Spec_1053665_Painting _Rev01

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编号No.: YFK-QP02-00-04

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工程标准 Engineering Spec.

Title: 装饰件涂装要求

Paint Coating on Materials Used in the Trim Part Requirements

Document Number: 1053665

Revision: 01

Author: 王琴Wang Qin Approvals: 庄晓Zhuang Xiao

(electronic signature on file)

林宝 Paul Lincoln


Document History:

版本Rev. 发放时间

Release Date

更改描述Description of Change

ECP 编号ECP no.

01 2014-11-15 首次发放Release for Production

编号No.: YFK-QP02-00-04 Page 2 of 27 1. 范围/Scope

本标准规定了对汽车用方向盘装饰零件的涂装要求。/The standard specify the paint coating requirement on steering wheel trim part.

本标准适用于油漆、移印、热转印、模内转印和水转印方法涂覆的非金属材料。/This Technical Supply Specification applies to painted, pad-printed, heat-sealed, in-mold decorated (IMD) and cubic-printed non-metallic materials, which are used in steering wheel.

2. 规范性引用文件/Normative references

下列文件中的条款通过本标准的引用而成为本标准的条款。凡是注日期的引用文件,其随后的修改版不适用于本标准。凡是不注日期的引用文件,其最新版本适用于本标准。/The following documents contain provisions which ,through reference in this text ,constitute provisions of this national standard. For dated references, subsequent amendments to, or revisions of, any of these publications do not apply. As to the document without dates, the new versions will be valid for this version.

DIN50 011-12 气候及其技术应用;空气湿度测量方法;总则/Artificial climates in technical applications; air temperature as a climatological quantity in controlled-atmosphere test installations

DIN50 014-23/50-2 气候及其标准技术要求,标准气候/Climates and technical application Standard atmospheres

DIN75 201 汽车内饰材料雾化性能的测定/Determination of the fogging characteristics of trim materials in the interior of automobiles

DIN75 220 在阳光模拟装置中汽车部件的老化/Ageing of automotive components in solar simulation units

DIN EN 20 105-A02 纺织物色牢度—A02部分:颜色变化灰卡评估/Textiles – Tests for Colour Fastness – Part A02: Grey Scale for Assessing Change in Colour

DIN EN 20 105-A03 纺织物色牢度—A03部分:瑕疵灰卡评估/Textiles; Tests for Colour Fastness -Part A03: Grey Scale for Assessing Staining DIN EN ISO 2409 油漆和清漆——网格切割试验 / Paints and Varnishes – Cross-Cut Test

编号No.: YFK-QP02-00-04 Page 3 of 27 DIN EN ISO 4628-2 油漆和清漆—涂层退色评估;缺陷数量和尺寸名称,外观变化度—第二部分:起泡程度评估/ Paints and Varnishes – Evaluation of Degradation of Coatings; Designation of Quantity and Size of Defects, and of Intensity of Uniform Changes in Appearance – Part 2: Assessment of Degree of Blistering

DIN EN ISO 105-X12 纺织物色牢度—X12部分:摩擦色牢度/ Textiles; Tests for Colour Fastness – Part X12: Colour Fastness to Rubbing

DIN EN ISO 12945-2 织物:用马丁代尔耐磨仪测定表面起毛起球试/ Textiles - Determination of Fabric Propensity to Surface Fuzzing and to Pilling - Part 2: Modified Martindale Method

DIN EN ISO 12947-1 织物.用马丁代尔法测定织物平面结构的耐磨性/ Martindale abrasion testing apparatus

GB8410 汽车内饰材料的燃烧特性/Flammability of automotive interior materials

ISO 554 – 23/50 调节和/或试验用标准大气.规范/ Standard atmospheres for conditioning and/or testing; Specifications

VDA277 汽车内部非金属材料的有机挥发物测试/ Determination of Organic Emission of Non-metallic materials from vehicles Interior

3. 要求/Requirements

如果特定零件或组件不能满足以下全部的要求,必须和负责的工程部门协调或在图样上给出相应的说明。 / If the following requirements for specific components or parts of components do not apply completely or not at all, this must be coordinated with the appropriate engineering departments or a special note must be given on the drawing

3.1 基本要求/General Requirements

首次供货和更改的批准按照图样上给出的相应说明。 /Approval of first supply and changes as per the note on the drawing

有害禁用物质按照图样上给出的相应说明。 /Avoidance of hazardous substances as per the note on the drawing


Volatile organic compounds requirement as per the note on drawing.


