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Test 4


SECTION 1 Questions 1–10

背景信息(Background information)

Section 1 是一个标准的信息填空题,听力原文背景是一个社区中心组织的各种课程, 提供了很多信息,要求考生填表格以及句子。课程共包含了三个课程,水彩画课、毛 利话课程、数字摄影课,信息包括了这些课程的举行地点,时间,需要学生带的东西 以及各自的费用。除此之外还说到了各个课程的注意事项,比如适合哪些人群,联系 方式等。

听前预测(Prediction before listening)

Section 1 中间一般会有短暂的停顿时间,考生有充分的时间预测题目。第 1 题填的 是一个具体的时间,第 2 题填的是一个名词,是一套物品,第 3 题填的是一幢楼中 的一个地点,第 4 题填的也是一个时间,第 5 题填的是照相机的一个部分,第 6 题填一个数字,表示钱。第二部分填空题每题最多填一个字。第 7 题填一种人或者

一个形容词,第 8 题填的是一个人的姓,因此要注意拼写,第 9 题填的是一个名词,注意单复数,第 10 题填的是名词。

重要词汇(Essential vocabulary) particular 特别的 currently 当前的 paint 颜料 instruction 说明书 jar 罐子 accessory 附件 community 社区 lenses 镜头 delay

延迟 watercolours 水彩 recommend 建议 charge 充电 recorder 录音机 stair 楼梯

答案解析(Answer analysis) Question 1

? 定位句:I know it’s on Tuesday but what time exactly? ? 替换词:无

一般涉及简单的单词拼写或时间地点等,都会涉及混淆答案,考生注意判断出本题中第一个提到的时间是过去时 was,为错误答案。正确答案是第二个出现的时间 7.30。 Question 2

? 定位句: she’ll need just a jar for water

? 替换词: some

凡是在填空题中出现 and,and 就是重要的提示词,平行部分的 water jar 被提到后,第 2 题的答案紧随其后,set of 被 some 替代,答案为 pencils。 Question 3

? 定位句: it’s the small room you’ll find there. ? 替换词: 无

本题定位句在正确答案之后,考生可以根据 Maori language 来确认录音已经播放到了第二项课程,当录音说到 which room will that be in 时考生可以明确得知接下来的内容是表示地点,也是答案所在。录音说当你进了这个中心的入口时,你就一直上楼梯直到顶,你会看到个小房间就是那里。根据预测此题需要填 building 的一个部分,因此答案为 top。 Question 4

? 定位句:Let me just check when it’s starting. ? 替换词:delay until 咨询者提到他听说七月的课程已经被延迟到了八月,女生回答恐怕是这样的,因此这道题的答案为August。 Question 5

? 定位句:obviously I need to bring the camera with me. ? 替换词:have ? go with 这道题根据预测填的是名词,录音说完要带照相机后紧接着说要 have the instructions that go with the camera。因此本题答案较为清晰为 instructions。注意单复数。 Question 6

? 定位句:How much does it cost?

? 替换词:无咨询者问完价钱之后,女生回答 4 节课是 35 磅,8 节课是 55 磅,这样可以省 15 磅。考生直接听到三个数字可能无法快速分辨。因此在录音播放前的读题阶段,考生应该划出考题中的 eight,这样当录音说道 8 节课的时候考生便能快速锁定答案为 55。 Question 7

? 定位句:who’s it for? ? 替换词:be designed to

根据预测本题答案填的是一个人群或形容词,咨询者提问完后,女生回答 don’t have to be very

skilled,skilled 虽为形容词但是被否定掉了。接着又说 It’s designed for beginners,这里的 be designed for 意思是为?设计的,替代了题目中的 suits,因此答案为 beginners。 Question 8

? 定位句:His name’s Jason Kahui

? 替换词:无本题是 section 1 中十分常见的人名信息题。考题中给出了名字 Jason,所以当录音提到 Jason Kahui 时考生主要等姓的拼写,一般只会报一遍,考生仔细快速记下即可,答案为 kahui,注意首字母大写。 Question 9 ? 定位句:if you do decide to come to the photography class ? 替换词:look at 本题要考核的是句型转换,当提到 photography class 后,录音说的是 don’t forget to look at your camera battery, 考题中要求填写的是 check the ? of the camera。因此答案很明显为 battery。 Question 10

? 定位句:in the final week of the photography course ? 替换词:visit 本题要填写的是最后一个星期要去的一个本地的地方,录音提到 there’s a visit to a show in the local area。考生应该避免考试中过于紧张而填下 area,本题考核的句型转换,visit to a show in the local area=visit a local show,local=local area,所以答案为 show。

长句理解(Understanding long sentences)

? When you come in through the entrance of the community centre building, you’ll need to go straight up the stairs in front of you, all the way to the top. And it’s the small room you’ll find there.


分析:section 1 中经常会出现这种方向指引型的句子,不涉及复杂方位,但是会包含很多名词。本句中比较令人注意的名词为 entrance, stairs, top 和 room。考官会 任取其一考核,本句考核的是 top。句意理解比较简单,考生注意在听的过程中记下关键词,就能轻松定位答案。

SECTION 2 ECTION 2 ECTION 2 ECTION 2 ECTION 2 ECTION 2 ECTION 2 Questions 11Questions 11Questions 11Questions 11Questions 11 Questions 11Questions 11Questions 11Questions 11–20

背景信息(Background information)

Section 2 为单人演讲独白,这个 section 的背景是一个人安排两个志愿组负责社区公园的工作。首先他给 A 组分配了工作,提到了公园里存在的各种问题,有些是由其他人负责解决,还有一些就需要 A 组的人负责。第二段录音中给 B 组的人分配工作,主要内容是指路,告诉他们他们负责公园内的哪一块,并说了大段的指路性话语。 听前预测(Prediction before listening)

