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Module1 Basketball单元练习


21. Tom studies better than most of his classmates, so we can say that his work is above the a .

22. Jane took the job for v reasons, the most important of which was that it was close to her family.

23. If I were a lawyer, I'd find it difficult to d a murderer. 24. Mr. Wang was a president of the department.

25. He fell off his motorbike and his nose is b badly.

26. It was very c of you to let us know you were going to be late.

27. If something a a liquid or other substance, it takes the substance into itself from the surface or space around it.

28. She has been working hard so she d to win.

29. Can the o scientist win the national prize for science? 30. He c suicide after killing her girlfriend.

31. This painting is t of the Impressionist(印象派 ) Movement. 32. The scientists wished to o (获得) the first-hand information by talking with the farmers.

33. I am writing to a for my rude remarks at the party yesterday evening. 34. Do not r on him to give you a hand because he is just a empty talker. 35. Farming is the b for the Chinese to live. 三、单词拼写(根据中文提示拼写单词)(共15小题;共15分) 36. I was (任命) as a volcanologist working for the Hawaiian Volcano Observatory twenty years ago.

37. Please (证实) your telephone message by writing to me.

38. The (平均) income of the people in this country is less than 10, 000 dollars per year.

39. The reason why Crystal has become so famous is his (杰出的) ability to improvise.

40. After the ceremony, the guests can (出席) a wedding reception, which is usually a huge party and can last through the night.

41. I haven't been able to (获得) that record anywhere; can you get it for me? 42. The room is (充足的) for our needs.

43. She worked day and night and now she d (值得,应受) a good rest. 44. The young man is (有才能的) and has a bright future.

45. When I opened the door, I found my father sitting in his chair, completely (全神贯注) in the humorous stories he was reading.

46. Our school is very beautiful and you can see (各种各样的) flowers here and there.

47. The ball was caught by a fielder standing just inside the (边界线). 48. It was very (考虑周到的) of you not to play the piano while your mother had a bad headache.

49. He may (犯) crimes for lack of adequate parental control. 50. They lack the (动机) to study, so they can't study well. 四、翻译(根据中文提示完成句子)(共10小题;共20分) 51. 这个故事是以历史事实为根据的。(词数不限) The story historical facts.

52. Jack喜欢乡间生活,而他的妻子却习惯住在都市。(词数不限)

Jack prefers country life, while his wife in the city.

53. I tried to (引起服务员的注意). (attention)

54. 毫无疑问英语是当今世界第一国际语言。

that English is the first international language.

55. 拍卖会过后几天我们才正式拥有那辆车。

We didn't the car until a few days after the auction. 56. 据说这个男孩长大后成了一个著名的科学家。 a famous scientist.

57. Remove clothing using scissors (如有必要).

58. Estuaries are also important because they absorb nutrients and pollutants from water coming from inland sources, (因此净化了) our water. 59. 据说这个很有语言天赋和很强说服力的男孩是个满族人。

The boy, to have a great talent for language learning and persuasion, is a Manchu. (say)

60. It was (这么漂亮的花以至于) I stopped to admire it.(词数不限) 五、单项选择(共20小题;共20分)

61. --- I hear Jane was knocked down by an electric bicycle and sent to hospital. --- , we should go and see her immediately.

A. If so B. If necessary C. On condition that D. Believe it or not 62. During President Xi Jinping's visit to the UK, the two countries cooperation on rail transit technology, climate change and low-carbon technology. A. overcame B. operated C. convinced D. confirmed

63. He has got used to up early since he entered the middle school. A. getting B. got C. get D. gets

64. A graduate from Tsinghua University has chosen to work as an urban management officer, or chengguan, a highly occupation. A. ridiculous B. contemporary C. controversial D. conventional

65. It's surprising that this innocent-looking person should have such a crime.

A. committed B. acted C. made D. performed

66. The purpose of the article is to draw public attention the problem. A. to B. on C. in D. for

67. She is so towards others that everyone gets on well with her. A. considerable B. considerate C. considering D. loyal

68. The origin of Chinese culture more than 5,000 years ago. A. is dated back to B. dates back to C. is dated from D. dates back