Emission behavior as per the note on drawing.

编号No.: YFK-QP02-00-04 Page 4 of 27 多环芳烃要求按照图样上给出的相应说明

PAHs requirement as per the note on drawing


Colorimetric evaluation as per the note on drawing

一个完整的试验至少需要有5个成品零件。 /At least 5 finished parts are required for complete testing.

仅在一定范围内允许由于涂装致使成品性能或特定机械性能有一些下降。/The properties of the finished part or the specified mechanical characteristics, must only be impaired by the paint finish to the extent defined permissible

涂层或油漆必须牢固黏附在基材上,同样复喷漆层必须与首层油漆黏附牢固。复喷区域需要标记。 /The coating/paintwork, as well as any refinishing paint, must adhere firmly to the substrate or to the original paintwork. Areas of re-painting must be marked.

供货商必须提供试验零件的以下信息: /The supplier must provide the following information for all parts to be tested

a. 基体材料说明(供货商名称以及材料名称) /Specification of the base material (manufacturer designation and VDA designation)

b. 色调 /Color

c. 预处理 /Pretreatment

- 清洁,例如用二甲基甲醇 /Cleaning, e.g. using isopropanol

- 表面活化,例如通过火焰清理 /Activation of the surface, e.g. by exposure

to flame

d. 油漆结构信息(所有参数的定义) /Paint structure (definition of all parameters)

- 例如:双组分软触漆或特殊触感油漆/E.g., two-component soft-touch paint

or paint with special haptic appeal

- 底漆:公司名称,生产批次/Primer XYZ, company XYZ, batch XYZ - 面漆:公司名称,生产批次/Base coat XYZ, company XYZ, batch XYZ

- 混合比 10:x ,混合比例必须和认可时的油漆体系标准一致/MR 10:x, the

mixture ratio must correspond to the (system) release of the paint

编号No.: YFK-QP02-00-04 Page 5 of 27 - 固化剂:公司名称,生产批次/With hardener XYZ, company XYZ, batch


- 喷涂工厂,喷涂工厂的质量认证/Paint shop, auditing certificate for paint


e. 涂装设备类型 /Type of painting apparatus

f. 涂装地点 /Painting location

g. 涂装日期 /Painting date

3.2 外观和触感性能/ Appearance and haptic characteristics


。/Parts must exhibit a uniform appearance on their entire surface; they must conform to the drawing requirements and to the released sample for haptic characteristics, gloss and color.Pores, cracks, runs and other flaws that adversely affect the specified appearance are not permissible.Color and gloss level are documented in the first-sample test report .

3.3 大气暴晒试验/ Open-air weathering

大气曝露试验按照客户要求。由供货商负责解决试验过程中的质量问题并改进涂装系统。/Open-air weathering according to the requirement from customer. The supplier is obligated to correct the causes for any objections resulting from this test and to improve the quality of the surface.

3.4 涂装工序/Painting process

涂装工序需要由涂装方、油漆生产商以及基材生产商共同确认。三方确认首次样品试验报告,意味着三方对满足要求共同负责。/ The painting process must be agreed upon between the paint shop, the paint manufacturer, and the injection molder. Three parties will confirm the first-sample test report, meaning that all should be responsible for fulfilling the specified requirements. 职责划分如下:/ Responsibilities are distributed as follows:

- 油漆生产商提供如何达到标准要求的信息,制订加工规程并在实施过程中提

编号No.: YFK-QP02-00-04 Page 6 of 27 供技术支持。/The paint manufacturer provides information on the fulfillment of requirements specified in the relevant standards, processing guidelines and support regarding the applied paint method

- 涂装方提供基材信息(塑料种类、品名),及时核对其要求(同样适用于预

试生产件),确认依从油漆生产商提供的过程指导并得到油漆应用方法的支持。/ The paint shop provides information on the substrate (plastic type and trade name) and checks the pertinent requirements as early as possible (also applies to pre-series parts). It also confirms that the paint manufacturer's processing guidelines are being adhered to and requests assistance regarding the paint method used.

- 基材生产商应遵循原材料的加工规程。基材需具有可靠的喷涂工艺性能。注

塑工艺不能破坏原材料以影响后续的喷涂性能。/The injection molder adheres to the processing guidelines for the raw material. The substrate must be reliably paintable. The injection molding process must not damage the raw material in any way that might impair the latter's paintability.

