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形近词50组 近义词50组 同根异议词20组 搭配

1, 形近词:

Expose: ---materials to sunlight暴漏

---corruption/ bribery to the public曝光腐败、受贿 Exposure(n)

Impose:---tariff on imports征税, ----one’s will on others强加 Suppose: 1,假如,2,be supposed to do应该做 Dispose: ---of 处理 at one’s disposal任某人支配

Compose: be composed of 由…..组成= consist of , make up组成 Propose: 计划,打算,求婚,proposal n,提议,提案,申请 It is not advisable to (expose) our body to the sunlight for a long time. 2,

assure向…保证确保assure sb that, assure sb of sth

ensure保证ensure that , ensure the security of the passengers确保乘客的安全 secure 使…安全He secured the release of the hostages. 他已经设法使人质获释 security(N)安全,证劵,抵押,security check安检 insure买保险,上保险 life insurance生命保险 我向你保证信息的可靠性。

I assure you of the liability of the news.

Liability可靠性,rely on依靠,依赖,reliable可信赖的

The customer has been assured that the goods he ordered will be delivered next week. Delivery交货,传递(n)customer顾客---client客户----key account大客户 顾客订的货物保证下周运到。 3,

Attribute:---my success to the leadship of the communist party. Attribute ….to ….把….归因于…原因题的信号词 Contribute: ---A to B 把A贡献于B

Please contribute some money to the suffering area.灾区 ---to:导致,促使

Make contributions to为….做贡献

Smoking contributes to lung cancer.导致=lead to ,result in Morning reading contributes to English study.有助于

Distribute:---books to students分发,----natural resources分配 Distribution,n,

Eating too much fat can contribute to heart disease and cause high blood pressure. 摄入太多脂肪可能导致心脏病,并且会引起高血压

And 链接2个并列成分,前后词性一样词义相似,和as well as一样

Or, but, instead of, rather than 连接2个并列成分,前后词性相近,词义相反

Their blindness isolates them from the world of books and _____可以推测出和books词性相同,词义相近(magazines, paintings, journels,newspapers) 实际上有很多方法有助于解决这个严重问题。

As a matter of fact, there are many approaches which can contribute to the resolving of this serious problems. 4,

Insist: insist on doing坚持做, insist that坚持认为,要求,学会取代believe ,think Persist: ----in doing sth坚持不懈,持续 persistent(adj), persistence(n) Consist: ----of 由…组成=be composed of

Assist: ----sb in doing sth 帮助某人做某事,assistant助理,assistance帮助, I appreciate your assistance and hope that I could do sth in return.

Resist: 抵制住,If you want to lose weight, you need to resist the temperature of the tasty food. Resist doing sth


If your symptom persists,please consult the doctor as early as possible. 5

Maintain: 保养:---a car

保持:---a love of English保持对英语的热爱,---stable economy 坚持认为=insist Maintenance,维护,生活费

Retain: 保留----the truth and eliminate the false. Retention,名词

Attain: 达到目标,---one’s objection, attainable可达到的,attainable objective可达到的目标 Abtain:--- a bachelor degree得到,获得master硕士,doctoral博士

Sustain: 承受的住,支撑的住---intensive heat巨热,sustainable development可持续发展 Sustainability可持续性

Contain 包含,容纳,抑制---one’s anger, ---oneself自制 Throughout his life, Henry Moore maintains an interest in arts.


For, fight for freedom为自由而战

Against: fight against slavery 为消灭奴隶制而战 Across: ---the street Throughout 贯穿 Through从中心穿过 6,

Reserve: v, ---a single/ double room/ suite预定,预留单间,双人间,套房, reservation,n 作为名词,---of foreign currency外汇储备

Deserve: ----respect值得,you deserve it .你应得的,你活该

Conserve: ----mineral water/ resource保护, conservation=protection Preserve: ----the dead body/ corpse保鲜尸体, mummy木乃伊 ----the meat

Reserve: adj: the reserve side of coin反面,v, 扭转—the economic depression经济危机 7,

Transport: ---the commodity运输商品,---the fake commidity运输假冒伪劣商品 ,public transportation公共运输

Transmit: 传播---disease, 传递---heat, 传送---signals transmission名词 Transact: transaction on line/’ on-line transaction网上交易

Transform:transform…into….把….变成 transformed from ….into将….变成

Transfer: 换乘,调职,转移

He has been transferred to Shanghai branch.他被调职至上海分公司 Transparent: ----windows透明的

Modern manufacturing has transformed a global river of materials into an array of new product. a global river of, an array of一系列的,大量的

manufacturer厂家,制造商,supplier供应商,carrier承运人 现代的制造业把许多种原材料变成了一系列新产品。

Retirement is obviously a very complex_ transition __period,and the earlier you start planning for it, the better A. transformation B. transaction C. transmission D. transition



Retirement 退休,pension退休金 8,

Consume: 消耗,吃掉,消费----potatoes吃掉,---petrol消耗 Consumer 消费者,consumption消费 Assume---assumption

假定:assume what you said to be true 承担: -----new responsibility

It is assumed that….人们认为,猜想

There is an assumption that 我们认为,翻译时把名词动词化

The removal of the table makes us convenient.搬开桌子让我们方便多了。 Resume:----what they were doing重新开始,继续

Recover: ----from illness康复,economic recovery经济回暖

Restore: ---the orders of the suffering area修复灾区秩序----the painting 9,

Transmit: 传播---disease, 传递---heat, 传送---signals transmission名词

Submit:---a proposal to IOC提交 ----to the unjust decision屈服 Permit: ---sb to do允许, peimission允许

Admit: 承认admit stealing承认,admit sb into…允许某人进入,录取 Commit:---suicide自杀,----a crime犯罪,---one’s soul to God.托付

In order to host the Olympics, a city must submit a proposal to the international Olympic committee.

为了举办奥运会,每个城市必须向奥委会提交提议。 10,

Inherit: ----a house from grandparent 继承 inheritance遗憾 Inhibit: ----sb from doing禁止..做 Prohibit: ---sb from doing禁止…做 Inhabit:居住,inhabitant/ resident居民

After his uncle died, the young man inherited the beautiful estate with which he changed from a poor man to a wealthy noble. 自从他的叔叔死了以后,那个年轻人继承了那个美丽的庄园,使他从一个穷人转变成了富有的贵族。


Inside 在…里面 Outside: 在….外面 Inhale: 吸入oxygen

Exhale: 呼出carbon dioxide low-carbon economy低碳经济 External: 外部的----factors Internal: 内部的---factors Inner heart内心 Outer space太空 Interior: 内侧 Exterior外侧 12,

Tense: 紧张的,---expression紧绷的表情,---muscles, tension名词 Dense: 稠密的,---population人口稠密,--traffic, ---smog=smoke+fog Density密度,densely 中国人口密集China is densely populated. Intense: ----pain/ heat剧烈的,intensity---intensify强化