这个 section 包含了两种题型,11,12 题选择的是 A 组人负责的项目,考生应划出各个选项的重点词:

pathways, trees, rubbish, signs, fences。13,14 题选择的是 A 组需要带的东西,由于选项较短,考生通

读一遍即可。15-20 题为地图题,考生需要体现熟悉需要配对的地点以及总体的地图。观察地图发现没有

entrance,但是有十分醒目的 car park,另外题目还提供了 fruit bushes, bicycle track, island,这些都有可能出现在地图题中作为指引。还有地图中心的一个圆圈也要特别注意,所占面积比较大,因此会成为重要的指引词。另外虚线部分的道路一般都叫做 pathway 或 footpath。 重要词汇(Essential vocabulary) council 市政会 waterproof 防水的 litter 垃圾 muddy 泥泞的 priority 优先 gloves 手套 fence 栅栏 advisable

明智的、可取的 construct 建造 spade 铲子 track 小道 hammer 榔头 pathway 道路 assign 分配 species

物种 split 分叉 dig 挖 hive

蜂巢 raincoat 雨衣 pond 池塘

答案解析(Answer analysis) Question 11

? 定位句:the priority for you ? 替换词:constructing 录音说 Group A, there are a couple of things we’d like you to help with.此处提醒考生开始播放选

项。录音首先提到选项 C 的捡垃圾,用 litter or empty bottles 来替代 rubbish,但是叙述者清晰提到了不需要担心捡垃圾,当地学校会组织学生来捡。接下来提到 priority 优先级最高的是帮助建造新木栅栏

new wooden fencing, it needs constructing 此处 constructing 代替 building,因此 E 选项是正确答案。 Question 12

? 定位句:the other thing we’re doing is ? ? 替换词:put back 说完第一个选项之后,叙述者提到了一些 pathway 非常狭窄,需要让他们变得 wider,是 A 选项的内容,但是紧接着说到了关键的转折词 but 来否定掉了这个选项,说 council 会来处理这件事,同时

council 还保证会放一些指示牌 informational signs,因此 D 选项也是错误的。接着叙述者说 the other thing we’re doing 是明显的正确答案的提示,考生仔细核对接下来的内容和选项是否符合即可。叙述者说要去除一些花园里的外来物种,并放一些 putting back 本地的植物树木 native plants and trees,因此 B 选项为正确答案。 Question 13

? 定位句:there’s some items you’ll need to bring along with you ? 替换词:recommend 同样是多选题,考生做好准备排除混淆答案。首先提到的 raincoat 被标准的过去时标志 was 否定,如果考生没听到录音继续用 but 来否定了 raincoat,因此 D 为错误答案。叙述者紧接着用 definitely recommend 引出正确答案 a strong pair of boots,B 选项为正确答案。 Question 14

? 定位句:无

? 替换词:advisable

本题答案非常清晰,叙述者提到带一副自己的手套 own gloves 也是很有必要的 advisable,如果考生不认识 advisable 这个词,也可以通过 also 来判断 gloves 和 boots 并列都是需要的东西。如果考生没有领会到这一点还可以通过排除错误答案来得到正确答案。叙述者继续说道工具会提供的 available,因此 E 是错误选项,最有一个提到的是 food and drink,录音明确说到不需要考虑这个 don’t worry about。因此综合判断 C 为正确答案。 Question 15

? 定位句:if you’ve been assigned to the vegetable beds ? 提示词:take you directly

地图配对题按照顺序报题。首先根据提示 car park 定位到地图最下端。叙述者第一个说的是 vegetable beds,跟着指令走出 car park 然后一直往上走一直走到 circle of trees,考生此时应该定位到地图中间的大圆圈并且知道这一圈都是树。接着叙述者说左手边的路

left-hand side of the footpath,考生注意到上下左右四条路中左边一条很多直接通向选项 G,录音说有一条短路 short track 直接把你带到了 vegetable beds。由此确定 G 为正确答案。 Question 16

? 定位句:if you’re helping out with the bee hives ? 提示词:无根据录音提示,定位点再次回到中间的一圈树,这次叙述者说往右走 right side of that circle,考生迅速看到右边分叉成两条路,叙述者提到这条 path split into two,考生由此确认方向正确。然后录音说选择往下的路 the path that heads down,考生会看到 H、I 两块地方,录音说是 bamboo fence 它们分开,右边的部分是 bee hives,并进一步补充是小的一块,因此答案为 I。 Question 17

? 定位句:for the seating ? 提示词:take you up

起始点再次回到圆圈,这次指向的是向上的路 top of it,这条路会把你带到 seating area,观察地图发现向上的路只有一个地点就是 B,因此答案为 B。 Question 18

? 定位句:If you are volunteering for the adventure playground.

? 提示词:无本题的起始点为 car park,叙述者说往上走一点点然后走第一个左边 first left turn,继续走就会看见一条右边叉出来的小路 short path that goes off to the right,考生注意不要选择 F,因为这个是左边出来的路。叙述者说继续走就会发现 adventure playground,在一片竹篱笆上,考生观察地图可以确认答案为 E。 Question 19

? 定位句:What else? Oh yes, the sand area. ? 提示词:above 本题起始点为 circular footpath,录音然后提到往东也就是往右走 right-hand side,走到右边后道路分开,需要走向上的那条通往自行车道的路 the little path that goes up towards the bicycle track.考生

根据地图可以确定答案为 C、D 中的一个。然后录音继续一道 sand area 在 bamboo area 上,因此答案为 C。 Question 20

? 定位句:Finally, the pond area. ? 替换词:无本题没有起始点,直接说是这张地图的左边 left hand side 朝上 towards the top 的部分,考生可以快速定位 A 选项。录音具体说是在 fruit bushes 上面,一条小路的旁边,由此确定答案就是 A 选项。

长句理解(Understanding long sentences)

? You’ve probably also noticed that some of the pathways that come from the bicycle track are quite narrow – and there are plans to make them wider – but the council will be

dealing with that later in the year, and they’ve also promised to produce some informational signs about the plants in the gardens.

