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考研英语翻译 Strategies 2 考研英语阅读(1/3) 4 考研英语阅读(2/3) 5 考研英语阅读(3/3) 6 小作文写作 7 1.提建议、要求 7 2.写作要求 7

3.书信为主的应用文总结 7

4. Show eagerness to apply and elicit enough attention 8 附录 8


经典错词 10 写作要求 10 规定情境作文总结 10

4.模板 11 5.作文案例 11

考研英语复习 [键入文字] October 9, 2012

考研英语翻译 Strategies



1. 若定语从句修饰主语,可把主语和从句合在一起译成完整的汉语语句; 2. 若定语从句相对简短,可前置翻译;

3. 若定语从句相对复杂,可以重复先行词进行翻译。可以使用“(而)这个、这种、


4. 若定语从句修饰一句话,可直接译成“这——”,也可总结先行词的意思,译为“这



1. 有施动者完全逆译;

2. 被动译成被动,可使用“被”或“由”; 3. 译成无主语;

4. “人们、有人、我们、大家??”;

5. “遭受、遭到、受到、得到、得以、加以、赖以、据??”;

It’s said that??据说; It’s estimated that??据估计; It’s told that??据传;

It’s learnt that??据悉;

It’s believed that?? 有人认为; It may be said that??有人也许认为;



1. The writer doesn’t present his hero in his book with the usual Western voice, but with an

ordinary Arab’s voice. 在他的书中,作家没有使用通常西方口气来刻画主人公,而是使用了普通的阿拉伯式的方式。(in his book提前翻译)

2. Sometimes the New York Times runs a short, interesting story amid its financial news.

有时候,纽约时报在交易所新闻之间穿插着短而由其的故事。 3. Every life has its roses and thorns. 每个人的生活充满苦于甜。

4. Now since the assessment of intelligence is a comparative matter we must be sure that the scale with which we are comparing our subjects provides a “valid” or “fair” comparison.


5. According to the new school of scientists, technology is an overlooked force in expanding the

horizons of scientific knowledge.

新学派的科学家们认为,在扩展科学知识领域中,技术是被忽略的力量。 6. And it is imagined by many that the operations of the common mind can be by no means compared with these processes, and that they have to be acquired by a sort of special training.

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过专门的训练才能获得。 【转换词义、句型】

7. In his speech he laid special stress on raising the quality of the products. 在他的发言中,他特别强调要提高产品的质量。

8. Until such time as mankind has the sense to lower its population to the point where the planet can provide a comfortable support for all, people will have to accept more “unnatural



(若定语从句相对复杂,可以重复先行词进行翻译。使用“这个、这种、这样的??”) 9. Federally funded training and free back-to-school programs for laid-off workers are under

way, but few experts believe they will be able to keep up with the pace of the new technology.


10. The fact that his proposal makes sense should be recognized. 应当承认的事实是,他的建议有道理。

11. That the usual methods of observation will not serve under such circumstances is obvious. 很明显的是,那种常见的观察方法无法在这种环境下实施。 12. That he will succeed is certain. 他可定会成功的。

13. His ability in English, Japanese and French enabled him to get a position in a multinational


由于掌握了英、日、法三种语言,他能够在一家跨国公司谋到一个职务。 【添加法】

14. He is a good observer, accurate, patient and objective.

15. Many elements in nature are found to be mixtures of different isotopes.

16. This will be particularly true since energy pinch will make it difficult to continue agriculture in

the high-energy American fashion that makes it possible to combine few farmers with high yields.

17. We have experienced the shortage of manpower and/or fund.

18. On the other hand, there is the challenge, more clearly defined than ever before to scientists

to apply the results of science and technology for the benefit of the mankind. 19. Basically, selling the product would be accomplished by sales promotion, which included

advertising and personal selling.

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1. 位置(position)


当第二段出现转折或归纳总结则中心句必在第二段(古今,中外,正反); Recently/but/however/yet/Today/abviously/therefore/such/This is… 2. 关键词(keyword)

关键词即为在原文中复现频率最高的词汇(一、二段落); 出现的形式主要包括:

a. 原型再现

b. 隐性再现(同义置换、相关置换、暗语置换) c. 逻辑再现

e.g. Weight: the size of American clothes have never changed.



a. 文章开局描述现象(社会、文化、心理) b. 文章中间对现象分析

c. 结尾对现象进行总结

e.g. 实验设计(实验对象?实验过程?分析结果)

四边分析(古今对照、正反对照、层层递进、数据支持、旁征博引) 框架2 a. 提出问题 b. 分析问题 c. 解决问题


a. 提出问题、现象、观点

b. 分析A、B、C??对其不同的观点 c. 归纳总结 框架4

a. A、B两个问题对比(平行并列关系) b. 对A、B细节对比

c. 结论总结 三、筛选核心信息

主要包括文章、段落的中心思想 1. 三种转承关系的链接说明

转折对比、因果总结、强调排他 Only when、unless、only if??