Intensive: 深入的,细致的Intensive Care Unit特护病房ICU Intensive investigation深入调查

Extensive: 广泛的,广阔的----knowledge/ damage 13,

General: 将军,大概的----idea, generally speaking, generous:make ---contributions to做出慷慨的贡献

genuine: --leather shoes真实的,---person真诚的,-----signation亲笔签名 genius: 天才genius=inspiration灵感 + perspiration汗水 genetic: ---disease遗传的 gene基因 generate: 产生----electricity,---a love of arts. 14,

Instinct: 本能

Distinct: ----improvement /明显的进步,----footprint清晰的,---ideas独特的,不同的 Extinct: 灭绝的---species物种 extinction Species: origin of ---物种起源

The fittest survive.适者生存, natural disasters自然灾难,disastrous灾难性的

Human behavior is mostly a product of learning, while the behavior of animals depends to a large extent on instinct.在很大程度上,人类的行为是一个学习的过程,而动物的行为在很大程度上取决于本能。to a large extent表示在很大程度上 15,

Adapt: ---a novel to a movie改编

---oneself to new climate调整以适应

Adjust: ---the watch调整,---a camera, adjust oneself to 调整以适应 Adopt:----a homeless child收养 -----a piece of advice采纳 16,

Rise: the sun / price/ river sises.上升vi on a steady rise/ growth稳步增长

Raise: vt, ----one’s hands举起,---one’s head 抬起,---an infant养育婴儿,--flowers,---money


Arise: vi,出现problems/ new situations -----

Arouse: vt,唤起,激起----one’s interest in art., awake one’s conscience唤醒某人的良知 17,

Conscious: be ---of 意识到,知道unconscious无意识 consciousness Conscience: 良知,go by ---凭良心做事, 意识流派; stream of consciousness

People are conscious of the significance of environmental conservation.人们意识到环境保护的重要性 18,

Wander: 漫游,徘徊---in the forest在森林里徘徊---in class走神, Wonder; n,奇迹,v,想知道, no wonder难怪 It is no wonder that …难怪…. I am wondering that….想知道 19,

Assemble;---family members聚集,-----automobile/motor组装汽车,assembly line流水线 Resemble: 与…..相似,相像=take after比较概念,the same …as, as….as, just as A….as B The new automobile factory is expected to assemble around 30,000 to 50,000 vehicles annually. 预期新的汽车工厂每年生产大约30000至50000辆车辆。 20,

Contact: ---sb 联系,keep/ get contact with与某人保持联系,取得联系 Contract: v,签 ----with IBM,n,合同sign a contract签合同 Contest: 竞赛 speech ----/ beauty --- Context: 上下文语境,环境social ---

Content: n, the zinc ---锌含量 contents 目录, adj, be ----with 对…满足 Concise: 简洁的 a---report报道

After on-the-spot negotiation, the firm contracted to build a double-function bridge across the river.经现场协商后,公司签订合同要在这条桥上搭建2用桥。 21, Reward;---your kindness with an invitation to my country回报,rewarding有丰厚回报的,I am conscious that teaching is a rewarding career. Award: ---championship to Mary颁奖,授予

The Mayor awarded the police officer a metal of honor for his heroic deed in rescuing the earthquake victims.由于这位警官在营救地震灾民中所体现的英勇事迹,市长奖励给他一枚荣誉奖章 22,

Principle: Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence.和平共处五项原则 Principal: 校长,本金,主要的---contradiction矛盾 23,

Access: 通道---to the basement通往地下室的通道,享有权have access to Children in China have access to compulsory education.义务教育

Assess: appraise评估,assess fluid assets/ fixed assets评估流动/固定资产 Assets资产 24,

Late: adj, ---spring晚春,---morning, Lately: =recently最近

Later: adv, 后来,20 years later Latest: ----fashion/ news最新的

Latter: the former….the latter前者…..后者 在英国,最好的季节是晚春。

In Britain the best season is late spring. 25,

Explode: ----under-sea oil开采,---the child labor剥削,---talent利用 Exploitation

Explode: 爆炸,explosive materials易爆物,禁止携带易燃易爆物 Explosive materials prohibited.

Explore: ---new continent探索

Exploration and discovery探索与发现

Expand: ----with heat膨胀,inflation通货膨胀fluctuation波动 26,

Alive: 活着的,只作表语,和asleep,afraid, Live: a ---broadcast,现场直播 Living: 活着的,健在的 Lively: 生动的,a ---class 27,

Reveal: ---the truth揭示,---the end of the play

Release: ----the news发布,----the criminal释放,----the toxic gas有毒气体,poisonous Relieve: ---the pressure缓解压力, ----the intensive pain减轻剧烈疼痛


We are conscious that establishing a power plant near the suburban area is to relieve/ ease the pressure of increasing demand for electricity. Relieve=ease=alleviate缓解 28,

Stimulate: ,激发,激励-----children’s cariosity and creativity., ---further thinking Simulate: =imitate模仿,imitation, imitative Accumulate: ----experience/ knowledge积累 Formulate: ---one’s idea清晰地表达

As the evidence began to accumulate, however, experts from the zoo felt abliged to intensive investigate.然而到证据日益积累的时候,动物园的专家们感觉到有必要要去调查 29,

Review: --the class复习,----the good old days回想 Revise: 修订,修改 revised edition修订版

Revive: 振兴,重振---the conventional heavy industry.振兴传统的重工业 30,

Band , 乐队

Bend: ----head over a book使….弯曲

Brand: 牌子 brand and TM—trade mark商标 Bound: be ----for驶往….,开往…..=head for Be bound to do 一定会做


There is no doubt that solving this problem calls for considerate efforts and attention. With joint efforts of the public and the government, the problem is bound to be solved in the near future. 31,

Dash: -----猛冲,跑,a wolf dashed through the woods. Flash: 闪烁a flash in the pan昙花一现

a new idea flashed into my mind.翻译:我脑子里突然闪现一个主意。 Cash: would you like to pay by cash or credit card Crash: car/ plane ---撞击或坠毁 into the wall Crush: 压碎----grapes into juice

Hundreds of cities were burned down, thousands of country cottages were crushed to the ground. 翻译: 数百个城市被烧毁,数千家农舍被夷为平地 Flush: ---the toilet冲厕所

flush: 强调因愤怒、高兴、羞愧、发烧或酗酒等引起的脸红 Her eyes flashed with anger.他眼中冒出怒火

He dashed across the street and ran towards me.and不用翻译,前后如果动词一样翻译一个。 32,

Apply: --for a vacant position/ post申请 ---to the seniors应用 ---theory to practice.

