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1.油气地质勘探总论。。。。。。。。。。。。7 2. 含油气盆地构造学。。。。。。。。。。。。。7 3. 含油气盆地沉积学。。。。。。。。。。。。。11 4. 油气性质。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。14 5. 油气成因。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。15 6. 油气储集层。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。21 7.油气运移。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。22 8.油气聚集。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。25 9.油气地质勘探。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。27 10.油气地球化学勘探。。。。。。。。。。。。。29 11.地震地层学。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。29 12.遥感地质。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。32 13.实验室分析。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。33 14.油气资源评价。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。34 15.地质年代。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。 16补充


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总 类

油气地质勘探petroleum and gas geology and exploration 石油地球物理petroleum geophysics 地球物理测井geophysical well logging 石油工程petroleum engineering 钻井工程drilling engineering

油气田开发与开采oil-gas field development and exploitation 石油炼制petroleum processing 石油化工petrochemical processing 海洋石油技术offshore oil technique

油气集输与储运工程oil and gas gathering-transportation and storage engineering

石油钻采机械与设备petroleum drilling and production equipment 油田化学oilfield chemistry 油气藏hydrocarbon reservoir

油藏oil reservoir 气藏gas reservoir

商业油气藏(又称工业油气藏)commercial hydrocarbon reservoir 油气田oil-gas field 油田oil field 气田gas field

大油气田large oil-gas field

特大油气田(又称巨型油气田)giant oil-gas field 岩石物性physical properties of rock 岩石物理学petrophysics 野外方法field method 野外装备field equipment 石油petroleum 天然石油natural oil 人造石油artificial oil 原油crude oil

原油性质oil property

石蜡基原油paraffin-base crude [oil]

环烷基原油(又称沥青基原油)naphthene- base crude [oil] 中间基原油(又称混合基原油)intermediate- base crude [oil] 芳香基原油aromatic- base crude [oil]

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含硫原油sulfur-bearing crude,sour crude 拔头原油topped crude 重质原油heavy crude [oil] 含蜡原油waxy crude [oil] 合成原油synthetic crude

凝析油condensate,condensed oil

原油分析crude oil analysis,crude assay 原油评价crude oil evaluation 石油颜色oil colour 石油密度oil density API度API degree 波美度Baumé degree 沥青bitumen, asphalt 沥青质asphaltene 胶质gum 熔点melting point 倾点pour point 凝点freezing point 闪点flash point 燃点fire point 浊点cloud point

液化天然气liquified natural gas,LNG 天然气natural gas 湿气wet gas 干气dry gas

酸气sour gas

净气(又称甜气)sweet gas

伴生气associated gas

天然气绝对湿度absolute humidity of natural gas 天然气相对湿度relative humidity of natural gas 天然气密度 natural gas density 天然气溶解度natural gas solubility

天然气发热量calorific capacity of natural gas 天然气(燃烧)热值heating value of natural gas 凝析气condensate gas 烃hydrocarbon 轻烃light hydrocarbon

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烷烃paraffin hydrocarbon, alkane 烯烃olefin,alkene

环烷烃naphthenic hydrocarbon 芳香烃aromatic hydrocarbon,arene 含氧化合物oxygen compound 含氮化合物nitrogen compound 含硫化合物sulfur compound

天然气液natural gas liquid,NGL

液化石油气liquified petroleum gas,LPG 临界点critical point 临界状态critical state 临界体积critical volume 临界温度critical temperature 临界压力critical pressure 临界凝析温度cricondentherm 临界凝析压力cricondenbar 露点dew point

露点曲线dew point curve 烃露点hydrocarbon dew point 平衡露点equilibrium dew point 泡点bubble point

泡点曲线bubble point curve

油气系统相图phase diagram of oil-gas system 逆蒸发retrograde evaporation 反凝析retrograde condensation 饱和蒸气压saturated vapor pressure 湍流turbulent flow 层流laminar flow

牛顿流体Newtonian fluid 非牛顿流体non-Newtonian fluid 塑性流体plastic fluid

假塑性流体pseudoplastic fluid 幂率流体power law fluid 剪切率shear rate 屈服值yield value

动力粘度dynamic viscoisity 绝对粘度absolute viscosity

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相对粘度relative viscosity 视密度observent density

双电层(又称偶电层)electrostatic double layer 水合作用(又称水化作用)hydration 生物降解(作用)biodegradation


石油天然气地质学geology of oil and gas 石油地质学petroleum geology 天然气地质学 geology of natural gas 石油地球化学petroleum geochemistry

储层地质学reservoir geology

油气田地质学geology of oil and gas field

油气田水文地质学hydrogeology of oil and gas field 应用地球物理学applied geophysics 油气田勘探exploration of oil and gas 地质勘探geological exploration

地球物理勘探geophysical exploration 地球化学勘探geochemical exploration 海上油气勘探offshore petroleum exploration 地热勘探geothermal exploration 数学地质(学)mathematical geology 遥感地质remote-sensing geology 实验室分析laboratory analysis

油气资源预测assessment of petroleum resources

2. 含油气盆地构造学

构造地质学structural geology 大地构造学geotectonics 板块构造学plate tectonics 地球动力学geodynamics 地质力学geomechanics 构造structure


地壳运动crustal movement 水平运动horizontal movement 垂直运动vertical movemen 造山运动orogeny

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造陆运动epeirogeny 构造模式structural model

构造样式(又称构造风格)structural style 构造类型tectonic type 构造格架tectonic framework 应力型式stress pattern