3.5 预处理/Conditioning

所有待检验的样品必须进行预置:/All samples delivered for testing must be pre-conditioned:

在室温下采用狭窄的空气温度范围(18~28)℃内存放7 天或在60℃环境内存放48h 。/7 days at room temperature with a narrow air temperature range of 18°C to 28 °C or 48 h at 60 °C.

每个单项检验后零件必须存放30 min ,以便进行目视评定。/Before the beginning of the visual evaluation, the samples shall be conditioned for a minimum of 30 min after completion of each inpidual test.

按照第3.7 、3.8 条检验必须在18℃~28℃环境内存放1 h 。/Perform the test in section 3.7 and 3.8 after 1 h of conditioning at 18°C to 28 °C.

纤维增强、球珠增强零件必须在18℃~28℃环境内存放 24 h 后进行检验。/Test fiber-reinforced, ball-reinforced, and foamed components after 24 h of conditioning at 18℃ to 28℃.

3.6 油漆体系/ Paint systems

见表1 /See Table 1.

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表1 /Table 1

油漆体系Paint system

要求Requirement 1)

外观 Appearance


Haptic characteristics

声学 Acoustics

干燥涂层厚度S 2)

Dry film thickness S

in μm

双组份装饰漆 Two-component decorative paint 根据最初的样品 As per original


低 Low

根据发布要求 As per released requirement


双组份装饰软触漆 Two-component decorative paint with special haptic appeal 高 High


效果漆 Effect paint

根据发布要求 As per released requirement 根据发布要求 As per released requirement 模内转印法 IMD method , 水转印法 cubic-print method

根据发布要求 As per released requirement

根据发布要求 As per released requirement

1)外观:颜色、光泽 Appearance: Color, gloss


Haptic characteristics: Subjective requirements concerning softness (tactile feel and effects) 声学:与非油漆零件对比相关的尖锐刺耳和其他噪声的改善(主观评价)

Acoustic : Reduction of creaking, squeaking, or other noises in comparison to unpainted components (subjective evaluation) 2)为改善附着性、激光工艺性、触感等而设计的多层油漆体系(底漆或附加的清漆),在图纸中必须注明。多层油漆体系中的增补漆层厚度需要计入总漆层厚度。If a multi-layer system (primer or supplementary clear coat) is required for better adhesion, laser suitability, haptic characteristics, etc., this must be noted on the drawing. In a multi-layer system the dry film thickness of the supplementary coating adds to the total dry film thickness.

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3.7 油漆件的技术要求/Technological requirements for the coated part 见表2 /See Table 2

表2/ Table 2

序号 No.

性能 Property 要求 Requirement

试验方法 Test Method

1 初始状态中的附着力和脆性 Adhesion and brittleness in initial condition


涂层网格试验 Cross-cut test

Gt 0-1

Cross-cut test characteristic value ≤1

4.1 1.2 十字切割 Cross-cut test (St. Andrew's cross) 在撕下胶粘带后,不允许有油漆颗粒附着在胶粘带上 No paint particles shall remain on the adhesive tape after

the tape has been removed.


2 耐刮性能 Scratch resistance - 涂装层均无油漆的开裂现象

No cracking (material removal) of the painting - 由于载荷造成的基材凹痕可以被接受

An indentation mark in the substrate material resulting from the load is permitted 4.3

3 耐温性

Temperature resistance


热老化 Heat aging

- 相对于供货状态无外观和手感变化

No change of appearance and haptic characteristics compared to as-received condition

- 必须同时满足表2中第1条和第2条的要求

The requirements No 1 and No 2 in table 2 must also be met


3.2 环境交变试验 Environmental

cycle test

试验50 循环

Number of cycles: 50

- 相对于供货状态无明显变化

No visible change compared to as-received condition - 必须同时满足表2中第1条和第2条的要求

The requirements No 1 and No 2 in table 2 must also be met 4.5


耐候性 Weather resistance

编号No.: YFK-QP02-00-04 Page 9 of 27 序

No. 性能 Property

要求 Requirement 试验方法 Test Method 4.1 冷凝水稳定气候


atmosphere with

constant humidity

试验按照DIN EN ISO 6270-2,试验持续240 h 。试验结束后30min 按照DIN EN ISO 4628-2 进行评估 Test in test atmosphere CH as per DIN EN ISO 6270-2, test duration 240 h. The evaluation must take place after 30 min as per DIN EN ISO 4628-2. - 不允许形成气泡 No blistering - 必须同时满足表2中第1条和第2条的要求 The requirements No 1 and No 2 in table 2 must also be met 4.6 4.2 耐光性