Contribute to :有助于,导致,促使 Contribute…..to …..将A贡献于B


The ---of advanced technology considerably enhanced the productivity of our company.应用先进 Produce: n,产品,v,生产,产生generate, productive多产的 Applicant申请人,应聘者,求职者

Appliance家用电器——applicable可使用的,可申请的,可利用的。 Reply: I am looking forward to your prompt reply. N, 答复,回复,v,reply to the question Imply: implication含义

Supply: continuous supply of necessities. Supplier供应商,supply the market with commidities. Necessary—unnecessary—necessity必要性—necessities必需品 33,

Proceed: --to do继续进行,go on to do , ----with a story

He paused to consult his notes, and then proceeded with his questions 他停下来看了看笔记,然后继续提问 Possess: ---valuable data, possessions财产

He is possessed of great learning他有很强的学习能力

Process:---of accumulating过程---of civilization,---of digestion消化 Procedure:----of wedding ceremony程序 Precede: 先于

He preceded his speech with a few words to welcome the special guests他在演讲之前先说了几句对特邀来宾表示欢迎的话



Clarify (clear): 澄清……the gossip(scandal丑闻) Classify:(class)分类….as….将….分类

Notify: (notice)通知….all the staff(全体公司员工)—crew机组人员---cast剧组人员 Rectify: (correct)----typo印刷错误,修正

Certify: certificate证书,证明----one’s identity Fy动词后缀(看词根推测词义) 35,

Sign: ….of illness, ….of rain,征兆,迹象 put up a sign张贴标识 Design: designer设计师 fashion design时装 设计,策划

Assign: assignment作业,任务 指定,分派 ….the monitor to take notes 分配…the hard work to child labor

Resign: 辞职----one’s position/ post resignation辞呈 ----oneself to one’s fate屈服,听从 I will not -----to your will.我不会按照你的意愿型行事的

回顾:design defraud欺诈 degrade降级 disable不能 36,

Neutral: 作者的态度impartial ,a -----position立场,(stance) 美国在ww1neutral ww2 isolation Natural: ------resources

It is natural that the International Monetary Fond and Euro-zone will provide Greek with emergency loans.很自然的是国际货币基金组织和欧元区国家向希腊提供紧急贷款 m-zone emergency exit nervous:紧张的

native: ----speaker n,土著居民


It is natural that conservation of the rain forest has become priority of government. Be prior to 优先于 37,

Describe: …..as….描述 description, …..teacher as a gardener,…..country as a garden Define…as….we…..linguistics as scientific study of language.

Prescribe: prescription处方OTC over the counter通过柜台可以买到的 Subscribe: subscription 手机用户数(07年作文) …..a newspaper订购、阅 …..to a point of view赞同 The subscriber you dialed is power off. 38,

Inquire: inquiry询问,盘,发盘offer counter还盘 ----sb of the schedule.询问时间表

Acquire: merge and acquisition收购与兼并

….a language /knowledge习得,Pick up 意外学到 Require: plants ….sunlight. it is required that…..

It is required that the red-shirts in Thailand should withdraw from northeastern rural areas, the stronghold of red-shirts.政府要求红衫军从泰国北部的地区撤退,那里是红衫军的领地。 Urban城市的 suburban郊区的 rural Three Rural Issues三农问题

Withdraw取款 ….the troops deposit 存钱

Open a current account—fill in blank form—enter your password 39,


Appeal: ….to the supreme court向最高法庭申诉

Summit峰会,中非峰会 forum论坛 peak hours高峰期 prime hours黄金时段 fair展会 ….to the public to stop demonstrating呼吁 strike罢工general strike大罢工 riot暴死 ….to the readers with cartoon pictures吸引

Approve: …of the decision同意 …budget批准 approval---disprove

Appear:---disappear----appearance外表donnot go by appearance----disappearance

Appreciate:---an English poem欣赏,---your assistance感激 ----performance正确评价 Assess=appraise=evaluate

(2010)i appreciate your assistance and hope that I could do sth for you in return.小作文 I would like to express my sincere gratitude to you for……

I would like to express in the letter my heartful thanks to you for valuable data.—datum. media—medium, phenomenon/ phenomena 40,

Confirm: ---my reservation确认----my suspicion证实我的猜测

Conform: ---to=abide by=comply with遵守----the demand of public符合 Observe: 观察,遵守----school regulations

Confront: be confronted with使….面临difficulty,hardship,setback.obstacle,barrier,block Convince sb of sth使确认,说服I am convinced that….. 2010年考的图表作文

At least three factors can account for this phenomenon.

The booming economy—income—climbing, booming education of adult Advanced technology—price—on the decline

Rate资费,telecommunication电信 mobile, unicom 降低资费 41,

Reject: ---one’s irrational demand断然拒绝(无理要求)----Japanese commodity Inject: injection 注射 ---an vaccine('v?ksi:n)疫苗 Infect: ---a virus感染

Infectious disease传染病 genetic disease遗传病 Project: ----a rocket, genuine真的 表示观点的词:

Subject neutral object Positive negtive

Worried anxious apprehensive

Apprehensive: 忧虑的,敏悟的,善于领会的

He is always apprehensive for his son's safety. I am apprehensive about the results of the exams.

Disapproving a matter of fact approving认可 Critical 批评的

Eject=expel -- sb 驱逐

The doctor gave her an injectin to alleviate her pain.缓解

Alleviate: ?'li:vieit减轻,使 ... 缓和 42,

Confirm: ---our reservation, ---our suspicion证实 Conform to =abide by=comply with=observe

Affirm断言,宣称 ------one’s loyality to the country Reform: overhaul 改革(全面检查,核实) (随着改革开放的发展)--out

The boom of adult education( 08年作文) 43

Subordinate: 从属,下属-----position in the company

Successive: 富士康的10连跳-----suicides连续的 ---commit a crime/ suicides Five -----championship五连冠

Subsequent(cloze)随后的,后来的subsequently sequence顺序

Substancial: substance 物质,实质 n, a substantial building 坚固的,a ----meal丰盛饿,丰富的 substantially非常

Near-nearly , practice-practically几乎,virtue优点,美德—virtual实际的—virtually几乎, Simple- simply仅仅,只,hard—hardly几乎不,bare—barely几乎不,bear: as clumsy as a bear ,bear fruits结果==generate原因题的信号词 44,

Discourage: encourage sb to do ,discourage sb from doing 阻止 Dissuade: (persuade sb into doing ) sb from doing 劝阻 Distract: ---one’s attention扰乱---attract

Disturb: donnot ---the driver扰乱----the peace, ---the balance of nature打破 不让某人….禁止,forbid,ban(venue,worksite)

阻止:inhibit, prohibit, prevent,stop,discourage,keep

Dissuade劝阻,克制restrain 除了forbid,其余都和from 连用

Persuade sb into doing 介词用法非常多,at 时间点,速度价格-at the speed of In 在。。。方面they are not satisfied with the cargo in price.—commodity, vary in price, in place –out of place