压(缩)应力compressive stress 张应力tensile stress 剪应力shear stress 挤压作用compression 拉张作用extension

压扭作用(又称压剪)transpression 张扭作用(又称张剪)transtension 左旋sinistral rotation,left lateral 右旋dextral rotation,right lateral 地幔隆起mantal bulge 地幔柱mantal plume

结晶基地crytalline basement 沉积盖层sedimentary cover 构造旋回tectonic cycle 构造单元tectonic unit 地槽geosyncline

地台(曾用名陆台)platform 克拉通craton

准地槽parageosyncline 准地台paraplatform 地盾shield 地块massif

地向斜geosyncline 地背斜geoanticline 台向斜platform syneclise 台背斜platform anticlise


坳陷(二级构造单元)depression 凸起swell,convex

凹陷(三级构造单元)sag,concave 长垣placanticline

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褶皱fold 斜坡slope


构造鼻strctural nose 背斜anticline 向斜syncline 穹窿dome

滚动背斜rollover anticline 牵引皱褶drag fold

披覆褶皱(又称披盖褶皱)drape fold 底辟构造(又称刺穿构造)diapiric structure 盐丘salt dome

刺穿盐丘salt diapir 盐构造作用halokinesis 断层fault

断层生长指数fault growth index

同生断层contemporaneous fault,synsedimentary fault,growth fault 正断层normal fault 逆断层reverse fault


上冲断层(逆掩断层)overthrust 下冲断层underthrust 上冲席overthrust sheet 走滑断层strike-slip fault 转换断层transform fault 倾向滑动断层dip-slip fault 地堑graben


半地堑(又称箕状凹陷)half-graben 推覆体nappe 整合conformity

不整合unconformity 假整合disconformity 块断作用block faulting

重力滑动作用gravitational sliding 地裂运动taphrogeny 板块运动plate movement

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A型俯冲A-subduction B型俯冲B-subduction 俯冲subduction 仰冲obduction 板块边界plate boundary 离散边界divergent boundary 会聚边界convergent boundary 转换边界trnsform boundary 大陆边缘continental margin

活动大陆边缘active continental margin 被动大陆边缘passive continental margin 大陆漂移continental drift 板块碰撞plate collision

大陆增生continental accretion 岛弧island arc 海沟trench

沟弧盆系trench-arc-basin system 弧前盆地fore-arc basin

弧后盆地back-arc basin,retroarc basin 弧间盆地interarc basin

边缘海盆地marginal sea basin 坳拉槽盆地aulacogen

斜坡盆地slope basin

大陆边缘断陷盆地continent-marginal faulted basin 大陆边缘三角洲盆地continental-marginal delta basin 裂谷盆地rift basin

内克拉通盆地intracratonic basin 周缘前陆盆地peripheral foreland basin 弧后前陆盆地retroarc foreland basin 破裂前陆盆地broken foreland basin 山前坳陷盆地piedmont depression basin 复合型盆地composite basin 山间盆地intermontaine basin

残留大洋盆地remnant ocean basin 原始大洋裂谷盆地protoceanic rift basin 新生大洋盆地nascent ocean basin 深海平原盆地dep-sea plain basin

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扭张盆地transtensional basin 扭压盆地transpressional basin 拉分盆地pull-apart basin

洋壳型盆地ocean-crust type basin 过渡壳型盆地transition-crust type basin 陆壳型盆地continental-crust basin 多旋回盆地polycyclic basin 块断盆地block fault basin 地堑盆地graben basin

含油气大区petroliferous province 含油气盆地petroliferous basin

含油气区petroliferous region

油气聚集带petroleum accumulation zone 盆地分析basin analysis

盆地数值模拟basin numerical simulation

3. 含油气盆地沉积学

沉积学sedimentology 沉积物sediment

沉积岩sedimentary rock


沉积分异作用sedimentary differentiation 沉积旋回sedimentary cycle,depositional-cycle 同生作用syngenesis 成岩作用diagenesis 成岩阶段diagenetic stage

后生作用(又称晚期成岩作用)epigenesist,catagenesis 变生作用(曾用名深变作用)metagenesis 碎屑岩clastic rock,detrital rock 砂岩sandstone 粉砂岩siltstone 砾岩conglomerate 角砾岩breccia

火山碎屑岩pyroclastic rock,volcanoclastic rock 碳酸盐岩carbonate rock 石灰岩limestone 白云岩dolomite,dolostone 泥灰岩marl

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粘土岩claystone 泥质岩argillite 泥岩mudstone 页岩shale 蒸发岩evaporite 盐岩salt rock

可燃有机岩caustobiolith 沉积中心depocenter

沉降中心subsiding center

岩相古地理lithofacies palaeogeography 沉积环境sedimentary enviroment

沉积体系sedimentary system,depositional system 沉积相sedimentary facies 岩相lithofacies 生物相biofacies

地球化学相geochemical facies 相标志facies marker 相模式facies model 相分析facies analysis

山麓洪积相piedmont pluvial facies 碎屑流沉积debris flow deposit 泥石流沉积mud-debris flow deposit 冲积扇相alluvial fan facies 河流相fluvial facies

辩状河沉积braided stream deposit 曲流河沉积meandering stream deposit 网状河沉积anastomosed stream deposit