译文:你们可能还注意到了自行道上出来的一些路非常的窄,已经有计划把它们拓宽。但是市镇府会在明年晚些时候处理这件事情。他们还保证将会做一些花园里植物的指示牌。分析:这句句子非常长,包含了两个选项的信息,考生不必全部听懂其中的逻辑关系,抓住关键点即可。首先抓住第一个小分句中的选项关键词 pathway,再在 but 引起的分句中抓住 but 及 council 来确定这件事情不归 volunteer 管。And ? also 的结构表并列,即前后句表达的内容平行,考生可以根据这些结构对考题做出判断

SECTION 3 ECTION 3 ECTION 3 ECTION 3 ECTION 3 ECTION 3 ECTION 3 Questions 21Questions 21Questions 21Questions 21Questions 21 Questions 21Questions 21Questions 21Questions 21–


背景信息(Background information)

Section 3 的背景为两个学生讨论关于食物浪费的研究,是一篇典型的学术讨论。两人首先讨论了英国每年浪费的食物量,以及各种饮料的浪费。之后讨论了生产食物需要消耗的能量及释放的二氧化碳。话题之后转向了二氧化碳,两人讨论二氧化碳产生的原因及谁该为此负责。接着讨论集中在如今的报刊杂志关于食物方面的报道。然后话题又转到了浪费食物的后果及其如何在 presentation 上体现,最后又说了如何组织 presentation 的结构安排。录音的后半段讲述的是不同的针对食物的项目,介绍了它们各自的优点。听前预测(Prediction before listening)

这个 section 的第一部分是选择题的设置。21 题关键词是 2013 survey,选项句子的关键词为

packaging/households/liquid waste。22 题的关键词为 carbon dioxide emission,23 题的关键词为 TV Programme,选线关键词 nutritional/origin/chemicals。24 题关键词为 Anna,强调的是她认为的浪费食物的最重要的观点,选项关键词为 moral/environmental/economic,25 题关键词为 presentation,选项关键词是 questionnaire/statistical/images。26-30 题为配对题,录音按照题目顺序播放,考生关注选项即可。A 选项是 save time,B 选项 create jobs,C 选项 local communities,D 选项 make money,E 选项 personal responsibility,F 选项 advertise,G 选项 little cost。

重要词汇(Essential vocabulary) global 全球的 patch

补片、补丁 statistics 数据 bacteria 细菌 landfill site 垃圾填埋 sensor 传感器 catering 餐饮 detect 侦查 investigate 调查 device

装置 carbon dioxide 二氧化碳 ripe

成熟的 comprehensive 综合的 eventually 最终 documentary 纪录片 distribute 分发 additive

添加剂 compulsory 必须的 recession 衰退 organic 有机的 edible 可食的 compost 堆肥

答案解析(Answer analysis) Question 21

? 题目关键词:2013 study

? 选择关键词:A. packaging B. households C. liquid waste

21 题要求填写的是 Robert 对于 2013 study 的研究。快速阅读选项后确定每个选项的中心意思。A 选项

为包装,B 选项为家庭和餐厅的对比,C 选项为饮料浪费。考生需要根据录音内容判断每个选项是否符

合。录音在提到了 I was looking at a British study from 2013 后,正式开始了这个话题。首先提到这个调查包括了价值 120 亿磅的食品饮料浪费,重量超过了 800 万吨,还不包括包装。这与 A 选项的

focused more on packaging 意义完全不同,因此 A 选项为错误答案。录音接着说,这份调查只提到了家庭浪费,对于 restaurants 和 catering industry 完全没有信息,与B选项的证明家庭浪费比餐厅浪费

完全不同,因此 C 选项也为错误答案。录音接下来说到这份调查确实调查到了牛奶和软饮料的浪费问题,这些都属于 liquid waste,与 C 选项说的调查包括了饮料浪费和食物浪费相符。考生需要理解这里的 liquid waste 指的是饮料浪费,solid 意为固体的,因此指食物浪费,答案为 C 选项。 Question 22

? 题目关键词:carbon dioxide emissions

? 选择关键词:A. food B. transport C. distribution

题目要求选择的是二氧化碳与另一样东西之间的联系。考生听到 ? when they talk about carbon

dioxide emissions 时要开始集中注意。录音中,男生首先提到了调查没有提到生产食物所需的燃料及其释放的二氧化碳,女生回答确实应该首先应该减少食品供给从而真正降低二氧化碳排放。因此符合 A 选项的二氧化碳与食物生产的联系。接下来录音提到 report 中写了太多的关于运输过程中产生的二氧化碳,因此 B 选项错误,C 选项没有被提到。正确答案为 A 选项。 Question 23

? 题目关键词:television programmes

? 选择关键词:A. nutritional value B. origin C. chemicals

关于 television programmes,录音首先提到了节目注重食物的来源,此处 source from 替代了选项 B 中的 origin,因此正确答案为 B 选项。其后又提到了食物中的糖分添加剂色素等,但是这些内容都是出现在 magazine articles,与 tv programmes 无关,所以 C 选项错误,A 选项没有提到。因此正确答案为 B。 Question 24

? 题目关键词:Anna, significant

? 选择关键词:A. moral B. environmental C. economic

录音中男生提到他们只有 15 分钟的时间,他们应该集中讨论什么,接下来女生也就是 Anna 说的话是考生需要重点听的。她首先提到了 food and farming methods, 但是她马上说要 avoid 避免提到。接下来

又提到了自种粮食的代价,但是上个学期已经讲过了。接着她又提到了 what concerns me above all

else is that ?,这个句式提醒考生后面极有可能是正确答案,女生说 encourage business to find ways to cut costs,因此答案很明显为 C。 Question 25

? 题目关键词:begin

? 选择关键词:A. questionnaire B. statistical C. images 本题问的是 Presentation 如何开始。录音提示句为 how do you want to begin the presentation。男生首先说不要以 statistics 开始,因为每个人都会做。女生表示同意,并提出意见 how about we give the other students a set of questions to answer,这句话中 a set of questions to answer 替代了 A 选项的 questionnaire.因此 A 选项为正确答案。 Question 26

? 定位句:? where they’ve invented tiny edible patches ? ? 替换词:cheap

本题开始要选择的是每一个 project 的优点。录音共提到了两个优点,第一个说它显示了细菌数,已经是否还可以继续吃。另一个优点是这些 Patch 制作会很便宜。这个符合 G 选项的 little cost, 因此答案为 G。 Question 27

