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1、Lymphocyte homing(淋巴细胞归巢):The process by which particular subsets of lymphocytes selectively enter and residue in peripheral lymphoid organs. It’s mediated by homing receptor on T lymphocytes and addressin on endothelial cells.

2、Lymphocyte recirculation(淋巴细胞再循环):is the process by which lymphocytes continuously move between sites throughout the body through blood and lymphatic vessels, and it’s critical for the initiation and effectors phase of immune response.

3、Hapten(半抗原):Substances which can combine with TCR, BCR or Ab, but cannot induce immune response independently.

4、Sequential/Linear determinants(顺序型/线性决定簇):are epitopes formed by several adjacent amino acid residues. They exist on the surface or inside of antigen molecules. They are mainly recognized by T cells, but some also can be recognized by B cells.

5、Conformational determinants(构象型决定簇):are epitopes formed by amino acid residues that aren’t in a sequence but become spatially juxtaposed in the folded protein. They normally exist on the surface of antigen molecules and can be recognized by B cells or Ab.

6、T cell epitope(T细胞表位):Antigen epitopes recognized by T cells(TCR).Features: peptides; sequential determinants; exist in anywhere of Ag; after processed, presented by MHC molecules; 8~23 amino acid residues long.

7、TI-Ag/Thymus independent Ag(胸腺依赖性抗原): Ag which can stimulate B cells to produce Ab without the help of T cells and macrophages.

8、TD-Ag/Thymus independent Ag(非胸腺依赖性抗原): Ag which can stimulate B cells to produce Ab with the help of T cells.

9、Heterophile Ag/Forssman Ag(异嗜抗原): Common Ags shared by different species. They have no specificity of species and play an important role in immunopathology and diagnosis.

10、CDR/Complementary determining region(互补决定区): The six HVR of H chain and L chain are brought together to form antigen-binding surface, so HVR is also called CDR.

11、Idiotype/Idiotype determinant(独特型/独特型表位): The unique structure located in the V region of Ig ,BCR or TCR which show different immunogenicity due to the different amino acid sequence of HVR or CDR. It’s a unique Ag-specific marker for each Ig in an individual.

12、Opsonization(调理作用):refers to the functions of IgG and IgM that after their Fab fragments bind Ag, their Fc fragments bind macrophage to enhance the phagocytosis of macrophage;or the functions of C3b and C4b on the microbe surface that bind to CR1 on the macrophage surface to enhance the phagocytosis of macrophage.

13、ADCC/Antibody dependent cell mediated cytoxicity(抗体依赖的细胞介导的毒性作用):It’s a process in which FcR of NK cells, macrophages and monocytes bind to Fc fragment of Ab(IgG,IgA,IgE) coated target cells resulting in lyses of target cells.

14、mAb /McAb/Monoclonal Ab (单克隆抗体):Ab produced by single B cell clone or one hybridomas clone and having a single specificity.(Immunized spleen cells(B) hybride with myeloma cells----hybridomas) 15、MAC/Membrane attack complex(攻膜复合体):C5b6789 complex which leads to formation of a hole in the membrane and mediates lysis of target cell.

16、CKs/Cytokines(细胞因子):are small polypeptides produced in response to microbes and other Ags secreted by activated immunocytes or some matrix cells that mediate and regulate immune and inflammatory reactions by binding corresponding receptor on cells.

17、IFN(干扰素):The CKs produced by human or animal tissue cells or T lymphocytes and NK cells,following the infection of virus and exposure to antigen whose principle function is to inhibit virus

replication or activate macrophage in both innate immunity and adaptive immunity.

18、CAMs /Ams/cell adhesion molecules (黏附分子):The cell surface proteins involved in the interaction of cell-cell or cell-extracellular matrix. They play a crucial role in cell interaction, recognition, activation and migration by binding of receptor and ligand.

19、CD/cluster of differentiation (分化簇):It is a group of cell surface molecules associated with the development and differentiation of immune cells.

20、MHC/major histocompatibility complex(主要组织相容性复合体):A large cluster of linked genes located in some chromosomes of humanity or other mammals that encode major histocompatibility antigen and relate to allograft rejection, immune response and cell-cell recognition.

21、HLA/Human leukocyte antigen(人类白细胞抗原):The major histocompatibility antigens for humanity which are associated with histocompatibility and immune response. They are alloantigens which are specific for each individual.

22、HLA complex(HLA复合体):The MHC of humanity, a cluster of genes which encode for HLA and related to histocompatibility and immune response.

23、MHC restriction(MHC 限制性):In interaction of T cell and APC or target cells, T cells not only recognize specific antigen but also recognize polymorphic residues of MHC molecules.

24、PAMP/pathogen associated molecular pattern( 病原相关分子模式): The distinct structures or components that are common for many pathogens ,such as LPS, dsRNA of viruses etc.

