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Unit 1 Part I

Ⅱ. Complete each of the following sentences with the proper form of the word given in brackets.

1. ( press ) All the men were under heavy working day and night. 2. ( rest ) The man was very worried about the safety of his son, so he

walked about the room.

3. ( leisure ) The young industrial engineer did everything in a way.

4. ( surround ) How my teacher would teach any youngster in such is a complete

mystery to me.

5. ( competence) Do you think you?d be to criticize(批评)the action taken by your


6. ( increase ) The situation in that area has become serious in the last few weeks. 7. ( skill ) student performance depends on careful teaching planning.

8. ( arrive ) Hohn Read, a recent to the United States, was an altogether more

effective man.

9. ( open ) The book?s is dull, but the last sections are interesting. 10. ( pass ) In my opinion, their friendship has survived the of time.

V. Each of the following sentences contains an error. Point it out and correct it. 1. Janet is finally used to cook on an electric stove after having a gas one for so long. A B C D ( ): Correction:

2. Reading several books on that subject, Bill considered himself an expert. A B C D ( ): Correction:

3. We were pleased to have the opportunity to watch such good dancers to perform a highly A B C D praised new ballet.

( ): Correction:

4. Even though the child pretended sleeping, when we opened the bedroom door we were not A B C fooled. D

( ): Correction:

5. Some of the people were standing in the street watched the demonstration, while others A B C D were singing songs.

( ): Correction:

6. Having finished his term paper before the fixed fage, it was delivered to the professor A B C before the class. D

( ): Correction:

7. If our expanding population is not to suffer from lack and pollution in the future, a great A

effort must be made to repair some of the damage already done and to stop more harm done. B C D ( ): Correction:

8. I am going to have my letters type tomorrow afternoon if I?ve got them ready by then. A B C D ( ): Correction:

Part Ⅲ Passage 2

Someone said to a man, “Travel and see the world.” He answered, “Why shonld I? People are the same everywhere. They are born. They are babies. They are children. They are adults. They grow old. They die. They have the same feelings. They fee1 love and hate, happiness and sadness, ecurity and fear, pride and shame. That is why I do not want to travel. I can learn everything here. I?m going to stay home.”

The man was right. He was also wrong. People are the same, but people are also different. They all have the same pattern of life-birth, youth, old age, death. But these stages of life have different values in different cultures. A1so, while all people have the same feelings, the causes of these feelings are different. A situation that may bring happiness in one place may not bring happiness in another place.

For example, in many countries old age is a happy time. Young people in these countries show respect to the old people. In Korea, old people are honored and respected. When they arc too old to live alone, they live with a son, daughter, or other relatives. When they become sixty one years old, it is a very happy and important event. There is a big party with many guests. They receive many gifts. When people reach this time in life, the attitudes of their family and their community change toward them. Everyone looks forward to this time.

In the United Srates, it is quite different for o1d people?Most o1d people do not 1ive with their children or relatives. For many North Americans, old age is not a happy time. Most North Americans want to stay young. They try to act like young people as long as possible. They even try to speak the language of the young. They do not like to grow old because they will not get honor or respect or attention. A1so, businesses do not want old people to work for them. So, old people usually live alone and they do not have many things to do. Old age can be a sad and lonely time for them.

1. The reason why the man did not have the intention of traveling was that . A. he thought he already knew about people in other places B. he was too old to travel any more

C. he could not understand people in other countries since he was deaf D. he preferred to stay home to enjoy his leisure time 2. Which of the following statements is NOT true?

A. People all over the world are the same, but they are also different.

B. Different values are reflected in different stages of life in different cultures. C. People react differently to the same situation.

D. The reasons for the same feelings are also the same in different cultures. 3. In Korea, people .

A. think being young is the same as being old B. are afraid of old age C. are longing for old age D. value their youth most

4. Compared with American old people, the old in Korea . A. enjoy 1iving alone and supporting themselves B. can led an honored and respected life C. can cat like the young

D. are not respected and do not receive due attention 5. The word “businesses” in Paragraph 4 means . A. managers B. consumers

C. shops or factories D. busy people

Passage 3

Everybody wastes time. Instead of doing his homework, the schoolboy watches television. Instead of writing her essay, a student goes our with her friends. (1) All of them had good intentions, but they keep putting off the moment when they must start work. (2) As a result, they begin to feel guilty, and then waste even more time wishing they had not allowed themselves to be distracted(干扰).

When someone else is organizing our time for us, as for instance during lessons or working

hours, we do not as a result work more efficiently, but at least we are subject to the discipline of a routine(惯例). (3) It is when we are responsible for organizing our own time that the need for self-discipline arises. I know two writers who seem to work in quite difierent ways. Bob is quite methodical (井井有条的). He arrives at his office at 9a.m. and is creative until 12:30. At 2 p.m. he returns to his desk and is creative until 5 p.m., when he goes home and relaxes himself until the following morning. Alan,on the other hand, works in inspired (凭灵感的) bursts, often missing meals and sleep in order to get his ideas down on paper. Such periods of intense activity are usually followed by days when he listens to Mozart and looks through magazines in his flat.

Their places of work reflect their styles. (4)Bob?s books are neatly organized on the shelves; he can always find the books he wants. Alan, on the other hand, has books and magazines an over the place. (5) They are about every subject under the sun, mostly unconnected with his work. All the same he is good at making use of the unlikely information to illustrate his books. Translate the underlined sentences into Chinese.

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

Unit 2 Part I

II. Complete each of the following sentences with the proper form of the word given in brackets.

1. ( globe ) More and more people are turning their attention to environmental

problems now.