Above/ below ab成对,er 成双under/ over above the average

Excessively high interest rate in recent years discourages people from borrowing money from the commercial banks.今年来过高的利息阻止人们从商业银行贷款commercial商业广告 没有分词不用翻译成从句

Not knowing what to do next, I telephoned the manager.因为 45,

Formal: ---uniform正式的,---subject形式的

Former: ----relationship, involved谈恋爱, ----president前任的 中国人最看重的是face relationship The former …..the latter前者。。。。后者

She is formerly an assistant in a ship, but now has been promoted to be a manager.以前他只是个店员,现在已经升为经理了。

Promote: ---sb to be a manager升职,----sales促销----mutual understanding 促进

考MBA—promotion and payrise,money is the root of evil.万恶之根源mutual benefits互利 46,

Affect: ----climate/ mood影响,affection---social climate, influence用名词比较多fix affection on sb钟情于

Effect: make ---on ,---tough policy实施强硬的措施 47,

Effective: take ----measures有效的

Efficient: ----secretary高效率的,efficiency效率

Proficient: ---workers熟练地,精通的 be ---in english 必须采取强硬措施,以防环境进步恶化

Effective measures should be taken to prevent our environment from worsening.deteriorating. 48,

Primary: ---school基础----cause of the accident主要的 Preliminary: a ------trial预备的审判 49:

Prospective: future, prospect=outlook前景,---employer,margin利润 预期的,未来的 Promising: ---young generation有前途的

Potential: ---energy潜在的,---purchase power购买力,consumption潜在客户customer—client—key account 50,

Tough: 不好做的事,不好对付的人

Rough: ----surface粗糙的,----guess/ estimate粗略的

In the late 1970s,the account of fixed assets required to produce one vehicle in Japan was roughly equivalent to that in the United States.

20世纪90年代,在日本生产一辆机动车所需的固定资产大致和美国相当。 近义词: 1,

artificial: --- intelligence人工智能---satellite/ rain

false: a ---impression错觉true or false错误的,Not true faulty: 有瑕疵的,It is my fault.

Fake: 假冒伪劣的---commodity Nike

Counterfeit:---banknote/ coins伪造的,假币 They have put some---------flowers on the table 2,

Empty: ---bottles, ---promise Bare: ----foots/ mountain/ wall

Blank: ----paper/ form,没有字的空白

Hollow: ---pipe中空的管道,吸管——straw Vacant: ----seats/ parking lot/ position没有被占的 Margin: 页边空白距 Enthusiasm热情

When the position fell vacant, William was appointed to fill it. Appointment, make an appointment 3,

Sign: ---of illness/ rain---a contract 签协议,n, 标志fine ticket Signal: ----of cell phone/aircraft飞行器,信号

Symbol: ---of peace/ purity象征

Symptom:(2010cloze) 症状—of swine flu---persist Mark: ---of key words标记 underline, bold

Label:----of baggage/ luggage英,行李车baggage cart, shopping cart购物车,service cart Trace: --of suspects线索 Spot:on the ---当场

Spot斑点 white –on the cat,v突然发现-----a suspicious face Stain污点 ---on the carpet, ---the carpet. 4,

Disturb:扰乱—the class, --balance of nature, ---the surface of river----disturbance Interrupt: 中断---one’s talk, ---traffic

Interfere: -- in 干涉---domestic affairs,--with 干扰---signals

Mobile phones have proved to interfere with flight instruments and have a negetive efffect on flight safety.---security安全,证劵 5

Resume: 继续进行---what we were doing 重新开始 Recover: ----from illness恢复,economic recovery回暖 Restore: 修复----the order ,-----the old paintings

The stolen property must be restored to its owners.赃物必须物归原主 6

Damage:部分损坏……one’s brain, …the car Destroy:完全损坏...one’s plan Ruin:毁灭…the city/hope

Spoil:….the child宠坏….the atmosphere破坏气氛

Wreck: 飞机轮船的失事 ship wreck crash指飞机,车失事,clash、; cultural clash文化冲击 Natural disasters: earthquake, the eruption of volcano火山爆发,flood, hurricane飓风,sand storm沙尘暴

Accident: three were injured,two were killed. 肇事车辆严重受损,beyond repair Wound战争,hurt情感 7,

Wage:计时计件工资 part-time job,兼职full-time job全职

Salary: 薪水expected ….期望薪水interview-interviewer-interviewee,yearly/ monthly salary年薪,月薪

Income:收入 personal income个人收入annual income年收入annually每年地 Income =wage +salary Revenue: 财政税收

It is reported that the ------of some state-owned interprise can not meet their expenditure. 据报道有些国有企业入不敷出

state-owned enterprise国企,expenditure支出 8,

Exact: ---description确切的exactly

Accurate: ----weather forecast准确的天气预报----data数据 Precise: 精确的----deadline截止日期

definite: a ---deadline明确的,a ----life有限的

The statistical figures in that report are not ----.you should not refer to them .(accurate) refer to参考,reference参考资料

data 数据 leakage of data泄露 leak 内奸 9,

Remove:----the bottle移除---one’s hat摘掉---the dish from the table Withdraw: ---the troops撤军,---money from the bank取钱

Apply for an account申请账户-gender性别male and female男女,nationality国籍Chinese nationality, permanent address永久居住地址,correspondence通讯地址 Eliminate: 消除,消灭---misunderstanding,----disease,---virus病毒---poverty Retreat: -----to the rural areas隐退

Urban大都市,suburban郊区的,rural 乡村的 dowmtown城市商业区,center三维空间的中心

You are required to go through your composition anther time to ----the spelling mistakes.(eliminate)要求你重新检查作文以消除作文中的错误

Under this circumstance, we have no choice/ option/ alternative but to ----the offer given to you last month. 10

Say: 后面要有说的内容

Talk : ---to sb,----about sth 讨论 Tell: ---sb sth, ----sth to sb

Speak: ----to a girl,---English,----in the meeting讲话 Converse: ---with sb 和…交谈 Address:---a meeting给。。。讲话

Utter: 发出声音----a sign voice 指认sound 指物shake 指认,wag狗摇尾巴,bite狗咬,sting蜜蜂叮 11

Memorize: 记忆,learn……by heart, bear/ keep….in mind

Recall: 回忆回想=call up ----life on campus回忆校园时光,----good old days 过去的美好时光,---unsafe cars召回安全隐患车辆

Recite: 背诵---a classical poem, pop music---classical music, light music Remind:提醒----sb of sth ----(convince使…相信, assure使。。。确信, inform告知, warn警告, deprive剥夺)+sth of sb

Remember: ---to do 记得要做某事----doing记得做过某事

I remember seeing you somewhere,but I can’t recall it.Please remind me of it, so that I can memorize it. 12,

Source: --of news/information来源,源头 river

Origin: 起源,---of civilization/ human beings/ species文学,人类, Root: ---of evil根源 Branch: 树枝,分公司