2. 表达观点、结论、立场

Conclude、discover、advocate(倡导)?? 3. 情态动词引导的观点

Can、should、need(表示责任) 4. 特殊标点符号

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【——】后面表示解释归纳; 【“ ”】表示引用某人观点或者特殊强调;

【——?插入语?——】两个破折号前后连接的部分表示强调; 5. 特殊句型,特殊结构

6. 平铺直叙



(1) 联系法:和主题关系更近的为该段主题句; (2) 数量法:所带语篇标志更多的作用更加重要; (3) 顺序法:最后一次转折为文章要点。 四、推测生词词义

1. 联系主题

2. 根据上下文推测


利用文章中的同反义词; 根据文章对词义的定义;

利用文章对词义的举例解释; 同位语或者or引导的同义词; 利用构词法。




1. 段落中心句(60%)


同义转换、正话反说、逻辑推理 2. 联系信息(20%)

题目定位在该段落,但是通过段落的中心句找不到答案的,关注前一段的最后一句以及后一段的第一句找到其价值相同的句子。 3. 信息匹配


第二题:查找第三、四段中心句,是否匹配之; 最后一题:

考查整篇文章主旨(在第一段与第二段交界处查找之); 考查最后一段主旨(在最后一段查找之)。 文章中“无人认领”的观点就是作者的观点。 But this is not true…;

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考研英语复习 [键入文字] October 9, 2012

It’s +形容词+that…形容词的感情色彩即为作者之观点;

It’s seems that…所陈述的观点正好和作者的观点背道而驰; Clearly,Obviously,Undoubtly,Hoprfully… 4. 查找信息

定位在文章中的那一句,便在此处查之。 六、辨析干扰

1. 偷换概念

替换原文中的某个词或者短语; 增删某个词,使其意思发生变化; 颠倒两个词的顺序,使原意发生改变; 2. 主次混淆 3. 观点错乱

4. 过度推理


出现全面肯定或者全面否定的词语; 极端性或者排他性的词语。




1. 在原文的基础(有段落中心的提示或者在完整的文章中补充缺少的段落)上选择段


a. 精读开局;

b. 浏览各个标题;

c. 归纳各个段落的中心思想;

d. 每次填选答案从最有把握的段落开始(这样可以节省时间); 2. 单纯的段落排序

a. 精读开局,并确定文章的框架(第一讲中涉及);

b. 大致确定段落的位置,根据段落的框架和段落各自的关键词; c. 最后确定各个小部分之间的顺序。


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? 肯定句

I hope/I believe/I suggest + that … ? 疑问句

May I suggest that … / Shall I… Would you please… / Would you like… ? 条件从句

If (unless = if not 如果不)

It would/will be better if …


? 先说事情;

There will be an … at … by the end of next week.

To improve students’ ability … an contest is going to be organizing by the Students’ Union on Saturday at the … Center. ? 招募(志愿者、参赛选手); We will recruit volunteers … ? 感兴趣??可以报名;

Those who are interested in …

? 报名者基本要求(英语,电脑,人品,经验);

An applicant is supposed to have a couple of base … for volunteer work. First, he should have a good command grasp of English. Second he should be

good at Computer Skills. Third, he …

Friendly, Optimistic乐观的, Enthusiastic, Patient, Helpful, Responsible, Considerate体贴的, Caring, Capable有能力的 …

? 欢迎踊跃报名。

Everyone is welcome an apply for the volunteer work.


? 要点

包括题干中的所有要点,如果要点较多可以分段书写,反之不必分段。 ? 用词造句


? 汉译英,充分利用指令中的英语表达 ? 注意格式

Dear Sirs or Madams, (Dear Sir or Madam)

I am writing this letter to … XXX先说事XXX

I am looking forward to your reply soon.

I am looking forward to seeing the quickly solution to the problems.

Sincerely Yours.

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4. Show eagerness to apply and elicit enough attention

? If you desire an interview, I shall be most happy to call in person, on any day and at any time

you may appoint. ? Should this application meet with your favorable consideration, I will do my utmost to justify

证明 the confidence you may repose寄托 in me.



Dear Sir Your advertisement offers a most tempting job to a young man just out of college. I can’t think of any job I’d like better than a software development for a famous company like yours. I look upon it as a wonderful opportunity, and here is what I can offer you in return:

I am 22 years old, a hard working student who specialized in Computer Science and Application at Tsinghua University, from which I will graduate and get my BS degree in June this year. I can speak English quite well, and I am capable of programming in several computer languages and use computer very skillfully. Besides, I like very much to participate in the group activities of all kinds. My work then becomes interesting and productive. The reason, in my opinion, is that working with people gives us power and competition. Rivalry(竞争) is a very effective motive in improving one person’s idea. So, group members may contribute different ad essential resources to solve problems. Perhaps you will agree that these qualities-plus enthusiasm(热心), persistence, and the willingness to work hard and long – make me acceptable for the job you offer as a beginner in your company. I believe I would do more and better work for you. I enclose(装入) a letter of recommendation from Professor Liu, and a self-addressed card, in hope that you will use it to tell me when to come for an interview. And I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Sincerely yours.

