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00:00:02,600 --> 00:00:03,000 --==CMCT团队 荣誉出品==--

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招募Q号:76846146 2

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影片压制: 九洲客 字幕调校: 铭瑄 ww

招募Q号:76846146 3

00:00:03,400 --> 00:00:03,800 --==CMCT团队 荣誉出品==--

影片压制: 九洲客 字幕调校: 铭瑄 www

招募Q号:76846146 4

00:00:03,800 --> 00:00:04,200 --==CMCT团队 荣誉出品==--

影片压制: 九洲客 字幕调校: 铭瑄 www.

招募Q号:76846146 5

00:00:04,200 --> 00:00:04,600 --==CMCT团队 荣誉出品==--

影片压制: 九洲客 字幕调校: 铭瑄 www.H

招募Q号:76846146 6

00:00:04,600 --> 00:00:05,000 --==CMCT团队 荣誉出品==--

影片压制: 九洲客 字幕调校: 铭瑄 www.HD

招募Q号:76846146 7

00:00:05,000 --> 00:00:05,400

--==CMCT团队 荣誉出品==--

影片压制: 九洲客 字幕调校: 铭瑄 www.HDc

招募Q号:76846146 8

00:00:05,400 --> 00:00:05,800 --==CMCT团队 荣誉出品==--

影片压制: 九洲客 字幕调校: 铭瑄 www.HDcm

招募Q号:76846146 9

00:00:05,800 --> 00:00:06,200 --==CMCT团队 荣誉出品==--

影片压制: 九洲客 字幕调校: 铭瑄 www.HDcmc

招募Q号:76846146 10

00:00:06,200 --> 00:00:06,600 --==CMCT团队 荣誉出品==--

影片压制: 九洲客 字幕调校: 铭瑄 www.HDcmct

招募Q号:76846146 11

00:00:06,600 --> 00:00:07,000 --==CMCT团队 荣誉出品==--

影片压制: 九洲客 字幕调校: 铭瑄 www.HDcmct.

招募Q号:76846146 12

00:00:07,000 --> 00:00:07,400 --==CMCT团队 荣誉出品==--

影片压制: 九洲客 字幕调校: 铭瑄 www.HDcmct.c

招募Q号:76846146 13

00:00:07,400 --> 00:00:07,800 --==CMCT团队 荣誉出品==--

影片压制: 九洲客 字幕调校: 铭瑄

www.HDcmct.co 招募Q号:76846146 14

00:00:07,800 --> 00:00:12,000 --==CMCT团队 荣誉出品==--

影片压制: 九洲客 字幕调校: 铭瑄 www.HDcmct.com 招募Q号:76846146 15

00:03:24,950 --> 00:03:28,680 冰 河 世 纪 16

00:03:54,580 --> 00:03:58,280

为什么不管这叫\大寒\或者\冷冻时代\Why not call itthe Big Chill or the Nippy era? 17

00:03:58,350 --> 00:04:01,380


I'm just saying,how do we know it's an ice age? 18

00:04:01,490 --> 00:04:04,110 因为四周全是冰 Because of all the ice. 19

00:04:06,560 --> 00:04:09,080 就连说话也冷冰冰的

Well, things just got a little chillier. 20

00:04:09,160 --> 00:04:12,760 救命

Help. Help. 21

00:04:12,860 --> 00:04:16,160

来吧,孩子,我们走,大伙儿都在走呢 Come on, kids, let's go. The traffic's moving.


00:04:16,530 --> 00:04:18,560 可是,可是,可是,爸爸 But, but, but, Dad. 23

00:04:18,700 --> 00:04:21,470 别说\可是\还轮不到你绝种呢

No buts. You can play extinction later. 24

00:04:21,740 --> 00:04:25,160 噢,走吧,伙计们 OK. Come on, guys. 25

00:04:25,480 --> 00:04:27,540 我说 艾迪在哪儿? So, where's Eddie? 26

00:04:27,650 --> 00:04:31,430


He said he was on the vergeof an evolutionary breakthrough. 27

00:04:31,520 --> 00:04:33,540 是吗? Really? 28

00:04:34,120 --> 00:04:36,750 噢,我飞了 I'm flying. 29

00:04:38,090 --> 00:04:40,250 好一个突破

Some breakthrough. 30

00:04:41,360 --> 00:04:43,920 - 小心 - 你走错方向了

- Look out.- You're going the wrong way.


00:04:44,930 --> 00:04:46,990 你这毛象疯子 Crazy mammoth. 32

00:04:53,800 --> 00:04:58,540

嘿 你就帮个忙吧 别挡着道妨碍交通

Do the world a favor.Move your issues off the road. 33

00:04:58,910 --> 00:05:03,070


If my trunk was that small,I wouldn't draw attention to myself, pal. 34

00:05:03,250 --> 00:05:06,880 别臭我了我们 都挪了一整天了

Give me a break.We've been waddling all day. 35

00:05:08,690 --> 00:05:11,450 那就接着走吧,随大流吧 Go ahead. Follow the crowd. 36

00:05:11,520 --> 00:05:13,750 你们走了就清静了

It'll be quieter when you're gone. 37

00:05:14,890 --> 00:05:17,880 走吧,他要冻死就随他去

Come on. If he wants tofreeze to death, let him. 38

00:05:27,970 --> 00:05:30,070 我醒了,醒了 I'm up. I'm up. 39

00:05:32,480 --> 00:05:37,300


Rise and shine, everybody.Huh? Zak? Marshall? 40

00:05:37,920 --> 00:05:40,680 伯蒂?\真菌\叔叔? Bertie? Uncle Fungus? 41

00:05:41,290 --> 00:05:47,510

大家都去哪儿了?来吧,伙计们,我们该迁…该迁…迁徙了 Where is everybody? Come on, guys,we're gonna miss the migration. 42

00:05:50,130 --> 00:05:54,480

扔下我就走了 他们每年都这么干

They left without me.They do this every year. 43

00:05:56,500 --> 00:05:59,490 为什么?谁都不爱我了吗? Why? Doesn't anyone love me? 44

00:05:59,870 --> 00:06:04,190

难道谁都不关心我这可怜的树懒希德了吗? Isn't there anyone who cares about Sid the Sloth? 45

00:06:06,880 --> 00:06:09,040 好吧,那我就自己走

All right, I'll just go by myself. 46

00:06:11,750 --> 00:06:13,340 恶心 Sick. 47

00:06:13,450 --> 00:06:16,110 嘿,巨无霸 别随地大小便 Wide body, curb it next time. 48

00:06:16,220 --> 00:06:18,710

噢,天,唉唷 Oh, jeez. Yuck. 49

00:06:18,960 --> 00:06:24,620

真不敢相信,新鲜绿叶菜 弗兰克,你在哪儿找到的?

