【金版教程】2015高考英语(人教版)一轮限时特训:1-3 Travel journal]

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【金版教程】2015高考英语(人教版)一轮限时特训:1-3 Travel journal]




1. We need to search for someone________(可靠的)to do the work.

2. Look up into the sky, and then down, at the earth________(在……下)your feet. 3. You may point out our________(缺点), no matter when. 4. But Joe's a ________(固执的)man who won't listen to reason. 5. The old man________(弯腰)and picked up something from the ground. 答案:1. reliable 2. beneath 3. shortcoming 4. stubborn 5. bent Ⅱ. 选词填空

be fond of; care about; make up one's mind; dream about; give in 1. I don't ________ the price. I have plenty of money.

2. It's a small town. You would never ________ shopping after five o'clock in the evening. 3. He________dancing when he was a child. 4. He's narrow-minded; don't ________ to his opinion.

5. The young men can't________ which subject they should take. 答案:1. care about 2. dream about 3. was fond of 4. give in 5. make up their minds Ⅲ.单句语法填空

1. What shall we use for power when all the oil in the world has ________ ________(give)? 答案:given out

解析:根据句意“当世界上所有的油用光了时我们该用什么作为能量呢?”。give out为“用光,耗尽”,此处该用现在完成时。

2.—Which do you like better,swimming or skating? —I prefer swimming ________ skating. 答案:to

解析:考查动词词义辨析。 prefer A to B意为“喜欢A胜过B”,为固定用法。 3.He trusts you;only you can________(说服)him to give up the foolish idea. 答案:persuade

解析:句意:他信任你,只有你能说服他放弃这个愚蠢的主意。 persuade“说服;劝说”。

【金版教程】2015高考英语(人教版)一轮限时特训:1-3 Travel journal]

4.In a way I can see what you mean, even though I don't share your________(观点). 答案:view

解析:句意:在某种程度上,我能明白你的意思,尽管我和你的观点不同。 view表示“观点,见解”。

5. Owing to the recent bad weather, the project is several weeks ________ ________(schedule).

答案:behind schedule

解析:句意:由于近来天气不好,这个项目比预定时间晚了几个星期。behind schedule“比预定时间晚”。

6. I found his speech difficult________ ________(understand), so I gave it up. 答案:to understand


7. After she found she had lost the necklace, she and her husband ________ ________ ________ ________(mind) to find it.

答案:made up their minds

解析:考查动词短语的用法。句意:当她发现她丢失了项链后,她和丈夫下决心找到它。在动词短语make up one's mind中,当主语是复数时,mind后要加-s,即make up their/our minds。

8.A teacher who is just interested in his teaching but doesn't________ ________(care) students is not a good teacher.

答案:care about

解析:句意:只对教学感兴趣而不关心学生的老师不是一个好老师。care about关心。 9. ________(determine) to carry out the plan in time, they will make careful preparations. 答案:Determined


10. The student insisted that he ________ ________(do) nothing wrong and would never________ ________ ________(give) the teacher.

答案:had done; give in to


【金版教程】2015高考英语(人教版)一轮限时特训:1-3 Travel journal]

“坚决主张;坚决要求”讲时,用虚拟语气。give in to sb.“向……屈服;投降;让步”。




Practice Forgiveness

My friend BJ Gallagher once worked as a training manager for a large newspaper, which was need for change, and new ideas.As the years went by, BJ with their short-sightedness. Finally,she left the company.But she found that she hadn't left She carried it with her,like“rocks in the stomach”.

“I finally decided to__5__about my experiences and my feelings.I__6__ it would be a good mental health exercise. I wanted to be rid of that company and those people, once and for wrote and wrote. It wasn't just a story that poured out-it was a ! My resentment (怨恨!”

“What__11__when the book came out?” I asked BJ.

“Not much,” she replied, “The newspaper kept doing what it had__12__done. My emotions. Finally, the time came when I decided to make amends (补偿) for the angry things I had said about the company. former boss to dinner and made I told him I was sorry for being so resentful. It was a great healing process for me.”

“What was the__17__outcome?” I asked her.

“Gratitude,” she replied, “Not only wasn't I resentful any more, but I was grateful to the company. If -now in 21 languages. In short, my resentment gave way to gratitude.”

She smiled,“I owe them a debt of thanks for giving me such a great tale to tell.” 1.A. skill C. success 2.A. resisted C. broke 3.A. moved C. excited 4.A. sadness C. doubt

B. management D. business B. got D. shaped B. frustrated D. surprised B. worry D. anger

【金版教程】2015高考英语(人教版)一轮限时特训:1-3 Travel journal]

5.A. think C. write 6.A. proved C. concluded 7.A. So C. Yet 8.A. diary C. accident 9.A. prevented C. fueled 10.A. sensitive C. greedy 11.A. happened C. received 12.A. sometimes C. recently 13.A. forgive C. bother 14.A. think of C. pass on 15.A. invited C. persuaded 16.A. promise C. plan 17.A. latest C. direct 18.A. useful C. painful 19.A. fortunately C. slightly 20.A. Trading C. Choosing

B. care D. talk B. figured D. agreed B. But D. And B. lesson D. book B. delayed D. corrected B. successful D. stupid B. reported D. resulted B. always D. already B. reward D. cheat B. get over D. look through B. called D. followed B. apology D. decision B. natural D. final B. funny D. shameful B. hardly D. hugely B. Taking D. Realizing

[文章大意] 生活中我们经常会遇到一些让人烦心或恼怒的事情。如果能卸下这些心灵的重负,我们就能以感恩的心态去面对生活。


【金版教程】2015高考英语(人教版)一轮限时特训:1-3 Travel journal]