69. There is no that the Great Wall of China is one of the biggest manmade projects on the earth. A. time B. doubt C. matter D. mind

70. 35% of the students believe the choice of their courses and universities should their own interest. A. be based on B. base on C. be basing on D. base by

71. It was very of you to let us know you were going to be late in advance. A. considerate B. confident C. determined D. generous

72. Clouds are gathering. I think we'd better the school in case it starts to rain. A. run out B. bring up C. refer to D. head for

73. The writer was so in her work that she didn't notice him enter the room. A. abandoned B. focused C. absorbed D. centered

74. --- Have you heard that Tom was given a good beating by his father last night? --- He it. He was making trouble everywhere all the time. A. made B. got C. received D. deserved

75. Mary has to catalog(登记分类) the new books in the library. A. been allowed B. been permitted C. been appointed D. been demanded

76. It is the most instructive lecture that I since I came to this school. A. attended B. had attended C. am attending D. have attended

77. It's said that there is a(n) amount of food in the world, but it just isn't available to all the people who need it. A. adequate B. professional C. compulsory D. genuine

78. You can't possession of the house until all papers have been signed. A. move B. take C. catch D. show

79. The facts have been from thousands of students in their first year of university study by asking such questions as these. A. made B. differed C. obtained D. shaved

80. He apologised me stepping on my foot. A. to; of B. to; for C. for; to D. to; on 六、完形填空(共20小题;共30分)

Across the street from our home was a school and I would often watch the kids as they played basketball during the break. I often noticed a small 81 playing with boys. I watched in 82 as she ran circles around the other kids. She 83 to shoot jump shots just over their heads and into the net. The boys always tried to stop her but no one could. At other times I saw her playing alone, sometimes until 84 .

One day I asked her why she 85 so much. She looked 86 in my eyes and without a moment of hesitation(犹豫) she said, ''The only way I can go to 87 is to get a scholarship(奖学金). I believe that I would get it if I were good enough at 88 . My Daddy told me if the dream is big enough, the facts don't 89 .'' Then with a determined smile she ran towards the court, I watched her 90 those junior high years and into high school. Every week, she led her team to victory.

One day in her senior year, I saw her sitting in the grass, head 91 in her arms. The coach(教练) told her that at 5 feet 5 inches she would 92 never get to play for a top ranked team—much less offered a scholarship—so she should 93 dreaming about

college. I asked her if she had talked to her dad about it yet. She 94 her head from

her hands and told me that her father said those coaches just did not understand the 95 of a dream. He told her that if she truly wanted a scholarship, 96 could stop her except one thing—her own attitude. The next year, 97 she and her team went to the Northern California Championship game, she was seen by a college coach. She was indeed 98 a scholarship, a full one. She was going to get the college education that she had 99 and worked toward for all those years. It's 100 : If the dream is big enough, the facts don't count. 81. A. boy B. girl C. student D. teacher 82. A. doubt B. shock C. wonder D. delight 83. A. managed B. tried C. failed D. attempted 84. A. morning B. noon C. dark D. dawn 85. A. practised B. suffered C. performed D. drilled 86. A. slowly B. quickly C. quietly D. directly 87. A. work B. court C. college D. school 88. A. football B. basketball C. my lessons D. the exams 89. A. damage B. delay C. count D. fail 90. A. past B. over C. beyond D. through 91. A. buried B. placed C. hidden D. dropped 92. A. firmly B. sadly C. nearly D. probably 93. A. stop B. begin C. continue D. start 94. A. lowered B. lifted C. turned D. moved 95. A. effect B. power C. aim D. advantage 96. A. something B. anything C. nobody D. nothing 97. A. after B. before C. as D. once 98. A. brought B. handed C. sent D. offered 99. A. thought of B. dreamed of C. asked for D. referred to 100. A. true B. possible C. proper D. perfect 七、阅读理解(共14小题;共28分)