I can't believe it. Fresh wild greens.Frank, where did you ever...? 50

00:06:24,700 --> 00:06:27,860 - 好了,快吃吧 - 是蒲公英? - Go ahead. Dig in. - A dandelion. 51

00:06:27,930 --> 00:06:31,530

- 还以为都被冻死了 - 就剩下这一棵

- I thought the frost wiped 'em all out. - All but one. 52

00:06:33,040 --> 00:06:36,770

唷,唷,这实在让我太我要咬他的…啊 It makes me so... I wanna... Yuck. 53

00:06:36,870 --> 00:06:41,700

我呸 今天我算是倒霉透了我的意思你应该懂吧?

This has definitely not been my day.You know what I'm saying, buddy? 54

00:06:41,780 --> 00:06:45,510

简直一团糟,你们犀牛的脑袋实在是小,你们知道吗? What a mess. You rhinos have tiny brains. Did you know that? 55

00:06:45,580 --> 00:06:51,340


It's just a fact. No offense. You probably didn't even know what I'm talking about. 56

00:06:51,460 --> 00:06:52,720 美味呀 Yummo. 57

00:06:52,960 --> 00:06:55,920 是蒲公英呀 一定是最后一棵了

A dandelion. Must bethe last one of the season. 58

00:06:59,000 --> 00:07:01,360 - 卡尔? - 冷静,弗兰克 - Carl. - Easy, Frank. 59

00:07:01,470 --> 00:07:03,490 他糟蹋了我们的色拉 He ruined our salad. 60

00:07:04,840 --> 00:07:07,670 是我错了 那是我错了 我...

My mistake. That was my mistake. Let me... 61

00:07:08,240 --> 00:07:12,030

别认真,我赔 我赔,这是什么?

No, no, seriously, let me take care of this. What is this? 62

00:07:12,110 --> 00:07:15,810

是松果啊 噢,老天,我最爱吃了

Pine cones. Oh, my goodness.They're my favorite. 63

00:07:17,680 --> 00:07:22,210 味道好极了,这真…呃,真好吃 Delicious. That's good eating. 64

00:07:22,450 --> 00:07:25,810


But don't let me hog them all up.Here, you have some. 65

00:07:25,890 --> 00:07:28,690 味道不错吧?祝你们胃口好 Tasty, isn't it? \


00:07:30,060 --> 00:07:32,220 上吗? Now? 67

00:07:32,660 --> 00:07:34,760 上 Now 68

00:07:43,670 --> 00:07:47,700

- 假装我不在 - 我是想全速把他撞倒

- Just pretend that I'm not here. - I wanted to hit him at full speed. 69

00:07:47,780 --> 00:07:53,070

- 别急,我们\玩玩\他 - 别让他们刺穿我,拜托了,我想活命

- That's OK. We'll have some fun with him. - Don't let them impale me. I wanna live. 70

00:07:53,150 --> 00:07:56,510 - 你走开 - 行了,你就别撒泼了

- Get off me. - Come on, you're making a scene. 71

00:07:56,590 --> 00:07:59,390

我们只要把那毛小子戳爆然后就走 We'll just take our furry pinata and go. 72

00:07:59,490 --> 00:08:02,480


If it's not them today,it's someone else tomorrow. 73

00:08:02,530 --> 00:08:04,890 反正我今天不想死,OK?

Well, I'd rather it not be today. OK? 74

00:08:05,030 --> 00:08:08,390

听着,我们戳断你的脖子你不会痛苦的,怎么样? We'll break your neck so you don't feel a thing.


00:08:08,470 --> 00:08:11,590


Wait a minute. I thought rhinos were vegetarians. 76

00:08:11,700 --> 00:08:13,830 - 真精辟 - 闭嘴

- An excellent point. - Shut up. 77

00:08:13,900 --> 00:08:17,530 谁说我们把他杀了之后要吃他?

Who says we're gonna eat him after we kill him? 78

00:08:17,640 --> 00:08:20,530 我不喜欢以杀为乐的动物

I don't like animals that kill for pleasure. 79

00:08:20,680 --> 00:08:24,070

- 谁爱听就跟谁说吧 - 恰好我就爱听

- Save it for a mammal that cares. - I'm a mammal that cares. 80

00:08:24,310 --> 00:08:29,480


OK, if either of you make it across that sinkhole in front of ya, you get the sloth. 81

00:08:29,550 --> 00:08:33,440 没错,孬种往前跨一步就死定了

That's right, you losers.You take one step and you're dead. 82

00:08:37,660 --> 00:08:41,260

- 你在吓唬他们?- 对,这坑不会沉

- You were bluffing, huh? - Yeah. Yeah, that was a bluff. 83

00:08:42,430 --> 00:08:44,160 收拾他

Get him. 84

00:09:20,140 --> 00:09:22,260 是蒲公英? A dandelion? 85

00:09:25,210 --> 00:09:27,270 哇 我们胜利了 We did it. 86

00:09:35,650 --> 00:09:39,440

- 你的眼睛真美 - 快滚下我的脸

- You have beautiful eyes. - Get off my face. 87

00:09:40,660 --> 00:09:44,750


Whoa, we make a great team. What do you say we head south together? 88

00:09:44,860 --> 00:09:47,350

好啊,耶 嘿,跳到我背上来一路放轻松

Great. Jump on my backand relax the whole way. 89

00:09:47,430 --> 00:09:49,460 - 哇,当真? - 假的 - Wow, really? - No. 90

00:09:49,730 --> 00:09:54,060

等等 你不去南方?季节的变换 迁徙的本能

Wait, aren't you going south? The change of seasons, migration instincts. 91

00:09:54,140 --> 00:09:56,900 - 这些挺耳熟吧?- 不,再见了

- Any of this a-Ringing a bell? - I guess not. Bye. 92

00:09:56,970 --> 00:09:59,900

好吧,多谢帮忙 我自己走吧

OK, then. Thanks for the help.I can take it from here. 93

00:10:00,980 --> 00:10:04,680


You overgrown weasel.Wait till we get down there. 94

00:10:05,450 --> 00:10:09,240


That south thing is way overrated.The heat, the crowds who needs it? 95

00:10:09,320 --> 00:10:13,880


Isn't this great? You and me,two bachelors knocking about in the wild. 96

00:10:13,990 --> 00:10:17,780


No, you just want a bodyguard so you don't become somebody's side dish. 97

00:10:17,930 --> 00:10:20,260 你这家伙还真够精明的

You're a very shrewd mammal. 98

00:10:20,330 --> 00:10:23,290


OK, lead the way, Mr Big...Didn't get the name. 99

00:10:23,370 --> 00:10:25,390 - 曼福雷德 - 曼福雷德?难听 - Manfred. Manfred? Yuck. 100

00:10:25,500 --> 00:10:30,740

不如叫曼尼忧郁的毛象? 曼尼深沉的愁思者…曼尼…

How about Manny the Moody Mammoth? Or Manny the Melancholy... Manny the... 101

00:10:33,210 --> 00:10:35,300 别再跟着我

Stop following me. 102

00:10:36,980 --> 00:10:42,810

好吧 你有心事听着,你就当我不在 我会闭嘴

OK, so you've got issues. You won't even know I'm here. I'll just zip the lip. 103

00:11:26,860 --> 00:11:30,790

你快瞧啊 那可爱的小宝宝,迭戈 Look at the cute little baby, Diego. 104

00:11:33,200 --> 00:11:38,600

- 把他拿来当早餐一定很美妙 - 没有他怎么能算早餐?

