Matrix phi^4 Models on the Fuzzy Sphere and their Continuum Limits
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We demonstrate that the UV/IR mixing problems found recently for a scalar $\phi^4$ theory on the fuzzy sphere are localized to tadpole diagrams and can be overcome by a suitable modification of the action. This modification is equivalent to normal ordering
We demonstrate that the UV/IR mixing problems found recently for a scalar $\phi^4$ theory on the fuzzy sphere are localized to tadpole diagrams and can be overcome by a suitable modification of the action. This modification is equivalent to normal ordering
We demonstrate that the UV/IR mixing problems found recently for a scalar $\phi^4$ theory on the fuzzy sphere are localized to tadpole diagrams and can be overcome by a suitable modification of the action. This modification is equivalent to normal ordering
We demonstrate that the UV/IR mixing problems found recently for a scalar $\phi^4$ theory on the fuzzy sphere are localized to tadpole diagrams and can be overcome by a suitable modification of the action. This modification is equivalent to normal ordering
We demonstrate that the UV/IR mixing problems found recently for a scalar $\phi^4$ theory on the fuzzy sphere are localized to tadpole diagrams and can be overcome by a suitable modification of the action. This modification is equivalent to normal ordering
We demonstrate that the UV/IR mixing problems found recently for a scalar $\phi^4$ theory on the fuzzy sphere are localized to tadpole diagrams and can be overcome by a suitable modification of the action. This modification is equivalent to normal ordering
We demonstrate that the UV/IR mixing problems found recently for a scalar $\phi^4$ theory on the fuzzy sphere are localized to tadpole diagrams and can be overcome by a suitable modification of the action. This modification is equivalent to normal ordering
We demonstrate that the UV/IR mixing problems found recently for a scalar $\phi^4$ theory on the fuzzy sphere are localized to tadpole diagrams and can be overcome by a suitable modification of the action. This modification is equivalent to normal ordering
We demonstrate that the UV/IR mixing problems found recently for a scalar $\phi^4$ theory on the fuzzy sphere are localized to tadpole diagrams and can be overcome by a suitable modification of the action. This modification is equivalent to normal ordering
We demonstrate that the UV/IR mixing problems found recently for a scalar $\phi^4$ theory on the fuzzy sphere are localized to tadpole diagrams and can be overcome by a suitable modification of the action. This modification is equivalent to normal ordering
We demonstrate that the UV/IR mixing problems found recently for a scalar $\phi^4$ theory on the fuzzy sphere are localized to tadpole diagrams and can be overcome by a suitable modification of the action. This modification is equivalent to normal ordering
We demonstrate that the UV/IR mixing problems found recently for a scalar $\phi^4$ theory on the fuzzy sphere are localized to tadpole diagrams and can be overcome by a suitable modification of the action. This modification is equivalent to normal ordering
We demonstrate that the UV/IR mixing problems found recently for a scalar $\phi^4$ theory on the fuzzy sphere are localized to tadpole diagrams and can be overcome by a suitable modification of the action. This modification is equivalent to normal ordering
We demonstrate that the UV/IR mixing problems found recently for a scalar $\phi^4$ theory on the fuzzy sphere are localized to tadpole diagrams and can be overcome by a suitable modification of the action. This modification is equivalent to normal ordering
We demonstrate that the UV/IR mixing problems found recently for a scalar $\phi^4$ theory on the fuzzy sphere are localized to tadpole diagrams and can be overcome by a suitable modification of the action. This modification is equivalent to normal ordering
We demonstrate that the UV/IR mixing problems found recently for a scalar $\phi^4$ theory on the fuzzy sphere are localized to tadpole diagrams and can be overcome by a suitable modification of the action. This modification is equivalent to normal ordering
We demonstrate that the UV/IR mixing problems found recently for a scalar $\phi^4$ theory on the fuzzy sphere are localized to tadpole diagrams and can be overcome by a suitable modification of the action. This modification is equivalent to normal ordering
We demonstrate that the UV/IR mixing problems found recently for a scalar $\phi^4$ theory on the fuzzy sphere are localized to tadpole diagrams and can be overcome by a suitable modification of the action. This modification is equivalent to normal ordering
We demonstrate that the UV/IR mixing problems found recently for a scalar $\phi^4$ theory on the fuzzy sphere are localized to tadpole diagrams and can be overcome by a suitable modification of the action. This modification is equivalent to normal ordering
Matrix phi^4 Models on the Fuzzy Sphere and their Continuum Limits08-14
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