25、PRR/ pattern recognition receptor (模式识别受体): The receptors on macrophage that can recognize and bind PAMP on some pathogen, injured or apoptotic cells, including mannose receptor, scavenger receptor , toll like receptor etc.

26、APC/Antigen presenting cells/Accessory cells/A cells(抗原递呈细胞): A group of cells which can uptake and process antigen and present antigen-MHC-Ⅰ/Ⅱ complex to T cells, playing an important role in immune response.

27、Cross-priming/Cross-presentation (交叉递呈): A mechanism by which a professional APC activates, a na?ve CD8 CTL specific for the antigens of a third cell (e.g. a virus-infected or tumor cell)

28、ITAM /immunoreceptor tyrosine-based activation motif(免疫受体酪氨酸活化基序): ITAM transduces activation signals from TCR, composing of tyrosine residues separated by around 18 aas. When TCR specially bind to antigen, the tyrosine becomes phosphorylated by the receptor associated tyrosine kinases to transduct active signals.

29、TCR complex(TCR复合物): A group of membrane molecules on T cells that can specifically bind to antigen and pass an activation signal into the cell, consisting of TCR(αβ,γδ), CD3 (γε,δε)andδ-δ。 30、BCR complex(BCR 复合物):A group of membrane molecule on B cells that can specially bind to antigen and pass an activation signal into B cells, consisiting of BCR and Igα-Igβ heterodimer.

31、Co-receptor(辅助受体/共受体): A lymphocyte surface receptor that binds to an antigen complex at the same time that mIg or TCR binds the antigen and delivers signals required for optimal lymphocyte activation. CD4 and CD8 are coreceptors on T cell, and CD19/CR2(CD21)/CD81 are coreceptors on B cells.

32、Positive selection(阳性选择): Double positive T cells whose TCR can recognize and combine with MHC can develop and differentiate continuously into single positive T cells and got MHC restriction. 33、Isotype exclusion(同种型排斥):Only one of the two types of light chain genes can be expressed. 34、Immunological synapse/T cell synapse(免疫突触): When TCR complex recognizes peptide-MHC complex on APC, several T cell surface proteins and intracellular signaling molecules(such as CD3,CD4,CD8,CD28) are rapidly mobilized to the sites of T cell-APC contact.

35、Granzyme(颗粒酶): Proteinase enters target cell through perforin channel to induce target cell apoptosis.

36、Immunotolerance (免疫耐受): A type of specific unresponsiveness to a given antigen that is induced by previous exposure to lymphocytes specific for that antigen but response naturally to other antigens. 37、Central tolerance(中枢耐受): Central tolerance occurs in the central lymphoid organs as a consequence of immature self-reactive lymphocytes recognizing ubiquitous self-antigen.

38、Peripheral tolerance(外周耐受): Tolerance was induced in peripheral organs as a result of mature self-reactive lymphocytes encountering tissue-specific self antigens under particular conditions

39、Clonal deletion(克隆排除): During maturation of lymphocytes in the thymus for T cell or in the bone marrow for B maturation, immature lymphocytes that recognize ubiquitous self-antigen with high affinity are deleted by negative selection.

40、Clonal anergy (克隆无能): A state of functional inactivation without cell death of T and B lymphocytes induced by recognition of antigen in the absence of co-stimulatory signal.

41、Clonal ignorance(克隆耐受): Self-reactive lymphocytes remain viable and functional, but they do not react to the self antigens in any detectable way, because the affinity is low or concentration of antigen is low.

42、AICD/Activation induced cell death(活化诱导细胞死亡): Repeated stimulation to T、B lymphocytes by persistent antigen results in death of the activated cells by the process of apoptosis. FasL on activated T cell binds to Fas on activated T cell inducing T cell apoptosis; FasL on activated T cell binds to Fas on target cells inducing target cells apoptosis.

43、Hypersensitivity(超敏反应): A harmful immune response when a sensitized individual encounters the same antigen again, subsequently produce tissue injury or disorder of function and may cause serious disease.

44、TSA/Tumor specific Antigen(肿瘤特异抗原): Antigens that are only expressed on tumor cells but not on normal cells ,having high specificity.

45、Direct recognition(直接识别): In transplantation immunology T cell is activated by recognition of an intact MHC molecules displayed by donor APC in the graft. It is a cross reaction of a normal TCR. In normal condition, it recognizes self MHC molecules plus foreign peptides, but now, it recognizes an allogenic MHC plus peptide.

46、GVHD /graft versus host disease(移植物抗宿主病): A disease usually occurs in bone marrow immune response, immune cells in the graft can give immune response to the host.

47、Antigenic modulation(抗原调变):is a phenomenon that cell-surface tumor antigens decrease or lose because of attack of host’s humoral immune.