Lightfastness 试验6周期 Number of cycles :6 - DIN EN 20 105-A02 灰卡染色牢度评级4 Fastness grade 4 on the gray scale as per DIN EN 20105-A02. - 其他外观可见的缺陷,例如色调改变或裂纹形成均是不允许的

Other visible defects, such as color change or cracking, are not permissible

- 必须同时满足表2中第1条和第2条的要求

The requirements No 1 and No 2 in table 2 must also be met

4.7 5 耐老化性 Aging resistance

5.1 水解试验 Hydrolysis aging 气候箱内,温度80±2℃,空气相对湿度≥80%,存放96h 96 h at (80 ±2) °C and ≥80% relative humidity in conditioning cabinet.

- 无色调和触感变化

No changes in color or haptic characteristics

- 必须同时满足表2中第1条和第2条的要求

The requirements No 1 and No 2 in table 2 must also be met


5.2 阳光模拟 Sunlight simulation 按照DIN 75220-D-IN1-T ,240 小时

As per DIN 75220-D-IN1-T, 240 h

- 和供货状态相比无可见的色调和触感变化

No visual change of color and haptic characteristics compared to as-received condition.

- 必须同时满足表2中第1条和第2条的要求

The requirements No 1 and No 2 in table 2 must also be met

4.9 6 耐磨性能 Abrasion


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序号 No.

性能 Property 要求 Requirement

试验方法 Test Method


100 次干摩擦 /100 crockmeter strokes against dry cloth

- 评定油漆表面:相对于供货状态无可见的变化,如漆层变化或摩擦痕迹

Evaluation of painted surfaces: No visible changes

compared to the as-received condition, e.g., changes in the paint structure or traces of abrasion.

- 评定摩擦织物:摩擦织物渗色符合DIN EN 20105-A03 灰度尺染色牢度评级4

Evaluation of rubbing cloth: Rubbing cloth staining as per fastness grade 4 on the DIN EN 20105-A03 gray scale. 4.10

6.2 100 次湿摩擦(水)

100 crockmeter

strokes against rubbing cloth (water)

- 评定油漆表面:相对于供货状态无可见的改变,如漆层变化或摩擦痕迹

Evaluation of painted surfaces: No visible changes compared to the as-received condition,e.g., changes in the paint structure or traces of abrasion.

- 评定摩擦织物:摩擦织物渗色符合DIN EN 20105-A03 灰度尺染色牢度评级4

Evaluation of rubbing cloth: Rubbing cloth staining as per fastness grade 4 on the DIN EN 20105-A03 gray scale.


6.3 2000次干摩擦,适用于经常被摩擦到的零件 (例如:方向盘装饰件等)

2 000 crockmeter

strokes against dry rubbing cloth. Applies to

components that are used very frequently

- 评定油漆表面:相对于供货状态无可见的变化,如漆层变化或摩擦痕迹

Evaluation of painted surfaces: No visible changes

compared to the as-received condition, e.g., changes in the paint structure or traces of abrasion.

- 评定摩擦织物:摩擦织物渗色符合DIN EN 20105-A03 灰度尺染色牢度评级4

Evaluation of rubbing cloth: Rubbing cloth staining as per fastness grade 4 on the DIN EN 20105-A03 gray scale.


7 耐清洁剂和人工汗液

Resistance to cleaning agents and synthetic sweat



液滴试验 Drop test

- 无油漆色调,光泽度和漆层的改变 No change in paint color, degree of glossiness or paint-finish structure. - 试验后会有一定光亮度改变,只有当湿布不能够抹去表面痕迹时视为缺陷

Changes in degree of glossiness are to be indicated only if they cannot be removed with a moist cloth.


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序号 No.

性能 Property 要求 Requirement

试验方法 Test Method


耐磨性 Abrasion behavior

- 评定油漆表面:无油漆色调,光亮度和油漆结构的改变。试验后会有一定光亮度改变,只有当湿布不能够抹去表面痕迹时视为缺陷。Evaluation of painted surface: No change in paint color, gloss level, or paint-finish

structure. Changes in gloss level must only be indicated if they cannot be removed with a moist cloth.