河床滞留沉积channel-lag deposit 凸岸坝沉积(又称“点砂坝沉积”、“边滩沉积”)poit bar deposit 心滩沉积mid-channel bar deposit 天然堤沉积natural levee deposit 决口扇沉积crevasse-splay deposit 废弃河道沉积abandoned channel deposit 牛轭湖沉积oxbow lake deposit

河漫滩沉积(又称洪泛平原沉积)flood-plain deposit 侧向加积lateral accretion 垂向加积vertical accretion

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湖泊相lacustrine facies 盐湖相salt-lake facies 冰川相glacial facies 沙漠相desert facies 风成沉积eolian deposit 海相marine facies 深海相abyssal facies 半深海相bathyal facies 浅海相neritic facies

浅海陆架相neritic shelf facies 滨海相littoral facies

陆相nonmarine facies,continental facies 海岸沙丘coastal dune 内陆沙丘interior dune 沙漠沙丘desert dune

正常浪基面(又称正常浪底)normal wave base 风暴浪基面(又称风暴浪底)storm wave base 过渡相transition facies 三角洲相delta facies

扇三角洲相fan-delta facies

三角洲平原delta plain,deltaic plain 三角洲前缘delta front,deltaic front 前三角洲prodelta

建设性三角洲constructive delta 破坏性三角洲destructive delta 河口沙坝river mouth bar 远沙坝distal bar

指状沙坝finger bar

三角洲前缘席状砂delta front sheet sand 分流间湾沉积interdistributary bay deposit 河口湾沉积estuary deposit

澙湖相(又称泻湖相)lagoon facies 蒸发岩相evaporite facies 潮滩(又称潮坪)tidal flat 潮汐通道tidal channel 潮汐三角洲todal delta 潮上带supratidal zone

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潮间带intertidal zone 潮下带subtidal zone

塞卜哈环境Sabkha enviroment 浅滩(又称沙洲)shoal 海滩beach 湖滩beach 岸堤bank

障壁岛barrier island 浊流turbidity current 浊积岩turbidite 浊积岩相turbidite facies 湖底扇sublacustrine fan 海底扇submarine fan

鲍马序列Bouma sequence 碳酸盐台地carbonate platform 局限海restricted sea

广海(又称开阔海)open sea

陆表海epicontinental sea,epeiric sea 陆缘海pericontinental sea 边缘海margin sea 盆地相basin facies 深海平原abyssal plain

广海陆架相open sea shelf facies

台地前缘斜坡相platform foreslope facies 生物丘相biohermal facies

生物礁相organic reef facies

台地边缘浅滩相shoal facies of platform margin

4. 油气性质

石油荧光性oil fluorescence 石油旋光性oil rotary polarization 石油灰分oilash

钒-镍比vanadium to nickel ratio,V/Ni 游离气free gas

溶解气dissolved gas 沼气marsh gas

泥火山气mud volcano gas 惰性气inert gas

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固体沥青solid bitumen 基尔沥青kir 高氮沥青algarite 地沥青maltha 石沥青asphalt 硬沥青gilsonite 脆沥青grahamite


次石墨graphitoid,schungite 地沥青化作用asphaltization 碳青质(又称卡宾)carbene 高碳青质carboid

总烃total hydrocarbon 岩屑气cutting gas

吸附烃adsorbed hydrocarbon 溶解烃dissolved hydrocarbon 游离沥青free bitumen 束缚沥青fixed bitumen

抽提沥青extractable bitumen 氯仿沥青chloform bitumen

酒精-苯沥青alcohol-benzene bitumen

甲醇-丙酮-苯抽提物(简称MAB抽提物)methanol-acetone-benzene extract 分散沥青dispersed bitumen 荧光沥青fluorescent bitumen

5. 油气成因

无机成因论inorganic origin theory 碳化物论carbide theory 宇宙论universal theory 岩浆论magmatic theory

(石油)高温成因论pyrogenetic theory 蛇纹石化生油论serpontinization theory 有机成因论organic origin theory 动物论animal theory 植物论plant theory

动植物混合论animal-plant theory 干酪根降解论kerogen degragation theory 分散有机质dispersed organic matter

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腐泥质sapropelic substance 腐泥化作用saprofication 腐殖质humic substance 腐殖酸humic acid



腐泥型干酪根(又称Ⅰ型干酪根)sapropel-type kerogen, Ⅰ-type kerogen 混合型干酪根(又称Ⅱ型干酪根)mixed-type kerogen, Ⅱ-type kerogen 腐殖型干酪根(又称Ⅲ型干酪根)humic-type kerogen, Ⅲ-type kerogen 显微组分(曾用名煤素质)maceral 壳质组(又称稳定组)exinite,liptinite 孢子体sporinite 角质体cutinite 藻类体alginite 树脂体resinite 镜质体vitrinite 结构镜质体telinite 无结构镜质体collinite 惰质体inertinite 微粒体micrinite 菌类体sclerotinite 丝质体fusinite

半丝质体semifusinite 无定形amorphous 草质herbaceous 木质woody


还原环境reducing environment 铁还原系数reduced coefficient oh ferrite 还原硫reduced sulfur

自生矿物authigenic mineral 黄铁矿pyrite 菱铁矿siderite 赤铁矿hematite

有机质演化organic matter evolution 有机质成岩作用organic matter diagenesis

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有机质后生作用(曾用名有机质退化作用)organic matter catagenesis 有机质变生作用organic matter metagenesis 有机质变质作用organic matter metamorphism 生物化学降解作用biochemical degragation 碳化作用carbonization