? 定位句:They’ve developed these sensors that can detect ? ? 替换词:quicker

录音首先介绍了这个 sensor 的运作原理。接着解释说这是一个检查 ripeness 成熟度的 quicker way。这里的 quicker 替代了 A 选项中的 save time,因此 A 选项为正确答案。 Question 28

? 定位句:Their waste tracking technology ? ? 替换词:increase profit 录音提到这个科技后马上说,这项科技可以使餐饮业者知道多少食物被浪费了为什么被浪费了,从而最终让餐饮业者们增加盈利 increase profit,替代了 D 选项的 make money,因此 D 选项为正确答案。 Question 29

? 定位句:They’ve produced this smartphone application that ? ? 替换词:neighbourhood 女生首先介绍了这个项目的内容,男生接着说这个项目绝对会 benefit poorer families in the neighbourhood。此处 neighbourhood 替代了 local community,因此答案为 C 选项。 Question 30

? 定位句:? thinking about introducing compulsory composting

? 替换词:无本题考核的是对于长句的替代。录音说道如果开始 composting,就需要人们自己干一些积极的处理垃圾的事。Ourselves 替代了 E 选项的 responsibility。答案为 E 选项。

长句理解(Understanding long sentences)

? Well, they’ve developed these sensors that can detect tiny amounts of ethylene. Ethylene is the natural plant hormone in fruit that makes them turn ripe, apparently. The researchers think that they can attach the sensors to cardboard boxes – and then supermarkets can scan the sensors with a portable device to see how ripe the fruit inside is. 译文:他们发明了一种可以探测微小的乙烯量的传感器。乙烯是水果中存在的一种自然植物激素,显然能让它们变得成熟。研究者们认为他们可以将传感器附在纸盒上,然后超市可以用一个可携带装置扫描传感器来检测水果内部的成熟度。

分析: 这句话中出现了 ethylene 及 ripe 两个生词,会影响考生理解整段话的意思。第一句话中介绍探测器能够探测到 ethylene 这个物质,第二句话介绍这个物质是一种自然之物荷尔蒙,存在于水果中,让它们变得 ripe。因此考生只要理解这层逻辑关系即可。Ripe 意为成熟,研究者根据探测水果中的 ethylene 的量来确定水果的成熟度。

SECTION 4 SECTION 4 SECTION 4 SECTION 4 SECTION 4 SECTION 4 SECTION 4 SECTION 4 Questions 31Questions 31Questions 31Questions 31Questions 31 Questions 31Questions 31Questions 31Questions 31–40

背景信息(Background information)

Section 4 是一篇关于毛利人制作风筝的介绍。单人独白介绍了风筝的外形、制作方式及其用途。在制作方面,叙述人介绍了制作风筝的规则,例如大小规模及具体制作过程中的规定。在外形方面,录音介绍了风筝的一般图案样式,制作风筝的材料,以及制作过程中需要用到的其它材料,另外还介绍了风筝的形状。最后叙述人邀请大家去参观风筝博物馆。在用途方面,叙述人介绍了三种主要方式,一种是和神明交流,一种是吸引其它村庄的注意力,还有一种是用于战争。

听前预测(Prediction before listening)

这个 section 再次使用了全填空题的形式,考生在读题阶段要对整个题目有结构性的把握,并重点注意每一题的关键词及提示词。本题分为三大部分。第一部分介绍风筝的外形,第二部分介绍风筝的制作过程,第三部分介绍风筝的作用。第 1 题要求填的是一个在制作风筝过程中不被允许的东西或动作,因此答案为一个名词或动名词。第 2 题要求填写和 bird, god 并列的一个名词。第 3 题填的是和 grasses 并列的一个名词,第 4 题根据形容词 noisy 推测答案也是一个名词。第 5 题是一种表示形状的形容词,第 6 题填的是一种可以和黏土混合的油,第 7 题是和 tattoo 并列的一个名词,与 human-head 有关。第 8 题 sending 后填的是名词,发送的一种东西。第 9 题根据 village 判断是通知其他村的一件需要做的事,第

10 题为敌人 enemies 来时的干某件事的方式,应该是动名词形式。 重要词汇(Essential vocabulary) craft 手艺 rectangular 长方形的 involve 涉及 pigment 色素 ritual 仪式 charcoal 木炭 priest

牧师 craftsmanship 技艺 scale

规模 symbolism 象征主义 trial 试验 harvest 收获 rattle

嘎嘎作响 expedition 远征 clatter

发出咔嗒声 warrior 战士 capture

捕捉 escape 逃跑 triangular

三角形的 fortification 筑垒

答案解析(Answer analysis) Question 31

? 定位句:? the size and scale of the kites that the priests had to follow. ? 替换词:forbidden

本题要求填写制作过程中不允许的事或物。录音明确提到在制作大小风筝时,food was

strictly forbidden,forbidden 替代了 not allowed。因此此处答案为 food。 Question 32

? 定位句: kites were frequently designed in the image of ? ? 替换词: design

本题在审题时已经确定要填和 bird, god 并列的名词,因此当录音说道风筝会被设计成 native bird, Maori god 时,考生应该知道接下来提到的一个就是答案。此处 design 替换了题目中的 represent。录音最后说到 a well-known hero。但是由于题目规定只能填一个字,因此答案为 hero。 Question 33

? 定位句: After the frame had been constructed ? ? 替换词: also 本题的提示和答案比较分散,考生要理清录音中提到的内容的上下文关系。首先叙述者说在框架确立之后,就要开始装饰。牧师会用到 long grasses,此处为关键提示词 grasses,叙述者对其进行描述后才提

到了第二样东西:they also used a variety of feathers,此处 also 替换了题目中的 and, 因此 feathers 为正确答案,注意单复数。 Question 34

? 定位句:? you can also hear Maori kites ? 替换词:hang,a long row of

录音中的 hear 提示考生与 34 题的 noisy 有关。叙述者接下来确实提到了风筝很 noisy,因为牧师喜欢在风筝上 hang a long row of shells。Hang 代替了题目中的 attach, a long row of 替换了 a line of,因此答案为 shells。 Question 35