2. (diverse) Her brother has a great of interests; he likes sports, travel, photography

and making radio sets.

3. (extend) Those foreigners enjoy making friendly contacts with the Chinese


4. (colony) The first English attempt to North America was controlled by individuals

rather than companies.

5. (explosively) Because of the population growth in some countries, people must

produce more food.

6. (observe) Many of the great writer?s friends were also sharp of life. 7. (strong) The activities help to greatly the ties among the club members.

8. (major) He thinks the time has come to improve the conditions of the of the


9. (industry) Some people agree that it is necessary to the agricultural region as soon

as possible.

10.(remove) I am going to do all I can to result in the of the unpleasant impression

you have on me.

V. Each of the following sentences contains an error. Point it out and correct it.

1. The national parks are very important for preserve many animals, who would run the risk


of dying out. D

( ): Correction:

2. The large birdhouse, togetller with the numerous birdfeeders, attract a considerable A B

number of different species in the summer. C D

( ): Correction:

3. That the family is experiencing basic change as a result of historical procesges are fairly A B C generally accepted by people. D

( ): Correction:

4. France prefers to ease paying terms for middle income countries rather than to cut total

A B C debt in any new initiative. D

( ): Correction:

5. He was told that if he had been a boy or the family had been richer, he would have a better A B C

chance. D

( ): Correction:

6. Few people realize that the region is very rich in natural resources, having not only oil and

A B C gas with vast amounts 0f coal and water. D

( ): Correction:

7. When he left the office last night, he forgot turning off the light. A B C D ( ): Correction:

8. Most cultures contain a number of common sayings and beliefs that are not really A B

based on fact but, when examined,are proved to be misinformation. C D

( ): Correction:

Part III Passage l

The advantages and disadvantages of a large population have long been a subject of discussion among economists. It has been argued that the supply of good land is limited. To feed a large population, poor land must be cultivated (耕种) and the good land worked intensively(精耕细作地). Thus, each person produces less and this means a lower average income than could be obtained with a smaller population. Other economists have argued that a large population gives more chance of development of facilities such as ports, roads and railways, which are not likely to be built unless there is a big demand.

One of the difficulties in carrying out a worldwide birth contro1 program lies in the fact that official attitudes to population growm vary(变化) from country to country dependjng on the level of industrial development and the availability of food and raw materials. In the developing country where a vastly expanded population is pressing hard upon the limits of food, space and natural resources, the first concern of government with be to set a limit on the birthrate, whoever the final result may be. In a highly indusrialized society the problem may be more complex(复杂的). A decreasing birthrate may lead to unemployment because it results in a declining market for manufactured goods(制成品). When the pressure of population oil housing declines, prices also decline and building industry grows weaker Faced with concerns such as these, the government of a developed country may well prefer to see a slowly increasing population, rather than one which is stable or in decline.

1. The main topic of this article is . A. environment protection

B. population growm

C. environament and economy D. climate changing

2. The passage says that a small population may lead to . A. higher production, but a lower average income B. lower production and lower average income C. higher production and a higher average income D. lower production, but a higher average income

3. According to the passage, the use of birth control perhaps is good for . A. a developing country. B. A developed country C. The whole world

D. Each nation with a big population

4. In a developed country, people will perhaps be unemployed if the birthrate . A. goes up B. goes down C. remains stable D. js out of control

5. The author is aiming to show that .

A. humans will out of their food supply in the future

B. it is necessary for humans to carry out a worldwide plan for birth contro1 C. different nations have different views of population growth

D. we need to take necessary measures to prevent the overuse of natural resources

Passage 2

Within about 50 million years, one of the mammals(哺乳动物) that live sin a marine environment, the whale(鲸), has developed into the largest of all animal forms. However, at least for the last 150 years, trouble has closed in on whales from hamans.

Whales have been hunted since about the eleventh century. Certain types of whales have been hunted too much. Recently, their number has been reduced so greatly that they are in danger of becoming extinct(灭绝的). People ate worried about the fact that the number of whales is getting smaller and smaller. They are working to save them.

There are reasons why people want to protect the whales, One reason is that whales help to keep a balalice between plants and animals. People have been throwing their wastes into the oceans and seas, and these wastes increase the amount of salt in ocean and seawater. The increased salt helps some plants and some very small creatures to grow but these plants and small creatures are harmful to fish. However, whales ale ealing large numbers of plants and animals that grow in very salty water. In this way, whales are doing a good job as thley keep the ocean water clean enough for the fish. In addition, because fish supply necessary food for many people, whales become our good friends which we want to save.

Some people are now working to save whales by using the law. They hold meetings to ask fishermen to reduce the number of whales which can be killed in a year. They also work within countries to persuade law makers to make whaling against me law and to make the use of whale products against the law too.

Now this struggle to save whales is going on in many places in the world. Some govelTlments will not let people sell whale products in their courttries. Other governments have changed the law about whaling. Many people believe that sine me number of whales is regarded as a serious wold problem, the remaining whales will be saved. 1. The passage mainly discussed . A. the protection of whales

B. the strange behaviours of whales C. the mysterious life of whales

D. the advantages of too many whales

2. From the passage we know that during the last 150 years humans have . A. returned to nature B. learned how to swim

C. threatened the existenee of some marine mammals D. begun to harvest certain plants from the ocean as food

3. According to the passage, ceftain kinds of whales will soon . A. kill most of the plants and small creatures B. find some other places to live in C. die out

D. die from pollution

4. Salt in the oceans usually .

A. decreases the plants which are harmful to fish B. gets rid of harmful plants and creatures C. removes the wastes thrown into them

D. increase the plants and small creatures that do harm to fish 5. Whales are helpful to humans because .

A. they eat a large quantity of plants and creatures harmful to fish B. they make the oceans more and more salty C. they often save sailors lost in a storm D. they can communicate with humans

Unit 3 Part I

Ⅱ. Complete each of the following sentences with the proper form of the word given in brackets.

