? 你能画一幅画吗? 7. on the left/on the right

这两短语是表示方位的短语,on the left意为“在左边”,它的反义词on the right意为“在右边”。如果表示在某人的左边或右边,应用on+形容词性物主代词+left/right。 例如:My cousin is on my right in this photo. 在这张照片里,我的表兄弟在我的右边。 拓展:

本单元表示方位词还有:in front of 在……前面;next to 在……旁边;紧挨着 例如:Lily is in front of me. 李丽在我的前面。

The man next to me is my father. 在我旁边的那个男人是我的爸爸。 8. their/its


例如:This is their big room. 这是他们的大房间。 Those are their books. 那些是他们的书。

I have a dog. Its eyes are blue.

我有一只狗。它的眼睛是蓝色的。 拓展:

1)辨析it’s和its: it’s=it is 意为“它是”。It是代词,意为“它”,表示第三人称单数。its意为“它的”,后面需要加名词。

例如:It is a book.= It’s a book. 它是一本书。

I have a book. Its picture is beautiful. 我有一本书,它的图片很漂亮。 2)形容词物主代词还有:her(她的),his(他的),your(你的/你们的), my(我的),our(我们的)。 词汇精练

Ⅰ. 按要求写出下列单词的各种形式。 1. aren’t(同音词)_______ 2. these (单数)_______ 3. that(复数)_______ 4. aunt(对应词)_______ 5. parent(复数)_______ 6. we are(缩写形式)_______ 7. sister(对应词)_______

8. grandfather(对应词)_______

Ⅱ. 根据中文及首字母提示完成句中的单词。

1. Jim and Tom are twins. They’re twin b_____.


2. Mr. Wang has a lovely d______ . She’s only five years old. 3. Her father is a hotel m______ .

4. Look! It’s a p______ of my family. . 5. T_______(这些)are my balls.

6. My mother and my cousin are at the s _____ hospital..

7. Lily and Lucy are my c______. They are my aunt’s daughters. 8. Look at the photos! Those are ______ (他们的) photos. 9. My uncle’s job is at a police s_______. 10. There ______ three people in my f_______. Ⅲ. 用所给词的适当形式填空。

1. This is a photo of ______ (Kate) family. 2. Her ______ (parent) are at home. 3. What’s ______ (you) phone number? 4. These are my ______ (friend).

5. I like ______(this)books, but I don’t like ______(that) books.

IV. 根据短文内容及所给首字母提示,在空白处填入一个适当的词,使短文意思完整。 This is a p____(1) of my parents. This is my f____(2). His name is Xia Donghai. He is a director(导演). He is thirty-nine years old. This is my m____(3). Her name is Liu Mei. S____(4) is a nurse in a hospital. She is thirty-six. She can only speak Chinese.

This is Xia Xue, my s____(5). She is fifteen years old. She is a student in Grade Nine in a middle school. She is a good s____(6). She can speak Chinese and English. This is Xia Yu, my b____(7). He is ten years old. He is a student in a primary school, b____(8) he can speak English and Chinese well. This is me. M____(9) name is Liu Xing. I’m thirteen years old. I can only s____(10) a little English. V. 听力链接。 (云南剑川期中)

第四节 听短文,完成下列信息表格。

Family members(成员) Father Mother Brother I How? Time Drives his car 21 22. 23 24. 6:30 a.m. 7:00 a.m. 25. 21. A.7:00 p.m. B.7:30 p.m. C.8:00:p.m. 22. A. by car B. by bike C. by subway 23. A. takes a train B. takes a bus C. takes a taxi 24. A. walk B. ride my bike C. take my father’s car 25. A. 6:45a.m. B. 6:45 p.m. C. 7:00 a.m.




