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Appendix :

A: Key points of the conversations with Fiona

1. In TAL Education Group, the teaching of primary students can be divided into two parts. One

is the teaching of Grade One to Grade Three, which is called “Xiaodi”, namely the lower grades in primary school. The other is the teaching of Grade Four to Grade Six, which is called “Xiaogao”, namely the higher grades in primary school. The teaching material for “Xiaodi” is CYLE (Cambridge Young Learners English). And the material for “Xiaogao” is New Concept English.

2. For “Xiaodi”, TPR activities are the most important teaching methods in the class. Because

we are teaching children.

3. The quality it requires to be a good “Xiaodi” teacher:

a) You have to be proficient. Proficiency=Knowledge+ Oral English + Expression

i. Knowledge: You need to do exercises regularly to keep you sense about English,

and to summarize every grammar point and note it down onto a piece of A4 paper. ii. Oral English: No Chinese in class. At least, all of your commands should be in

English. iii. Expression: Practice to express a grammar point in a sentence. You should be

concise. And you can use action, drawing, sound or game to help you.

b) Study: You need to study all the time because you have to know everything about the

things you are going to teach. Study=Observe+ Summarize+ Imitate i. Observe: Go to other teachers’ classes and observe, then learn from their

advantages. ii. Summarize: Mark down and summarize other teachers’ strong points and skills. iii. Imitate: Try to imitate the other teachers first.

c) Practice makes perfect. The first three time of practicing should be kept to yourself and

make it perfect so that no one can see it’s an imitation. A good teacher has to repeat the whole class after observing others’ classes without a break. Write down your script is a good way to help you do that. You should be confident about what you say.

d) Creative: After perfect imitation, you should add up your own style and characteristics

to the class. You need to have something of your own about grammar, reading, writing or listening, including your educational idea.

e) Promotion: Promotion=Reputation+ Information+ Moral quality

i. Reputation: To improve your reputation, you need to show your face as much as

possible by taking part in all kinds of activities, such as lecture, open course, BBS and so on. If you are taken advantage by the parents, never mind. Because in the educational industry, it will pay off sooner or later. ii. Information: It means you need to be informed of the latest information about

where you stay. Be an educational expert instead of a teacher who can be replaced by others at any time. For example, the information covers entering a higher school, the college entrance examination, all kinds of certificates and so on. iii. Moral quality: We are not a teaching machine, but an educator. f) Personality: Personality=Conscience+ Responsibility+ Love + Devotion

i. Conscience: If you cannot teach students well, it’s all about your conscience. ii. Responsibility: A promise is a promise. If you promise the parents something, you

have to be responsible to it. iii. Love: Love your students and pay attention to each of your students. That’s the

basis. iv. Devotion: If there are any methods that can help your students, don’t fell bother

to have a try.

4. When teaching “Xiaodi” class, your commands should be as simple as possible. And certain

amount of extensional knowledge should be included as well. 5. The Procedure to use TPR:

a) Teacher says the word and does the action

b) Teacher invite students to say the word and do the action c) Teacher says the word and students do the action d) Teacher does the action and students say the word e) Students say the word and do the action 6. Demo of the class:

i. After greeting (if it’s the first lesson, ask all the students’ names and introduce

yourself), divide the students into two groups. ii. “Hello, boys and girls.” Said the teacher excitedly. iii. “Hello, teacher.” (If they are hesitate to say this, you need to give commands now,”if

teacher says ‘Hello, bays and girls’, you should say ’Hello, teacher’. Do you understand? Let’s do it again.”) iv. “Do you know my name?” v. ”No” vi. “OK, look at me. It’s…fat. You are right. Fat begins with an ‘F’, and the first letter of

my name is ‘F’. So my name is Fiona. F-I-F-I fi-fi-fi, o-o-o, n-a-n-a na-na-na, Fiona.” (When saying fat, she put her hand on your stomach and make a posture indicates that she is fat. And then she writes down her name and teaches students how to pronounce.)

vii. “OK. Now, what’s my name?” loudly and quickly. viii. “Fiona!” ix. “Oh, I see you. You are the quickest one. And you get the chance to choose your

team. Red team and green team, which one do you want? The red one. Ok, you and one two, three, four, five, six, seven…you are in the red team. And one, two, three, four, five, six, seven…you are in the green team. If you can answer my question, you can get one point and move one step. If you go to the top, I will give you a big big star.”(Take out two magnets, one is red and the other is green. Draw a table as follow on the left.)


xi. xii.


xiv. xv.



“First look at the picture. How many girls are there? How many boys? How many people? Look at this girl, what is she doing? Is she running? Is she play soccer? Is she play tennis?……Where are they? Are they in the library? Are they in the classroom? Are they in the readingroom?...... No, they are in the playground.”(Firstly Fiona presents a picture, in which there are many children playing in the playground. Running, playing soccer, playing tennis and so on are words they learned before. It is to help them keep it in mind. So are the words like classroom, library and reading room. If one question is answered, the magnet should move up. Besides, when she says the words like running and playing soccer, she will do the cooresponding action. This is parts of TPR, said Fiona.)

The content of this class is to learn some places. Playground is one of them. She introduces me several TPR ways to practice drills. Take playground as example. Machinery replacement: means to replace every word with a fixed action. Like:

Play—Clap your hands

Ground—Make a round circle with your hands

Then ask the students to say the corresponding word when you are doing action, vice versa.

Fill up the words. For example:

“When I say play, you say ground. When I say ground, you say play. When I say pl, you say ayground. When I say playgr, you say ound. When I smile , you say playground.”

Chant. For example:

One is play, two is ground, one, two, one, two, playground. Tap the picture on the blackboard. For example:

There are five pictures on the screen. Playground, library, classroom and so on. Tap the corresponding picture when teacher says the word or do the action. Or teacher taps the picture and asks the students to do the action. Song. For example:

Running, running, running, running, jump, jump, jump, jump, jump, jump, walking in the playground, walking in the playground, now let’s stop, now let’s stop.

It’s the melody of “Two Tigers.” This method is to compose the words into the familiar melody and add up some corresponding action.

At last, Fiona concludes what they have learned during this class, gives assignments and then class is over.

B: Procedure of TPR class.

According to my notes of the classes, I summarize the procedure of a TPR class as follow. 1. Greeting

2. Roll call and grouping 3. Warm up

4. Review and dictation 5. Lead in

6. Presentation(Present the contents we are going to learn tody)

7. Drilling (TPR activities) 8. Games(TPR activities) 9. Conclusion

10. Closure and homework