- Isn't it nice he'll be joining us for breakfast? - It wouldn't be breakfast without him. 105

00:11:38,710 --> 00:11:44,500


Especially since his daddy wiped out halfour pack and wears our skin to keep warm. 106

00:11:44,580 --> 00:11:47,710 以牙还牙,你看怎么样?

An eye for an eye, don't you think? 107

00:11:47,820 --> 00:11:51,380


Let's show him what happens when he messes with sabers. 108

00:11:51,490 --> 00:11:54,690 通知大伙儿,我们黎明进攻

Alert the troops. We attack at dawn. 109

00:11:55,730 --> 00:12:00,320 迭戈,把那孩子带来,要活的

And, Diego, bring me that baby alive.


00:12:00,400 --> 00:12:05,650


If I'm gonna enjoy my revenge,I want it to be fresh. 111

00:12:27,090 --> 00:12:29,250 噢,累死我了

Phew. I'm wiped out. 112

00:12:29,590 --> 00:12:33,260

- 你用这点过夜?- 嘿,你块头大,你有很多木头

- That's your shelter? - You're a big guy. You got a lotta wood. 113

00:12:33,330 --> 00:12:36,130 - 我是小不点儿 - 所以只要半根 - I'm a little guy. - You got half a stick. 114

00:12:36,200 --> 00:12:42,590

可…有我的小木棍和我高度进化的脑子 我能生出火

But with my little stick and my highly evolved brain, I shall create fire. 115

00:12:43,010 --> 00:12:44,800 了不起 Fascinating. 116

00:12:45,140 --> 00:12:49,200


We'll see if brains triumph over brawn tonight. Now, won't we? 117

00:12:55,220 --> 00:12:57,480 嘿,我看见火花了 Think I saw a spark. 118

00:13:01,390 --> 00:13:04,950


Any chance I could squeeze in there with you, Manny, ol' pal?


00:13:05,060 --> 00:13:07,550 你还是去烦别的家伙吧

Isn't there someone else you can annoy? 120

00:13:07,660 --> 00:13:11,230 朋友、亲戚或者毒蛇什么的

Friends? Family? Poisonous reptiles? 121

00:13:11,570 --> 00:13:16,300

我全家丢下了我 他们不管我自己迁徙了

My family abandoned me.They just kinda migrated without me. 122

00:13:16,370 --> 00:13:19,040 他们去年还要过分

You should see what they did last year. 123

00:13:19,110 --> 00:13:21,870 他们很早醒来然后绑住我的手脚

They woke up early andtied my hands and feet 124

00:13:21,950 --> 00:13:24,740

用田鼠塞住我的嘴并且把洞门堵上 And they gagged me with a field mouse, 125

00:13:24,850 --> 00:13:28,480


Covered their tracks, went through water so I'd lose their scent, 126

00:13:28,550 --> 00:13:31,390 反…反正我也不需要他们 And... who needs 'em, anyway? 127

00:13:35,930 --> 00:13:38,290 你怎么样?有家庭吗?

So what about you? You have family? 128

00:13:42,500 --> 00:13:45,660 好吧,看来你累了我们天亮再谈

OK, you're tired. I see.We'll talk more in the morning. 129

00:13:48,210 --> 00:13:51,730 曼福雷德 你挪过去点好吗?

Manfred? Manfred?Could you scooch over a drop? 130

00:13:52,910 --> 00:13:55,940 得了哪会这么快就睡着的

Come on. Nobody falls asleep that fast. 131

00:13:55,980 --> 00:13:58,070 曼尼 Manny 132

00:16:48,920 --> 00:16:51,080 迭戈来了,我们撤

There's Diego. Fall back. 133

00:16:57,660 --> 00:17:00,520

- 小孩在哪儿?- 在瀑布那儿追丢了 - Where's the baby? - I lost it over the falls. 134

00:17:00,730 --> 00:17:03,220 你追丢了? You lost it? 135

00:17:06,070 --> 00:17:08,660 - 我要那小孩,迭戈 - 我能找到 - I want that baby, Diego.- I'll get it. 136

00:17:08,740 --> 00:17:12,440

但愿如此 不然的话被活吞的就是你

You'd better, unless you want to serve as a replacement. 137

00:17:12,610 --> 00:17:15,910 我们去\半峰\山 去那儿会合

We'll go up to Half Peak. Meet us there. 138

00:17:17,280 --> 00:17:19,340 最好把他活着带来 It had better be alive. 139

00:17:20,650 --> 00:17:23,140 能完成这任务吗?迭戈?

Can we trust you with that, Diego? 140

00:17:23,250 --> 00:17:25,740 我们走 Let's go. 141

00:17:48,550 --> 00:17:52,540

她看见我肩上的那根毛就说 如果你找别的女伴风流

She picked a hair off my shoulder and says,\ 142

00:17:52,650 --> 00:17:55,240 至少找一个毛的颜色相同的

At least pick a female with the same color pelt.\ 143

00:17:55,390 --> 00:17:58,780 我想完了 我要成她的盘中餐了

I thought \ 144

00:17:58,920 --> 00:18:02,590

如果你有了配偶 就该对她忠诚,你很幸运了

If you find a mate, you should be loyal.In your case, grateful. 145

00:18:02,660 --> 00:18:05,990

- 你给我走开 - 一辈子守着一个太蠢了

- Now get away from me.- I think mating for life is stupid. 146

00:18:06,060 --> 00:18:08,290 那也太亏了我这\能干\的希德 There's plenty of Sid to go around. 147

00:18:09,800 --> 00:18:11,890 曼尼? Manny? 148

00:18:12,500 --> 00:18:14,590 曼尼? Manny? 149

00:19:07,420 --> 00:19:09,920 快瞧啊,他没事 Look at that. He's OK. 150

00:19:22,240 --> 00:19:24,900 他妈妈不见了 She's gone. 151

00:19:34,680 --> 00:19:36,880 - 你是不是忘了什么? - 没有

- Manny, are you forgetting something? - No. 152

00:19:38,250 --> 00:19:42,280

- 可你刚救了他 - 上次救的那个我还没甩掉呢

-But you just saved him. - I'm trying to get rid of the last thing I saved. 153

00:19:42,360 --> 00:19:44,880 你不能把他留在这儿

But you can't leave him here.