Footrace(竞走) is a popular activity in the United States. It is not only seen as a competitive sport, but also as a way to exercise, and to donate(捐赠) money to a good cause. Though serious runners may spend months training to compete, other runners and walkers might not train at all. Those not competing to win might run in an effort to beat their own time, or simply to enjoy the fun and exercise. People of all ages, from those less than one year old to those in their 80s, enter into this sport. The races are held on city streets, on college campuses,through parks, and in suburban areas, and commonly 5 to 10 kilometers in length. The largest footrace in the world is the 12-kilometer Bay to Breakers race that is held in San Francisco every spring. This race begins on the east side of the city near San Francisco Bay and ends on the west side at the Pacific Ocean. In 1993 there were 80,000 people running in this race through the streets and hills of San Francisco. In the front are the serious runners who compete to win, and who might finish in as little as 34 minutes. Behind them are the thousands who take several hours to finish. In the back of the race are those who wear costumes just for fun. In 1993 there was a group of men all of whom dressed up like Elvis Priestly. There was a group of firefighters who were all tied in a long line and were carrying a fire-hose(水龙带). One year there was a wedding party in which the bride dressed in a long white gown(长袍) and

the groom wore a tuxedo(晚礼服). They threw flowers to by-standers, and were actually married at some point along the route.

101. The main purpose of this text is to . A. describe a popular activity B. encourage people to exercise C. make fun of runners in costume D. give reasons for the popularity of footraces 102. Which of the following is implied by the author? A. Walkers don't compete for prizes. B. Footraces appeal to a variety of people. C. Entering a race is a way to make friends. D. Running is a good way to strengthen the heart.

103. The underlined words “to a good cause” in the first paragraph could best be replaced by . A. for a good reason B. to support a sound principle C. for a good purpose D. to protect an excellent player B

When I was in my first year of high-school I tried out for my school's basketball team. Although I was very successful in other sports, particularly soccer and baseball, I was only a mediocre basketball player. I remember walking into the gymnasium and feeling shocked when I saw how many people were also trying out. I knew I was a good athlete, but I didn't know if my skill would be as good as the other participants.

Try-outs lasted for four long days. At the end of each day, the basketball coach had a short discussion with each player. He told some of the players to come back for the next day, and told other players that they had not made the team. This is called getting cut. All of us were afraid of getting cut at the end of each practice.

On the fourth day of try-outs there were only twenty kids left. I was one of them, but we all knew only eighteen students would make the team. This day was the most intense day of them all. There were many opportunities to impress the coach but there were so few people that the pressure was very high. I was not one of the best players on the team, so I was especially worried on this last day. At the end of practice the coach told every player to take one shot from the same spot. Many kids missed their shot but mine went in the basket.

After practice we waited as the coach talked to each player. When my turn finally came my heart skipped a beat when I walked towards the coach. My head was spinning when the coach started speaking and I was almost shaking because I was anxious. The coach told me that I had done very well and that he was impressed. However, the team has only eighteen spots and unfortunately none of these would be mine. 104. What is the author's goal in this story? A. To play basketball everyday after school. B. To improve his skill at basketball. C. To join the school's basketball team. D. To play basketball, soccer, and baseball. 105. What does “getting cut” mean? A. When the coach tells you that you cannot join the team.

and change frequently. At middle and high school the issue of belonging becomes even more extraordinary and outstanding.

Cliques are small, particular groups of friends who share common characteristics and common interests (music, dress, sports, etc.). Each member is either directly or indirectly connected to other members. Cliques usually refer to groups of girls; however boys are also involved in cliques. There are usually hierarchies(等级) of cliques among teens, from the populars to the losers, and there are often many cliques in schools.

Normal adolescent(青少年的) development often circles around cliques—joining cliques, wanting to join cliques, or being out of cliques. Cliques can have a strong positive effect on self-worth. They provide social occasions and help kids develop a sense of belonging support and protection. Cliques improve self-respect by making kids feel wanted, and they enable the cliques member to develop a sense of identity and to deal with social events around themselves. While, cliques can be opposed to other kids and other cliques. In some cases cliques members can become harmful to outsiders by putting them down using teasing, backstabbing, and even violence. Although girls are socialized to suppress physical displays of violence, it can take the form of intimidating(恐吓人的) behavior. Cliques can pollute individuality and prevent members from mixing with members of other groups. They usually require some degree of agreement in appearance, attitude, or behavior. They can drive away members for no apparent reason, and they can pressure kids into group activities in order to fit in, creating interpersonal cliques and violence.

