网申Open Question集合
更新时间:2023-09-14 02:12:01 阅读量: 教学研究 文档下载
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网申Open Question集合
1.Please give a brief summary of your current recreational and leisure activities, including sports and holidays.
2.What clubs and societies are you a member of and in what capacity?
3. What factors have influenced your career choice? 4.Outline your career ambitions and objectives.
5.Describe your greatest success or a situation where you exceeded your own expectation?
1.Please describe your objective and what you have done to date to achieve it.
2. Please include any other information which you may consider relevant to your application. PWC
1)Why are you applying for this position?
2)Please explain how your personal qualities, skills, knowledge and working experience will help you to be successful in the position for which you are applying.
3)What community or students' clubs do you belong to and to what extent are you involved?
4)Any additional information?
If you have completed a work term in a co-op, summer or intern program, please tell us about your experience and how you benefited from it. (Your answer is limited to 1,000 characters.)
If you have been involved in any society, please tell us your role and achievement respectively. (Your answer is limited to 1,000 characters.)
Please let us know your academic and personal accomplishment(s). (Your answer is limited to 1,000 characters.)
Please copy and paste the text from your cover letter here. After pasting your cover letter, please ensure the text is readable.
Please copy and paste the text from your CV/resume here. After pasting your CV/resume, please ensure the text is readable.
Additional InformationCareer Objectives:
Describe a recent project you have worked on which demonstrates your determination to complete challenging tasks and your ability to work with others.
Why have you applied for this position?
Why do you think you are suitable for this position, and what differentiatesyou from other candidates?
Please give details of any previous work experience detailing the relevant dates (temporary or permanent employment or previous internship).
1. 在以上校内/外工作中, 请列举一件您个人感到最自豪的并且由您亲自负责策划实施的成功事例, 并加以具体说明 ( 限200字内)
2. 请描述一下您为何希望应聘该岗位?
3. 请列举您的擅长和不足之处并加以详细说明.
HP、MARS、ICI、箭牌,Open Question 大搜集
Give me an example of an important and challenging goal or
objective you have set yourself in your study / research or the project you have involved. Why did you set this goal? What planning did you do beforehand? What challenges did you face? How did you overcome these challenges?
Give me a specific example of when you had to deal with a sudden change in circumstances at your study / research or the project you have involved. How did you react to the change? What impact did it have on you? What did you do to cope in the most effective way?
1. Please give an example of a time when you developed a new or
different solution to a problem. Why did you think the problem needed a new solution? How did you develop the new solution? What feedback did you receive on how it is working? Please give your answer in English.
2. Please give an example of a career goal that you set yourself. How did you choose the goal that you were aiming towards? What did you do to help you achieve the goal? Please give your answer in English.
3. Sometimes it is difficult to keep the commitments we make to others. Tell me about a situation where this happened to you. Why was it
difficult? How did you decide what to do? What was the impact of this decision? Please give your answer in English. ICI
1. Please state why you are applying for this job?
2. Give an example of a project you have undertaken or an event you have organised. What goals did you set and how did you ensure you
achieved them? Describe how your planning and organisation contributed to the success. What would you have done different?
3. Describe a time where you had to make an unpopular decision and get others to commit to it? What was the decision and what steps did you take to ‘sell’ your decision? What was the outcome?
4. Please describe your most recent experience of working with and/or leading a team. What was the project and your role? What objectives did you set and how did you ensure all the team members worked to achieve them?
5. Describe a time when you saw a problem differently than others. What was you solution and how did you arrive at it? What did this experience tell you about your ability to be innovative? 箭牌
1. Describe the most difficult situation (both physical or psychological) that you have experienced, and what you have done to overcome the difficulties?
2. Describe a typical experience when you need to work closely with a group of people to achieve a goal. What's the goal, your role and the outcome? Or describe a time you need to resolve conflicts with others. What's the conflict and how the conflict was resolved?
3. Describe a time that you had successfully finished a work/plan ahead of schedule.
4. Describe a situation where you have adopted/initiated new approaches?
5. Describe the most complex plan you have developed involving many resources, and what you have done to achieve your goal.
6. Tell me about a time when you had to make a tough or critical or difficult decision. What was the situation? How the decision was made?
7. Tell me about a time when your input motivated others to reach a team goal? 欧莱雅
1、Please describe a situation that your idea was not immediately accepted by others? How did you try to convince them? What was the outcome?
2、Please describe an occasion where you met with real difficulties. How did you solve the problem?
1. Describe a time when you had to come up with a new solution to overcome the considerable resistance and solve the complex problem finally? (No more than 1000 letters)
* 2. Describe the situation where you had to convince someone who was not easily to be convinced? What did you do? (No more than 1000 letters)
* 3. Please describe a time when you saw an opportunity to really make a difference on yourself? (No more than 1000 letters)
* 4. Have you ever been part of a workgroup and attained the group goal through the joint efforts? What role did you play in the whole process? (No more than 1000 letters)
* 5. Tell us you strength which make yourself different from other applicants? (No more than 200 letters)
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