1. aunt 2. this 3. those 4. uncle 5. parents 6.we’re 7. brother 8. grandmother

Ⅱ. 根据中文及首字母提示完成句中的单词。

1. brothers 2. daughter 3. manager 4. photo 5. These 6. same 7. cousins 8. their 9. station 10. family Ⅲ. 用所给词的适当形式填空。

1. Kate’s 2. parents 3. your 4. friends 5. these; those

IV. 根据短文内容及所给首字母提示,在空白处填入一个适当的词,使短文意思完整。 1. photo 2.father 3.mother 4.She 5.sister 6. student 7.brother 8.but 9.My 10. speak V. 听力链接。


21.B 22.C 23.B 24.A 25.A 第四节 听短文,完成下列信息表格。

Hi, I’m Lisa. There are four people in my family — my parents, my brother and I. My father works on a radio station from 8:00 in the evening to 7:00 in the morning. He drivers his car to work at 7:30 in the evening. My mother teaches in a middle school. She takes the subway to school at 6:30 in the morning. My brother is a bus driver. He goes to work on his bus at 7:00. I’m a middle school student. I walk to school at 6:45 in the morning because the school is only one kilometers from our home. We are all busy every day. 句式精讲

1. This is/These are…

当我们介绍一个人或一些东西时,经常用This is/These are…,而不是用“He is…”或者“They are…”。

例如:-Mum, this is my teacher. 妈妈,这是我的老师。

-Miss Wang, this is my mother. 王老师,这是我妈妈。 注意:“This is 后接单数名词,these are 后接复数名词。

例如:Look, these are my friends, Bob and Tom. 看,这些是我的朋友,鲍勃和汤姆。 拓展:

此外,指近处的物体时用“This is…”句型;指远处的物体时用“That is …”句型。 例如:This is my aunt. 这是我姑姑。

That is my friend. 那是我的朋友。

如果用来询问,也可以用人称代词he或者she代替指示代词this/that。 例如:Is she your mother? 她是你的妈妈吗? 2. What’s your mother’s job?


例如:—What’s her job? 她是干什么工作的?

—She’s a teacher. 她是一名教师。 另外,询问职业还可以用句式:What+is/are+人称代词?或 What do/does +人称代词+do? 例如:—What are they?(=What do they do?) 他们是干什么工作的?


—They’re students. 他们是学生。

—What does your older sister do?你姐姐的做什么工作的? — She’s a bus driver. 她是公共汽车司机。 3. Who’s this/that?

Who是疑问代词,意为“谁;什么人”。用它可以构成特殊疑问句。句式是“Who + is + this/that +?”,意为 “这/那是谁?”。回答时用“He / She / It +is…”。

注意缩写的情况:who’s= who is she’s = she is he’s = he is it’s = it is

例如:-Who’s this? 这是谁?

-She’s my aunt. 她是我姑姑/姨妈。 -Who’s that? 那是谁?

-He’s my uncle. 他是我叔叔/舅舅。

当需要对复数意义的词提问时,要用“Who are these/those?”来提问,意为“这些/那些是谁?”;回答用“They are …”。 例如:-Who are these? 这些是谁?

-They are my cousins. 她们是我的堂姐妹。 注意:


例如:-Who’s it in the picture? 照片里的人是谁? -It’s my sister. 是我的姐姐。 4. What a big family!

What a big family!是一感叹句,意为“真是一个大家庭”。 表示喜怒哀乐等强烈感情的句子叫感叹句。感叹句的末尾用感叹号。句子开头经常用what 或者how来引导。how后面常接形容词或副词,what后面常接名词,当然名词前可以有形容词修饰。 例如:

How beautiful the picture is! 这张图片多漂亮呀!

What a tall boy your brother is! 你哥哥是一个多么高的男孩! 句式精练

I. 连词组句。(请注意句后的标点符号) 1. sister, this, your, is

___________________________________? 2. friends, his, are, those

___________________________________? 3. the, is, his, boy, brother

____________________________________. 4. is, she, not, my, sister

____________________________________. 5. What,family,a,big

____________________________________! Ⅱ. 句型转换。

1. This is my uncle.(变否定句)