生物化学生气阶段biochemical gas-genous stage

热催化生油气阶段thermo-catalytic oil-gas-geneous stage 热裂解生凝析气阶段thermo-cracking condensate-geneous stage 深部高温生气阶段deep pyrometric gas-geneous stage 未成熟期immature phase 成熟期mature phase

过熟期postmature phase

生油门限threshold of oil generation 液态窗(又称主要生油期)liquid window 死亡线death line 海相生油marine origin

陆相生油nonmarine origin

二次生油secondary generation of oil 烃源岩(曾用名生油气岩)source bed 油源岩(曾用名生油层)oil source bed 气源层(曾用名生气层)gas source bed 油源层系(曾用名生油层系)oil source bed 有效烃源层effective source bed 潜在烃源层potential source bed 油页岩oil shale

生油指标source rock index

有机质丰度organic matter abundance 有机碳organic carbon

耗氧量oxygen consumption 成熟作用maturation

有机质成熟度organic matter maturity

有机变质程度level of organic metamorphism,LOM 时间-温度指数time-temperature index,TTI 镜质组反射率(符号Ro) vitrinite reflectance 定碳比carbon ratio

孢粉颜色指数sporopollen color index 热变指数thermal alteration index,TAI

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牙形石色变指数conodont alteration index,CAI 碳优势指数carbon preference index,CPI

奇偶优势odd-even predominance,OEP

正环烃成熟指数normal paraffin maturity index,NPMI 环烷烃指数naphthene index,NI

芳香烃结构分布指数aromatic structural index,ASI 自由基浓度number of free radical

电子自旋共振信号electron spin resonance signal,ESR signal 顺磁磁化率paramagnetic susceptibility 自旋密度spin density

转化率transformation ratio,hydrocarbon-generating ratio 沥青系数bitumen coefficient 生油率oil-generating ratio 生气率gas-generating ratio 生油量oil-generating quantity

生油潜量potential oil-generating quantity 氢碳原子比hydrogen to carbon atomic ratio,H/C 氧碳原子比oxygen to carbon ratio,O/C 源岩评价仪Rock-Eval 氢指数hydrogen index,HI 氧指数oxygen index,OI

油源对比oil and resource rock correlation 气源对比gas and resource rock correlation 地球化学化石geochemical fossil 指纹化合物fingerprint compound

生物标志[化合]物biomarker,biological marker 生物构型biological configuration 地质构型geological configuration 立体异沟化stereoisomerism 立体异构体stereoisomer,stereomer 甾类steroid 甾烷sterane 降甾烷norsterane 胆甾烷cholestane 谷甾烷sitstane 豆甾烷stigmastane 粪甾烷coprostane

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正常甾烷(规则甾烷)regular sterane 重排甾烷rearranged sterane 孕甾烷pregnane

萜类(又称萜族化合物)terpenoid 萜烷terpane

三环萜烷tricyclic terpane 四环萜烷tetracyclic terpane

五环三萜烷pentacyclic triterpane 藿烷hopane 降藿烷norhopane 羽扇烷lupane 莫烷moretane

降莫烷normoretane λ蜡烷gammacerane 奥利烷oleanane 乌散烷ulsane 松香烷abietane 杜松烷cadinane 雪松烷cedarane 补身烷drimane 海松烷pimarane 罗汉松烷podocarpane 角鲨烷squalane

甾烷—藿烷比steraneto hopane ratio 倍半萜sesquiterpene 二萜diterpene 三萜triterpene 多萜polyterpene 胡萝卜烷carotane 类胡萝卜素carotenoid 类异戊二烯isoprenoid

类异戊二烯烃isoprenoid hydrocarbon 殖烷phytane 姥鲛烷pristane

姥值比pristane to phytane ratio,Pr/Ph 降姥鲛烷norpristane

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法呢烷farnesane 卟啉porphyrin

天然气成因类型genetic types of natural gas

无机成因气inorganic genetic gas, abiogenetic gas 火山气valcanic gas 深源气deep source gas 幔源气mantle source gas 岩浆岩气magmatic rock gas 变质岩气metamorphic rock gas 宇宙气universal gas

无机盐类分解气decomposition gas of inorganic salt 有机成因气organic genetic gas

腐泥型天然气sapropel-type natural gas 腐殖型天然气humic-type natural gas 腐殖煤型天然气humolith-type natural gas 生物气biogenic gas,bacterial gas 油型气petroliferous gas 煤型气coaliferous gas 煤成气coal-genetic gas 煤系气coal-measure gas 煤层气coal seam gas

腐泥型裂解气sapropel-type cracking gas 腐殖型裂解气humic-type cracking gas 非常规气unconventional gas 地热气geothermal gas

饱气带aeration zone

异丁烷—正丁烷比isobutane to normal butane ratio 正庚烷normal heptane

甲基环己烷methylcyclohexane 二甲基环戊烷dimethyl cyclopentane 庚烷值heptane value

甲烷系数methane coefficient 干燥系数drying coefficient 碳同位素carbon isotope 氢同位素hydrogen isotope 氧同位素oxygen isotope 氦同位素比率helium isotope ratio

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氩同位素比率argon isotope ratio

6. 油气储集层

储集岩reservoir rock 储集层reservoir bed 含油层oil-bearing horizon 含油层系oil-bearing sequence 碎屑岩类储集层clastic reservoir 碳酸盐岩类储集层carbonate reservoir 结晶岩类储集层crystalline reservoir 泥质岩类储集层argillaceous reservoir 孔隙型储集层porous-type reservoir 裂隙型储集层fractured reservoir 储层连续性reservoir continuity