1. (tolerate) If yon take a drug regularly, your body slowly acquires a of it. 2. (fhatred) He them because they made him feel insecure. 3.(compatible) The partners were too to stay in business together.

4.(expect) Those who drop out of school must lower their of success. 5.(resist) By determined attacks they broke down the enemy?s .

6.(charming) He was so angry that he did not notice the of the beautiful countryside. 7.(indicate) She gave no as to where the various elements for tea were to be found. 8.(racial) The court?s majority held tllat the University of Califonia?s medical school went

too far in considering .

9.(subsequently) We made plans for a visit, but difficulties with tlle car prevented it. 10. (suspect) Nothing could be ploved against him, but he always remained under .

Part Ⅲ Passage 1

We have saved as a final set of emotions(情感) the two most important emotions connected with other people: love and its opposite, hate. Love can be seen everywhere. Yet surprisingly love has been the subject of less scientific research than other emotioils, such as anger and fear. The reason for this may be twofold. First, love is a very complex(复杂) emotion, difficult to describe and measure. Secondly, unlike many radical emotions, radical love is generally not a problem; thus les medical attention has becn paid to it.

What is love? This is a complex question and requires a complex answer. Love is a strong, positive attraction and feeling for another person or thing. But it is more than this. It also involves feeling of caring, protection, excitemellt, and tenderness(温和). When two people are in love, they feel drawn to one another; they greatly enjoy each otller?s company; and they may be sexually attracted to one another.

Sometimes it is easier to think in terms of different kinds of love: romantic love, brotherly love, and so forth. Though they are different in some respects, they share one important characteristic: a strong positive feeling toward another.

Our feelings toward other people are often complex. We may love someone and, at the same time, be angry with him. Or we may love someone, even though we are jealous of him. We might even love someone and, at the same time, hate for some precise reason.

Hate js a strong negative emotion toward someone, and is due to anger, jealousy, or some other fact0L Like 10ve,hate can be a very strong emotion. It can also be very dangerous. The question is

often asked, “Is it bad to hate?”The best answer is probably “sometimes yes and sometimes no.” Usually hate does not help us; it makes us feel unhappy and makes us do things that may hurt others. However, sometimes it may be necessary to hate and hurt someone in order to protect loved ones. 1. The word “saved” in the first sentence of this passage means . A. 1eft B. relaxed C. set free D.kept up

2. Love is a lasting, strong, positive attraction and feeling for another person or thing, the very opposite emotion of which is .

A. anger B. fear C. jealousy D. hate

3. Which characteristic is shared by different kinds of love? A. A strong negative emotion toward someone. B. A strong positive feeling toward another. C. Unhappy feeling toward someone. D. Jealous feeling toward someone.

4. According to the passage, hate is caused by . A. anger, jealousy or some other factors B. angel danger and hurt

C. caring, protection, excitement and tenderness D. complex, strong positive emotion 5. Which of the follwing is true?

A. Love has been the subject of less scientific research because it is too simple an emotion.

B. Radical love is so difficult to describe and measure that less medical attention has been paid to it.

C. To hate is always too bad.

D. We can have at the same time two opposite feelings for another.

Passage 3

I talked with a young man who was the lover of a woman I had been interviewing. It took place a few days after the lovers had exchanged gifts while I was present.

(1) There was little activity in the camp that day until late afternoon, when squeals(尖叫) and shouts of excitement brought me out of my tent. A young couple, I recently married, were playing ?catch-me-if-you-can?, running after each other. As I stood watching, I noticed the young man sitting in the shade of a tree, also watching. I said, “They?re very much in love, aren?t they?” he answered, “Yes, they are.” After a pause he added. “For now.” I asked him to explain, and he said. (2) “When two people are first together, their hearts are on fire and their love is very great. After a while, the fire cools and that?s how it stays.” I asked him to explain further. (3) “They continue to love each other, but it?s in a different way-and dependable.” Seeing my questioning expression, he continued, “Look, after you marry, you sit together by your tent, cooking food and giving it to each other-just as you did when you were growing up in your parents? home. Your wife becomes like your mother and you, her father” How long did this take? “It alters among couples. A few months, usually? sometimes longer. But it always happens.” Was it also true for a lover? “No,” he explained, “fedings for a lover stay intense much longer, sometimes for years.” What did he feel for the woman I had been interviewitag? Hadn?t they been lovers for a long time?

(4) As soon as I mentioned her name, his expression changed and a smile crossed his face. He described what an exceptional and beautiful woman she was and how deeply he loved her, “With a burning heart.” (5) He confirmed what she had already told me-that they often fantasized about running away together. I asked, “What would it be like?” A dreamy look came over his face; then he smiled against and said, “The first few months would be wonderful!”

Translate the underlined sentences into Chinese.

(1) (2) (3) (4)


Unit 4 Part I

Ⅱ. Complete each of the following sentences with the proper form of the word given in brackets.

1. (depart) There are notices showing arrivals and of trains near the


2. (deduct) A of seventy-five pence was made from the price realized, to cover


3. (dental) Our does not hurt when he pulls out teeth.

4.(suggest) Presenfly he made the that they carry on their conversation in


5. (fluent) As I mentioned above, certain traditional language teaching exercises

promote in communication.