- 评定摩擦织物:摩擦织物渗色符合DIN EN 20105-A03 灰卡染色牢度评级4

Evaluation of rubbing cloth: Rubbing cloth staining as per fastness grade 4 on the DIN EN 20105-A03 gray scale.




Cream resistance


Requirements for visual evaluation with respect to color, etc.:

- 允许光泽增加, 不允许颜色或手感的变化

An increase in glossiness is permitted, changes of color

or haptic characteristics are not permitted. - 必须同时满足表2中第1条和第2条的要求

The requirements No 1 and No 2 in table 2 must also be met



高光表面的耐磨性能 Abrasion resistance for

high-gloss surfaces 试验后光泽保留≥85% Remaining gloss ≥85%



阻燃性能 Flammability 燃烧速度 <100 mm/min

Flammability rate <100 mm/min

按GB8410标准要求 Per the Spec GB8410

11 散发性能 Emission behavior

11.1 雾翳 Fogging 要求G ≤2mg 。Max 2mg 4.14 11.2 气味 Odor

要求 ≤3.5 级。Grade Max 3.5




- 溶剂漆系统:对于非油漆部件所要求挥发值允许超过30μgC/g 。Solvent-based paint systems: The emission values required for the non-painted components may be exceeded by 30 μgC/g.

- 水性漆系统:对于非油漆部件所要求的挥发值允许超过10μgC/g 。Water-based paint systems: The emission values required for the non-painted components may be exceeded by 10 μgC/g.

按VDA277标准要求 Per the Spec VDA277

编号No.: YFK-QP02-00-04 Page 12 of 27 4. 试验说明 /Notes on testing

4.1涂层网格试验/Cross-cut test

按照DIN EN ISO 2409 ,用粘贴的胶粘带突然剥离进行试验。胶粘带可采用Beierdorf Tesaband 透明胶带4657。/Cross-cut test as per DIN EN ISO 2409 with subsequent abrupt removal of adhesive tape. Use, for example, Beiersdorf Tesaband 4657 as the adhesive tape.

4.2十字切割 /Cross-cut test (St. Andrew's cross)

由于零件结构导致涂层网格测试不能操作时,用十字切割法。/This test shall be performed whenever a normal cross-cut test cannot be performed for reasons of component geometry.

此项测试应使用介刀(如Edding Cutter M9号刀)。St. Andrew's cross (见图1)适用,刀锋需锋利,切口必须深入到基材,刀片与样品表面呈90°角。产品表面必须无影响附着力的物质,若需要可用丙醇清洁。然后,使用Tesa AG 公司的Tesa4657胶带粘贴于被切割区域,完全覆盖并粘附于油漆表面,无气泡,且切割线必须透过胶带清晰可见(见图2)。胶带应向锐角方向瞬间拉起(见图3)。/ The test shall be carried out using a cutter knife (e. g. Edding Cutter M9). A Saint-Andrews cross(Figure 1) shall be applied, a sharp blade shall be used for the cut. The cut shall penetrate the coating and reach the substrate. The blade shall be drawn at an angle of 90° to the sample surface. It shall be ensured that the surface is free of substances impairing the tape adhesion, isopropyl alcohol shall be used for cleaning if required. Then, an adhesive tape (Tesa 4657 by Tesa AG) shall be affixed to the cut area and pressed on until the outline of the cut is clearly discernible through the tape (see Figure 2). The adhesive tape shall then be removed in a jerk-like motion in the direction of the acute angle (see Figure 3).

图1 图2 图3

编号No.: YFK-QP02-00-04 Page 13 of 27 4.3 耐刮性能/Scratch resistance

4.3.1 样品/Specimen

样品须为测试零部件的一部分,其形状与大小须满足测试要求,即:须确保样品与其固定装置平行接触。测试表面必须与接触面保持平行。/The specimens must be removed from the components under test and should be of a shape and size that ensures plane contact with the specimen holder .The test surface must be plane parallel with the contact surface.

4.3.2 样品准备/ Specimen preparation

样品表面须保证同质性,不得含有任何其他物质,且须对样品进行清洁,不得使用油腻的手直接接触样品。/The surface of the specimens must be homogeneous and must have no foreign matter. Specimens should only be handled with clean, grease-free hands.