00:19:48,900 --> 00:19:52,460 瞧,有烟 他的那群人在山上

Look, there's smoke.That's his herd right up the hill. 155

00:19:52,700 --> 00:19:56,660

- 我们把他送回去 - 我跟你说白了吧,根本没有\我们\

- We should return him. - Let's get this straight. There is no \ 156

00:19:56,740 --> 00:20:02,370


There never was a \ 157

00:20:03,310 --> 00:20:10,170

- 只是去山上 - 你给我仔细听好,我就是不去 - Just up the hill. - Listen very carefully: I'm not going. 158

00:20:10,450 --> 00:20:15,350

- 行啊,做你的混球,我会照顾他的 - 好,太好了 - Fine, be a jerk. I'll take care of him. - Yeah, that's good. 159

00:20:15,460 --> 00:20:18,880

你连自己都照顾不了 我倒要瞧瞧

You can't even take care of yourself.This, I gotta see. 160

00:20:18,960 --> 00:20:23,250


I'll return you. We don't need that meany-Weeny mammoth, do we? 161

00:20:23,330 --> 00:20:25,490 不需要他 No, we don't. 162

00:20:54,930 --> 00:20:58,320

你真给大自然丢脸 这你知道吗?

You're an embarrassment to nature.Do you know that?


00:20:58,940 --> 00:21:02,170 小菜一碟,我行,我行

This is cake. I'm fine, I'm fine. 164

00:21:02,240 --> 00:21:04,260 我会送命的 I'm gonna die. 165

00:21:17,650 --> 00:21:19,210 曼尼 Manny. 166

00:21:32,940 --> 00:21:36,930

- 那小东西是我的 - 不对,这小东西是我们的

- That pink thing is mine.- No. Actually, that pink thing belongs to us. 167

00:21:39,980 --> 00:21:43,370

\我们\? 你们\小俩口\真是绝配啊 \ 168

00:21:43,480 --> 00:21:45,280 没有\我们\There is no \ 169

00:21:45,350 --> 00:21:48,700 懂了自己生不出,所以领养一个

I see. Can't have one of your own,so you want to adopt. 170

00:21:48,790 --> 00:21:51,910


Look, I'm sorry to interrupt your snack, but we gotta go. 171

00:21:52,090 --> 00:21:55,580


The baby? Please.I was returning him to his herd. 172

00:21:55,620 --> 00:21:57,750 噢,行呀,真有你的 \龅牙\Oh, yeah. Nice try, bucktooth. 173

00:21:57,830 --> 00:21:59,920 - 你说我在撒谎? - 我没这么说 - Calling me a liar? - I didn't say that. 174

00:22:00,000 --> 00:22:02,090 你就是这么想的 You were thinking it. 175

00:22:02,200 --> 00:22:04,760 我不喜欢这家伙 他猜透我心思 I don't like this cat. He reads minds. 176

00:22:05,340 --> 00:22:08,960

- 我叫迭戈,朋友 - 曼福雷德,我不是你朋友

- Name's Diego, friend. - Manfred, and I'm not your friend. 177

00:22:09,240 --> 00:22:16,300

好吧,别白费劲找人类了 他们今天早上走了

Fine, Manfred. If you're looking for the humans, you're wasting your time. They left. 178

00:22:16,380 --> 00:22:19,540 谢谢你的建议,现在滚吧

Thanks for the advice. Now beat it. 179

00:22:19,650 --> 00:22:23,710

好吧,我帮你把他送回去 但你得保证完事后不缠着我 I'll help you bring it to its herd,but leave me alone after that. 180

00:22:23,790 --> 00:22:27,350

- 好吧,说定了,你哪儿不对劲?- 全都因为你

- OK. OK, deal. What's your problem? - You are my problem. 181

00:22:27,460 --> 00:22:31,780


I think you're stressed, so you eat too much.It's hard to get fat on a vegan diet. 182

00:22:31,900 --> 00:22:35,990


I'm not fat. It's all this fur.It makes me look poofy. 183

00:22:36,100 --> 00:22:39,990


All right, you have fat hair.But when you're ready to talk, I'm here. 184

00:22:43,170 --> 00:22:46,530 你干嘛?把他放在岩脊上

What are you doing? Just drop it on the ledge. 185

00:22:46,610 --> 00:22:49,870 - 应该保证他们能看见 - 好主意

- We should make sure they found him. - Good idea. 186

00:22:49,950 --> 00:22:52,370 不,等等,等等

No, no. Wait, wait, wait, wait. 187

00:22:52,480 --> 00:22:54,580 啊 别…刺我 Don't spear me. 188

00:22:58,020 --> 00:23:00,790 - 这下麻烦了 - 怎么了?

- This is a problem. - Now what? 189

00:23:01,930 --> 00:23:04,310 噢,这下可好 That's perfect. 190

00:23:34,490 --> 00:23:37,050 - 我说过他们都走了 - 瞧谁来了

- I told you they were gone.- Look who it is. 191

00:23:37,130 --> 00:23:39,860


Don't you have some poor animal to disembowel? 192

00:23:39,930 --> 00:23:43,750

噢,他们走不远的,往这边走了 或…这边

They couldn't be far. I mean,they went this way, or this way? 193

00:23:43,870 --> 00:23:46,200 你不太懂追踪,对吗?

You don't know much about tracking, do you? 194

00:23:46,340 --> 00:23:50,160

嘿,我是树懒,看见树就吃叶子,我管这叫\追踪\I'm a sloth. I see a tree,eat a leaf. That's my tracking. 195

00:23:50,270 --> 00:23:52,540 他们没走多久

You didn't miss them by much. 196

00:23:52,610 --> 00:23:56,000 这还青着两小时前,往北去了

It's still green.They headed north two hours ago. 197

00:23:56,310 --> 00:24:00,480 这还青着两小时前,往北去了

It's still green.They headed north two hours ago.


00:24:02,850 --> 00:24:05,510 你们不用这么折腾

You don't need this aggravation. 199

00:24:06,490 --> 00:24:10,310

把孩子给我 我能比你们更快找到人类

Give me the baby. I can track humans down a lot faster than you. 200

00:24:10,430 --> 00:24:13,120 你真是个热情相助的好公民

And you're just a good citizen helping out? 201

00:24:13,230 --> 00:24:16,720 - 我知道人类去哪儿了 - 冰川道

- I just know where the humans are going. - Glacier Pass. 202

00:24:16,830 --> 00:24:20,430


Everybody knows they havea settlement on the other side. 203

00:24:21,370 --> 00:24:26,330


Unless you know how to track, you'll never reach them before snow closes the pass. 204

00:24:26,480 --> 00:24:29,500 大雪封路可能…是明天

Which should be, like, tomorrow. 205

00:24:29,650 --> 00:24:35,440

所以,要么把孩子给我 要么在暴风雪中迷路,你们选择吧

So, you can give that baby to me,or go get lost in a blizzard. It's your choice. 206

00:24:42,130 --> 00:24:46,050

抱着你的心肝宝贝 我们把他还给人类

Here's your little bundle of joy.We're returning it to the humans.


00:24:46,530 --> 00:24:52,060

大坏蛋\老虎叔叔\被我们扔下不管了,可怜的\老虎叔叔\ The big, bad tigey-Wigey gets left behind.Poor tigey-Wigey. 208

00:24:52,170 --> 00:24:54,970 希德,\老虎叔叔\负责带路

Sid, tigey-Wigey is gonna lead the way. 209

00:24:58,570 --> 00:25:01,200 曼尼我能不能跟你谈谈?

