Book 8 unit2 词汇复习

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Unit 2 当堂检测

1.与某人在某方面不同___________________ adj不同的 名词不同

2. 准确的 ;adv 完整的 ; adv 完整地

3. 商业的 4.简单的直接的 ;复杂的 5. 着手从事v.

过去式及分词 着手做某事 6. 得到好结果,取得成功 还清债务 ;with the debts ______________ 7. 突破

8.沮丧不愉快 9.总共完全地 =in all 10.任意的

11.改正n (改错)He made a few correction to his composition. 12.反对做

练习:His parents strongly objected to his __________(go) abroad to study.

Dolly’s appearance raised a storm of ______________.(反对)

13. have _____impact _____sth (改错)The medicine has a good affect on your body.

14. 获得赢得 15.禁止某人做某事 某人被禁止做

16.积累聚集 17.赞成支持 18.义务的强迫的

19.欠某人某物 20. 因为由于 21. 退休

22.打扰操心 花时间精力做某事 23. 一定做

24.假定设想 v. 在…假设下______________________

We reserved 2 tables for the family together ____________________ all the members will be


25.打;撞击 (过去式及分词) 练习:_____________ the iron when

it is hot. 使…刻骨铭心 某人突然想起某事

26.不时偶尔 at a time in no time at no time

27.使复生复活 28.最初的开始的

29. 白费力气 in place/order/time/need

30. 抵抗v n. 禁不住做某事 31….的缺点

32. 仅仅只 33.不能的不会的 反义词 做某事的能力

残疾的 残疾人 34.装饰 35.状况很好(坏)

在…的条件下 working conditions 36. 合情理的


Unit 1 答案

1. distinct; distinction 2. be distinct from 3. distinction 4. majority; are; minority; is 5. live on sth; sth live on 6. make a life 7. despite=in spite of 8. hardship 9. elect; be elected as; election

10.打算做;意味着做 By means of; by no means; 一定当然可以;一种做…的方法 练习:to 11. percentage; are; percentage; is 12. keep up good habits; 追得上赶得上与…并驾齐驱; 保持勇气; 继续做 13. likely; stuck 14. racial; race 15. boom 16. applicant; apply; applied;applied; apply to sb for sth; application 17. society; social 18. occur; occurred; occurred; sth occur to sb 19. indicate 20.luggages改为luggage 21.apparent; apparently; 22. conduct;conductor 23.slip; slipped; slipped 24. team up with; 25. hired 26. fascinating; fascinate; fascinated 27. mark sth out 28. take in 29. of 去掉 30. punishment 31. justice 32.mourn 33. reform; reform 34. grasp 35. be thankful to sb for sth 35. thoughtful