4.3.3 预处理/Conditioning

样品需在标准气压下至少存放48小时,参见DIN50014-23/50-2。/The specimens must be conditioned for a minimum of 48 h in a standard climate according to DIN 50 014-23/50-2.

4.3.4 试验步骤/Procedure

测试须在(23 ± 5)° C 条件下进行。使用刻痕工具划出一个至少(40 x 40) mm 的格子,参见图4。/ The test is performed at (23 ± 5)° C.A scratching tool is used to scratch a grid (crosscut grid) of at least (40 x 40) mm. See Figure 4.

测试参数/Testing parameters:

- 接触力F = 10 N

Contact force F = 10 N

- 刻划速度:v = 1,000 mm/min

Scratching speed v = 1,000 mm/min

- 格子大小:2 mm

Grid spacing 2 mm

- 刻划圆凿:直径1mm (如:德国爱立信318硬度测试设备)

Scratching gouge ? 1 mm (e.g. engraving tip from the 318 hardness

Testing device from Erichsen)

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4.4 热老化/Heat aging

检验:在循环风烘箱中存放,存放时间240 h ,存放温度(105+2)℃。

Test: Aging in mechanical circulation oven, aging duration 240 h, aging temperature of (105 + 2) °C

4.5 环境交变试验/Environmental cycle test

检验:一个循环(见表3)持续720 min (12 小时),包括下列温度和气候条件(中间评定在40 循环后)

Test: One cycle (see Table 3) lasts for 720 min (12h) and comprises the following temperature and humidity profiles (intermediate evaluation after 40 cycles) :

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Page 15 of 27 表3 循环试验条件/Table 3: Test cycle condition

4.6 冷凝水稳定气候/ Condensation atmosphere with constant humidity

试验按照DIN EN ISO 6270-2,试验持续240 h 。试验结束后30min 按照DIN EN ISO 4628-2 进行评估。/ Test in test atmosphere CH as per DIN EN ISO 6270-2, test duration 240 h. The evaluation must take place after 30 min as per DIN EN ISO 4628-2

4.7 耐光性/ Lightfastness

4.7.1 光照条件/ Light Exposure Conditions

光照试验参数设定参照表4 / Test parameter setup shown as Table 4

编号No.: YFK-QP02-00-04 Page 16 of 27 表4 光照试验参数

/Table 4 Light exposure test parameter

4.7.2 样品准备/ Specimen Preparation

试样应选取零件具有代表性的区域或标准生产条件下制造的样片。试样应尽量保持平整。只要整个零部件尺寸不超过试验设备的试样支架的尺寸均可进行测试。试样应被固定安装在试验支架上。试验支架的尺寸见表 5 。/The specimens shall be taken from a representative portion of the finished part to be tested or of specimen sheets manufactured under standard production conditions. They shall be as flat as possible. As long as the apparatus-dependent specimen carrier size is not exceeded, complete components may also be tested. The specimen shall be secured on the specimen carrier. The size of the specimen carrier refer to table 5.

表5 试验支架尺寸

/ Table 5 Size of the specimen carrier

编号No.: YFK-QP02-00-04 Page 17 of 27 4.7.3 曝晒周期 Exposure Periods

每个样品应同时与6#蓝色羊毛(见 4.7.4)进行光照试验。当曝晒表面和非曝晒表面之间的色差dE 为4.3 ±0.3时(dE* for D 65/ 10°),即达到结束点。色差测试采用比色法,使用分光光度计测定。曝晒时间的期限应精确制定并严格执行。/ Every sample should exposed to light with 6# blue wool (refer to 4.7.4). The end is reached when the 6# blue wool achieves a contrast between the exposed and unexposed surface reach to the total color change dE 4.3±0.3 (dE* for D 65/ 10°). The total color change shall preferably be determined colorimetrically using a spectral photometer. The end of an exposure period shall be stipulated precisely and strictly adhered.

4.7.4 蓝色羊毛的品牌型号/ Source of Supply for Blue Wool

推荐的蓝色羊毛品牌为Beuth Verlag GmbH ,型号为Burggrafenstra?e

6。/ Recommended brand of blue wool is Beuth Verlag GmbH, and the model is Burggrafenstra?e 6.