? 定位句:but the kits were designed in particular shapes ? 替换词:无

本题题目设置较为简单,只要填仔细听录音中提到的与长方形、三角形并列的形状就可。题目说到风筝有三角形的,长方形的,也有 shaped like a diamond,因此答案很清晰为 diamond。 Question 36

? 定位句:Some of the kites were also covered in patterns. ? 替换词:combine 本题考核点非常常见,即 mix with 的替换。考生看到此类题目只需要抓住 mix 的两样东西,本题里提到的是 clay which had been combined with oil, 因此很确定两样东西就是 clay 和 oil。题目要求填哪一种 oil,因此定语从句 oil obtained from a local species of shark 中就给出了关于 oil 的信息为鲨鱼油,因此答案为 shark。 Question 37

? 定位句:It’s a mask of a human head. ? 替换词:无

本题考的仍然是并列结构。叙述者提到人类头型面具,你可以清晰的见到一个纹身,以及一副牙齿。这里用到了 it has a tattoo and also ? 的结构,因此 also 后的内容即为正确答案 teeth。 Question 38

? 定位句:Turning to the purpose and function of the kites ? 替换词:deliver

本题要注意听 send 的具体内容,及 send 的替换词,关键词为 god。录音提到飞风筝是和 god 沟通的一种方式 a way of communicating with the gods,然后马上提到

Maori 使用它们来 deliver message。此处 deliver 替换了 sending,因此答案为 messages。

百科全书 3 ethics n. 伦理 4 priest n. 神父 5 fidelity n.

忠诚、逼真 6 archetype n. 原型 7 unease n. 不安 8

repetitive adj. 重复的 9 epithet n. 绰号 10 oddly adv. 奇怪的 11 formulaic adj. 公式化的 12 shield n. 盾 13 quirk n. 奇怪 14 authorship n. 作者身份 15 stylistic adj. 体裁的 16 plot n. 清洁 17 bizarrely adv. 奇怪的 18 thumbprint n. 指纹 19

mnemonic adj.

记忆的 20 antiquity n. 谷物 21 compose n. 写作

难句理解(Understanding complex sentences)

? Until the last tick of history’s clock, cultural transmission meant oral transmission and poetry, passed from mouth to ear, was the principal medium of moving information across space and from one generation to the next.

译文:直到历史时钟上一刻的敲响,文化传播意味着口头传播,诗歌口耳相传是信息穿越时空并代代相传的主要媒介考点一: 本句话用 and 连接两句简单句,两句话的主语分别为 cultural transmission 及 poetry, passed from mouth to ear 是对于 poetry 的插入语解释考点二: tick 原义为打钩,此处为钟的指针移动,until the last tick 意为直到上一秒历史的时针转动。

? It was, argues the classicist Eric Havelock, a “massive repository of useful knowledge, a sort of encyclopedia of ethics, politics, history and technology which the effective citizen was required to learn as the core of his educational equipment”.

译文:古典学者 Eric Havelock 认为,它是一种“对有用知识的大量储存,一本伦理、政治、历史、科技的百科全书,优秀的公民需要将其作为教育工具的核心来学习” 考点一: it 作为指代词,指的是上文提到的口头诗歌。冒号里的句子都是对口头诗歌的一种描述。

考点二: 学者对口头诗歌的描述为 repository 及 encyclopedia,useful knowledge 形容 repository,encyclopedia of 后跟的是百科全书的内容,which 引导的定语从句修饰 encyclopedia,说明其一部分的社会功能。

All those stylistic quirks, including the formulaic and recurring plot elements and the bizarrely repetitive epithets – “clever Odysseus” and “gray-eyed Athena” – that had always perplexed readers were actually like thumbprints left by a potter: material evidence of how the poems had been crafted. 译文:所有这些怪异的问题,包括那些公式化反复出现的情节要素以及奇怪的重复绰号——“聪明的

Odysseus”以及”会眼睛的 Athena“——那些一直困扰读者的实际上就像一名陶艺工人留下的指纹:它们是关于诗歌是如何精巧地创作的事实证据。

考点一: 这句话较长包括了很多生词,考生需要区分各个语块,句子主干为 stylistic quirks were like thumbprints。Including 引导的分句解释了 stylistic quirks 的具体内容,that 引导的定语从句修饰了

formulaic and recurring plot elements and the bizarrely repetitive epithets 两个元素。最后一个冒号是对 thumbprints left by a potter 与 stylistic quirks 类比的具体描述。

考点二: 考生可以根据单词的词根推断单词的意思,如 stylistic 的词根为 style,formulaic 的词根为

formula, recurring 的词根为 occur,repetitive 的词根为 repeat,

? The principles that the oral bards discovered as they sharpened their stories through telling and retelling were the same mnemonic principles that psychologists rediscovered when they began conducting their first scientific experiments on memory around the turn of the twentieth century. 译文:进行口述的游吟诗人通过讲述和复述故事而使故事更加精炼通顺时发现的原则,与心理学家在 20 世纪初开始进行第一次有关记忆的科学实验时再次发现的助记原则是一致的。 考点一: 本句主干为 principles were the same principles,两个 principle 分别用两个定语从句修饰,

前一个 principle 是游吟诗人在讲故事的时候发现的原则,后一个是心理学家在后来研究记忆的实验时发现的原则。考点二: as 在这里引导的不是原因状语从句,而是伴随状语从句。 Questions 27–32

解题策略(Tips and strategies)


? 读题后确定每个信息的中心意思,并注意句首的名词 ? 阅读原文,对应信息

? 本题不按顺序出题,考生需要在全文范围内找对应信息 答案解析(Answer analysis) Question Answer Location Analysis 27 E original form

段落信息配对题无法根据关键词进行精准定位,因为信息中通常会涉及到高度概括及同义替换。考生读到文章 E 段第二句话:They

were, rather, a loose collection of songs transmitted by generations of Greek bards, and only redacted in their present form at some later date.此处 redact 意为编写,这句话的意思是本来是一个松散的歌集,后来被重新编写成现在的形式,即 27 题的转述。 28