Manny, can I talk to you for a second? 210

00:25:01,240 --> 00:25:06,070


No. The sooner we find the humans,the sooner I get rid of Mr Stinky Drool-Face, 211

00:25:06,150 --> 00:25:08,670 还有这孩子

And the baby, too. 212

00:25:09,750 --> 00:25:12,410 \金刚巨象\不会时刻保护你的

You won't always have Jumbo around to protect you. 213

00:25:12,490 --> 00:25:18,120


And when that day comes, I suggest you watch your back, cos I'll be chewing on it. 214

00:25:18,230 --> 00:25:22,020

\追踪大师\,到前面来,好让我看见 Nier-Tracker. Up front, where I can see you 215

00:25:22,100 --> 00:25:23,760 救救我

Help me. 216

00:25:39,450 --> 00:25:43,150

你别让他再哭了 我再也受不了了

You gotta make it stop.I can't take it anymore. 217

00:25:43,320 --> 00:25:47,450

- 没他这么会闹的 我也吃过 - 他不停扭动

I've eaten things that complained less.He won't stop squirming. 218

00:25:47,520 --> 00:25:49,650 - 小心他的头 - 你把他放下 - Watch its head. - Put it down. 219

00:25:49,760 --> 00:25:52,320 唏,\抱起来,放下他...\

Jeez, \ 220

00:25:52,600 --> 00:25:55,890

- 他的鼻子是干的 - 那他一定是生病了

- Its nose is dry. - That means something's wrong with it. 221

00:25:55,970 --> 00:25:58,960

- 谁来给他舔舔 - 以防万一我来吧

- Someone should lick it. - Just in case. I'll do it. 222

00:25:59,070 --> 00:26:01,560 - 他包着尿布呢 - 怎么?

- He's wearing one of those baby thingies. - So? 223

00:26:01,600 --> 00:26:04,330 如果他拉屎,就拉尿布里

So if he poops, where does it go? 224

00:26:06,710 --> 00:26:10,700

- 人类真是恶心 - 好吧你,检查大便

- Humans are disgusting. - OK, you. Check for poop. 225

00:26:10,810 --> 00:26:14,040

- 嘿,凭什么让我检查?- 因为是你要送他回去

- Why am I the poop-Checker? - Returning him was your idea 226

00:26:14,150 --> 00:26:17,610

因为你无足轻重 因为你不检查我就揍你

You're small and insignificant,and I'll pummel you if you don't. 227

00:26:17,690 --> 00:26:20,210 - 还有吗?- 快 希德 - Why else? - Now, Sid. 228

00:26:26,860 --> 00:26:30,030 我的妈呀 小心,过来了

I mean, my goodness.Look out. Coming through. 229

00:26:30,100 --> 00:26:32,950 - 小心 - 别拿它晃来晃去的

- Watch out. - Stop waving that thing around. 230

00:26:33,070 --> 00:26:35,830 呜,我要滑倒了 I'm gonna slip. 231

00:26:39,240 --> 00:26:41,540 是干净的,你上当了 It's clean. Got ya! 232

00:26:43,750 --> 00:26:45,840 别胡闹行吗? Will you cut it out? 233

00:26:47,680 --> 00:26:50,540 嘿,再来,他喜欢

Do that again. He likes it. 234

00:26:52,660 --> 00:26:55,780 我也觉得爽多了

It's making me feel better too. 235

00:26:55,890 --> 00:26:58,050 给,你来抱

Here, you hold it. 236

00:27:04,530 --> 00:27:06,300 行了,让他脸朝我 Turn him towards me. 237

00:27:06,540 --> 00:27:08,830 宝宝在哪儿? Where is the baby? 238

00:27:09,840 --> 00:27:12,070 他在这儿 There he is. 239

00:27:12,110 --> 00:27:14,970 宝宝在哪儿? Where is the baby? 240

00:27:15,510 --> 00:27:18,670 他在这儿 There he is. 241

00:27:18,880 --> 00:27:21,300 行了 你吓坏他了

Stop it. You're scaring him.


00:27:25,490 --> 00:27:27,910 - 他一定是饿了 - 该吃奶了

- I bet he's hungry. - How about some milk? 243

00:27:28,020 --> 00:27:31,050

- 我爱吃奶 - 不是你吃 是孩子吃 - I'd love some. - Not you. The baby. 244

00:27:31,130 --> 00:27:33,760 我可没有奶水给他喝,伙计

I aingt exactly lactating right now, pal. 245

00:27:33,860 --> 00:27:36,630 你这食物链底层的没资格顶嘴

You're a little low on the food chain to... 246

00:27:36,670 --> 00:27:40,230 够了 够了 够了

Enough, enough, enough. 247

00:27:42,740 --> 00:27:44,830 有吃的 Food. 248

00:27:53,050 --> 00:27:54,740 我不知道,可我听说

I don't know, but I've been told 249

00:27:54,820 --> 00:27:56,910 我不知道,可我听说

I don't know, but I've been told 250

00:27:57,050 --> 00:27:58,920 世界末日会很冷

End of the world be mighty cold


00:27:58,950 --> 00:28:01,150 世界末日会很冷

End of the world be mighty cold 252

00:28:01,660 --> 00:28:04,050 为冰川时代作准备 Prepare for the lce age! 253

00:28:04,130 --> 00:28:06,650 保护渡渡鸟的生活方式 Protect the dodo way of life! 254

00:28:06,730 --> 00:28:11,020 渡渡鸟的生存能力胜过其他动物

Survival separates the dodos from the beasts! 255

00:28:12,070 --> 00:28:14,700 保护渡渡鸟的生活方式 Protect the dodo way of life! 256

00:28:14,800 --> 00:28:17,030 为冰川时代做准备 Prepare for the lce age! 257

00:28:17,210 --> 00:28:20,200

- 冰川时代?- 我听说过这些疯子 - Ice age? - I've heard of these crackpots. 258

00:28:23,110 --> 00:28:25,640 - 有闯入者 - 别掉进去

- Lntruders. - Now, don't fall in. 259

00:28:25,720 --> 00:28:29,740

- 掉进去,就一定会… - 有闯…闯入者

- If you do, you will definitely... - Intruders. Intruder... 260

00:28:31,520 --> 00:28:33,440 被烫死了 ..Burn and die. 261

00:28:34,560 --> 00:28:37,750

能把西瓜给我们吗? 小家伙饿坏了,他…

Can we have our melon back?Junior's hungry and... 262

00:28:37,860 --> 00:28:41,130

不行 这是我们为冰川时代存下的储备

No way. This is our privates tockpile for the lce age. 263

00:28:41,300 --> 00:28:45,360


Subarctic temperatures will force us underground for a billion years. 264

00:28:45,470 --> 00:28:47,560 只存三只西瓜?