储层非均质性reservoir heterogeneity 胶结作用cementation 胶结类型cementation type 基底胶结basal cement 孔隙胶结porous cement 接触胶结contact cement 杂乱胶结chaotic cement 溶解作用dissolution 压溶作用pressolution

交代作用replacement,metasomatism 白云石化作用dolomitization 去白云石化作用dedolomitization 储集空间reservoir space 原生孔隙primary pore 次生孔隙secondary pore 粒间孔隙intergranular pore 粒内孔隙intragranular pore 生物骨架孔隙bioskeleton pore 生物钻孔孔隙bioboring pore 鸟眼孔隙bird’s-eye pore

晶间孔隙intercrystalline pore 溶孔dissolved pore

粒内溶孔intragranular dissolved pore 粒间溶孔intergranular dissolved pore

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印模孔隙(曾用名溶模孔隙)moldic pore 溶洞dissolved carvern 溶缝dissolved fracture 裂缝fracture,fissure 构造裂缝structural fracture 成岩裂缝diagenetic fracture 压溶裂缝pressolutional fracture 缝合线stylolite

储层性质reservoir property

超毛细管空隙super-capillary interstice 毛细管空隙capillary interstice

微毛细管空隙micro-capillary interstice 孔隙度porosity

总孔隙度(又称绝对孔隙度)total porosity 有效孔隙度effective porosity 裂缝密度 fracture density

裂缝系数fracture coefficient

裂缝强度指数fracture intensity index,FII 渗透率permeability 达西定律Darcy law 孔隙pore 喉道throat


夹层intercalated bed

隔层barrier bed,impervious bed 压汞资料 intrusive mercury data 排替压力displacement pressure 突破压力breakthrough pressure 突破时间breakthrough time

生储盖组合source-reservoir-caprock assemblage,SRCA 旋回式生储盖组合cyclic SRCA

侧变式生储盖组合lateral changed SRCA

同生式生储盖组合(又称自生自储式生储盖组合)syngenetic SRCA


初始运移initial migration 层内运移internal migration 排驱作用expulsion

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初次运移primary migration 二次运移secondary migration 侧向运移lateral migration 垂向运移vertical migration 区域运移regional migration 局部运移local migration

同期运移synchronous migration 后期运移postchronous migration 运移方向migration direction 运移通道migration pathway 运移距离migration distance 运移时期migration period 输导层carrier bed 水相water phase

烃相hydrocarbon phase 固相solid phase

油珠oil droplet

连续油相oil-continuous phase 气泡gas bubble

气相gas phase

排烃临界值(又称油气临界释放因子)expulsion threshold value of hydrocarbon,critical release factor of oil and gas

排烃效率expulsion efficient of hydrocarbon

有效排烃厚度effective thickness of expulsion hydrocarbon 压实[作用]compaction

初期压实阶段initial compaction stage 稳定压实阶段steady compaction stage 突变压实阶段saltatory compaction stage 紧密压实阶段close compaction stage 欠压实页岩undercompaction shale 水热增压作用aquathermal pressuring 渗析作用(曾用名渗透作用)osmosis 粘土脱水作用clay dehydration 结晶水crystalline water 层间水interlayer water 吸附水adsorbed water 结构水textural water

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甲烷增生作用methane accreting, methane generating 地层压力formation pressure 上覆岩层压力overburden pressure 岩石压力rock pressure

孔隙流体压力(又称孔隙压力)pore fluid pressure 地静压力geostatic pressure 静水压力hydrostatic pressure

动水压力(又称水动力)hydrodynamic pressure 折算压力reduced pressure 总水头(又称水势)total head

承压水头pressure head,confined head 高程水头elevation head

压力系数pressure coefficient 供水区recharge area 承压区confined area 泄水区discharge area 含水层aquifer 不透水层aquifuge 自流水artesian water 承压水confined water 土壤水soil water 潜水phreatic water

测压面piezometric surface 测势面potentiometric surface 静液面static liquid level 动液面dynamic liquid level 潜水面phreatic water table 水力梯度hydraulic gradient 势分析potential analysis 气势分忻gas potential analysis

油势分析oil potential analysis

水势分析(又称总水斗分析)water potential analysis 等势面isopotential surface 等压面iaopressure surface 构造作用力tectonic force 浮力buoyancy 扩散diffusion

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异常高压(又称高压)abnormal pressure,overpressure 异常低压subnormal pressure,subpressure 地压geopressure

地热geotherm,terrestrial heat

地热田geothermal field, terrestrial heat field 岩石热导率thermal conductivity of rock 大地热流值terrestrial heat flow value 地热梯度(又称地温梯度)geothermal gradient 地热增温级geothermal degree



有效圈闭effective trap 隐蔽圈闭subtle trap 成岩圈闭diagenetic trap

水动力圈闭hydrodynamic trap 压力封闭pressure seal

重力分异gravitational differentiation 差异聚集differential accumulation 背斜理论anticline theory

集油面积collecting area

储油构造(又称含油构造)oil-bearing structure 储气构造gas-bearing structure

原生油气藏primary hydrocarbon reservoir 次生油气藏secondary hydrocarbon reservoir 构造油气藏structural hydrocarbon reservoir

