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2、山鬼是一个怎么样的形象?分析诗中山鬼感情变化的轨迹。 3、试分析《春江花月夜》的艺术价值。
4、《致橡树》全诗采用了整体象征的手法构造意象,以橡树、木棉的整体形象对应地象征爱情双方的独立人格和真挚爱情。结合诗作,分析这种手法的表达效果。 5、阅读下面的材料,根据要求作文。
世界著名企业家希尔顿说过:“许多人一事无成,是因为他们低估了自己的能力,妄自菲薄。一块价值5元的生铁,铸成马蹄铁后可值10元;若制成工业上的磁针之类可值3000多元;倘若制成手表发条,其价值就是25万之多了。” 以“潜力”为话题作文,题目自拟,800字左右。 第二次
3、简析王国维的“有我之境”、“无我之境”。 4、试分析《听听那冷雨》的写作特点。 5、读下面一首辛弃疾的词,根据要求作文。
“少年不识愁滋味,爱上层楼,爱上层楼,为赋新词强说愁。而今识尽愁滋味,欲说还休,欲说还休,却道天凉好个秋。四季有春夏秋东,人生有酸甜苦辣”。我们在品味人生滋味中懂得了人生,不断成长。 以《 的滋味》为题写一篇不少于800字的文章。 第三次
2、试分析《围城》这篇课文在写作上的主要特色。 3、《春之声》这篇小说表现的主题是什么?
4、如何理解桑提亚哥的“硬汉性格”? 5、阅读下面的材料,按要求作文。
比尔·盖茨在给高中和大学毕业生的书里列了十一项在学校里没学到的事情: ① 生活是不公平的,要去适应它;
② 这世界在你有成就前不会在意你的自尊; ③ 高中刚毕业别指望拥有太多;
④ 在有老板前别认为老师严厉,而老板是没有任何限制的; ⑤ 烙牛肉饼不会损你的尊严; ⑥ 你的困境不是你父亲的过错;
⑦ 你的父母一直为你付帐单才变成现在的乏味;
⑧ 你的学校可能不分优等生和劣等生,但这与现实生活没有任何相似之处; ⑨ 生活中你没有暑假可以休息,也无人帮你发现自我; ⑩ 电视不是现实的生活;
? 善待乏味的人,你可能会为一个乏味的人工作。 请以“生活不是牧歌”为题作文,800字左右。 第四次
1、试析影视戏剧文学的特点。 2、论述《牡丹亭》的艺术特色。 3、《日出》在艺术上的突出特点。
4、为什么说哈姆雷特的形象是人文主义者的典型形象? 5、阅读下面的材料,按要求作文。
生活中充满了矛盾。我们一方面对自己说对人要有爱心,爱人如爱己;一方面在外头又怕跟陌生人说话。我们一边叹息人际关系逐渐冷漠,一边又不愿意伸手去帮助路旁车子抛了锚的人。我们的借口是:怕自己被坏人骗了,怕自己在路边与麻烦事或麻烦人惹人关系。我们的怕,大概已经快要把我们的爱吃掉。 请以“生活中的矛盾”为话题,自选角度,自拟题目,800字左右。
一、简述计算机硬件组成及主要性能指标。 二、什么是计算机软件系统,它的构成是什么? 三、什么是二进制,为什么计算机采用二进制? 四、什么是ASCII码?什么是汉字的内码和外码? 五、什么是单片机,什么是嵌入式操作系统?
二、简述WORD2010新建文档、保存文档的几个方法。 三、简述EXCEL工作薄和工作表的区别。 四、简述在EXCEL2010中插入图表的步骤。 五、什么是公式?什么是函数?
六、简述PPT2010创建演示文稿的方法。 七、将演示文稿创建为视频要注意什么?
一、什么是媒体,多媒体信息的类型有哪些? 二、多媒体技术的主要特点是什么?
三、计算机网络由哪四个部分组成,网络具有什么功能? 四、列举中国主要互联网(大型骨干网)。 五、什么是IP地址?什么是域名?
二、数据的存储结构有哪些?数据线性结构的逻辑征有哪些? 三、什么是数据库?什么是数据库管理系统? 四、简述数据库的设计步骤。
六、简述软件设计过程中的基本原则,以及程序调试的常用方法。 七、什么是物联网?简述物联网在我国的发展历程。
1. A: Mr. Smith, please? B: Sorry, he is out. ? A: No, thank you. I’ll call him later. 2. A: Mr. Hanson, please! B: .
3. A: Mr. Green is not in. ?
B: This is Li from ABC Company. Would you please tell him that I phoned him and have him return my call? A. Certainly.