4.8 水解试验 /Hydrolysis aging

试验:在气候箱内,温度80±2℃,空气相对湿度≥80%,存放96h 。

Test: 96 h at (80 ±2) °C and ≥80% relative humidity in conditioning cabinet.

4.9 阳光模拟/Sunlight simulation

试验:按照DIN 75220,D-IN1-T 1个 循环(240 小时)

Test: As per DIN 75220, 1 cycle (= 240 h) as per D-IN1-T.

4.10 耐磨性能/Abrasion behavior

4.10.1 试验设备和辅助装置 /Test equipment and auxiliary equipment

按照DIN EN ISO 105-X12 ,代替在耐摩擦测量仪上或具有同等价值的仪器支柱中同样能够用带2 个支架的一个轻金属滚轮(见图5)。 / A light metal cylinder with two brackets can be used instead of the mandrel on the crockmeter as per DIN EN ISO 105-X12 or on an equivalent device (see figure 5).

轻金属滚轮/ Light metal cylinder:

- 重量/ Weight : 40g

- 直径/ Diameter :20mm

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Page 18 of 27 - 长度/ Length : 52mm

支架/Brackets :

- 重量/Weight : 11g

- 厚度/Thickness :5 mm

- 宽度/Width : 20mm

- 长度/Length : 45mm

3 mm 厚的聚酯-PUR-泡沫材料(总密度:40±5kg/ m3)包覆在轻金属滚轮上并且用摩擦介质进行加压,直到其相对运动被排除。安装轻金属滚轮,符合其支柱的支承力(900 g )。 /Glue a 3 mm-thick polyester PUR foam piece

[gross density: (40 ±5) kg/m3] around the light metal cylinder. Cover the foam piece with the abrading medium (identical to mandrel) in a way that prevents relative motion.The light metal cylinder must be mounted so that its contact force is identical to the contact force of the mandrel (900 g).

未染色摩擦织物按标准DIN EN ISO 105-X12 执行/ Undyed nettle cloth according to DIN EN ISO 105-X12

灰度等级评估按标准DIN EN 20105-A03 执行/ Gray-scale level according to DIN EN 20105-A03


4.10.2 样品准备/ Specimen preparation

试样应符合DIN EN ISO 105-X12标准要求。/ The specimens are produced based on DIN EN ISO 105-X12.

4.10.3 预处理/ Conditioning

试样应在ISO 554 – 23/50 标准环境下至少预存放48小时。/ The specimens must be conditioned for a minimum of 48 h in the ISO 554 – 23/50

编号No.: YFK-QP02-00-04 Page 19 of 27 standard climate.

4.10.4 试验步骤 / Procedure

摩擦试验须在室温下完成。/ The rubbing test against dry and wet rubbing cloth must be performed in a climatized room if possible.

耐磨性能以及摩擦褪色评估须在10次到2000次摩擦完成后进行。/The resistance to abrasion and fastness to rubbing are evaluated after 10 to 2000 Crockmeter strokes.

所用试样试验前须进行除尘处理。/ All specimens must be carefully brushed off or vacuumed prior to testing.

摩擦织物至少在任何介质内置放1分钟,紧接着快速在过滤纸之间擦干,可认为是 “湿的 ”或 者 “含有清洁剂的 ”。湿的试样和摩擦织物评估前需在室温下干燥后进行。/A rubbing cloth is designated as "wet" with approx. 100% absorbed moisture when it has been aged for 1 minute in water and then blotted by placing it between filter paper and two glass plates for 1 minute. Moist specimens and wet rubbing cloths are dried at room temperature prior to the evaluation.

4.11 耐清洁剂和人工汗液/Resistance to cleaning agents and synthetic sweat

4.11.1 试剂/Test media

- 体积比0.5%的表面活性剂水溶剂,如洗洁精。/ 0,5 volume percent aqueous solution of a tenside, e.g., dishwashing liquid

- 含氨,酒精的清洁液,如未稀释的“玻璃净化剂”。/ Ammoniacal alcoholic cleaning liquid, e.g., glass cleaner, undiluted

- 石油醚(沸点范围II 按照DIN 51631, 80/100℃)/ Petroleum ether (special boiling point II acc. to DIN 51631, 80/100 °C)

- 甲基化酒精/ Methylated spirit

- 试剂“人造汗液”/ Test media "synthetic sweat":