Source---resource HR 人事personnel Natural recourse自然资源 Mineral resource矿物资源

Mineral water矿物水pure water纯净水


Beverage, soft drink软饮料 果汁juice

酒:wine 红酒Vodka Brandy Whisky日本的Saki清酒 spirit烈酒 Almond milk露露,杏仁露,coconut milk椰子露

Tea: 绿茶green tea 红茶brown tea coffee咖啡constant coffee速溶咖啡coffee mate咖啡伴侣

The journalists refused to publicize the source of the information even if somebody begged him to do so. 13,

Fee: 教育医疗费 tuition fee学费a dentist’s fee Fare:交通费a full-fare ticket, taxi fare Charge: 服务费—for repairing TV Penalty: 罚金---fine罚款 Compensation赔偿金

Expense: 表示差旅费 at the ----of (cost price) 以-----为代价 Expenditure: 办公室的开销

He achieved his goal at the expense of his health. 14

Decline: price will decline.下降 on a decline/ increase, economic decline衰退,decline an offer invitation婉言谢绝

Refuse: ---one’s proposal拒绝,辞退 ----staff(crew, cast)----crash相撞或坠毁--------shipwreck沉船

Reject: ----corruption/ bribery断然拒绝

Deny: ---doing否认做过,--sb sth拒绝某人….

The police accused the prisoner of assaulting a policeman,but he denied it. 警方指控这囚犯殴打警员,但是他否认了 15,

Spare: ----tyre/ parts 备用的---time/ bed 空闲的

Extra: ---work I do ---work without ---pay. ----train 加开火车,不在计划中的,快车:express train , 快递:express mail, expressway高速公路 Additional: 附加的,补充的---nutrition营养 Add: ----insult to injury雪上加霜

----to my anger/ confusion使---更加contribute to 有助于English study / lung cancer In addition to 总之,additional nutrition Surplus过剩的,---rural labor

Owning a foreign car may bring you some trouble because you’ll find the ---parts are not only expensive but hard to get. 16,

Enemy : a public---敌人

Rival:竞争对手---for gold metal. rivals in love

Companion: pet---faithful ---,puppy小狗,kitten小猫,calf小牛犊 Partner: 拍档dancing ----, business---,cooperation---

Although they two are -------in competition as candidates for the position, they ‘re really good friends.

空缺职位:vacant position 17,

Deny: ---doing sth 否认做过某事(enjoy/ finish/ deny/ risk/ avoid/ consider/ suggest/ appreciate/ postpone/ delay),deny sb sth 拒绝给予某人某物

deprive :----sb of sth 剥夺(inform/ warn/ convince/ accuse) in some countries girls are still deprived of a good education. 18,

Matter: 事情 urgent----紧急事情,a matter of life and death生死攸关 Affair: foreign affair, family affair家务事,domestic affair国内事务 Accident: 事故 car accident(injured、killed) Issue: 热点问题—房价

Event: 大事件,体育赛事Expo世博会earthquake Olympic games , world cup Quit one’s job , quit smoking


Event:historical ----历史事件sports events体育赛事

Issue: n,热点问题-the latest issue of China Daily(刊,期)v, issue a novel出版,issue a tough policy强硬政策,rough guess粗略的猜测,roughly,annually每年地,考试重点 19,

Encounter: 面临----hardship/ difficulty Confront: 使…..面临be confronted with

主要的使役动词interest surprise convince

Be interested in : interested interesting,使役动词都有2个形容词 后面有with 一定是confronted 20,

Estimate: rough ----估计it is estimated that…….据估计,---the cost of project估计项目成本 Assess: 估定,评定assess the damage

Appraise: Assets Appraisal Company资产评估中心,appraise assets评估资产 Teachers are supposed to be objective, when they-----the ability of the students are supposed to do理应做某事

objective 客观的subjective主观的,positive/ active积极的,肯定的,正极的 negative/ passive消极的,负面的,负电的,optimistic乐观的pessimistic悲观的a matter of fact公平的fair(biased有偏见的—prejudiced --partial偏向的impartial公平的)—Pride and Prejudice傲慢与偏见 担忧的:worried, anxious, apprehensive Ironic讽刺的,critical批判的satire讽刺的 21,

Ignore: 主观----anyone greeting to her,,----objection

Neglect: 客观,---one’s duty玩忽职守---one’s meal and sleep, ------one’s appearance, go by conscience凭良心 22,

Range: n,ranges 山脉,a range of samples系列的(范围),v,range from…to在…..范围内变动 The price ranges from 3 to 8.

Scope: =room活动范围,business scope营业范围. A demonstration/ strike/ riot on a large scale大规模的

-----why did you quit your job?

-----because the former company can’t provide me with enough scope for personal development个人发展

Span: 跨度life ---寿命the span of the bridge

Travel around Japan today, and one sees foreign residents/ inhabitants holding a wide range of jobs.

Hold on to , stockholders, shareholder股东 23,

Designate: 表明,指明----boundary, ---sb as successor

Initiate: 创始,发动 initiative采取行动-----regulatory reform

Induce: ---sb to commit suicide诱导,诱使,----sleepiness招致,引起(原因题的信号题) Provoke: ---a riot/ strike/ demonstration煽动,挑拨 24,

Paradox: 矛盾

Contradiction: 抵触

Dilemma: I am in a dilemma困境,进退两难

Conflict: ----of interest 利益,冲突,interest rate利息 Prejudice:偏见 Pride and Prejudice傲慢与偏见

We work to make money, but it is a paradox that people who work hardest and longest often do not make the most money. 25,

Steady: 固定的,不变的on a ---rise/ increase Stable: 稳固的----country----economy/market 固定的男女朋友用steady

I have a lot of girlfriends, but I don’t have a steady one.

股市:stock market There is a risk in a stock market,please caution.

A bear market熊市 a bull market牛市 股民:stockholders 股东:shareholders 26


Commission: 佣金(外贸用语) Compensation赔偿金

Ransom: 赎金 ---kidnap绑架 Scholarship 奖学金 27,

Restrain: 抑制----one’s tears/ laughter/ anger,制止---sb from doing Restrict: 限制----oneself to two cigarettes a day,----free trade Limit: 限定—the speed, speed ---, be limited to 局限于 Confine:束缚,---one’s mind with convention

Now that his health is getting worse, he has determined to ------himself from drinking and smoking. Health facilities保健设施

Now that 既然 in that 因为,由于except that除了provided that假如given that考虑到


Chase: 追逐---a dog,----the mosquitoes from the baby

Pursue: ----happiness, ---a bachelor degree(master/ doctoral) ----teaching career从事abandon one’s career

Seek: 寻求---the answer to the question

Attempt: 试图尝试-----to do sth努力去/试图去做---to carry out the plan试图去执行计划 28,

Translate: 笔译

Interpret: 口译,理解 interpreter Be qualified for胜任

Convey: 传达,----the message to the president, ---the baggage to the container容器 Conveyor belt传送带

Workers in fine arts ------thoughts and feelings their creative works. 30,

Sample: 样品take a ---of 抽样, a full range of ---各种各样的样品 Sampling: 取样—s chosen at random Specimen: 标本----of a butterfly

Model: 模型,模范role ----偶像,榜样a labor ---劳模 a ----of aircraft Species:物种extinct ----灭绝的物种 origin of species物种起源

The expert team spent an hour at the workshop testing the samples of the wines with a special instrument. 31,

Distinguished: 著名的,突出的,卓越的make ---contribution to Distinctive: 与众不同的----scent香味----linger逗留perfume香水 Distinct:---voice/ footprint清晰的—improvement/ increase明显的 Particular: in ----尤其=especially Be particular about对。。。很讲究,很挑剔 Be curious about对。。。好奇 Be crazy about对。。。痴迷

An increasing number of people are becoming crazy about computer games.