6. (specify) Mary made carcful as to the kinds of cake and candy for her party. 7. (conductor) Whetber right or wrong, he has ideas about how the lessons should be . 8. (regulation) Can you this watch so that it keeps time precisely?

9. (commander) he remarked that I had a great of the English 1anguage. 10. (host) Last Night we were to a few friends.

Part Ⅲ Passage l

One of the strongest reasons or the raising of the school leaving age(ROSLA) has been that it will bring us nearer to the ideal of “equal opportunity”.

Many people like to think of our present system of schooling as providing plenty of steps up the ladder of success for clever children. It would be good to think that no one who is really bright can be missed out when the state system is apparently so thorough. It is obvious, for instance, that many children from less rich homes reach university or do well in other ways.

Unfortunately, we now have plenty of evidence that many children of every level of ability do much less well than they could. For instance, during the years of national military service it was possible to test the intelligence(智力)of all male 18—20 year olds. Half of those soldiers who were placed in the two highest ability groups had left schools at 15.

It has also been shown that he percentage of working class children going to university is almost the same now as it was in 1939. one study of 5000 chndren from birth to 21 years old indicated that up to half the bright pupils from workings class homes left schoo1 when they reached 16 years old. Moreover, there is no difierence in intellgence between the sexes, but far more boys than girls stay in education after 16.

It is clear from this and much other evidence that many children are still leaving school too early to benefit from the prizes-money, social respectability, and interesting jobs, which higher education gives. It is clear too that the reasons why such children leave have mach to do with their social circumstances(情形). Their palents often need the extra money another wage-earner can bring in; they do not value education for itself because their own was probably dull and unhappy. It is not so much mach that they force their sons and daughters to leave school, rather that they tend to say, “It?s up to you”.

1. It is hoped that ROSLA will give all children . A. a more enjoyable time at school B. the same chances in society C. the right to a better schoo1

D. higher scores in intelligence tests

2. People would like to think that .

A. equal humbers of poor and rich children reach university B. mose with the least money get the best education

C. intelligent children are always chosen by the system D. only clever children do well

3. Working class children ale felt to be at a disadvantage because . A. many of the clever ones leave school early B. fewer go to university than ever before

C. more tban half leave school when thev are 16 D. fewer boys than girls stay at school after 16 4. Many children leave school earJy because . A. their social circumstances make them anhappy B. they have to work to support their family?s income C. their school is a dull and unhappy place

D. their parents don?t allow them to make their own decisions 5. This article shows that equal opportunity in education . A. is a thing of the past

B. has not yet been achieved C. is there for those who merit it D. has greatly improved our society

Passage 2

One of the most interesting paradoxes in America today is that Harvard University, the oldest university of higher learning in the United States, is now engaged in a serious discussion about what a university should be,and whether it is measuring up.

Should Harvard-or any other university -be an intellectual sanctuary(圣地),apIart from the political and social revolution of the age,or should it be a laboratory for experimenting with these political and social revolutions;or even an engine of the revolution?

This issue was defined sevcral years ago by Walter Lippmann,a famous Harvard graduate: “If me universities are to do their work,”he said,“they must be independent and they must be disinterested(公正)?They are places to which men can turn for judgments which are fair. Obviously,the moment the universities fall under political control. or under the control of private interests.or the moment they themselves take a hand in political affairs and leading positions in government,their value as independent as disinterested sources of judgment is weakened”

This is part of the discussion that is going on at Harvard today.Another part is the disucssion of the militant(激进的)and even many conservative students that a university is the keeper of our ideals and morals,and should not be“disinterested”but active in bringing the nation?s ideals and actions together.

Harvard?s men of today seem more troubled and less sure about personal,political and study purposes than they did at the beginning.They are not even clear about how they should discuss and resolve their problem,but they are struggling with them privately,and how they come out is sure to influence American university and political 1ife.

1. According to Walter Lippman,a university must . A. depend on the government

B. take active part in political affairs and social issues C. fall under the control f special and private interests D. remain independent of our society

2. Those who disagree with Walter Lippmann argue that a university should . A. be engaged in a serious discussion on the role it plays in the society B. support our old and established universities C. take an active part in solving society?s problems D. not be interested in social revolutions

3. In regard to their goals and purposes in life, Harvard men of today are becoming . A. more sure about them B. less sure about them C. less interested in them D. completely lost

4. The word “paradoxes” underlined in the first sentence of this passage means . A. a difficult problem

B. an out-of-the-ordinary condition C. a self-contradiction(矛盾) D. an unusual situation

5. According to the writer the discussion going on at Halvard . A. will soon be over B. will have no result

C. will influence future life in America

D. will cause little influence on other universities

Unit 5 Part I

Ⅱ. Complete each of the following sentences with the proper form of the word given in brackets.

1. (notice) His clothes were simple and .

2. (advertise) He decided to go and look at some for jobs.

3. (hard) Life in the mountains me until I felt no fear or weakness in mind

or body.

4. (fashion) It?s to go top the seaside for your holidays.

5. (use) We tried all sorts of medicine but they were all .

6. (poison) Some plants have roots or fruit, so you must be very careful before you

eat the fruit in the forest.

7. (usual) It was not for him to come home at six or seven in the moming when he

was on duty at night.

8. (world) He was several years older than his brother, and independent. 9. (help) She repeated his name , too shocked to say more. 10.(weak) lack of food his strength.

Part III Passage 1

Life really should be one long journey of joy for children who are born with a world of wealth at their tiny feet. But experts on psychological research now believe that silver spoons can leave a bitter taste. If suicide statistics are a sign of happiness, then the rich are a miserable lot. Figures show that it is the rich who most often do away with themselves.