背斜油气藏anticlinal hydrocarbon reservoir

挤压背斜油气藏squeezed anticline hydrocarbon reservoir 长垣背斜油气藏placanticline anticline hydrocarbon reservoir 底辟背斜油气藏diapir anticline hydrocarbon reservoir 滚动背斜油气藏rollover anticline hydrocarbon reservoir 披盖背斜油气藏drape anticline hydrocarbon reservoir 向斜油气藏synclinal hydrocarbon reservoir

断层遮挡油气藏fault-screened hydrocarbon reservoir 断块油气藏fault block hydrocarbon reservoir 裂缝油气藏 fractured hydrocarbon reservoir 盐丘遮挡油气藏 salt diapir hydrocarbon reservoir

泥火山遮挡油气藏mud volcano screened hydrocarbon reservoir

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岩浆柱遮挡油气藏magmatic plug hydrocarbon reservoir 地层油气藏 stratigraphic hydrocarbon reservoir

地层超覆油气藏 stratigraphic onlap hydrocarbon reservoir

地层不整合油气藏stratigraphic unconformity hydrocarbon reservoir 潜山油气藏buried hill hydrocarbon reservoir

基岩油气藏 basement hydrocarbon reservoir

生物礁块油气藏reef hydrocarbon reservoir,bioherm hydrocarbon reservoir 岩性油气藏lithologic hydrocarbon reservoir

岩性尖灭油气藏 lithologic pinchout hydrocarbon reservoir 岩性透镜体油气藏 lithologic lenticular hydrocarbon reservoir 古河道油气藏palaeochannel hydrocarbon reservoir 古海岸沙洲油气藏palaeooffshore bar hydrocarbon reservoir 带状油气藏banded hydrocarbon reservoir

层状油气藏stratified stratified hydrocarbon reservoir 块状油气藏massive hydrocarbon reservoir 不规则状油气藏irregular hydrocarbon reservoir 喀斯持油气藏karst hydrocarbon reservoir 沥青塞封闭油藏asphalt-sealed oil reservoir 饱和油气藏saturated hydrocarbon reservoir 凝析气藏condensate gas reservoir

背料油气藏参数parameter of anticlinal reservoir 圈闭容积trap volume 闭合面积closure area 闭合度closure 溢山点spill point

油气藏高度height of hydrocarbon pool, height of hydrocarbon reservoir 油柱高度oil column height 气柱高度gas column height 气顶gas cap 边水edge water

底水bottom water

有效厚度net-pay thickness 含油面积oil-bearing area 含气面积gas-bearing area

纯油带面积area of inner-boundary of oil zone

油水过渡带面积area of transitional zone from oil to water 含油边界oil boundary

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含气边界gas boundary 含水边界water boundary 油水界面water-oil boundary 油气界面oil-gas boundary 油藏描述reservoir description

油藏评价reservoir evaluation,pool evaluation


区域勘探regional exploration 工业勘探industrial exploration 预探priliminary prospecting 详探detailed prospecting

地质测量geological survey

构造地质测量structural geological survey 地质剖面geological section 构造剖面structural section

区域综合大剖面regional comprehensive section,regional composite cross section 区域地层对比regional stratigraphic correlation 岩性对比lithological correlation

古生物对比palaeontological correlation 沉积旋回对比sedimentary cycle correlation 重砂矿物对比placer mineral correlation 元素对比element correlation 古地磁对比paleomagnetic correlation 露头outcrop

油气显示indication of oil and gas, oil and gas show 油气苗oil and gas seepage 油苗oil seepage 气苗gas seepage

沥青苗asphalt seepage 沥青湖pitch lake 沥青丘pitch mound 沥青脉bituminous vein

沥青砂(曾用名重油砂、焦油砂)tar sand 油砂oil sand 泥火山mud volcano 地质模型geological model 地质模拟geological modelling

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地下地质subsurface geology 取心井coring hole

参数井(曾用名基准井)parameter well 探井prospecting well,exploratory well

预探井(曾用名野猫井)preliminary prospecting well,wildcat 发现井discovery well

详探井detailed prospecting well

探边井delineation well,extension well

评价井assessment well,appraisal well,evaluation well 开发井development well 生产井producing well,producer 注水井water injection well, injector 注气井gas injection well 布井系统well pattern 单井设计well design 井身结构casing programme 固井cementing 试井well testing 试油testing for oil

试采production testing

标准层marker bed, key bed, datum bed 目的层target stratum 地质录井geological logging 岩心灵并core logging 岩屑录并cutting logging 岩屑滞后时间lag time of cutting 钻时录井drilling-time logging 钻速录井drilling rate logging 泥浆录井mud logging 荧光录井fluorescent logging 井斜平面图drill-hole inclination plan 地层对比stratigraphic correlation 含油级别oil-bearing grade

完井方案completion programme 圈闭发现率trap discovery ratio 商业油气流commercial oil and gas flow

油藏驱动机理(又称油层驱动机理)reservoir drive mechanism

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单井产量well production rate 年产量annual output, annual yield

圈闭勘探成功率trap exploration success ratio 储量增长率reserves increase ratio 勘探效率exploration efficiency 勘探成本exploration cost

探井成本cost of prospecting well


△碳法delta-carbon method

K—V指纹法K-V fingerprint technique 吸附烃法absorbed hydrocarbon method 气体测量gas survey 沥青测量bitumen survey

水化学测量hydrochemical survey

水文地球化学测量hydrogeochemical survey 细菌勘探bacteria prospecting 土壤盐测量soil salt suevey 地殖物法geobotanical method 放射性测量radioactive survey