D reinterpretation; form

文章 D 段第一句话提到:Jean-Jacques

Rousseau was one of the first modern critics to suggest that Homer might not have been an author in the contemporary sense of a single person who sat down and wrote a story and then published it for others to read. 这里 not contemporary sense 不是现代的意义提醒考生就是 reinterpretation 的转述。 29 C little known; Homer’s life

文章 C 段最后一句话提到:There were no

historical records of Homer, and no trustworthy biography of the man exists beyond a few self-referential hints embedded in the texts themselves. No historical records 即 little known。 30

E comparison; art form

文章 E 段第四句提到:He suggested that

the reason Homer’s epics seemed unlike other literature was because they

were unlike other literature. 本题的题目中明确提到了 comparison,原文中的 unlike 提示了这种比较,原文意思为荷马史诗看上去不像其他作品是因为它们本身和其它文学作品不一样。 31

A recall language

文章 A 段提到了印度的整个牧师阶层背诵经文的任务,在前伊斯兰阿拉伯,Rawis 是官方记忆者,佛教教义在斯里兰卡写了下来,这些事情都印证了伟大的作品存在于人们的 大脑中的观点,这些实际的例子就是 31 题中 提到的 example。题目提到了雇佣

employ,原文中的同义替换为 was charged with, official 等。 32

B inappropriate description

B 段中提到 The earliest modern critics sensed that they were somehow qualitatively different from everything that came after-even a little strange.

strange 表示疑问,即 doubts。后文具体说到一系列 why 引出的问题,出现很多的矛盾 点,这些都表示 inappropriate description。 Questions 33–36

解题策略(Tips and strategies)

多选题在雅思阅读中比较少见,题目一般会指出有几个特定要选的答案。多选题的做法和一般的选择题一样,考生要注意错误答案的排除。 ? 阅读多选题的题目,确定需要选择的个数 ? 明确题目的提问点,确定关键词,方便定位 ? 排除错误答案

答案解析(Answer analysis) Question Answer Location Analysis 33

C similar content

A、B 选项在原文中没有被提到,文章 B 段提到两部书在表述、结构、主题方面都非常类似,与 E 选项意义相反,故排除,而 C 选项的意思是其内容非常相似,因此 C 为正确选项。 34

D ideal examples

文中 B 段明确提到 they were celebrated as the models to which all literature should

aspire, 即 ideal example,因此 D 选项正确。 35

B neither; written

本题的问题为哪两个理论是作者提到的,问题比较宽泛,考生需要一个个排除。A 选项 完全没有在原文中提到,B 选项可以对应到文章 E 段第一句,说 Friedrich August Wolf 提到河马的作品不是由荷马所写,因此 B 选项正确。 36 C without writing

文章 E 段第一句提到荷马不是实际把作品写下俩的人,因此 C 选项也正确。D、E 选项没有在文章中提到,因此也被排除。 Questions 37–40

解题策略(Tips and strategies)


? 划出每一题的关键词,预判可能被替换的词

? 通过关键词在文中定位,并找出同义替换点并确认答案 ? 注意所填词的语法是否正确

答案解析(Answer analysis) Question Answer Location Analysis 37

generation means; particular culture 对应到文章 A 段第一句话,means 和

principle medium 为同义替换,考生可在 of 前后寻找相关名词,再根据 pass on knowledge 不难推断出名词为

generation,each generation 相当于 from one generation to the next. 38

citizen politics and history

根据题目中的 politics and history 可以精确定位到文章 A 段 Eric Havelock 提到的对于口述史哥的描述,其中 it was the duty of 替换了原文中的 was required to,因此答案为 citizen。


abstract psychologist; difficult

题目中的定位词 psychologist 直到文章第 F 段才出现,本段明确提到 concrete nouns are easier to remember than abstract ones,因此答案为 abstract。 40 music easier; sound similar; go together

答完上一题的 difficult 后,本题马上可以定位到接下来的关于 easier 的内容,原文说 到:finding patterns and structure in information is how our brains extract meaning form the world, and putting words to music and rhyme is a way of adding extra levels of pattern and structure to language. 其中 sound similar or go together with 与 putting words to music and rhyme 对应,因此答案为 music。 Test 4 Test 4 Test 4 Test 4 Test 4 Test 4 Test 4 TASK 1 TASK 1 TASK 1 TASK 1 TASK 1

审题要领(Task focus)

这篇小作文是一幅柱形图(bar chart)。题目显示了 Southland 地区 2000 年和当年(2014 年)的主要出口产品,以及未来 2025 年的出口项目规划。考生需要提取并总结主要信息,同时做出相关对比。从图表信息我们可以看到,横轴分别代表旅游业(international tourism)、奶制品(dairy products)和肉制品(meat products);纵轴代表出口额数,从 0 到 10(单位:£ billion)。

写作思路(Thinking before writing)

考生需要在 150 字之内对图表里的信息进行概括,有侧重的描写主要特征,必要时选择适当省略。本文既涉及到不同出口项目之间的横向比较,还要考虑同一项目中不同年份数额的纵向比较。文章推荐的组织方式是以横向为主要顺序,三个项目各成一个主体段,分别描写。根据图标信息总体横向来看,旅游业占有最多的出口份额,奶制品其次,肉制品最少。纵向来说,从 2000 年到 2025 年,旅游业的出口份额持续增长;奶制品出口份额先涨后落;肉制品出口份额持续减少。由于图表信息横跨过去、现在和未来,考生在写作时需要特别注意调整时态。范文演示(Sample analysis) Model Response

This bar chart illustrates the performance of Southland's primary exports in 2000 and 2014. It also indicates future projections for 2025.

According to the data, it seems likely that international tourism will become the dominant industry, although dairy exports will remain strong. In 2000, we can see that tourism was the greatest exports earner of the three industries, with revenue standing at just over £8 billion. This figure has increased slightly, so that now, in 2014, it has reached almost £9 billion. It is estimated that international tourism will continue to grow, so that by 2025, it will be earning around £10 billion for the country.