3.B。管理层的目光短浅使她觉得很沮丧。 frustrated意为“沮丧的,懊恼的”。 4.D。由下文的resentment和angry可知,虽然她离职了,但是她却放不下心中的那份怨气。

5.C。由下文可知,最终,她决心把她的经历和在报社工作时的感受写出来。 6.B。由空后内容可知,这里指她原本认为这会是一项健康的脑力活动。figure意为“想,认为”。

7.A。她想永远摆脱那个公司和那些人,所以她不停地写啊写。 8.D。下文提到了the book,是暗示,故选D。

9.C。从上文事实可知,显然内心的怨气促使她越写越多。 fuel原意为“供给燃料”,此处用其比喻义。

10.D。上文提到他们很守旧、管理僵化。在她看来,这都是极其愚蠢的。 11.A。那么这本书写好之后又有什么变化呢?其他三项与语境不符。 12.B。由本空前的not much可知,报社没什么变化,还是老样子。 13.C。从上文可知,她书中所写的感受对他们没有造成任何困扰。

14.B。根据本空后的negative emotions和下文的描述可以推断,好几年后,她内心的怨气才最终消除。 get over“从……中恢复,克服”。

15.A。从本空后一句可知,她邀请原来的老板吃饭,并且向他道歉。 16.B。参见上题解析。


18.C。根据上文的angry可知,如果没有那段痛苦的经历,她就不会写出这本书。 19.D。由空后内容“这本书被译为21种语言”可知,这本书获得了巨大的成功。 20.A。从上文可知,经过几年之后,她最终把怨气转化为对过去那段经历的感激。 trade...for...“用一物交换另一物”。

【金版教程】2015高考英语(人教版)一轮限时特训:1-3 Travel journal]



These eco-inspired books get kids thinking about nature and the environment. How to Raise Monarch Butterflies

——By Carol Pasternak

Have you ever watched a monarch transform from a caterpillar (毛虫) to a butterfly from up close? In this book,learn everything about the monarch life cycle and how to raise monarchs from eggs to adult butterflies. You will also get to know the efforts involved to protect the species.

A Kid's Guide to America's Parks

——By Erin McHugh

This year, the US National Park Service's National Park Week is on April 21 -29. During the week, all the national parks offer free admission. Enrich your knowledge with this book, as it introduces the national parks and some interesting places in the US, including their geography, specific animals as well as environmental challenges. The book's featured places include Yosemite National Park, Ellis Island (home of the Statue of Liberty) and the National Park of American Samoa, the only U.S. national park south of the equator (赤道).

Where Do Recyclable Materials Go?

——By Sabbithry Persad

Tiana had been learning about recycling at school. But when her dog, Bubbles, gets lost running after a recycling truck, she ends up learning a lot more about recyclable materials than ever! Follow Tiana and her family as they search for Bubbles around town and at the Materials Recovery Facility. Along the way, readers will learn a lot about recycling and how they can do their part in protecting the environment.

Scrap Kins Build-It Book Volume 1——By Brian Yanish

Meet the Scrap Kins. They are creative, friendly monsters (怪物) who live in a recycling center, known as Scrap City. They'll show you how to turn junk into pretty cool things. Readers will learn how to create cute bags from old jeans, beautiful ships from milk boxes, and more. Remember that one person's trash is another person's treasure!

1. Which author teaches you how to make an artwork from wastes? A. Carol Pasternak. C. Sabbithry Persad.

A. There is a famous statue in it. B. It lies south of the equator. C. It has its specific animals. D. It is free for admission.

3. Which book is most probably written in the form of a story?

B. Erin McHugh. D. Brian Yanish.

2. Why is the National Park of American Samoa special?

【金版教程】2015高考英语(人教版)一轮限时特训:1-3 Travel journal]

A. How to Raise Monarch Butterflies B. A Kid's Guide to America's Parks C. Where Do Recyclable Materials Go? D. Scrap Kins Build-It Book Volume 1

4. The common goal of the four books is to________. A. teach kids' practical skills B. comment on kids' behavior C. raise kids' environment awareness D. make kids interested in geography

[文章大意] 本文是应用文,简要介绍了四本关于教育孩子保护自然和环境的书。 1.D。考查细节理解。从第四本书的内容介绍可知,最后一本书涉及孩子们如何用废旧材料制作工艺品,其作者是Brian Yanish。

2.B。考查细节理解。从第二本书的内容介绍中的“and the National Park of American Samoa,the only U.S.national park south of the equator(赤道)”可知答案。


4.C。考查推理判断。根据第一本书简介中的“You will also get to know the efforts involved to protect the species.”,第二本书简介中的“it introduces...environmental challenges”和第三、四本书简介中的内容可知,四本书的内容各不相同,但都是为了在丰富孩子知识的同时,培养他们的环保意识。同时,根据第一段中的“These eco-inspired book get...the environment.”也可推知答案。



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【金版教程】2015高考英语(人教版)一轮限时特训:1-3 Travel journal]

Dear Editor,

More and more disasters have taken place on end recently,which have brought in many deaths and loss. It's high time we realized the importance of protecting our environment. I am strongly appealing to people acting for our surroundings.

People always take a lot from the earth, for example, cutting more trees for houses,digging more mines for a better life, giving more green house gases into the air and so on. High carbon life makes people comfortable and high technology makes people warring. All this makes our life more difficult and our earth not easy to live on.

It is everyone's duty to protect our environment. I hope everyone should play a role in making our earth easier to live on. Do from now on. More giving,less taking and greed so as to make our environment more beautiful.

Yours sincerely,

Li Hua