氧化还原电位法oxidation-reduction potential method


区域地震地层学regional seismic stratigraphy 储层地震地层学reservoir seismic stratigraphy 层序地层学sequence stratigraphy

成因层序地层学genetic sequence stratigraphy 年代地层学chronostratigraphy 生物地层学biostratigraphy 磁性地层学magnetostratigraphy 地震岩性学seismic lithology 横向预测lateral prediction

确定性储层模拟deterministic reservoir modeling 随机性储层模拟stochastic reservoir modeling 地质统计储层模拟geostatiscal reservoir modeling 人机[交互]联作解释interactive interpretation 反射终端(又称反射终止)reflection termination 整一concordance 不整一uncorncordance

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上超onlap 退覆offlap


浅水顶超shallow-water toplap 深水顶超deep-water toplap 湖岸上超coastal onlap 深水上超deep-water onlap 下超downlap 底超baselap


视削截(曾用名视削蚀)apparent truncation 沉积间断hiatus

超层序supersequence 层序sequence


最大洪水界面maximum flooding surface 缓慢沉积剖面(又称饥饿剖面)condensed section 高水位期highstand period 低水伦期lowstand period

体系域system tract

低水位体系域low system tract,LST 海进体系域transgressive system tract,TST 高水位体系城high system tract,HST

陆架边缘体系域shelf margin system tract,SMST 盆底扇basin floor fan 斜坡扇slope fan

滑塌块体slump block

滑塌扇slump fan

楔状前积体wedge-prograding complex 地震层序seismic sequence 地震相seismic facies

反射结构reflection configuration

前积反射结构progradational reflection configuration s形前积结构sigmoid progradation configuration 斜交前积结构oblique progradation configuration 叠瓦状前积结构shingled progradation configuration 帚状前积结构brush progradation configuration

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杂乱前积结构chaotic progradation configuration 前积—退积结构progradation-retrogradation configuration 非前积反射结构nonprogradational reflection configuration 平行结构parallel configuration 亚平行结构subparrallel configuration 乱岗状结构hummocky configuration 波状结构wave configuration 扭曲形结构contorted configuration 断开结构disrupted configuration 发散结构divergent configuration 杂乱结构chaotic configuration 无反射结构reflection-free configuration 反射外形reflection external form 席状相sheet facies

席状披盖相sheet drape facies 楔状相wedged facies 丘状相mounded facies 滩状相bank facies 透镜状相lens facies

滑塌相slump facies

火山丘相valcanic mound facies 充填相filled facies

反射连续性reflection continuity 振幅amplitude 频率frequence


岩性指数lithologic index

砂岩百分含量sandstone percent content 偏砂相sand-prone facies 偏泥相shale-prone facies 地震相单元seismic facies unit 地震相分析seismic facies analysis 地震相图seismic facies map 测井相log facies 岩心相core facies

钻井—地震相剖面图drill-seismicfacies section 沉积环境图depositional environment map

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成因地层单位genetic stratigraphic unit 年代地层单位chrono stratigraphic unit 岩电地层单位litho-electric stratigraphic unit 等时性isochronism 穿时性diachronism 远景地区prospect 分辨率resolution

保持振幅处理preserved amplitude processing 地震模型seismic model 反演模拟inverse modeling 相位phase

零相位zero phase 薄层thin bed

调谐厚度tuning thickness 反射强度reflection strength 相对速度relative velocity

绝对速度absolute velocity

油气检测hydrocarbon detection

声阻抗差acoustic impedance difference 振幅随炮检距变化amplitude versus offset,AVO


地理遥感geographical remote sensing

航空遥感aerial remote sensing

地球资源技术卫星earth resources technology satellite,ERTS 地质卫星geologic satellite 海洋卫星Seasat 陆地卫星Landsat

高级地球资源观测系统Advanced Earth Resources Observation System,AEROS

红外摄影infrared photograph

多谱段扫描系统multispectral scanner system 多谱段图象multispectral image


彩色合成图象color-composite image,color imagery 波谱分析spectral analysis 地面分辨率ground resolution 灰度gray scale

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紫外线 ultraviolet

粗粒的,粗晶粒的 coarse-grained 单晶的 monocrystalline 多晶的 polycrystalline 岩屑的,石质的 lithic 云母 mica

叠瓦状断层 imbricate fault

17 岩性,岩石学 (lithology)

玄武岩的basaltic 玄武岩basalt

岩浆岩 magmatic rocks 白云岩 dolostone 石灰石 limestone 粒状灰岩 grainstone 方解石 calcite 页岩 shale 泥岩 mudstone 粉砂岩siltstone 砂岩 sandstone 砾岩 conglomerate 蒸发岩 evaporite 火成岩 igneous rock 泥粒灰岩Packstone 束石 系石boundstone 绿泥石 chlorite 海绿石 glauconite

伊利石 illite

蒙脱石,蒙皂石(族名) smectite 黄铁矿 pyrite 重晶石 barite 高岭石 kaolinite

硬石膏,无水石膏 anhydrite 白云石 dolomite 铁白云石 ankerite 岩盐 halite

互层,夹层,间层 interbed

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Hydrocarbon 烃,碳氢化合物 Membrane 薄膜,隔膜 Matrix 基质,填隙物质 Fracture 断口,破裂,断裂