Specific: specification规格instruction 指南,manual手册指南,direction指南(均可表示产品说明书)specific deadline具体的 specify the color Peculiar: Language is ----to human beings.特有的 32,

Tend: ---to 倾向于---to withdraw from the suffering area Tendency: 趋势 tend patients照顾 Tame: --a wild horse驯服,温柔的

Breed: war breeds misery滋生(原因题的信号词)---provoke挑起,招致induce引起

Mice breed quickly.繁殖

Cultivate: 栽培---a new species of rice, ----a new generation/ 培养,generation gap 代沟

Feed: China has successfully fed a quarter of world’s population 33,

Crash: 撞击,坠车

Crush: ----grapes into juice压碎

Smash: ----windows into pieces, ----my dream/hope粉碎---terrorism粉碎恐怖主义

Crack: cracker鞭炮,饼干,---two eggs into the frying pan打(使破裂) Collide: 互撞 the two express trains collided. 34,

Epidemic: 流行的,传染的-----diseases(贬义) The ---dissatisfaction among civilians

Popular: a ---singer流行的,a ---misunderstanding普遍的,a---model受欢迎的 There has recently been an epidemic crime in some urban city.罪案频繁 35,

Plain : a---supper简单的,a----man 平常的,a ---report易懂的,平实的

Flat: ---roof平的,---voice单调的,---sales不景气的,a ---tyre/tire漏气的,瘪的 36,

Press: ----the button按,pressing迫切的

Compress: ----two months’ work into one压缩。----lips Condense: 缩短,精简----the story into five sentences.

Fold: 折叠,倍数—the quilt叠被子wardrobe衣柜,laundry洗衣,洗衣店 Every family has its dirty laundry.家丑 37,

Road 平坦的大道 High way 公路

Super high way=motor way=free way=express way高速公路 Path小径a ---to success Lane: 车道 a bus ---

Pavement:==sideway人行道 Route: ---map路线

Avenue: 建筑物标力的大道或马路


While driving on a motorway, everyone should obey/ abide by/ comply with/comform to/ observe traffic rules to get into the right lane.

Observe 观察,遵守,observer 观察者,observatory天文台 38,

Appeal: --to the supreme court向最高法院申诉(summit峰会,forum 论坛,fare会展,prime hours黄金时间,peak/ rush hours高峰期 ----to the public to conserve the rain forest呼吁

---to readers with pictures吸引 appealing吸引人的=attractive Pledge: ---one’s loyalty to China发誓

Plead: 恳求,请出----for more time to think the matter over仔细考虑 39,

Modest: 谦虚的a ---person,be ---about her success,

Young girls should be ---in speech, dress, and behavior.—言辞谨慎,衣着得体,行为端正

Moderate:---speed中速的,适度的,中等的,----smokers Tender: Tender is Night.—夜色温柔,---meat 嫩的 Tender services / thanks/ apologies提供 Mild: 轻微的---wind=breeze drizzle毛毛细雨

Gentle: --man 绅士。Have a ----retiring(腼腆) disposition(性情)-有温柔腼腆的性情 40,

Shift: ---from ….to 从….改变成

A sudden ---in the wind warned of the coming storm.预示着 Day /night shift白晚班倒

Switch: ----seat with me交换, ----to anther topic转移 , --on/ off开关 补充:

Instaneously: =instantly 即刻地 Spontaneously: 自发的

Simultaneously: 同时发生的 Zoom: 急速上升,突然扩大

Over night trading caused share prices to zoom.一夜的交换使股票价格直线上升 41,

Loom: 若隐若现the mountainous island loomed on the horizen巨大的岛屿隐隐约约浮现在地平线上

Appear: (被人看见)出现,a truck appeared over the hill. Emerge: the sun –d from behind the clouds.缓缓出现的过程 Show: the leader rarely shows herself in public.露面 42.

Sick: be ---of 厌倦。。。,a sick child ,seasick晕船,homesick,lovesick Ill: be---ill只能做表语 43:

Affect: 影响(部分好坏的,不良的),假装,使----感动

To ---a policy is to have an effect on it.影响一项政策就是对这项政策具有一定影响。

Influence: 思想,性格,行为方面产生的潜移默化的影响 What you read ---s your thinking. Television has a strong –on people. Impress: 强调影响的既深刻又持久

I had a chance to ---her with my efficiency and I muffed it up.

我本来有机会使她了解我的办事效率,但是我错过了这个机会。 Muff 笨拙的人

Make a muff of oneself出丑,闹笑话,make a muff of sth把事情弄糟 44:

Kill: 以任何方式使动物,人,植物死亡 Murder: 谋杀,凶杀

Slaughter: 残杀,大批的宰杀动物

Massacre:大屠杀(屠杀没有自卫能力的人) Assassinate: 暗杀

Execute: 依法处死,执行---one’s orders, ---prisoner

After the slaughter, the batter field was a gruesome sight.经过这场厮杀,战场上一派触目惊心的惨状 45:

Rough: --road凸凹不平的,---calculation粗略的,---weather恶劣的 Coarse: 非精致的,粗俗的---wool/ manners

Harsh: 使人不愉快---words刺耳good advice is harsh to the ears.忠言逆耳—sentences严刑

Rude: ---persons粗鲁的

Crude: ---oil原油,未加工的,天然的 46,

Glance: 匆匆一瞥----at / over/ down She glanced down the list of names. Stare: 凝视----at

He –d at him in surprise Glare: 怒视,瞪眼----at

They stood glaring at each other. 47:

Achieve: ---success/ goal/ ambition/(注意后面的名词搭配)完成达到,实现(with great effort)

Reach: within one’s reach在---范围内,beyond/ out of one’s reach够不到,能力范围外的

Complete: ----the task(accomplete)完成预定的任务

Attain:----one’s purpose达到目的,---one’s indepence获得独立

Fulfill: 履行,完成----one’s obligation义务,---one’s promise, ---the mission使命 ----one’s expectations符合---期望 48,

Divide: ---the food in to four equal shares(一个分成几部分)be ---d in opinion分歧 Separate: ---families分开。分居(个体是完整的)

Part: 最后的分离(感情上的)----company with you 不敢苟同---as friends和气的分手

Divorce: 合法解体,离异 49

Company: 生产销售,服务性项目的公司 Corporation: 公司,法人,集团(大公司) Firm: 公司,商行

State-owned enterprise—国有企业,free/ private enterprise私有企业,multinational enterprise跨国的企业,conglomerate联合企业 50、

Duty: 一个人永远要尽的义务take care of one’s parents Responsibility: 对他人的责任

The captain is absolved from all blame and the responsibility for the shipwreck(失事) Obligation: 道德,法律上对他人的义务,强制性) The company has to fulfill the terms of its obligation.

