英语口语对话材料How to become a straight A student

更新时间:2024-03-07 23:40:01 阅读量: 综合文库 文档下载


Dialect: How to become a straight A student

Narator:Thesummervacation is over,andfive classmates come acrosson the playground.At the

new beginning of the new term,they are talking about how to become a straight A student.

S1:Hello,long time to see.how is it gong?

S2:hello.to be honest the summer vacation was pretty good,but how time flies,it is time for


S3:yes,the time spend at home was always going fast,and the new term is coming I have some

new plans this term.(talking to s1)super scholar ,your grades are always pretty good,can you give me some advices on how to become a straight A student?

The other 2 students:yes,we all care about this.

S1: in fact,I think it is not so difficult to become a straight A student as we have

imagined,everyone has the potential to become a straight A student.i think if you want to become a straight A students,you should spend more time on your study.that’s to say youhave to scariface some of the time you spend on the other things.the most important,youshould listen to the teachers carefully when you are having class.

S4;but the problem is that the teachers speaks and illustrates the points so fast that I can’t

understand what he says.

S5;yes,Iagree with him.whenI can’t understand what the teacher is saying,I would get very

frustrated and lose interest in the course.

S2&s3;the same with me.

S1;yeap,that is a problem.i often comeaccrossthis situation as well.to solve this,I would preview

the textbooks before the class,so when the teacher is talking,I can get a better understanding of him.i recommend you try it as well.

S3:ok.i will have a try.

S4;and there was another problem is that I just can’t do my homeworks ,I think they are too

difficult for me to finish.what should I do to solve the problem?

S1;yes,it is true.the homework sometimes can be pretty difficult. When I meet with difficulitiesI

always turn to my teachers or classmates for help.they are always warm-hearted and I have learned a lot from them.

The other 4;oh,thank you for telling us so much,we will have a try to improve our grades this


S5;oh, there is only 10 minutes left for class, we will be late for class. let’s hurry. The others;let’s go!