Dr. Robert Coles, an internationally famous doctor, is the world?s top expert on the influence of money on children. He has written a well-received book on cbe subject, The Privileged(享有特权的)Ones, and his research shows that too much money in the family can cause as many problem as too little. “Obviously there are certain advantages to being rich,” says the 53-year-old doctor, ?such as better health, education and future work expectation. But most important is the quality o family life. Money can?t buy love.”

It can buy a lot of other things, though, and that?s where the trouble starts. Rich kids have so much to choose from that they often become confused. Their palents? over favoring can make them spoiled. They tend to travel more than other children, from home to home and country to country, which often makes them feel restless.

“But privileged children do have a better sense of their positions in the world,” adds Mr. Coles, “and they are more self-assured.”

Today?s rich parents perhaps have realized that their riches can be more of a burden(负担) than a favor to their children. So their priority(优先考虑的事) is to ensure that their families are as rich in love as they are in money.

1. According to the passage, children of rich families . A. enjoy traveling B. can buy love

C. usually commit suicide D. are not always happy

2. Dr. Robert Coles believe that .

A. being rich has as many advantages as being poor B. rich children often get too little entertainment

C. rich children sometimes can?t enjoy the thing they are most in need of D. rich children aren?t given enough things

3. Which of the following statements is not true according to the passage? A. It is love that is always lacking in rich and poor families alike. B. Silver spoons can sometimes leave a bitter taste. C. Money can?t buy everything.

D. Rich children are often confused because they have so much to choose from. 4. The expression “silver spoons” in Paragraph 1 means . A. very expensive spoons B. rich people C. wealth

D. spoons made of silver

5. This article is written mainly to tell readers that . A. the rich are more likely to do away with themselves B. money can bring a lot of things, including love C. life is always happy for children of rich parents

D. rich parents should realize what is important in the family is love rather than money


Do parents owe their children anything? Yes, they owe them a great deal.

One of their chief duties is to give their children a sense of personal worth, for self-esteem(自尊心) is the basis of a good mental health. A youngster who is often made to feel stupid, often compared to brighter brothers, sisters, r cousins, will not feel confident and become so afraid of failing, that he (or she) won?t try at all. Of course, they shonld be corrected when they do wrong; this is the way children learn. But the criticisms sbould be balanced with praises.

Parents owe their children firm guidance and consistent discipline. It is frightening for a youngster to feel that he is in charge of himself; it?s like being in a car without brakes(刹车). The parent who says “NO” when other parents say “Yes” sends a double message. He is also saying: “I love you, and I am ready to risk your anger, because I don?t want you to get into trouble.”

Parents owe their children a comfortable feeling about their body, and enough information about sex to balance the wrong information that they will surely receive from their friends.

Parents owe their children privacy(隐私权) and respect for their personal things. This means not borrowing things without being permitted, not reading diaries and mail, not looking through pockets. If a mother feels that she must read her daughter?s diary to know what is going on, the communication between them must be pretty bad.

Parents own their children a set of solid values around which to build tlleir lives. This means teaching them to respect the rights and opinions of others; it means respecting elders, teachers, and the law. The best way to teach much values is by example. A child who is lied t0 will lie. A child who sees his parents steal tools from the factory or towels from a hotel will think that it is all right to steal. A youngster who sees no laughter and no love in the home will have a difficult time laughing and loving.

No child asks to be born. If you bring a life into the world, you owe the child something. And if you give him his due, he?ll have something of value to pass along t your grandchildren. 1. According to the passage, parents owe their children the following things except . A. cars B. privacy

C. respect of self

D. information about their body

2. The writer thinks that teenagers are frightened when they are in charge of themselves because .

A. they don?t know how to stop a car without brakes B. there is no one to guide and discipline them

C. they are afraid of being left alone

D. there is no one to ask for help when in trouble

3. Which of the following ways is advised for parents to show love to their children? A. Saying “Yes” to everything the children ask for. B. Never embracing older children. C. Refusing something to their children. D. Never criticizing children

4. The word “due” in the last paragraph means . A. something one should do or finish before a fixed time B. reasonable explanation(s) or plan(s)

C. what must be given to someone because it is right or owing D. thetmoney to be paid

5. Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?

A. Parent prefer to let their children be in charge of their own lives at all early age. B. Children learn much by seeing what their parents do.

C. Children shouldn?t be corrected because it destroys their self-esteem.

D. It is better to compare a youngster to his brighter because it makes him try harder.

Unit 6 Part I

Ⅱ. Complete each of nle following sentences with the proper form of the word given in bragkets.

1. (thought) He was for a while and then answered.

2. (define) In this dictionary, the of “frequent” is “found or happening offen;

repeated many times”.

3. (objective) he hoped I would write about the United States. 4. (impress) The general was a very man.

5. (approval) When I told her our plan, she shook her head in . 6. (apply) The manager received twenty for the post. 7. (confident) I have in my youth and energy.

8. (determine) If she had more , she could be a success at anything. 9. (attraction) Harbin can look very at this time of the year.

10. (natural) They stood talking together as easily and as could be.

PartIII Passage 2

Each Indian(印第安人) was supposed t0 keep his birth name until he was old enough to earn one for himself. But his playmates(游戏伙伴) would always give him a name of their own. No matter what his parents called him, his childhood friends would use the name they had chosen. Often it was not pleasing, such as Bow Legs or Bad Boy. But sometimes a name fit so well that the youngster found it difficult to shake it off. If he could not earn a better one from a war later, he could be stuck with a name like Bow Legs for the rest of his life.

