(湘少版)六年级英语上册教案 unit9

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Unit 9 What is Dongdong going to do?

教学目标:1 理解课文 Part A 2 了解 be going to 结构

3 New words:pick up,put down,shout,throw at, take?from?,towards. 情感目标:让学生懂得爱护动物,保护大自然。

在竞赛中培养孩子们的合作精神,竞争意识以及集体荣誉感。 重点:掌握课文A部分大意。

难点:理解“be going to?”现在进行表将来。 教学步骤: Step1: Warming up

? Greetings ? Free talk

? Sing a song: If you’re happy. ?


CAI shows pictures: get up,

go to bed, go to… have lunch, have… play football, play…

Step2: Pesetation and drill


(课前将一块石头放在地上,装作不小心踩到) T: Oh, what’s wrong? What’s this? Ss: A stone!

T: Yes, it’s a stone. ( Rewiew the word)

Who can pick up the stone for me? ( Do the gesture & write down the new word.)

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S1 pick up the stone & T read: “pick up” , Ss repeat.

T: Please put it down on the table.(Write it down & read, Ss repeat.)


(Show a ball) T: Guess! What am I going to do? (Pretend to throw the ball.) S:You’re going to throw the ball.( Read it)

T: Who can catch it?( Pretend to throw the ball. Ask S3 to catch it.) Write down & read “throw\\ catch” Game:Catch the ball!

T throws, S1 catches, S1 throws, S2 catches…(4-5 Ss)


Let’s chant!

Pick, pick, pick up a stone. Put, put, put down a stone.

Throw, throw, throw a ball. Catch, catch, catch a ball.


Throw the ball to S4, & ask him to throw it to T.

T:Ouch! Just now, I shouted ! ( Write down & read “shout”) CAI shows : A boy is shouting.(Read the new word again.)

? Game: Magic Eyes


T shows the stone & ask: Can I throw the stone?

T: No, I can’t. It’s dangerous! But Dongdong want to throw it. Why? Please open your books at…

Step3 Reading 1. Fast- reading

T: Today, we’re going to learn a new Unit…(read the title)

Now listen to the tape, then find: Where are Lingling & Dongdong?( zoo)

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2. Read carefully

? CAI shows the questions (Read) ? Listen to the tape again. ?

Read & all answer.

3. Reading match.

4 groups , pick a picture & read the text . Get the points by three aspects:

Loud correct fluent

Step 4 Practise & extension.


CAI shows a picture: 6 people T: What is Xiao Jun going to do ? S5: Xiao Jun is going to go to school.

Discuss what are these people going to do in groups.


Small blackboard shows some story pictures. Tell a story in groups.(4 in a group)


What’s your family going to do on Sundays?

Sunday’s Plan Father Mother … ------小学资源网投稿邮箱: xj5u@163.com -----



Unit 9 What is Dongdong going to do?

What is ? going to do? 1 2 3 4 pick up put down He/She is going to throw

catch fluent ? correct Loud ------小学资源网投稿邮箱: xj5u@163.com ----- --4--