4. A. in the daytime? B. Call number 1234567 to get me.
5. A. Mr. Smith, there is a call for you. B: ? A. It’s your wife.
B. Tell her I’ll call her later. A. She says it’s urgent.
B. All right. .
二、Fill in the blanks with the proper form of the following words or expressions given below.(从下列给出的表达中选择正确的一项填入空白的横线上)
course graduate no point in doing popular philosophy method enthusiastic explain patient private
Yu Jia from the City University a year ago. She took many in the university, but her favorite subject was . Many of her
classmates saw working at it. It was, in fact, the least subject in Yu Jia’s class. Yu Jia, however, was about the teaching and often had discussions with the teacher, who was and liked to things to her. She often gave lessons to her.
三、Translate the following sentences into Chinese.(翻译下列句子。) 1. Which university did you graduate from ? 2. What courses did you take?
3. How many students were there in your university? 4. How were the teachers there?
5. Could I ask you a few questions about the education you received?
一、识记并翻译下列句子。 1. This is the receptionist. Welcome!
Can I help you?
2. Do you have an appointment? May I have your name, please?
The manager wants to know if your business is urgent. 3. Can I ask what you wish to see him about?
I’m told to get that information from every caller. 4. Mr. Smith is here for his appointment.
The manager is expecting you in his office. Please go right in. Mr. Chen wants to know if your business is urgent. 5. I’m sorry. The manager is occupied at the moment. Would you please have a seat and wait for a moment? Would you please leave your card?
二、Translate the following sentences into Chinese.(翻译下列句子。) 1. I was born in a very small village.
2. Our university stands at the foot of low green hills. 3. There is a river running through the city.
4. In the center of the city, a great number of tall buildings have sprung up.
5. They have also put up many shops and supermarkets on each side of the main street.
6. Great changes have taken place since I came here.
7. People here have already got rid of poverty, and live happy and comfortable lives.
一、Translate the following public signs into Chinese. (翻译下列句子) 1. Closed To All Traffic 2. Don’t Walk On The Grass 3. Swimming Not Allowed 4. Children Not Allowed
5. Felling Trees Is Forbidden 6. No Entry 7. Quiet Please 8. No Spitting
9. Don’t Lean Out Of The Window 10. Leave Bags Outside
11. Sheila types faster than Anne, but less carefully.
12. Sheila dresses more fashionably than Anne, but less neatly. 13. We’ll have a budget meeting this morning. 14. Shall I send the letter by fax or by e-mail? 15. More women are moving into executive positions.
1. Mr. Green the medicine these days. He the medicine three times a day. (take)
2. My mother in the kitchen. She for us every day. (cook) 3. The students often basketball after class. They on the playground now. (play)
4. The repairman the computer every week. He them now in the computer centre. (check)
5. Miss Wang often with the old man in the morning. Now they around the campus. (take a walk, walk)
(counter discount expensive shop assistant prefer advice interest blouse guide)
1. Miss Wang works as a tour at a travel agency.
2. “How should I remember new words? Would you give me some ?”
3. This is a 100% silk .
4. The shop is very helpful. She serves as a shopping guide to her customers.
5. What do you , tea or coffee?
6. I would like to buy a silk handkerchief, which should I go to?
7. Mr. Smith is very much in Chinese folk songs.
8. Every week Mrs. White goes at the supermarket near her house.
9. Oranges are 5 yuan a kilo in our supermarket. Everything is so these days.
10. Mr. Cheng always buys things at a .
二、Translate the following public signs into Chinese. (翻译下列句子)
1. With the help of my teacher, I was admitted to university. 2. Do you know when the universe first came into being? 3. And above all, remember to send us your comments. 4. Could you give us some advice on how to enjoy music. 5. He enjoys performance and the congratulations afterwards. 6. He looks very familiar but I can’t remember his name. 7. Do you plan to pay in cash or by cheque?
8. Laws must be passed to punish those who do harm to wildlife. 9. Traveling in the desert by camel is really an unforgettable experience. 10. If people don’t take action and adopt effective measures to protect wild animals, an increasing number of them will die out.
第一次作业 1、设函数f(x)?
x2?9. 2、求极限limx?3x?31?x1, 求 f(?x),f(),1?xx1,f(x)f(x?1)。
1?x3. 3、求极限limx??3x3
4、叙述函数y?f(x)在x0处连续的定义 。
1、叙述函数y?f(x)在x0处可导的定义 。
2、求函数y?ex(cosx?xsinx)的导数 。
3、求函数y?2x2?lnx的二阶导数 。
3、求不定积分?dxx2(1?x2) 。
?4、求定积分?20x2cosxdx 。
1、已知函数f(x,y)?(x?y)x?y, 求f(2,3),f(x?y,y)。
2、求函数z?(1?xy)y的偏导数 。
3、计算 I???(x2?y2)dxdy,其中D是由y?x2,x?1,D区域。
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