The Indian earned his real name when he was old enough for his first fight against the enemy. His life name depended on how he acted during this first battle. When he returned from the war, the whole tribe would gather and observe the ceremony in which he would be given his name by the chief. If he had done well, he would get a good name. otherwise he might be called Crazy Wolf or Man-Afraid-of-a-Horse. So an Indian?s name told his record or described the kind of man he was.

A man was given many chances to improve his name, however. If in a later battle he was brave in fighting against the enemy, he was given a better name. Some of our great fighters had as many as twelve names-all good and each better than the last.

An Indian?s names belonged to him for the rest of his life. No one else could use them. Even he himself could not give them away because names were assigned by the tribe, not the family. So no man could pass on his name unless the chief and the tribe asked him to do so.

Sometimes an Indian would be asked to give his name to a son who had performed a noticeable deed. I knew of only three of four times when this happened. It is the rarest honor for a peison-the honor of assuming his father?s name.

1. Names were important to an Indian because . A. they were given by the chief of the tribe B. they described the charaeter of a man

C. he got his names from the older generation D. names were earned in battle

2. An Indian could be given the second name by . A. his father B. tje enemy

C. the chief of the tribe D. his childhood friends

3. The greatest honor an Indian could earn was . A. a victory in his first battle against the enemy B. a name given by the chief

C. a ceremony to get his real name D. the right to use his father?s name

4. If an Indian had more than ten names, it meant that . A. many people in the tribe liked him B. he was a great fighter C. he had a lot of friends

D. he had fought in fewer than ten battles

5. Which of the following statements is not true according to the passage?

A. The names given by the playmates of an Indian were usually not pleasant. B. The life name of an Indian was earned in battle

C. An Indian could throw away his birth name when he was old enough to earn one for himself. D. The Indians themselves were not allowed to give their names away.

Passage 3

(1) Today?s magazines carefully instruct their readers on the kinds of clothes and manners that will help them get a job, find a mate, an din general lead a successful life. Actually, who needs to be told that a polite smile, a good coat, and plenty of self-confidence will get you better service in any store and a nicer table in a restaurant? (2) All this advice about appearances angers the individualists(个人主义者) who insist on living and acting as they please. They believe that rules about dress limit personal freedom and cannot be accepted. What right does an employer(雇主) have, for example, to make his employees(雇员) wear a certain type of coat or shave their beards? “Every right,” thinks the employer, well aware that the public judge his business by the appearance of the people who work for it.

(3) Another complaint of the individualists in that it is not fair to “judge the book by its cover,” or the man?s intelligence(才智) and abilities by his looks. It is true that Albert Einstein was not elegant in his sweaters and trousers that were too big and had no shape at all; and the fact that he refused to wear tie and socks never concealed his genius. But genius enjoys some special rights, and Einstein never had to worry about people?s opinion of him. Among ordinary people, looks do mean something. (4) While a man?s clothing doesn?t say anything about his intelligence, it says plenty about his personality, about his judgment, and about the opinion that he has of himself. “If that man had any sense,? reasons a possible employer, “wonldn?t he try to look attractive enough to make me want to hire him? Is he too lazy to make the effort? In that case, what kind of a worker can he be?”

the same kind of question will come to the mind of anyone who sees a person wearing, by choice, the wrong kind of clothes for any occasion. (5) Fairly or not, everyone reaches a decision about his personality and situation. If the decision is wrong, the man has nobody to blame about himself, he has delivered the wrong message.

Translate the underlined sentences into Chinese.

(1) (2) (3)

(4) (5)

Unit 7 Part I

II. Complete each of the following sentences with the proper form of the word given in brackets.

1. (perfect) A is someone who refuses to do or accept anything that is not perfect. 2. (finance) All the employees must work hard to cope with the present .

Difficulties in order to triumph over it in a short period of time.

3. (prior) They insist that the right to education take over all other considerations

because it will decide a nation?s future development.

4. (depend) Now that Jean has got a job, she is financially .

5. (argue) We should try to settle the problem by , not by conflict.

6. (trouble) Being short of money is a bit but we?ll try our best to finish the task

without delay.

7. (act) When the sun comes out the flowers by opening wide.

8. (physiology) Our teacher gave us a detailed and clear description about Pavlov?s


9. (politics) You need to be a bit of a to succeed in this company.

10. (destroy) He is very good at making arguments against things, but he never

offers any ideas of his own.

Part III Passage 2

Here are six questions about your approach to life. Try to answer them as honestly as you can. Are you hard driving and competitive? Are you usually pressed for time? Do you want to control others?

Do you bave a strong need to do better than others in most things? Do you eat too quickIy?

Do you get upset when you have to wait for anything?

If you have answered “yes” to most of these questions, then I can make a few predictions(预测) about you, based on a recent eight-year study of nearly two thousand people who live the way that you do.

You likely find that life is full of challenges and you often need to keep two or more projects moving at the same time. The chances are that you have been to college, that you have a management job and that you bring work home at night. You think that you put more effort into your job than many of the people you work with, and you centainly take your work more seriously than most of them. You get angry easily, and if someone is being long-winded(拐弯抹角的),you help them get to the point. You also have trouble finding the time to get your hair cut.

And there?s one other thing. You are about twice as likely to have a heart attack as someone who takes a more easygojng(心平气和的) approach to life.

The beginnings of your hard-driving behavior go right back to childhood. In school you got recognition and perhaps prizes for being quick and bright, for bejng an achieve, for competing with others and for winning. You likely went on from schoo1 to get a series of increasingly better jobs against pretty stiff competition. They were jobs where you had to care about the results, where you constantly had to push things forward and get things done. In your present job you also feel some couflict, either with time or with other people. Some of those you work with don?t seem able to understand the simplest ideas, and they often put of those you work with don?t seem able to understand the simplest ideas, and they often put a brake(约束)on what you?re trying to achieve. The conflict may not take place every day. You pride yourself on being able to keep the lid on. But it?s always there, under the surface.