In 2000, dairy exports were worth around £7 billion, but since then there has been a dramatic increase, and sales for this year are approximately £10 billion. Experts are predicting that exports in this area may fall slightly, so a figure of £9.5 billion is expected for 2025.

Meat products are the third key industry in Southland, but sales have dropped since 2000 and now stand at £5.5 billion. It is expected that sales will continue to decrease in the future. (187 words)

词汇句型(Vocabulary and patterns) 数据比较 Comparing figures ? greatest ? almost

? the third key industry

表示趋势 Expressing tendency ? become the dominant? ? remain strong

? continue to grow continue to decrease 描写变化 Describing changes ? become?

? increased slightly ? reached almost? ? dramatic increase ? fall slightly ? dropped

范文亮点(Sample highlights)

第 1 段:改写原题 段:改写原题 段:改写原题 段:改写原题

第一段通常为题目的改写或提炼,在范文中,原题里的 gives information about?变为 illustrates the performance of?,原题里的 main export 变为 primary export,并用 indicates 引出 future projections,这一系列的动词和形容词转换非常出色,既保留了原意,又提高了词汇等级。第 2 段:主体段一

描写旅游业 2000-2025 年的出口额,并进行了相关比较。根据数据(According to the data),旅游业占有统治地位(dominant industry),奶制品紧随其次。在 2000 年,旅游业获得最多的出口额(the greatest exports earner),达到超过 80 亿并小幅增长(increased slightly),在 2014 年几乎达到(reached almost)90 亿。据估计(It is estimated that?),旅游业出口额还会持续增长(continue to grow),到 2025 年可能会为国家收获约 100 亿份额。 第 3 段:主体二 段:主体二 段:主体二 段:主体二

描写奶制品 2000-2025 年的出口额。在 2000 年奶制品出口价值约 70 亿,但随即剧增(since then there has been a dramatic increase),2014 年的销量高达近 100 亿。专家预测(Experts are predicting that?),这一出口项目到 2025 年会轻微回落(fall slightly)至 95 亿左右。

第4段:主体三 第4段:主体三 第4段:主体三 第4段:主体三 第4段:主体三 第4段:主体三

描写旅游业 2000-2025 年的出口额。肉制品是第三重要的出口产业(the third key industry),但是从

2000 年开始销量一直下滑(have dropped since?),今年为 55 亿,据推测,其出口份额在将来还会继续下降(continue to decrease)。 结语

这篇小作文结构合理,逻辑连贯,语言清晰,词汇的多样性是这篇范文的最大亮点。文中使用了不同词性的 earner, revenue, earn, worth, sales 来表达收入和出口额的概念;用 over, almost, around,

approximately 来表示数据的约数浮动,用 estimate, predict, expect 来描述未来预测,用词多样准确,非常值得考生学习借鉴。 TASK 2 TASK 2 TASK 2 TASK 2 TASK 2 审题要领(Task focus)



写作思路(Thinking before writing) 首先从观点上来讲,考生可以放开思路,先考虑自己是否比较赞同题目中让政府“增加税收”的方法,若认为比较可行,那就想想理由是什么;如果觉得这个想法没有道理,

那就需要讲出理由,同时给出自己的观点。辩证类题目一般的结构是开头先讨论题目,表达自己是否同意题目观点,然后用二或三个主体段给出理由,也可以写个让步段,最后结尾段总结全文,给出自己的观点。这篇范文分为四段,首段讨论了话题背景,引出下文;第二段从经济的角度进行讨论;第三段从消费主体的角度进行论证;结尾段总结全文,给出观点。 范文演示(Sample analysis) Model Response

The growth of the fast food industry has, without doubt, impacted on the eating habits and the health of many societies around the world. Diabetes, high cholesterol, heart and respiratory problems are all on the rise due to fatty and sugar rich food. However, the question is whether higher tax would improve this situation or not.

From an economic point of view, higher tax might seem sensible. In countries such as the USA, Australia and Britain, the healthcare system spends a large part of its budget on people with diet-related health problems. It could be argued that these people have caused their own illnesses because of their choice of food. In this case, why should they expect the state to pay for their treatment? The tax could help fund the healthcare system.

However, we also need to consider which socio-economic group consumes fast food as the main part of their diet. Statistics indicate that lower income groups eat more of this food than wealthier people. One possible reason for this is that fast food is far cheaper than fresh produce. This is because many governments offer large subsidies to farmers who provide products for the fast food industry, such as corn, wheat and beef. Fruit and vegetables, on the other hand, are not subsidised. Research suggests that many families simply cannot afford to buy healthy food or pay higher taxes on fast food. For them, fast food is not a choice but a necessity.

In conclusion, imposing a higher tax on fast food does not seem to be the answer. If the government chose to do this, it would only lead to greater poverty and families facing further hardship. (278 words)

词汇句型(Vocabulary and patterns) 与健康饮食相关的单词 ? diabetes ? consume ? income ? subsidies ? necessity ? poverty ? budget ? diet

? wealthier ? afford ? imposing ? hardship

与健康饮食相关的词组 ? fast food industry

? high cholesterol ? diet-related

? socio-economic group ? eating habits

? fatty and sugar rich food

? heart and respiratory problem ? fresh produce 高分句型

? ? has, without doubt, impacted on? ? the question is whether ? or not ? ? might seem sensible ? It could be argued that?

? why should they expect the state to? ? Statistics indicate that?