溶液A :0.75% 浓度的醋酸溶液 (配方:浓度100% 的醋酸7.5毫升加入蒸馏水至1升) / Solution A: 0,75 volume percent acetic acid (formulation: add distilled water to 7,5 ml of 100% acetic acid until you reach a volume of 1 l)

溶液B :氨水溶液,即重量比0.036%氨溶液和重量比0.5%的氯化钠。

(配方:1克25%的氨溶液用蒸馏水稀释成690.72克(实际为690 克)并添加

3.47克氯化钠)/ Solution B: Aqueous ammonia solution, i.e., 0,036 weight percent with 0,5 weight percent NaCl [formulation: add distilled water to 1 g of

编号No.: YFK-QP02-00-04 Page 20 of 27 NH3 solution (25%) until you reach 690,72 g (690 g in practice) and then add 3,47 g of NaCl].

溶液C :30 g/l 氯化钠溶液 / Solution C : 30 g/l Sodium Chloride Solution

4.11.2 液滴试验/Drop test

检验:用吸液管在零件表面滴0.1 mL 液滴,保持10min 后,在60℃ 循环空气中干燥30 min 。表面评定应在处理后24h 进行。

Test: Pipette 0,1 ml drops onto the surface. After an exposure time of 10 min, dry for 30 min at 60 °C in recirculated air. Evaluate the surface 24 hours after exposure.

4.11.3 耐磨性/Abrasion behavior

检验:用含有清洁剂的摩擦织物往复摩擦10 次。试验方法见第4.10条 Test: 10 crockmeter strokes with a rubbing cloth soaked with cleaning agent, see section 4.10

4.12 耐乳霜性能 /Cream resistance

4.12.1 试验设备 /Test equipment

- 测试乳霜 A :防晒霜(SPF 30 minimum ) / Test cream : Type A

sunscreen (SPF 30 minimum )

- 测试乳霜 B :护手霜 / Test cream: Type B hand cream

- 按照 DIN 61631,采用20线纱布带 / Gauze bandage, 20 thread

count according to DIN 61631

- 粘结带,采用 Tesa 厂4657型(或者同等的工厂产品) / Adhesive tape, Tesa 4657 (or similar)

- 涂层网格切割仪符合DIN EN ISO 2409要求,属于切割间距为1 mm 的多刀切割仪(不允许使用单刀切割仪) / Crosscutting tool according to DIN EN ISO 2409, multi-blade cutting device with 1 mm blade spacing (single-blade cutting device is not permitted)

- 切割刀片(如果出于几何图形原因,在构件上不能进行网格切割时) /

Cutter (if for reasons of design, it is not possible to crosscut the component)

- 刮伤棒,例如,型号318 的Erichsen-硬度测试棒, 探针直径0.75 mm

(或者同等的工厂产品) / Scratching device, e.g. Erichsen hardness testing device Type 318, 0,75 mm test tip (according to Bosch),

4.12.2 试验步骤 / Procedure

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Page 21 of 27 把纱布带覆盖在测试样件上。将测试乳霜A 和B 分别涂覆在不同的样件上进行测试。在纱布带上分别涂覆测试乳霜,按压样件表面上的纱布带,使测试乳霜涂抹均匀,并且纱布带中间网格空隙充满测试乳霜 (参见图6和7)。擦去多余的乳霜。/ The gauze bandage is laid over the component to be tested. The test medium is applied to the gauze bandage and pressed and spread onto the component surface through the gauze so that the areas between the mesh are filled with the test medium (see Figures 6 and 7). Excess cream is wiped off.

图6 图7 将附有纱布带的样件在+80 ℃循环空气加热箱内存放 24 h ,然后去掉纱布带并用布擦去零件表面的乳霜。/ The component is aged with the gauze bandage in a forced ventilation oven for 24 h at +80 °C. The gauze bandage is then removed and the remaining cream is wiped off with a cloth.

4.12.3 表面测试和评估 / Surface test and evaluation 在测试和表面评估之前,试验样件须在室温+18℃到+28℃下进行4 小时的预处理。/ Before the surface is tested and evaluated, components are aged for 4 h at room temperature,+18 °C to +28 °C 立即去除粘结带,进行表2中第1条和第2条的试验。/ Test according to table 2 section 1 and section 2 with subsequent abrupt removal of adhesive tape;

4.13 高光表面的耐磨性能 /Abrasion resistance for high-gloss surfaces

4.13.1 测试设备/ Test equipment