So you got three melons? 265

00:28:49,070 --> 00:28:53,100

如果你们事先不好好作准备 那就死定了

If you weren't smart enough to plan ahead, then doom on you. 266

00:28:53,140 --> 00:28:56,870 死定了,死定了,死定了

Doom on you. Doom on you. Doom on you. 267

00:28:56,980 --> 00:28:59,070 - 别过来 - 死定了

- Get away from me. - Doom on you. 268

00:28:59,850 --> 00:29:02,150

哦,不,不 Oh, no. No. 269

00:29:02,520 --> 00:29:06,110

夺回那西瓜 跆…跆拳道准备 进攻

Retrieve the melon.Tae kwon dodos, attack. 270

00:29:17,800 --> 00:29:19,830 - 西瓜 - 西瓜 西瓜 西瓜...

- The melon. - The melon, the melon, the melon... 271

00:29:23,140 --> 00:29:25,470 最后一个\女同胞\也完了 There goes our last female. 272

00:29:33,020 --> 00:29:36,540

- 抢到了,抢到了 抢到了 - 又没了 - Got it, got it, got it. - Don't got it. 273

00:29:37,520 --> 00:29:40,010 最后的西瓜 The last melon. 274

00:31:06,640 --> 00:31:09,840 希德 还得再找吃的了

Sid. Now we gotta find more food. 275

00:31:13,180 --> 00:31:17,180 再往右一点

Right, more to the right. Right, right, right. 276

00:31:17,290 --> 00:31:20,950

- 晚餐还有表演看不 - 左,左,左,不

- Look at that. Dinner and a show. - Left, left, left. 277

00:31:26,900 --> 00:31:30,920


Now to find a meal befitting a conquering hero. 278

00:31:33,470 --> 00:31:36,860

是什么? 敌人?来吧,想跟我干一架吗?

What ho? A foe? Come on,come on. You want a piece of me? 279

00:31:40,510 --> 00:31:42,570 这战利品值得我为它好好... Spoils worthy of such a noble... 280

00:31:51,720 --> 00:31:53,780 该睡了,小鬼 Bedtime, squirt. 281

00:32:03,330 --> 00:32:05,900 凯旋归来了

The triumphant return. 282

00:32:05,900 --> 00:32:08,270 呃? 噢,那是 Huh? Oh, that. 283

00:32:09,370 --> 00:32:13,760

我吃饱了 该亲亲这个小朋友说晚安了

I'm so full. How about a good-Night kiss for your big buddy, Sid? 284

00:32:14,510 --> 00:32:17,640 - 他睡着了 - 我是在跟你说

- He's asleep. - I was talking to you. 285

00:32:18,510 --> 00:32:20,640 算了,我自己睡吧 Fine, I'll tuck myself in.


00:32:26,960 --> 00:32:30,080 好了,晚安

All right, good night. 287

00:32:52,620 --> 00:32:54,810 别吵了行吗? Will you stop it? 288

00:32:55,150 --> 00:32:57,950 好吧,好吧,我是想放松

All right, all right. I was trying to relax. 289

00:33:03,560 --> 00:33:05,650 哎唷 Oy. 290

00:33:53,880 --> 00:33:57,210

- 搞什么... - 朝我上呀,看我不把你撕碎

- What the...? - Slice me. It'll be the last thing you ever do. 291

00:33:57,310 --> 00:34:00,910

- 我在办事,你这饭桶 - 很郁闷吧,迭戈?

- I'm working here, you waste of fur.- Frustrated, Diego? 292

00:34:00,980 --> 00:34:04,010


Tracking down helpless infants too difficult for you? 293

00:34:04,090 --> 00:34:08,510

- 你们俩来这干嘛?- 索托已经等得不耐烦了

- What are you two doing here? - Soto's getting tired of waiting. 294

00:34:08,510 --> 00:34:13,510

他说要么带着小孩回来 要么就别回来了

Yeah, he said \


00:34:15,100 --> 00:34:17,430 替我捎个信给索托

I have a message for Soto. 296

00:34:17,500 --> 00:34:20,020 告诉他…我会带孩子来

Tell him I'm bringing the baby. 297

00:34:21,240 --> 00:34:24,030 再告诉他,我还带… And tell him I'm bringing... 298

00:34:24,040 --> 00:34:26,100 一头毛象 A mammoth. 299

00:34:26,240 --> 00:34:28,900 - 毛象?- 毛象从不单独行动

- A mammoth? - Mammoths never travel alone. 300

00:34:29,550 --> 00:34:33,110

可这头是例外 我要带他去\半峰\山

This one does,and I'm leading him to Half Peak. 301

00:34:34,680 --> 00:34:36,910 瞧他那身肉,杀了他

Look at all that meat. Let's get him. 302

00:34:36,990 --> 00:34:41,280

还不行 得叫大伙儿一起上才能摆平他

Not yet. We'll need the whole packto bring this mammoth down. 303

00:34:41,360 --> 00:34:43,450 让大家快准备

Get everyone ready. 304

00:34:44,130 --> 00:34:46,190 快去 Now. 305

00:35:09,280 --> 00:35:12,480 - 孩子在哪儿?- 你把他丢了? - Where's the baby? - You lost it? 306

00:35:14,020 --> 00:35:15,250 希德 Sid. 307

00:35:16,130 --> 00:35:19,860 他可真丑 他可真是太可爱了 It's so ugly. Positively adorable. 308

00:35:19,930 --> 00:35:23,820

你好,小心肝你好,没毛的小家伙 Hello, pumpkin. Hello, little baldy bean. 309

00:35:24,100 --> 00:35:27,960

- 哪儿找到的?- 这可怜的孩子一个人在荒野里

- Where'd you find it? - The poor kid, all alone in the wild. 310

00:35:28,100 --> 00:35:30,300 几只剑齿虎包围了他

Sabers were closing in on him. 311

00:35:30,370 --> 00:35:33,540 - 我把他 抢了过来 - 好勇敢 - So I just snatched him. - So brave. 312

00:35:33,640 --> 00:35:38,270


Yeah, well, he needed me,and I only wish I had one of my own, too. 313

00:35:38,350 --> 00:35:42,510 是吗?我…我就迷这样的男子

Really? I find that attractive in a male. 314

00:35:42,650 --> 00:35:46,250 唉,谁不想要个家庭呢

Alas. Who wouldn't wanta family, I always say. 315

00:35:46,860 --> 00:35:50,550

- 真是相见恨晚 - 是啊,这可不是嘛...