Pressure differencial system压力差系统 Normal fault正断层 Reverse fault逆断层 Strike-slip fault平移断层 Fault surface 断层面 fault gouge 断层泥

shale gouge ratio (涂抹)断层泥比(SGR) Step fault阶梯状断层

Imbricate structure叠瓦状构造 graben地堑 horst地垒

phyllosilicate 页硅酸盐 silicate 硅酸盐

clay material content粘土矿物含量 mercury 汞,水银 2007/1/9

geomorphology 地形学

source bed(rock) 烃源层(岩) marine 海相的,航海的,海产的 draughtsman 制图员 stratigrapher 地层学家

palaeontologist 古生物学家 subsurface 地下的,表面下的 impervious 密封的

impervious rock 不渗透岩石

metamorphism 变质作用

wildcat vt.盲目钻探vi.盲目开掘油井, 从事非法商业活动 roof rock 盖层,顶盖层 concave 凹的,凹面的 2007/1/12

feldspar 长石类

quartzofeldspathic 石英长石质的

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magnesium 镁

reducing environment 还原环境 anticlinal 背斜

stratigraphic trap 地层圈闭 sea-floor 海底,海床 sea-floor spreading海底扩张 Paleozoic 古生代的,古生代 miogeosynclinal 冒地槽的 epieugeosyncline后成优地槽 crustal 地壳的

terrigenous clastic陆源碎屑 topset 顶积层 bottomset 底积层 foreset 前积层 rift basin 裂谷盆地


lacustrine adj.湖泊的, 湖上的 vitrinite 镜质组,镜质体

thermal alteration index TAI,热变指数 odd-even predominance OEP奇偶优势 carbon predominance index 碳优势指数 2007/1/22

accommodation 可容空间 tangible 有形的,确切的 geomorphological map 地貌图 potentiometric map 等势图 flux 通量,流量 2007/1/23

regressive 海退的

transgressive 海进的,海侵的,不整合侵入的 monoclinal 单斜的

NGL(natural gas liquids)天然凝析油 Strike 走向,打,发现(矿)


gravel 砾石 very coarse极粗粒 coarse粗粒

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medium 中粒 fine 细粒

very fine 极细粒

seismic inversion地震反演


microthermometry 显微计温学,显微测温术 paleothermal 古地温


diapir 底辟,挤入构造,刺穿构造,盐丘 diapiric fold 挤入褶皱,刺穿褶皱 interlayer 夹层

cataclastic 碎裂的

perpendicular 垂直的, 正交的n.垂线 compartmentalize vt.划分


deformation band 形变带,滑移带 shear zone 剪切区域 systematic joints 节理系 joint set节理组

joint spacing 节理间距

gravitational sliding 重力滑动 fold belts 褶皱带

brittle deformation 脆性变形 fracture surface 断裂面 magmatic rock 岩浆岩 geomechanical 地质力学的 Chronologic age 地层年代

heterogeneous 非均质性,多相的,复杂的 attic oil “阁楼油”,顶存油 fold-thrust(belt) 褶皱冲断层,逆掩褶皱 hierarchical 分等级的 bitumen 沥青

outcrop 露出地面的岩层


fractured reservoir 裂隙性油层,裂隙油藏 two-phase flow 两相水流 irreducible saturation 残余饱和度

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stable isotope 稳定同位素 hypersaline 超盐度的

critical condition 临界条件 paragenetic sequence 共生次序 litharenites 岩屑砂岩

morphology 形态学,外貌形态,地貌学 wedge-shaped 楔形的

Secondary electron image (SEI) 二次电子成象 bottom-hole temperature 井底温度 effective stress 有效应力 2007/2/1

turbidity current 混浊流

recovery efficiency 回收效率 isopach map 等厚线图 clean sandstone 纯砂岩 net sandstone 净砂岩 2007/2/3

mechanical wear 机械磨损

hanging wall 上盘 footwall 下盘

hanging-wall cutoff(leading edge) 上盘断壁,前缘

footwall cutoff(trailing edge)(逆掩断层)下盘截断(地层),逆掩断层尾部 2007/2/4

compartmentalization 区分,划分

histogram 柱状图


shore base 海岸基地 shore beacon 陆标 shore bridge 岸桥 shore bulk plant 岸上油库 shore connection 岸上连接点 shore deposit 海滨沉积 shore depot 岸上油库 shore drift current 沿滨漂流 shore drift 海滨漂积物 shore dune 滨岸沙丘

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shore facilities 岸上设备

Shore hardness tester 肖氏硬度计 Shore hardness 肖氏硬度 shore lead 沿滨水道 shore line 海岸线 shore pier 岸墩

shore pipe line 岸上管道 shore profile 海滨剖面

shore protection embankment 海滨防护堤 shore protection structure 海滨防护建筑物 shore station 岸上定位台

shore support base 岸上后勤基地 shore tank farm 岸上油库 shore terminal 岸上油库 shore wall 海滨驳岸 shore zone 海滨带 shore 岸;滨;支柱

shore-based location system 岸基定位系统 shore-based navigation system 岸基导航系统 shore-based processing 岸基处理

shore-connected breakwater 突堤;半岛式防波堤 shore-delta 滨海三角洲 shore-environment 沿岸环境 shore-fast 系船缆 shoreface beach 临滨滩 shoreface sand 滨面砂

shoreface storm deposit 临滨风暴沉积 shoreface 滨面 shoreland 滨岸

shoreline cycle 滨线旋回

shoreline of depression 沉降滨线 shoreline of elevation 上升滨线 shoreside 滨岸的 shorewards 朝着岸

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paleohigh 古高地,古隆起 transgressive 海进的 regressive 海退的

algal-laminated 微生物纹层状的,藻纹层状的

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