98. Which of the following statements about the cliques is TRUE? A. Cliques members have different characteristics and interests. B. Once a cliques is formed its members are not changeable. C. Cliques are more popular among boys and girls. D. Cliques help improve children's self-respect. 99. According to the passage, cliques can . A. encourage children to study harder than before B. protect children when they are in danger C. make children have a sense of belonging D. make children desire to be successful

100. The underlined word \\ A. prevent B. permit C. develop D. discover 101. What is the main topic of this passage? A. The positive effect of cliques. B. Why children want to join cliques. C. When the children begin to form cliques. D. What is the cliques and its effects on children. D

Technology is changing the way that many students are learning in school. It's also changing the way that information about students is collected and stored. Schools have always kept record of information about students such as test scores, number of absences, behavior, and school-wide graduation rates. But new technology is making it easier for schools to collect more detailed data(数据) about students. Schools around the country are using digital(数码) tools such as homework sites and apps that record student progress in subjects. Schools can also check and record how students behave in class. Much of this data is collected and stored by the technology companies that create the programs, and not by the schools themselves.

Supporters of these digital programs say that they help teachers and schools to find out areas in which students need help and that the programs make it easier for teachers to plan lessons more effectively. Digital programs are a 21st Century way of recording students' progress. But some parents and educators are worried that the programs may not protect students' personal information. They worry that information about their children is being collected and stored without their knowledge, and could possibly be sold to other companies. \handing off student data to strangers without parents knowing about it,\Leonie Haimson, co-chairwoman of a group called the Parent Coalition for Student Privacy, told TFK. \know what those strangers are going to do with this data and how long they are going to store it for, and that's a trouble.\

At TFK, we are devoted to protecting students' privacy, which is why the TIME FOR KIDS Classroom App does not collect personal information on students. Teachers control student information and give student IDs and classroom passwords. All the information is cleared at the end of the school year.

The government is taking steps to protect students' privacy. Many states, including New York and Virginia, now have laws that limit the sharing of student data with companies. President Barack Obama recently announced new student digital-privacy law. It keeps companies that work with schools from using student information for marketing or advertising purposes.

What do you think? Should tech companies be able to store data on students? Write a 200-word response. Send it to tfkasks4you@timeforkids.com. Your response may be published in a future issue of TIME For Kids. Please include your grade and contact information for your parent or teacher if you want your response to be published. The deadline for responding is Feb. 13th, 2016.

Then, be sure to voice your opinion!

102. The supporters support the digital programs because . A. they are a new way of teaching B. teachers can help students with them C. all the information can be cleared easily D. they can protect students' personal information 103. What is Leonie Haimson's attitude towards the digital programs? A. Doubtful. B. Optimistic. C. Curious. D. Supportive. 104. Who is the passage written for? A. Teachers. B. Educators. C. Parents. D. Students. 105. What is the best title for the passage? A. Do We Need Tech Companies? B. How to Protect Students' Privacy? C. Should Tech Companies Collect Students' Personal Data? D. Why Are Parents and Educators Worried About Digital Programs? 八、短文7选5(5选5等)(共5小题;共10分)

Shopping for clothes is not the same experience for a man as it is for a woman. A man goes shopping because he needs something. His purpose is settled and decided in advance. 106. All men simply walk into a shop and ask the assistant for what they want. If the shop has it in stock, the salesman immediately provides it and the business of trying it on takes place at once. 107.