- Where've you been hiding? - Yeah, well, you know... 316

00:35:54,000 --> 00:35:57,780

小淘气,嗯?所以,正如我说的,小姐们 Cute kid, huh? So, as I was saying, ladies... 317

00:35:59,930 --> 00:36:02,460 嘿,嗨,曼尼. Hey. Hi, Manny. 318

00:36:03,040 --> 00:36:05,460 你怎么回事

What's the matter with you? 319

00:36:05,740 --> 00:36:10,130


Excuse me, ladies. You just keep marinating and I'll be right back. 320

00:36:12,550 --> 00:36:14,640 性感 Sexy. 321

00:36:15,250 --> 00:36:18,450

他长得不怎么样 可要找个顾家的太难了

He's not much to look at,but it's so hard to find a family guy. 322

00:36:18,520 --> 00:36:22,010 可不是嘛那些细腻的都被吃光了

Tell me about it.All the sensitive ones get eaten. 323

00:36:22,960 --> 00:36:26,160 不,曼尼,我求你了我需要他

No, no, no. Manny, please,I'm begging you. I need him. 324

00:36:26,260 --> 00:36:29,860

- 怎么,小帅哥还用泡妞?- 得了,你别寒碜我了

- A good-Looking guy like you? - You say that, but you don't mean it. 325

00:36:30,170 --> 00:36:34,450


No, seriously. Look at you.Those ladies, they don't stand a chance. 326

00:36:34,540 --> 00:36:38,030

- 你这幽默感还真刻毒 - 我不想搅你的好事

- You have a cruel sense of humor.- Don't let me cramp your style. 327

00:36:38,110 --> 00:36:41,130

- 谢谢,曼尼,真够哥们 - 别带孩子去 - Thanks, Manny. You're a pal. - Without Pinky. 328

00:36:41,280 --> 00:36:43,570 我需要他

Manny, I need him. 329

00:36:47,180 --> 00:36:50,240 小姐们,说到哪儿了? So, ladies, where were we?


00:36:50,520 --> 00:36:53,250 - 卡尔 - 镇静,弗兰克 - Carl. - Easy, Frank. 331

00:36:55,920 --> 00:37:00,250


Pretty tail walks by, suddenly he moves like a cheetah. And that tiger... 332

00:37:00,330 --> 00:37:04,100 那\跟踪大师\连树懒都找不到

Yeah, Mr Great Tracker.Can't even find a sloth. 333

00:37:04,200 --> 00:37:08,060


What am l? The wet nurse?What are you looking at, bone bag? 334

00:37:10,310 --> 00:37:14,040 瞧瞧你,你会长成一个大猛兽

Look at you. You're gonna grow into a great predator. 335

00:37:14,480 --> 00:37:18,830


I don't think so. What have you got?You got a little patch of fur. 336

00:37:18,910 --> 00:37:21,470 没有尖牙,没有利爪 No fangs, no claws. 337

00:37:21,550 --> 00:37:24,910 你的皮和肉是那么…软绵绵

You're folds of skin wrapped in mush. 338

00:37:25,320 --> 00:37:28,020 你有什么可怕的?

What's so threatening about you?


00:37:33,160 --> 00:37:36,150 嘿,这不是\动物园\里摸小动物

Does this look likea petting zoo to you? Huh? 340

00:37:39,070 --> 00:37:42,660


OK. All right, wise guy.You just earned a time-Out. 341

00:37:45,510 --> 00:37:48,640 噢,你觉得好玩?那这个呢?

You think that's funny? How about this? 342

00:37:50,750 --> 00:37:53,540 猫头鹰会吃了你

You'll be a little snack for the owls. 343

00:37:55,250 --> 00:37:58,450 你这小鬼还挺勇敢

You're a brave little squirt, I'll give you that. 344

00:38:04,390 --> 00:38:06,090 谢天谢地 谢天谢地

Thank goodness. Thank goodness.No. 345

00:38:07,600 --> 00:38:09,090 有…老虎 A tiger. 346

00:38:09,200 --> 00:38:11,690 救命 救命 Help. Help. 347

00:38:11,830 --> 00:38:14,030

- 孩子在哪儿?- 他没事,曼尼带着

- Where's the baby? - Manfred has him. 348

00:38:14,100 --> 00:38:18,300 快\咬\住我 快,他咬住我了

Just put me in your mouth.Come on. Hurry up. He got me. 349

00:38:19,210 --> 00:38:20,300 噢,救命 Help. 350

00:38:20,410 --> 00:38:23,000 - 你别来烦我 - 他往这边跑了

- Get away from me.- It went this way. 351

00:38:23,810 --> 00:38:26,080 这儿

Over here. 352

00:38:33,820 --> 00:38:36,310 卡尔 老虎抢先得手

Carl. The tiger beat us to him. 353

00:38:37,760 --> 00:38:40,350 检查一下 Wait a minute. 354

00:38:45,330 --> 00:38:47,760 没错,他的确死了 He's dead all right. 355

00:38:47,870 --> 00:38:50,030 食肉动物就是开心

Carnivores have all the fun. 356

00:38:52,670 --> 00:38:57,340

我也不想那么伤他们的心 我是迫不得已

Gosh, I hate breaking their hearts like that. But you know how it is. 357

00:38:58,150 --> 00:39:00,840 好吧,谢谢,可以把我放下了

All right, thanks. You can put me down now. 358

00:39:01,420 --> 00:39:03,480 曼尼,曼尼

Manny. Manny. 359

00:39:03,920 --> 00:39:07,840


Guys, I thought we were in a hurry.And Diego, spit that out. 360

00:39:07,920 --> 00:39:11,020 别弄脏了嘴

You don't know where it's been. 361

00:39:11,090 --> 00:39:14,860

妈呀,刚才有一会儿 我还以为你真要吃了我

Boy. For a second there,I thought you were gonna eat me. 362

00:39:14,930 --> 00:39:18,060 - 我不吃烂杂碎 - 我还以为

- I don't eat junk food.- Thought you were gonna... 363

00:39:18,130 --> 00:39:20,620 我真以为你…你想吗?

I thought you were gonna... Were you? 364

00:39:23,410 --> 00:39:28,230


Come on, wait up. Wait up. Come on,come on. Can you wait a second, please? 365

00:39:28,310 --> 00:39:30,400 嘿,伙计们 Fellas. 366

00:39:31,750 --> 00:39:33,840 谢谢等我

Thanks for waiting. 367

00:39:33,920 --> 00:39:36,650 3、2、1

Three, two, one... 368

00:39:39,550 --> 00:39:41,650 确实挺\忠诚\Sure is faithful. 369

00:39:56,510 --> 00:39:58,700

- 再闹,我就要火了 - 是他引起的

- Don't make me reach back. - He started it. 370

00:39:58,770 --> 00:40:02,040 我不管谁引起的,再闹就罚

I don't care who started it. I'll finish it. 371

00:40:34,880 --> 00:40:37,730 现代建筑,撑不了多久的

Modern architecture. It'll never last. 372

00:40:52,160 --> 00:40:54,250 嗨哟,曼尼 Hiya, Manny. 373

00:40:56,130 --> 00:40:58,390 嗨,迭戈 Hi, Diego.


00:41:05,240 --> 00:41:07,300 嘿,希德 Hey, Sid. 375

00:41:07,710 --> 00:41:11,480

- 你迷路了?- 没有,我很清楚我们在哪儿 - You're lost. - No. I know exactly where we are. 376

00:41:11,550 --> 00:41:13,910 让他指指方向 Ask him directions. 377

00:41:13,980 --> 00:41:16,680

- 我不要他指方向 - 算了,我来问他 - I don't need directions. - Fine, I'll ask him. 378

00:41:16,790 --> 00:41:19,880 嘿,伙计你看见有人类经过吗?