1. If you answers to above question are “yes”, you are likely to A. enjoy your food at dinner B. be good listeners

C. wait a few seconds before answering a question D. have more chances to suffer from a heart attack

2. It can be concluded from the last paragfaph that his hard-driving character . A. has been developed since childhood B. may be changed by your experiences C. will place no influence on your work D. enables you to be a successful person

3. Which of the following words is not appropriate to describe this type of people? A. Competitive. B. Nervous. C. Easygoing. D. Ambitious.

4. What is implied in the last sentence? A. The lid will always remain in place. B. The conflict may occur any moment.

C. The situation is always under your control. D. You are able to solve the problem. 5. The main idea of the passage is .

A. why competitive people are more likely to succeed in their career B. how people can relax themselves

C. why hard-driving people are likely to have a heart attack D. how personality affects your attitude toward life Passage 3

(1) To a large degree, the measure of our peace of mind is determined by how much we are able to live in the present moment. Irrespective(不考虑的) of what happened yesterday and what may happen tomorrow, the present moment is where yon are always!

Without questions, many of us have mastered the art of spending mnch of our lives worrying about a variety of things-all at once. (2) We allow past problems and future concerns to control our present moments, so much so that we end up anxious, frustrated, depressed, and hopeless. On the other hand, we also postpone(推迟) our satisfaction and our happiness, often convincing ourselves that someday will be better than today. (3) Unfortunately, the same mental dynamics(动力) that tell us to look toward the future will only repeat themselves so that someday never actually arrives. John Lennon, a well-known singer, once said, “Life is what?s happening while while we?re busy making other plans.” When we?re busy making other plans, our children are busy growing up, the people we love are moving away and dying, our bodies are getting out of shape, and our dreams are slipping away. In shoft, we miss out on life.

Many people live as if life were a dress rehearsal(彩排) for some later date. It isn?t. In fact, no one is absolutely sure that the or she will be here tomorrow. Now is the only time we have, and the only time that we have any control over. When our attention is on the present moment. We push fear from our minds. (4) Fear is the concern over events that might happen in the future-we won?t have enough money, our children will get into trouble, we will get old and die, whatever.

To combat fear, the best strategy is to learn to bring your attention back to the present. Mark Twain said, “I have been through some terrible things in my life, some of which actually happened.” I don?t think I can say it any better. (5) Practice keeping your attention on here and now. Your efforts will pay great dividends (红利,报偿).

Translate the underlined sentences into Chinese.

(1) (2) (3)



Unit 10 Part I

Ⅱ. Complete the following sentences with the proper form of the word given in brackets. 1. (bomb) are military airplanes designed to drop bombs on surface targets. 2. (survive) In some of the larger animals in nature, the existing evidence points to a

similar pattern.

3. (invade) Though the entered this region and raided several areas south of

the Yangtze, they found the weather there too warm and damp for them.

4. (hand) The addition of the East Building to tbe National Gallery of Art has

provided Washington with opportunities enjoyed by only a of U.S. cities.

5. (commute) Railroads and multi-lane freeways carry hundreds of thousands of

daily to and from the suburbs.

6. (resolve) The General Assembly in 1957 adopted a to set up a found to

provide assistance in fields essential to the technical, economic, and social development of less-developed counties.

7. (exhaust) Cutting down all the trees, air pollution, and the of natural

resources will bring far-reaching and devastating social and environmental consequences.

8. (wreck) At the end of each period when a settlement was destroyed (usually by fire,

or by a shaking of the earth, or both), the survivors, merely built new houses upon it.

9. (decent) His honesty and , rather than physical strength, provided the

impetus(动力) for his heroism.

10. (hero) The mature form of writing poems is called the epic; two such

epics are Iliad and Odyssey.

V.Each of the following sentences contains an error.Point it ont and correct it. 1.Bush was in his speech responding to critich which blamed him for lacking“vision.” A B C D ( );Correction: 2.In fact,American opinion was sharply divided on how to take advantage of the sudden, A B C surprised victory in the Cold War. D

( );Correction: 3.Internationalists of both parties,however,insisted that Americans took advantage of A B C D the historic opportunity,the victory of the Cold War. ( );Correction: 、

4.Twice in 20th century the United States had achieved victories over Japan and Germany A B

onIy to see its operation in Korea defeated. C D ( );Correction: 5.The technology of modern mass communication results in mally types of inventions and A B C

discoveries. D

( );Correction: 6.Technological wonders of the 19th and 20th centuries have developed the newer means of A B

mass communication,with which the present near-global spread of printed words,pictures, C D and sounds would have been impossible. ( );Correction: 7.The printing press,radio,motion pictures,television,and sound recording was A B C necessary for public communication in the 20th century. D

( );Correction: 8.Technology was not,however,the only precondition for developing of mass A B C communication in the West. D

( );Correction: 9.Technological wonder have made them possible for mass communication to satisfy the A


widespread needs for popular reading materials. C D ( );Correction: 10.Wealth and interest are necessary for the maintenance of the radio,television,cinema, A

and recoding industries,institutions who are presently most highly developed in wealthy, B C D industrial nations.

( );Correction:

Part III

Passage 1

Throughout July 1945,the Japanese mainland,from Tokyo on Honshu northward to the coast of Hokkaido.were bombed as if an invasion were about to take place.In fact,something far more tlreatening was at hand,as the Americans were telling Stalin at Potsdam.