Damaging the goods puts you under an obligation to buy them. Liability: 责任,债务。可能性

If your liabilities exceed your assets,you may go bankrupt. 同根异议词(20)


Consider: 考虑,认为----AB, ---doing 考虑 Considerate: 考虑周全的,---wife / manager

Considerable: =sizable----efforts/ time客观的,相当大的 2,

Sense: make ----说得通,有道理,a –of humor幽默感,in a sense从某种意义上说 Sensible: -advisable, a ----decision明智的

Sensitive: 灵敏的,敏感的----ears,instrument,skin, be ---to 对---敏感,sensitivity灵敏度

Sensational: ----scandal/ news轰动的 3,continue

Continual: 频繁的,----stops/ flashes

Continuous持续不断的,---supply of necessities 4,economy:

Economic: 经济的

Economical : 节俭的 be ----of petrol省油 5,confidence: 信心

Confident:有信心的 be ---of his capacity

Confidential: --files/documents/ transaction,秘密的,机密的 6,respect: 尊重,n方面----respective Respectable: 可敬的 an ----old man Respected: 受尊敬的 a---career Respectful:恭敬的----students

Respective: perform ---tasks各自的 respectively各行其是,annually每年的 形容词与副词意思不同

Narrow窄的y勉强地,have a narrow escape from death九死一生 Practice—practical---practically几乎

Virtue美德,优点—virtual实质的---virtually几乎 Incident: ----incidentally==by the way Simple简单的---simply仅仅,只

Near---nearly几乎 hard—hardly几乎不

Most –mostly 在很大程度上, short----shortly不久很快 Late---lately=recently present---presently很快

Significance—significant重要的---significantly大大地 7,imagine

Imaginable: 可想象的----approaches Imaginary: 虚构的

Imaginative: 富有想象力的----writer

8,success—succeed(v) in doing sth ---successor继承人 Successful: ---businessman成功的

Successive: =consecutive连续的,---suicides/ rainy days, successively die相继地 9, industry工业,行业,产业 heavy/ light---, financial ---, service— Industrious: =diligent勤奋的,勤劳的,---people

Industrial: 工业的----park工业园区,----revolution, ---district工业区 10 favor do sb a favor帮忙, be in ---of =be for支持 Favorable: ---climate/ context/ surroundings有利的环境 Favorite:----food最喜欢的

11, vary: when it comes to the issue, people’s opinions vary from one to anther. These bags vary in price.

Various:=multifarious各种各样的,-----approaches/ views Variable: ----weather/ mood多变的 12,comprehend: 理解

Comprehensive:全面的,综合的—English综合英语,extensive English泛读 Comprehensible: ----passages可理解的

13,relate: relate A to B把A 和B练习起来 relate failure to illness,be related to与---相关

Relative: 相关的---relatively=comparatively相比较而言地 Relevant: be--- to 与---相关(irrelevant不相关的)

14,compare: ----A to B把A比作B,---A with B作比较 Comparable: A be ----to B A与B可相比

Comparative: 比较的,相当的---comparatively=relatively相比较而言地 15,

Electric: ----fan/ power由电驱动的 Electronical: 电学的---study Electronic: ---device电子设备 16,

Historical: 与历史有关的—play红楼梦 A Dream of red Mansions Historic: 有历史意义的----meetings between the leaders 17, health facility保健设施, 保持健康keep fit Healthy:ahealthy body健康的

Healthful: a ----diet有利于健康的, on a diet节食 Vegetarian素食主义者,vegan严格素食主义者

Muslim伊斯兰教教徒不吃pork。Hindus印度教徒不吃beef不加酒alcohol 18,exhaust耗尽

Exhaustive: 全面的,完整的an ----plan/ scheme Exhausted: ---patients筋疲力尽的 19,adapt/ adjust/ adopt

Adaptable: 可适应的,可改编的,an ---climate/ transformation Adaptive: 能适应的 ---ability 20,采取一贯地强硬措施

Consistent: 一贯的----rough policy

Constant: ----pleasure/ plan时常发生的,---temperature恒定的 15短语(MBA) :got up look for 1. break down/off/up

(break out/into) 基础词汇用法

break down 1.机器坏了 The computer system 2. 垮了 collapse

break off (relations) with sb

break up 解散,驱散 dismiss evacuate ~the meeting/crowds 2. bring about : 带来,造成 cause

bring about bring sb around 使…某人清醒或苏醒过来 revive sb 引申义:使某人明白过来 arouse sb 唤醒 evoke 唤醒,引发 ~ one’ memory bring up:sb 将某人抚养

sth 提出 ~ a question raise put forward a suggestion she is well brought up 教养 well-educated badly 3. call off cancel the meeting

put off 维持 ~ the meeting = postpone call for 1. pick up 接 demand (客观条件)

2.要求 This work calls for a lot of patience. 4. pick up 捡起;用车搭载;~ habit 养成(无意中)学会 pick up a language 和外国人talking

5. come about 发生 (how) how did sth come about? come across 偶遇 run into +人 run across +人 come across a poem 偶得

eg. I __ the lovely vase at the junk shop二手店,古董店,旧货店 junk food 垃圾食品 come up 意外;出现(arise)

turn up 期待中的人物,露面 turn up the radio eg. Don’t worry if any trouble comes up. I waited half an hour , but he didn’t turn up come up with 提出,发现 ~ a solution/idea bring up /put forward

come up against 偶遇(坏的) ~ unexpected trouble/problems come off 成功或实现 pay off 实现 ,成功 eg. His attempts nearly came off =make it

I barely made it 勉强过关 pay off 还清 ~ the debts clear off one’s debts 偿还 write off 一笔勾销

come out 1.出版(忽略)2.结果是

名词outcome =effect=result=consequence结果 eg. The answer came out wrong

turn out 6. cut off = turn off 切断,

cut down =turn down ~on smoking (give up ,quit) cut in on one’s conversation /talk 7. get across/along/through / down to get sth across to sb 向某人解释清楚

eg. It’s hard to get a Chinese humor across to English audience. Bring sb around使某人清醒过来 Get along with sb与---相处融洽

Get along with sth your assignments进展 Get through: 通过---exam

Get sb through为某人接通电话

Get down to: 开始认真办事,----to business言归正传 Set about doing开始着手做

Set out for London动身出发,bound for开往 Set out on the experiment开始set out to do开始做 8Go off 断电

Go by:遵守----traffic rules,根据-----appearance/ conscience Go into :----economic problems探讨研究 Go over: 浏览,检查-----one’s notes 9 run into=come across

Run down:(能源,资源)耗尽。The battery has run down. Run out of 用完了------money/ink Run over:从….压过;浏览go over The time is running out.