Li Ming


Dear Ms. Wang I’m told that you were the good-hearted soul who kept my desk from overflowing during my sick leave while still keeping up your own work! I had been expecting the chaos once I returned to my office, but instead I was able to start back with a clear desk. I am most appreciative of everything you did for me. O don’t know if this is a compliment or not, but you did things just as I would have done!

In order that I can ever return the favor, do receive my heartfelt thanks and come to my

Yours truly

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house for dinner this Friday evening.

考研英语复习 [键入文字] October 9, 2012



To improve students’ ability to speak English and enrich after-class activities, the Students’ Union of Department of English is organizing a school-wide English-speaking contest to be held on Saturday next week at the Students’ Recreational Center. Those who are interested in taking part in it may sign up with the monitor of their classes before Thursday this week. Six overseas teachers will be invited to be the judges. The first six winners will be given awards. Everybody is welcome to be present at the contest.

The Students’ Union Department of English


To: Mr. George Bush From: Mr. Bill Clinton Date: January 19, 2013

Subject: English exam Dear Sir or Madam: I would like to remind you that you are going to take part in an important English exam on the afternoon of January 8,2011 and that you will most probably be expected to try a new type of writing, practical writing. I hope that you will pay enough attention to this problem and get yourself will prepared for it.

Regards. ( I avail myself of this opportunity to extend to you my best regards.)

Yours truly, LiMing


To: Director George Bush From: Manager Bill Clinton Data: January 1, 2013

Subject: Business trip to Shanghai Body:

January 10

a.m. Visited the Shanghai clothing factory and discussed the possible contract with the general manager. He was concerned about the price.

p.m. Conducted presentation for the factory engineers. They were very interested in out products and services, which they reported to the general manager.

January 15 Spent the whole day in detailed contract negotiations with managers. They were satisfied with everything except price. They want to negotiate with some of our competitors before they

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make a decision. I told them we were still open to discussion about price and services.

January 19 We should wait for the factory leaders who have talked to our competitors. I will contact them again on January 30, and if necessary, we will offer them a lowest price before then.


1. 经典错词


Government、environment、convenience(方便) Phenomenon (si.)、phenomena(pl.) (现象)



Economy(经济)、economical(经济的)、economics(经济学)、economist(经济学家) Modern society

Monday/Mon. Tuesday/Tues. Wednesday/Wed. Thursday/Thur. Friday/Fri. Saturday/Sat. Sunday/Sun.

January/Jan. February/Feb. March/Mar. April/Apr. May/May June/Jun. July/Jul. August/Aug. September/Sept. October/Oct. November/Nov. December/Dec.

2. 写作要求

1. 内容切题、表达正确、避免段落的部分跑题; 2. 文理通顺、注意句子与句子之间的过渡词语;

3. 无重大预言错误;

4. 用丰富的、结构灵活的、句式多样的词语,宁肯意思重复,表达不宜重复;

3. 规定情境作文总结

? 消极话题

提出问题、分析问题原因、解决问题建议及方法 ? 积极话题

提出现象、举例子(无特殊要求不必分析原因)、积极结论和“喊口号” ? 包含消极积极

消极部分、积极部分、混合阐述 灵活处理积极和消极,某个段落可能会同时包含积极和消极内容,尾端尽量联系现实和自己的个人经历。 ? 写作模板

(首段之前可加简短的主题话语) 首段:忠实描述图画的内容




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? 用在第一段开头

What does the above picture imply?

What’s the possible purpose of the drawer of the picture? From the picture we can deduce with ease that … ? 又在第二段第二句

Strange/ Odd奇怪的 as the picture may seem/ appear, the problem can be seen and heard everywhere in our modern society in recent years.

Only with this way can we build a more harmonious society!

What a funny picture it is! (interesting, ridiculous, instructive教育意义,impressive)


Among all the worthy feelings of mankind, love is probably the noblest. It is of the utmost importance to the human beings. Everybody not only needs love, but also should give love. As is described in the picture, “love is lamp which is brighter in darker places.” This is indeed true. People in darker places need more light than ordinary people. Maybe even a dim light can give them much hope for a better life and progress. Maybe just a thread of light will call forth their strength and courage to step out of their difficulties.

For instance when someone is starving to death, just a little food and water from you may save his life. Or when a little girl in a poor rural area drops out of school because of poverty, just a small sum of money from you may support her to finish her schooling and change her life, you have given love which is like a lamp in a dark place where light is most need. So to sum up, we should offer our help to all who are in need. We expect to get love from others and we also give love to others so when you see someone in difficulty o fin distress and in need of help, don’t hesitate to give your love to him. I believe that the relationship between people will be harmonious and your society will be a better place for us to live in.

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