中文--Call For Papers-ISMSCS-第一届复杂管理系统建模与仿真国际研讨会-

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第一届(2013)复杂管理系统建模与仿真国际研讨会征文通知仿真建模、分析与优化,已经成为解决复杂管理系统的 重要手段,正日益受到理论界和实践界的广泛关注。本会议 的目标,旨在为国内外从事复杂管理系统建模与仿真的研究 及实践人员提供一个高水平的、专业的论坛,通过思想碰撞 与信息交流,探讨系统仿真领域的最新理论和实践,促进相 互合作,进而推动仿真建模、分析与优化技术在复杂管理系 统中的研究与应用。本会议邀请了国内外在仿真领域卓有建 树的知名学者参加,如美国建模与仿真学会(SCS)主席 J. Fowler 教授,美国冬季仿真会议(WSC)主任委员会委员 J. Smith 教授, 2012 年 WSC 会务主席美国亚利桑那大学 Y.J. Son 教授等;以及中国系统仿真学会、广东省系统工程学会 推荐的众多专家学者。会议将请各位专家学者就仿真理论、 技术及其应用的最新进展做主题报告,大会还将组织针对性 强的分组专题报告与研讨。第一届(2013)复杂管理系统建 模与仿真国际研讨会期待您的参与和交流。 主办单位: 中国系统仿真学会离散仿真专业委员会 广东省系统工程学会 深圳大学 承办单位:深圳大学(管理学院) 赞助单位:深圳本斯集团 会议地点:中国· 广东· 深圳 会议网站:/ismscs13/ 会议时间:2013 年 6 月 1 日至 2 日 会议主席:李凤亮教授,深圳大学副校长 大会执行主席: 陈智民教授,深圳大学管理学院院长 周泓教授,北京航空航天大学 张光宇教授,广东省系统工程学会 Dr. J. Fowler,Arizona StateUniv. (USA) Dr. J. Smith,Auburn Univ. (USA) Dr. Y.J. Son,Univ. of Arizona (USA) 学术委员会主席:周泓教授,北京航空航天大学 学术委员会委员: Dr. J. Fowler,Arizona StateUniv. (USA) Dr. J. Smith,Auburn Univ. (USA) Dr. Y.J. Son,Univ. of Arizona (USA) Dr. P. Ahrweiler, Univ. of Dublin (Ireland) 范文慧教授,清华大学 何世伟教授,北京交通大学 胡斌教授,华中科技大学 隽志才教授,上海交通大学 任佩瑜教授,四川大学 卫军胡教授,西安交通大学 魏新教授,广东工业大学 徐哲教授,北京航空航天大学 徐宗昌教授,装甲兵工程学院 张光宇教授,广东工业大学 周明教授,深圳大学 朱一凡教授,国防科技大学 戈鹏副教授,四川大学 刘蕾副教授,电子科技大学 龚晓光副教授,华中科技大学 潘燕春副教授,深圳大学 赵晗萍副教授,北京师范大学 会议主题:复杂管理系统建模、仿真与分析---理论研究与 应用实践。 议题范围(会议议题包括但不限于以下方面) : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 复杂管理系统建模:基于系统科学/系统工程的方法; 仿真建模与分析的理论和

方法,如离散事件仿真、系 统动力学仿真、多智能体仿真、嵌入式仿真等; 仿真技术与工具; 基于仿真的复杂系统优化; 基于仿真的风险决策与分析; 面向可持续发展的绿色生产与服务:基于仿真的研 究; 系统仿真与信息系统整合:决策支持与智能化管理; 仿真在复杂管理系统中的应用,包括生产制造系统、 供应链与物流系统、 交通运输系统、 计算机/通讯网络 管理系统、医疗服务管理系统、旅游与智慧景区管理 系统、作战与综合保障系统,以及循环经济、项目管 理、流程再造、工程或技术管理、战略管理、信息管 理与电子商务等各大领域。

会议出版物:会议拟将录用的论文以光盘形式出版,并申 请国际权威检索机构(EI/ISTP)审查收录。 论文投递:论文请用英文撰写,MS Word 编辑,采用电 子投稿方式,投递至大会邮箱 ismscs2013@,论 文格式规范详见会议网站 /ismscs13/。 最佳论文奖:大会将评选最佳论文奖(最多 3 篇) ,并颁 发获奖证书。 重要时间:2013 年 3 月 1 日,论文扩展摘要或全文(最多 6 页)投稿截止;2013 年 4 月 1 日,论文录用与否通知; 2013 年 5 月 15 日, 大会注册截止; 2013 年 6 月 1 日-2 日, 会议召开。 费用:版面费 800 元(5 页内) ,每超一页加 100 元;会务 费 700 元每位。 版面费和会务费学生减半, 详见会议网站。


International Symposium on Modeling and Simulation of Complex Management Systems (ISMSCS-2013) Topics of Keynote Speeches(1)JOHN FOWLER(USA) Professor and Chair, Arizona State University; Former President, SCS