Now how does a woman go about buying clothes? In almost every respect she does so in the opposite way. 108. She has never fully made up her mind what she wants,

and she is only \a look around\109. She will try on any number of things. The most important thing in her mind is the thought of finding something that everyone thinks suits her. She is always on the lookout for the unexpected bargain. Faced with a roomful of dresses, a woman may easily spend an hour going from one rail(挂衣杆) to another before selecting the dresses she wants to try on. It is a painful process for husbands, but obviously an enjoyable one for wives. 110. A. Her shopping is not often based on need. B. Few men have patience with this treatment. C. So most dress shops provide chairs for the waiting husbands. D. He knows what he wants and his goal is to find it and buy it. E. For a man, slight problems may begin when the shop does not have what he wants. F. She is \what the saleswoman tells her. G. Finally the deal is often completed in less than five minutes with hardly any chat and to everyone's satisfaction. 九、补全短文(共10小题;共10分)

I started playing the piano when I was five years old and I still enjoy it now. It's a perfect way 111. (relax) and can cheer me up when I'm feeling down.

When I lived at home with my parents, we had a 112. (love) piano in the house. I had piano 113. (lesson) every week and often practised on that beautiful piano. 114. , when I went to university, I had to leave my family and my piano. I missed 115. (play) the piano so much that I spent all the money I got for my eighteenth birthday 116. a new electric piano. I could play the piano whenever I wanted to, using headphones so that I wouldn't disturb my roommates. As far as I was 117. (concern), 118. impressed me most was 119. the piano could help me relax and improve my efficiency. When I was feeling homesick, playing music that I 120. (learn) on my old piano made me feel better. 十、短文改错(不分行)(共10小题;共10分)


As is known to all that millions of graduates crowded into the job market each year. But because the financial crisis, the situation of the employment has become very serious. Consider this, some people suggest graduates should have a lower career expectation, such as working in the western area of China. I in favor of this idea. Firstly, compared with the big cities, the competition is not as fierce there, but graduates can easy get a job. Secondly, the lower position may offer graduate more space. All in all, going to the west maybe bring more benefits. Devote yourself to the west, for it is both good for our personal development and for our country at present. 答案

二、单词拼写(单句首字母填空) 21. considered 22. likely 23. luggage 24. settle

25. scholarship

26. decoration 27. attracts 28. routine 29. Reciting 30. punctual

三、单词拼写(根据中文提示拼写单词) 31. luggage 32. suit 33. attract 34. regulation 35. scholarship 36. competitive 37. decoration 38. punctual 39. Considering 40. settled 41. innocent 42. enormous 43. elected 44. concepts 45. curtains

四、翻译(根据中文提示完成句子) 46. have fun with

47. is likely to succeed 48. look back on/upon

49. It's a pity, do not attract, 50. As far as I am concerned 五、单项选择

51. D 52. B 53. C 54. B 55. D 56. B 57. D 58. C 59. A 60. D 61. B 62. D 63. C 64. D 65. D 66. C 67. B 68. B 69. D 70. B 六、完形填空

71. A 72. B 73. A 74. C 75. D 76. B 77. B 78. B 79. C 80. D 81. C 82. B 83. A 84. A 85. C 86. A 87. D 88. C 89. D 90. D 七、阅读理解

91. B 92. A 93. D 94. A 95. A 96. C 97. B 98. D 99. C 100. A 101. D 102. B 103. A 104. D 105. C 八、短文7选5(5选5等)

106. D 107. G 108. A 109. F 110. C 九、补全短文 111. to relax 112. lovely

113. lessons 114. However 115. playing 116. on

117. concerned 118. what 119. that

120. had learned 十、短文改错(不分行) 121. As改为It

122. crowded改为crowd 123. because后加of

124. Consider改为Considering 125. in favor前加am 126. but改为so

127. easy改为easily

128. graduate改为graduates 129. maybe改为may 130. our改为your

Module3 Literature单元练习


21. When you read a book, you'd better s it.

22. The children's mother showed great c for their safety when they didn't come back from school at the usual time.

23. In the past, many people suffered from s because of a lack of food. 24. She is e to find him and ask the reason for his being late.

25. The magazine promotes effective language teaching and is i for foreign language teachers in China.

26. The nobleman s (抓住) the boy by the arm and took him away.

27. Instant noodles have little n so you can't stay healthy if you eat too much. 28. Exercise will increase your a for food. 29. As soon as the police received the alarm, they rushed to the s of the accident at once.