In 1939 physicists in the United States had learned of experiments in Germany demonstrating the possibility of atomic power and understood the potential damage of an atomic bomb.On August 2,1939,Albert Einstein warned President Rooseven of the danger Of Nazi Germany?s advances in development of the atomic bomb.Eventuall y,the U.S. Office of Scientific Research and Development was created in June 1941 and giyen combined responsibity with the war department in the Manhattan Project to develop a nuclear bomb.After four years of intensive research and development efforts,an atomic device was set off on July 16,1945,in a desert area at Alamogordo,New Mexico,generating an explosive power equal to that of more than 15,000 tons of NT.Thus,the atomic bomb was bom.Truman,the new U.S.president,believed that this terrible object might be used to defeat Japan in a way less costly of U.S.lives than a conventional invasion of the Japanese homeland.Japan?s unsatisfactory response to the Allies? Potsdam Declaration decided the mattcr.

On August 6,1945,an atomic bomb carried from Tinian Island in the Marianas in a specially equipped B-29 was dropped on Hiroshima.at the southern end of Honshu.The combined heat and blast destroyed everything in the explosion?s immediate neighborhood,generated spontaneous fires hat burned out almost 4.4 square miles completely,and killed between 70,000 and 80,000 people,

in addition to injuring more than 70,000 others.A second bomb,dropped on Nagasaki on August 9,killed between 35,000 and 40,000 people,injured a like number,and ruined 1.8 square miles. 1.What is the main idea of the passage? A.After four years of intensive research and development efforts,an atomic device was born. B.The birth and use of the atomic bomb to end the Second World War. C.An invasion was about to take place with the use of the atomic bomb. D.An atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima.

2.What was the danger Albert Einstein had warned Roosevelt about?

A.The danger of Nazi Germany?s advances in the development of the atomic bomb. B.The possibility of atomic power from Nazi Germany.

C.Japan?s unsatisfactory response to the Allies’Potsdam Declaration. D.Destruction of everything from the explosion of the atomic bomb. 3.What event determined the decision of the explosion of the atomic bomb. A.Truman became the President of the United States. B.Stalin made the decision in Potsdam.

C.The United States’triumph over other nations in development of the atomic bomb. D.Japan?s unsatisfactory response to the Allies’Potsdam Declaration. 4.How many people were killed by tlle two bombs dropped in Japan? A.Between 70,000 and 80,000 people B.Between 35,000 and 40,000 people C.Between 105,000 and 120,000 people D.Between 140,000 and 150,000 people 5.Where might the passage be taken from A.A novel B.A short story C.Aplay

D.A book of facts (encyclopedia)

Passage 2

EveIy day,we are influenced by mass media.Although some critics of the media claim that thesc means of communication are used mostly to control our thinking and get us to buy products we don?t need,they agree that the media also contributes to keeping people informed.In other words.while risks do exist,the benefits of the media are far more than the disadvantages.Most of the messages are designed either to inform or entertain-and neither of these goals can be considered risky or harmful.

If consumers of the media could be taught at an early age to examine messages critically.i.e.,to think carefully about what is being communicated-they would be able to take advantage of the information and enjoy the entertainment without being hurt by it.The key to critical thinking is recognizing the motives of tbe news item or writers,the advertisers,and so on.Are both sides of the issue being presented? Have enough facts about the product being advertised been presented?

Furthermore,citizens need the opportunity to hear news,opinions,and public affairs.Information about current events is presented in depth on publicly funded TV channels and radio stations as well as in newspapers.In addition,the public broadcasting media can help viewers and Iistencrs to compete their education.Recent immigrants,for example,can improve their command of English through TV and radio,and in addition,some college courses are taught on educational television.

Another recognized advantage of the media is that it gives people information they need for their daily lives:weather and traffic reports are good examples.While commercials and advertising do not necessarily present accurate information,they do make people aware of the availability of products that could improve their 1ives.In addition,they create a larger demand for some iterns,

which may 1ead to a fall in their price.

While the media can be a valuable means of educating the public,when most people turn on tbe TV set or the radio,they want to be entertained.As a result most programming consists of movies,plays,music,humorous shows,game shows,and sports events.Some of these offerings are of low quality,but on the other hand,many are fun to watch and interestingly written and well presented.

Even though the mass media can be misused,most of its effects are positive.We are all influenced by television,and radio as well as movies.magazines and newspapers.If we are careful to examine their message critically they can all be of benefit to our lives. 1.What is the main point of the author?

A.Advertising is harmful when I presents inaccurate information.

B.The positive effects of the mass media are more than the negative ones. C.People should learn to take advantage of the media?s benefits.

D.Television is more useful as a means of entertainment than as a means of providing


2.According to the author,the two main purposes of mass media are to .

A.control our thinking and get us to buy useless products B.provide people with information and entertainment C.make people aware of the availability of products and ereate a large demand for some items D.express the views of the public and help improve recent immigrants? English

3.The author feels that consumers of the mass media should be taught at an early age to .

A.bring their imagination into fuIl play when watching programs of low quality B.buy products advertised in commercials so that the demand increases C.turn off the TV set when a ridiculous program comes n D.think critically about the messages brought to them

4.It can be learned from paragraph 3 that citizens will be in a better position to express their views ad make their choices if they are . A.highly educated through TV and radio B.well protected by the government C.highly paid by their employers D.well informed by the media

5.Which of the following statements is rue according to me text? A.The mass media offers information needed in our daily lives.

B.Publicly funded broadcasting does not present information about current wants in depth.

C.Information provided by commercials and advertising is always accurate. D.Mally TV and radio programs are not interestjng.