10cut dowm : ----the cost降低成本-----the freight运费----expenditure(办公室)开支expense差旅费,fare交通费 Cut off:----the electricity切断 Cut into:插嘴------a conversation Cut out: -----a paragraph删掉,删除

11take in: ----vitamin吸收,---the professor’s words理解;----the children to buy useless books欺骗

Take on:----a new book呈现;-----new responsibility承担 Take up: 从事-----teaching;占据----50% Take after=resemble相似,相像

Take to:喜欢----shopping ,go shopping/ do the shopping购物.shopping mall/center;open-air market,supermarket,department atore

Things in department are more expensive than that of supeimarket. Take over: 接管

12fall behind: 落后---with rents迟交 withhold the payment拒交 Dishonor the check拒绝兑换支票,honor the check兑换 Honor one’s promise==fulfill履行诺言 Fall through落空 plan/ trick计划诡计

Fall back on依靠,依赖=rely on/ depend on Go back on违背,---one’s words食言 Fall out with sb与----争吵=quarrel with 13let out/ off/ go of/ down/ alone

Let out: 发出声音=give away outlet出口 let out a secret泄露秘密=reveal/ disclose

Let off:放过,宽恕,饶恕 I won’t let him easily.

Let go of: 放弃,抛弃

The Japanese dollar-buying makes traders eager to let go of dollars in fear of anther government intervention(介入,干预)

翻译:日本对美元的买入使得商人急切想抛出美元,以防其他政府的干预 Let sb down=depress sb 使某人失望 Let alone: 更不用说了=not to mention 14make out=perceive觉察,理解 Make up: 占----比例,虚构

Make up for:弥补=compensate for 11, put on/ up/ off

Put on反put off put on weight增肥=gain weight, lose weight减肥 Put up a poster张贴海报 put sb up提供某人住宿=accommodate sb Put up with sb any longer=tolerate/ bear忍受 Put up with bad temper 动词搭配: V+n

Be +adj+prep Prep+n Idiom

1, V+n take: -----the temperature量体温(本身量是measure) Take medicine吃药 Take actions采取行动 Take steps采取步骤 Take a course选课 Take a road选路

Make efforts=take pains努力 Take turns轮流 Take a risk冒险

Run a fever发烧run a risk冒险 重视,强调emphasize Play/ lay/put emphasis on Attach/give importance to 注意pay attention to 2, be+adj+prep A,be +adj+of

喜欢be fond of,讨厌be tired of,be pride of 以……为自豪,be ashamed of以…为耻,be guilty of内疚,be innocent of清白,go by conscience凭良心,be aware of,be conscious of意识到 B, be +adj+to

Be indifferent to 对…..漠不关心 indifferent作者态度题

Be inferior to劣于….be superior to 优于….be sensitive to 对….敏感 Be partial/ impartial to对….偏袒/不

Be prior to 优先于……health is prior to everything. C, be +adj+about

Be particular about对….很讲究,be curious about对….很好奇,be crazy about对….很着迷,be optimistic/pessimistic about对…很乐观、悲观

作者态度:subjective,objective;indifferent,concerned; positive,negative; worried,anxious,apprehensive担忧的;partial,prejudiced,biased;偏见的;a matter of fact,impartial公正的

There is evidence that judges tend to be ------to female suspects when giving sentence. Evidence证据,favorable evidence有利证据

Sentence:----sb to death判….死罪,-----sb to life imprisonment

In the present situation,where jobs are difficult to hunt, no one is too--------about the pay and work conditions

Present,n礼物,adj目前的,---situation在场的.people ---are all from China,v,展示-----my report with PPT

Be bound for开往,驶往the train is bound for SHH. make for向…..走去

Be bound to do sth一定会做某事he is bound to succeed. Succeed in doing, successive连续的

Be due to sth 由于,his failure is due to his laziness/ Be due to do sth预期将要做

Mr.zhang is due to give us a long lecture this afternoon . 3,v+prep V+to

Object to反对 his father objected to her marriage.

Appeal to:--- the public to donate money呼吁/ the supreme court高级法庭申诉/ the readers with pictures吸引 Turn to sb求助于

Resort to求助于,诉诸于 Belong to属于

Stick to / adhere to/cling to坚持 Adapt/ adjust to适应

Conform to/ abide by/ comply with遵守 Consist of 由…..组成

Dispose of处理disposal,n at one’s ---- Approve of his marriage同意

Comment/ remark on 评论 commmentary足球评论 Influence on , rely /depend on 4,be +ved+prep

Be devoted to=be dedicated to致力于 Be entitled to被赋于 Be subjected to受制于

Be absorbed in专心致志于,沉浸在….之中 Be ebgaged in参与

Be involved in涉及,与….有关 Be concerned with专注 习语

By and large大体上now and then 时不时time and again一次又一次off and on开

关black and forth来来回回black and white白纸黑字 In ture反过来,轮流 In person亲自 In private私下里 In public公开的

In advance事先,提前 In a sense从某种意义上 In return作为回报 In vain徒劳 In detail详细地

By chance偶然,不小心 By accident偶然,不小心 By mistake错误的

By the way顺便说一下 By nature天性 On purpose故意的 On duty当班

On sale贱卖,discount打折

On the spot当场 on the whole 大体上 At first起先,一开始at last最后 At least至少 at most至多

At large大体上,未捕的,自由的 At length详细地 at random随机的。 At the cost/ expense/ price of 以….为代价

At the speed/ rate/ level of以….速度、速率、水平 At a loss不知所措

At the sight of一看到…..就 At the thought of一想到….就 At the news of一听到消息就 表示状态:under, on, in,at+n Under construction正在建设中 Under threat受到威胁

Under discussion正在讨论中 Under attack受到攻击

Under supervision在监督下surperise-superviser主管,导师 Under way正在进行中

By the way ,on the way, under way, in the way挡路,妨碍,in a way从某种程度上说,to certain extent, to a degree In this way用这种方式

In no way决不 no way没门

At table在吃饭,at work在工作,at risk处于危险中

In use正使用中,in danger正在危险中,in trouble, in question正在讨论中 On the rise/ increase on the decline/ decrease

Although there are some small problems to be solved,--------the project is successful.

A, by and large B,time and again C,now and then D,black and white