30. Dust will a in a deserted house.

31. Passing the exam was just the r for the efforts you have made.

32. The naughty boy often w to others in class, which makes the teacher very angry.

33. It's c of the boss to employ some children. 34. A d man will do anything to get what he wants.

35. He can a more in a day than any other boy in his class. 三、单词拼写(根据中文提示拼写单词)(共15小题;共15分)

36. I didn't dare to speak aloud or even (私语) to her what was in my mind. 37. The boy wants to be a soldier. He (想要) to join the army.

38. Seeing the (场面) of the children playing in the park, I'm full of joy. 39. Hearing a noise, the spy (抓住) his gun from the drawer and hid behind the door.

40. There were (尖叫声) of excitement when Jay finally walked on stage. 41. You should not try to (完成) two tasks at once.

42. The new principal is (渴望) to make his speech in the lecture hall. 43. When I was ill I completely lost my (食欲).

44. He lost all his money. Now he is in a (绝望的) state. 45. They have (分发) the lands among the peasants so far. 46. Many people died of (饥饿) during the war times.

47. There is no cause for (担心); the storm is not too serious. 48. She got no (报酬) for all the hard work she did. 49. I (拖) the heavy chair over to the window.

50. As time goes by, young people may (积累) more and more experience to have a better understanding of this world.


51. 为了世界和平,任何情况下我们都不会首先使用核武器。(use)

To keep our world peaceful, under no circumstances nuclear weapons first. 52. It was two years ago, when I came to Paris for the first time, (我开始) learn painting. (begin)

53. you are more experienced, (直到?你才能够) cover a story alone.

54. (正是她的美) that attracted him. (beauty)

55. 昨天她一完成作业, 她妈妈就叫她练习弹钢琴。

She her homework when her mother asked her to practise playing the piano yesterday. (hardly) 56. 直到做完最后一个手术白求恩才离开战地医院。

the last operation was finished Bethune left the battle hospital.

57. Only when the term was at an end (我们才意识到) how time had flown. (realize)

58. before (我从未读过) an article that is so full of lies. (never) 59. We should use more public resources to (引起公众对食品安全问题的关注). (词数不限)

60. 话刚出口,她就后悔不迭。

she spoken when she regretted it bitterly. 五、单项选择(共20小题;共20分)

61. Hardly to speak when a shout from the back of the hall. A. had she begun; was there B. had she begun; there was C. she had begun; was there D. she had begun; there was 62. In a typhoon, winds a speed greater than 120 kilometers per hour. A. assume B. accomplish C. attain D. adjust

63. The book, which was for children under 10, is popular with adult readers. A. used B. read C. devoted D. intended

64. The Red Cross has started food and blankets to the people in the flood areas.

A. distributing B. dividing C. dismissing D. exporting

65. Not until I dropped off from school how much time I had wasted. A. didn't I realize B. did I realize C. I didn't realize D. I realized

66. is surprising is that there are so many Chinese restaurants in Toronto. A. It B. That C. Such D. What

67. As matter of fact, all good books can give us large amount of wisdom and knowledge. A. a; / B. the; a C. a; a D. the; /

68. A servant came in, leaned over Sir Richard's shoulder and in his ear. A. screamed B. cheered C. announced D. whispered 69. Anything that Mr. Green interests me. A. concerns B. matter C. importance D. subjects

70. was not until she took off her sunglasses I realized that she was a famous film star. A. This; who B. This; that C. It; that D. It; who

71. The soldiers the town after a violent attack after three days' preparation. A. crushed B. seized C. persevered D. grasped

72. It was in 2005 when I was here on business I found Chengdu so comfortable for people to live in. A. when B. before C. that D. which

73. Not until the late 18th century the Antarctic Circle, but he never saw land. A. James Cook crossed B. crossed James Cook C. did James Cook cross D. James Cook crossed

74. Many volunteers have been to give more help to the local people since the earthquake happened. A. eager B. anxious C. worried D. curious 75. He left his home and felt lonely. Only then to know how important the family was for him.