Title: SIMULATION OF HEALTHCARE SYSTEMS Modern industrial engineering, systems engineering, operations management, and operations research methods hold significant promise for healthcare systems and quality of care research. Among the most promising methods are queuing theory, simulation, and optimization. This presentation will focus on the use of simulation to analyze and improve health care systems. We will discuss some of the most common uses of simulation in healthcare and will point out some unique challenges in applying simulation to these complex systems. (2)JEFF SMITH(USA) Joe W. Forehand Jr. Professor, Auburn University Title: SIMULATION-BASED PLANNING AND SCHEDULING IN DISCRETE-PARTS MANUFACTURING ENVIRONMENTS This talk will focus on the use of discrete-event simulation as a planning and scheduling tool for discrete parts manufacturing environments. Simulation has long been used for design and analysis of these types of manufacturing systems and recent advances in computer hardware, networking, and simulation software have expanded the usefulness of simulation into the planning and scheduling domains. The talk will present a brief history of this technology and applications

and will continue with a concrete example. Finally, an outlook for the future of this technology will be presented. (3)YOUNG-JUN SON(USA) Professor, University of Arizona; Arizona Engineering Fellow Title: DISTRIBUTED FEDERATION OF MULTI-PARADIGM SIMULATIONS AND DECISION MODELS FOR PLANNING AND CONTROL: FROM SHOP FLOOR TO TOP FLOOR In this talk, we first discuss simulation-based shop floor planning and control, where 1) on-line simulation is used to evaluate decision alternatives at the planning stage, 2) the same simulation model (executing in the fast mode) used at the planning stage is used as a real-time task generator (real-time simulation) during the control stage, and 3) the real-time simulation drives the manufacturing system by sending and receiving messages to an executor. We then discuss how simulation-based shop floor planning and control can be extended to enterprise level activities (top floor). (4)PETRA AHRWEILER(IRELAND) Professor, University of Dublin; Director, UCD Innovation Research Union (IRU) Title: MODELLING RESEARCH AND INNOVATION NETWORKS IN COMPLEX SOCIAL SYSTEMS Innovation policymakers, business managers and the public often expect that the current investments in R&D, universities, science-industry networks etc. will immediately produce a flow of products and processes with high commercial returns. The disappointments and legitimatory problems arising from missing outputs are considerable and show the limits of steering, control and policy functions… This presentation is about research on innovation in complex social systems. It introduces an agent-based model called SKIN (acronym for Simulating Knowledge Dynamics in innovation Networks) to simulate the effects and impacts of policy making on the structure, composition and outputs of research and innovation networks. The model will be discussed with two examples of its many policy-relevant contributions, (i) simulating the effects of different innovation management strategies of firms in the biotechnology-based pharmaceutical industry, and (ii) impact assessment and e-ante evaluation of European funding schemes in the ICT sector. Using real-world datasets and in close response to questions put forward by stakeholders, the model can provide precise, detailed information on the effects of specific policy instruments, on how/how well research and innovation networks operate, and how to understand and manage the relationship between research funding and policy goals. Importantly, the model allows for experimenters to change policy parameters in the simulations. This allows using the system as a tool for modeling and evaluating the results of specific interactions between policies, funding strategies and agents. (5)HONG ZHOU(CHINA) Professor, Beihang University; Chair, Chinese Society of Systems Simulation-Discrete Event Simulation Committee Title: THE STATE-OF-THE-ART OF SIMULATION RESEARCH AND EDUCATION IN CHINA Simulation in China is relatively n

ew compared with that in most developed countries. However, it received significant concerns since it was introduced and keeps almost the same pace in many aspects. In the simulation modeling areas, some research results of the theories and methods for complex system modeling and simulation are even slightly higher than the international level. In simulation system development, the research on simulation system theory is generally consistent with the current frontier, however the software engineering philosophy, methods and techniques in systems development still haven’t got sufficient attention and affected the progress of the simulation industry. This paper provided a comprehensive overview on simulation in China from different aspects, including main achievements, hot research areas, education institutions, disciplines and degree systems, academic organizations, etc., with the purpose or intention of giving a general picture of the state-of-the-art of simulation in China today. Some potential fields for future investigations are also proposed. (6)MING ZHOU(CHINA) Professor, Shenzhen University; Former director, Center for Systems Modeling & Simulation at Indiana State University Title: GREEN PRODUCTION STRATEGIES: A SIMULATION BASED ANALYSIS Green production has become a requirement for low-carbon economy and sustainable development of modern production/service systems. The objectives and new conditions (or constraints, such as Cape-&-Trade) have caused a number of issues that significantly affect enterprises’ decisions and systems’ performance. This talk presents an analysis on these issues through different simulation paradigms, including discrete-event, system dynamics, and multi-agent models. It shows how simulation models, alone or integrated with other computational mechanisms, can achieve critical tasks such as characterization, evaluation and optimization of complex sustainable systems.