Buddy. You see any humans go by here? 379

00:41:23,500 --> 00:41:26,380 我喜欢猜字 我喜欢猜字

I love this game. I love this game. OK, OK. 380

00:41:26,500 --> 00:41:30,960

三个字,第一个字呃… \跺\不 \踩\

Three words. First word.Stomp. No, no. Stamp, stamp. 381

00:41:31,070 --> 00:41:33,200 我猜猜... \群\Let me try. Pack. 382

00:41:33,370 --> 00:41:37,540

猜得好,曼尼 \一群\长牙…和爪子

Good one, Manny.Pack of long teeth and claws.


00:41:39,110 --> 00:41:41,140 一群狼? 一群…

Pack of wolves? Pack of... 384

00:41:41,210 --> 00:41:43,940 呃,一群熊! 一群跳蚤?

Pack of bears? Pack of fleas? 385

00:41:44,020 --> 00:41:46,110 一群胡须? 一群…鼻子?

Pack of whiskers? Pack of noses? 386

00:41:46,520 --> 00:41:48,780 - 厚皮动物? - 一群谎言! - Pachyderm? - Pack of lies. 387

00:41:48,890 --> 00:41:51,810 一群麻烦! 一群打手! 一群鸟!

Pack of troubles. Pack a wallop.Pack of birds. 388

00:41:52,090 --> 00:41:54,150 一群飞鱼

Pack of flying fish. 389

00:42:42,860 --> 00:42:45,350 嘿! 好消息! 我找到一条近路! Great news. I found a shortcut. 390

00:42:48,260 --> 00:42:51,860

- 什么近路? - 就是走着要比走长路快

- What do you mean, shortcut? - I mean faster than the long way around. 391

00:42:52,800 --> 00:42:54,600 我知道什么叫\近路\

I know what a shortcut is. 392

00:42:54,670 --> 00:42:59,920


Either we beat the humans to Glacier Passor we take the long way and miss 'em. 393

00:43:00,210 --> 00:43:03,730 穿过那儿? 你把我当什么了?

Through there? What do you take me for? 394

00:43:03,810 --> 00:43:07,270 明天这个时候 你就可以自由了

This time tomorrow,you could be a free mammoth. 395

00:43:07,680 --> 00:43:10,380

或继续做保姆玩\躲躲猫\我是不会腻的 Or a nanny. I never get tired of peekaboo. 396

00:43:10,550 --> 00:43:13,380 伙计们,瞧这个

Guys. Guys. Check this out. 397

00:43:15,750 --> 00:43:18,250 老虎找到一条近路

Sid, the tiger found a shortcut. 398

00:43:20,390 --> 00:43:22,450 不,谢谢,我想活命

No, thanks. I choose life. 399

00:43:22,590 --> 00:43:25,190 那我建议你最好还是走近路

Then I suggest you take the shortcut. 400

00:43:25,300 --> 00:43:29,150

- 你在威胁我吗? - 走,树懒!

- Are you threatening me? - Move, sloth! 401

00:43:34,170 --> 00:43:36,660 好样的,老虎 Way to go, tiger. 402

00:43:36,710 --> 00:43:39,230 快!快进去!

Quick. Get inside. 403

00:44:01,930 --> 00:44:04,560 好吧,那就走近路吧 OK, I vote shortcut. 404

00:44:19,150 --> 00:44:22,810


Guys, stick together.It's easy to get lost in here. 405

00:44:38,440 --> 00:44:40,500 伙计们? Guys? 406

00:44:57,860 --> 00:44:59,880 小鱼儿 A fish. 407

00:45:42,200 --> 00:45:46,370


Will you keep up, please?Hard enough to keep track of one baby. 408

00:46:31,580 --> 00:46:33,640 我…抓住你了 I gotcha. 409

00:46:50,300 --> 00:46:52,830 船长,前方有冰山! Captain, iceberg ahead. 410

00:46:59,240 --> 00:47:01,300 哦,不 Oh, no. 411

00:47:52,630 --> 00:47:55,490 谁想玩第二回合?

Yeah. Who's up for round two? 412

00:47:59,400 --> 00:48:01,460 叫…叫…叫孩子小心点

Tell the kid to be more careful. 413

00:48:42,750 --> 00:48:45,600 瞧,瞧,老虎,瞧啊 Look, look. Tigers. 414

00:48:47,650 --> 00:48:52,410


No, it's OK, it's OK. Look, the tigers are just playing tag with the antelope. 415

00:48:54,460 --> 00:48:58,990

- 用牙摸 - 来吧,希德,我们也来玩

- With their teeth. - Come on, Sid, let's play tag. 416

00:48:59,060 --> 00:49:01,160 你捉我 You're it. 417

00:49:02,300 --> 00:49:05,500 行啊…好吧,好吧哪儿画着树懒?

Sure. OK, OK, OK, where are the sloths?


00:49:05,570 --> 00:49:08,430

这上面怎么没画树懒? 你们注意到吗?

You never see any sloths.Have you ever noticed? 419

00:49:08,540 --> 00:49:12,430

- 瞧,曼尼,一头毛象噢 - 我可真兴奋

- Look, Manny, a mammoth. - Somebody pinch me. 420

00:49:12,540 --> 00:49:15,400 嘿,嘿,这头胖的看上去可真象你

Hey, hey, this fat one looks just like you. 421

00:49:16,310 --> 00:49:18,610 他有家庭

And he's got a family. 422

00:49:18,720 --> 00:49:22,110 他很幸福瞧,他在陪孩子玩

And he's happy.Look, he's playing with his kid. 423

00:49:22,190 --> 00:49:26,420


See? That's your problem.That's what mammoths are supposed to do. 424

00:49:26,420 --> 00:49:29,150 找头母象…生一头毛象宝宝

Find a she-Mmoth, have baby mammoths... 425

00:49:29,150 --> 00:49:30,010 希德 Sid. 426

00:49:30,010 --> 00:49:31,460 - 干嘛? - 闭嘴 - What? - Shut up.


00:49:31,520 --> 00:49:33,160 可… But... 428

00:53:00,270 --> 00:53:02,470 快瞧啊

Would you look at that. 429

00:53:02,570 --> 00:53:05,600 老虎没带错路 这是\半峰山\

The tiger actually did it. There's Half Peak. 430

00:53:05,740 --> 00:53:08,410 下一站,冰川道

Next stop, Glacier Pass. 431

00:53:08,810 --> 00:53:12,600

- 我真不该怀疑你 - 你听见吗,小家伙?

- How could I ever have doubted you? - Did you hear that, little fella? 432

00:53:12,680 --> 00:53:14,780 你快到家了

You're almost home. 433

00:53:19,490 --> 00:53:22,020

- 我的脚在冒汗 - 你身体每出现一个反应 - My feet are sweating. - Do we need a news flash 434

00:53:22,090 --> 00:53:25,480

- 我们都得发布新闻? - 他要我们注意他

- Every time your body does something? - Lgnore him. 435

00:53:25,600 --> 00:53:28,790 是真的我的脚真的很烫!噢,噢