A. he had begun B. had he begun C. he began D. did he begin

76. No sooner home than he threw off his coat and sat down at the table. A. did he get B. had he got C. he got D. he had got

77. Danny Way's jumping over the Great Wall and his own dream should be an inspiration to the youth in China. A. undertaking B. conducting C. performing D. accomplishing 78. Not until the last note died away that the concert was over. A. did the audience realize B. the audience realized C. the audience did realize D. realized the audience 79. Only when you leave school how much you love it. A. you will find B. will you find C. you find D. did you find

80. When you look for a job, it's not your book knowledge but your experience matters more.

A. whether B. which C. what D. that 六、完形填空(共20小题;共30分)

When you think of an artist, you probably think of someone painting on canvas(画布). But Guido Daniele 81 fantastic paintings of birds, elephants, and tigers by painting on 82 . Born in Soverato, Italy, Guido Daniele has been called \Gogh(famous person)\83 he began creating 84 of art on people's hands in 1990.

Painting on the hands can be a 85 because, unlike canvas, the skin moves when rubbed. Daniele's models must remain perfectly 86 for hours as he paints. He often uses his daughter and his son 87 his \

Before he can begin to create his works, Daniele 88 photographs of the animal that he will be 89 . Then he will be able to understand its 90 and give it life. \ from different perspectives(视角), and I begin to 92 what is the best way to position the hand for me to paint the animal.\He 93 studies the skin of the model, preferring it to have little hair and few blemishes(瑕疵).

Daniele starts by drawing on the model's hand 94 a pencil. He next paints the

skin using 95 made specifically for body art. The eyes of Daniele's painted animals 96 amazingly real, and they are the most difficult 97 to paint.

Paintings on hands must eventually be 98 away. Guido Daniele says that he's gotten used to this part and that he doesn't really 99 seeing his work washed down. \I will paint the 100 one. The important thing is to take many good take before washing the hand!\81. A. creates B. achieves C. makes D. drops 82. A. canvas B. cloth C. skin D. paper 83. A. before B. since C. while D. either 84. A. forms B. favorites C. works D. abilities 85. A. fortunate B. terrible C. advantage D. challenge 86. A. silent B. still C. quiet D. active 87. A. to B. at C. for D. as 88. A. produces B. publishes C. studies D. takes 89. A. playing B. rescuing C. painting D. removing 90. A. tempers B. character C. custom D. habit 91. A. hand B. animal C. plant D. face 92. A. imagine B. train C. guess D. wonder 93. A. never B. also C. ever D. seldom 94. A. by B. on C. in D. with 95. A. brush B. oil C. watercolors D. pencil 96. A. sharp B. speak C. shine D. look 97. A. part B. body C. hand D. picture 98. A. took B. washed C. put D. robbed 99. A. forget B. remind C. mind D. remember 100. A. old B. unique C. only D. next 七、阅读理解(共14小题;共28分)


Next Thursday is the World Book Day—a celebration of all things wonderful about books for all ages, with author events, school fancy-dress parades and a£1 book token(优惠券) given

to all schoolchildren under 18.

Sometimes, reading a modern novel can be tough (Booker Prize-winner The Luminaries ran to 832 pages!), especially if you lack confidence in your literacy skills. In fact, one in six people in the UK never pick up a book because they've experienced difficulties or are out of the habit of reading for pleasure.

But the Galaxy Quick Reads series are designed to introduce reluctant readers to bestselling short funny novels, which bring the joy of reading without demanding hours of concentrated time. They cover a range of subjects, from romance to comedy.

You can read Jojo Moyes's Paris for One, a romantic adventure in which 26-year-old Nell books a weekend away to Paris with her lazy, neglectful boyfriend. When he fails to turn up, she is alone in the city. That is, until she meets Fabien, who shows her the charms of the French capital—in more ways than one.

