化学英语考试卷 - 图文

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……… ○ … 湛江师范学院2010年- 2011学年度第1学期 … … …期末考试试题 线(考试时间: 120 分钟) 号… 学 …考试科目:化学专业英语 … … 题 号 一 二 三 四 五 总 分 总评分人 ○ … …分 值 20 60 20 100 … …得 分 名姓订 …一 词汇题 (20分) 班… …1 无机化学 11 结晶 级… 2 配位化学 12 室温 ○ … 业…3 酸 13 回流 专… … 4碱 14 克 装 … 5 氧气 15 臭氧 … … 6 氮气 16 摘要 … ○ 7 烧杯 17 结果 … … 院…8 试管 18 蒸发 学…_内_9 酒精灯 19 蒸馏 … …10 纯化 20 甲 烷 … … ○二 翻译题 (共60分) … …1 if you decide to go into agriculture, you will need to know about fertilizersand _… …pesticides,as well as animal nutrition. Even if you enter some profession that ○… 任课教师签名:刘生桂 命题教师签名:刘生桂 系主任签名: 主管院长签名: …


seems to have no connection with chemistry, such as law, you will find a knowledge of chemistry very useful.Lawyers freguently have to deal with patents that concern chemical inventions.Some members of the U.S. Congress have had extensive chemical training,which gives them a great advantage in discussions of enviromental pollution, nuclear energy,the regulations of the Food and Drug Administration, and in other legislation that concerns scientific matters. 2 The conversion of a physical quantity from one unit to another is done with conversion factors derived from the numerical relationship between the two units.Choosing the correct conversion factor allows the cancellation of the unwanted units.Conversion factors or physical constants should include a sufficient number of significant figures so as not to affect the uncertainty of the answer.


3 The substances that undergo changes in a chemical reaction are called the

reactants, and the new substances formed are the products. The chemical change that takes place is represented with symbols and formulas in a chemical equations.All chemical equations must be balanced-the correct coefficient must be used for each species so that all the atoms of each element in the reactants can be accounted for in the products.

4 The enthalpy change,△H, for a reaction is equal in magnitude to △H for the

reverse reaction but opposite in sign. If the quantities of reactants and products in a reaction are changed. △H for that reaction changes proportionately. For any chemical reaction, △H has the same value whether the reaction takes place in one step or several steps. 5 A functional group is a chemically reactive atom or group of atoms that imparts characteristic properties to the family of organic compounds containing it.The site of reaction in an organic molecule is often a functional group,a multiple covalent bond, or a polar single bond. An electron-poor atom or group that will bond with an atom that has an available electron pair is called an electrophile, An electro-rich atom or group that will bond with an electron-deficient atom is called a nucleophile.

6 Iron exposed to the action of moist air rusts rapidly, with the formation of a loose, crumbly deposit of the oxide. The oxide does not adhere to the surface of the metal, as does aluminum oxide and certain other metal oxides, but peels off. exposing a fresh surface of iron to the action of the air. As a result, a piece of iron will rust away completely in a relatively short time unless steps are taken to prevent the corrosion.

题答许不内线订装 ……○………三 英语写作题(20分).

2 叙述实验室制取氧气的实验操作方法(10分)

1 将以下中文摘要整理成英文(10分)

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