Meanwhile, Adele Geras's moving story Out in the Dark was set in World War I, in which young Rob came back from the battlefields. Determined to find the officer's widow to return the photo of her and their daughter that the captain kept with him, he traveled several thousand miles but never gave up. Dead Man Talking is a fantastic tale of Pat, who had a terrible fight with his best friend, Joe, ten years ago—but now hears that Joe is dead, and he must attend his funeral. But Joe is not going quietly that good night—he's lying in his coffin being very chatty indeed. 101. What will happen on the World Book Day according to the poster? A. Schoolchildren will be given fine clothes as gifts. B. The authors of books will attend some events. C. Experts will encourage people to write their novels. D. There's a range of books that are priced at just £1. 102. If you are interested in a horror story, you may choose . A. Galaxy Quick Reads B. Paris for One C. Dead Man Talking D. Out in the Dark 103. The passage is mainly about . A. recommendation of good books to readers B. the history of the World Book Day 2015 C. advice on how to get cheap books D. a plan to develop the habit of reading among adults B I used to think of myself as a person learned in books, but my bookshelves told a different story. Apart from a few Indian novels and an Australian book, my literature collection only consisted of British and American titles. Worse still, I couldn't ever found anything in translation. My reading was limited to stories by English-speaking authors.

So, at the start of 2012, I set myself the challenge of trying to read a book from every country in a year to find out what I was missing.

With no idea where to get those books, I was unlikely to find publications from nearly 200 nations on the shelves of my local bookshop, so I decided to ask the readers all over the world for help. I created a blog called A Year of Reading the World and put out an appeal for suggestions of titles that I could read in English. The response was amazing. People all over the world were getting in touch with me, offering ideas and book lists. Some posted me books from their home countries. In addition, several writers, like Turkmenistan's Ak Welsapar and Panama's Juan David Morgan, sent me unpublished translations

of their novels, giving me a rare opportunity to read works unavailable in Britain. Even with such an extraordinary team of bibliophiles(爱书者) behind me, however, sourcing books was no easy task. With translations making up only around 4.5 percent of literary works published in the UK, getting English versions of stories was tricky.

One by one, the books from the countries on the list filled my heart with laughter, love, anger, hope and fear. Lands that had once seemed exotic and remote became close and familiar to me. At its best, I learned, reading makes the world real.

104. The author realized she was not a learned person when she found . A. she could do nothing but read books B. she had never been to Indian and Australian C. she didn't have any translated books D. she could only read simple English stories

105. Which of the following is NOT the help from people around the world? A. Offering book names. B. Posting local books. C. Giving financial supports. D. Sending unpublished translations.

106. We can infer that by reading the books from other countries, the author feels . A. bored and regretful B. thankful and pitiful C. calm and peaceful D. satisfied and rewarded C

In 1770 when I was a child, I was always at Wuthering Heights, because my mother was a servant with the Earnshaw family. They are a very old family who have lived in that house for centuries, as you can see from their name on the stone over the front door. I grew up with Catherine and Hindley Earnshaw, and we three played together as children.

One day, their father Mr. Earnshaw came back from a long journey. He had travelled sixty miles to Liverpool and back on business and was very tired.

“Look what I've brought you!” he told us all, unwrapping something he was holding carefully in his arms. Catherine and Hindley were expecting presents, and they rushed eagerly to see what it was. They were very disappointed to see only a dirty, black-haired gipsy(吉卜赛) child.

“I found him all alone in the busy streets of Liverpool,” Mr. Earnshaw explained to them, “and I couldn't leave him to die. He can sleep in your room.” But Hindley and Catherine were angry because they had not received any presents, and refused to let the strange child share their room. However, Mr. Earnshaw insisted, and little by little the boy became accepted by the family. He was called Heathcliff, as a first and last name. No one ever discovered who his parents had been.

Catherine and he became great friends, but Hindley hated him, and was often cruel to him. Old Mr. Earnshaw was strangely fond of this gipsy child, and frequently punished his son for behaving badly to Heathcliff. Hindley began to hate his father's feelings for Heathcliff, and saw them both as enemies.

This situation could not last. As Mr. Earnshaw grew old and ill, Heathcliff became even more his favourite, and Hindley often quarrelled with his father. When Hindley was sent away to study, I hoped that we would have peace in the house. But then it was that old servant Joseph who caused trouble. He tried to persuade his master to be stricter with the children, and was