? One possible reason for this is that? ? Research suggests that? 范文亮点(Sample highlights)

第 1 段:讨论话题 段:讨论话题 段:讨论话题 段:讨论话题 引出下文 引出下文 引出下文

范文开头段先对话题进行了讨论,毫无疑问(without doubt),快餐业的增长(the growth of the fast food industry)影响了世界各地人们的健康和饮食习惯。接着用举例论证提出,由于摄入过多的高脂高

糖类食物(due to fatty and sugar rich food),糖尿病、高胆固醇、心脏和呼吸系统问题日益增多(all on the rise)。然而,要解决这个问题不在于是否需要提高税收。

最后一句用了“the question whether?would improve this situation or not”清晰的表达了自己的论调,生动的引出下文。第 2 段:主体段一 从经济角度来看(From an economic point of view),提高税收可能些道理(sensible)。在美国、澳大利亚和英国等国家,医疗保健系统大量的预算都花在(spends a large part of its budget on)与饮食相关的健康问题上(diet-related health problems)。有争议性的是(It could be argued that),的这些疾病的人们是源于他们自己对食物的选择。这样的话(In this case),他们为什么要期待政府来出医疗费呢?税收应该用于完善医疗保健系统(fund the healthcare system)。

这一段同样使用了几个国家的实例来进行论证,贴切有力。同时,还用“why should they expect the state to pay for their treatment?”的句型提出疑问,发人深思,情感表达也更强烈。 第 3 段:主体二 段:主体二 段:主体二 段:主体二

然而,我们还应考虑谁是快餐消费的主要社会经济群体(which socio-economic group consumes fast food as the main part of their diet)。数据显示(Statistics indicate that),较低收入人群比高收入者消费更多的快餐。一个很可能的原因就是快餐比新鲜食物要便宜。因为很多政府给予种植玉米、小麦、牛肉等快餐原料的农民经济补贴,相反,种植水果、蔬菜是没有补贴的。研究显示(Research suggests that),很多家庭就是买不起(simply cannot afford)健康食物或者为买快餐付更多的税。对于他们来说,快餐不是选择,而是必须的(not a choice but a necessity)。

数据论证是这一段最突出的亮点。"Statistics indicate that?" 与“Research suggests that?"并用,使论证更具说服力。

第4段:总结全文 第4段:总结全文 第4段:总结全文 第4段:总结全文 第4段:总结全文 第4段:总结全文 总而言之(In conclusion),对快餐食品强制增加税收并不是个办法(does not seem to be the answer)。如果政府这样做,那只能导致(it would only lead to)更严重的贫困(greater poverty),家庭会面临更大的困难(further hardship)。

最后一句“it would only”的虚拟语气用的很好,是结尾段比较常用的句型,用以引出后果或提出希望等。 结语

这篇范文结构比较新颖,并非辩证类作文传统的写法,段落内容安排生动,观点依旧清晰。举例和数据等论证法的使用贴切形象,充分有力。本文使用了大量的从句还有话题相关的词汇,可供考生积累素材。总的来说,这是一篇很有特色的文章,语言基调个性鲜明,非常建议考生模仿。 Test 4 K I N


In this part the examiner will ask the candidates some daily questions about their life, like school, hobbies and other familiar topics.

Topic 1: Hometown or city(家乡或城市) Question 1 What kind of place is your town/city? 解题思路

针对这道题目不难,可以从你们城市的生活方式,节奏快慢,民俗文化等角度作切入。 高分回答

The city I live in is a highly commercialized modern city, with variety of advanced facilities and infrastructure. Most of the families here are equipped with optical fiber, cable television and the like. Life in my city is comparatively convenient and fast-pacing. 精彩表达 ? commercialized 商业化的 ? optical fiber 光纤

? cable television 无限电视

Question 2 What’s the most interesting part of your town/city? 解题思路

一定要抓住这道题目的重点“interesting”,可以考虑从饮食,娱乐等方面着手。 高分回答 It is so fun to find out that diverse categories of food are available in the city where I live. The food ranges from native special offers such as sweet and sour spare ribs, to exotic cuisines such as steak. In addition, many of these restaurants list their menu on their website, through which customers can access the menu and put the order online. It does enable people to enjoy cuisines just at home. 精彩表达 ? be available 可获得的 ? exotic 异国的,外来的 ? cuisines 菜肴

Question 3 Has your town/city changed in any way in your life time? 解题思路 关键词为“change”,可以切入的角度有交通情况,基础设施等 高分回答

My city undergone dramatic changes in the past two decades. One of the most conspicuous change is that the public transportation system transformed from monotonous to diverse. People here used to commute by buses only, while nowadays people can select different transportation tools to reach their destinations such as metro, high-speed rail, Magnetic levitation train and so forth. 精彩表达

? dramatic 引人注目的 ? conspicuous 显著的

? monotonous 单调的,无变化的 ? commute 通勤

? magnetic levitation train 磁悬浮列车

Question 4 Would you say your town/city is a good place for young people to live? 解题思路 两面都可以说,如果说适合,就可以从教育体系、就业机会等入手;如果不合适,就可以从工作压力,生活节奏等入手 高分回答

In my view, I think my city is a perfect place for young people to live. First of all, it has an advanced educational system which provides young people with sophisticated teachers, materials and facilities. Also, it is comparatively easier for graduates to find a decent jobs in a well-developed job market in my city.


? sophisticated 精致的,富有经验的 ? decent 得体的,相当好的

Topic 2: Shopping(购物) Question 1 What kind of things do you prefer shopping for? 解题思路

可以说的种类很多,如:衣服、包包、日常用品等 高分回答

I would like to shop for commodities, which offers me great sense of satisfaction. You know, commodities includes varieties of goods like shampoos, mops and the like, which are usually sold in supermarket. Every time I finish purchasing commodities in supermarket, it seems that I have accomplished a great assignment, with such great amount of goods in my trolley. 精彩表达 ? commodity 日常用品

? sense of satisfaction 满足感 ? accomplish 完成

Question 2 In what kind of places do you like to go shopping? 解题思路

其实这道题是针对地点类型来问的,可以说的地点有很多,如 shopping mall, supermarket, online. 高分回答

I would like to shop online compared with shopping in physical stores, since shopping on the internet usually provide me with more options. Once I planned to buy an English grammar book. Information available on E-book shop not only show me more than 20 choices, but also illustrate the primary contents with comments of other users. That really simplify the process of selecting process. 精彩表达

? physical store 实体店 ? illustrate 阐明 ? simplify 简化

Question 3 What effect has online shopping had in your country? 解题思路 这是一个很俗的话题,可以从方便程度,消费习惯等作为切入点。 高分回答

Online shopping creates more opportunities for businesses as well as risks in my country. Due to the fever of online shopping, many businesses target at this virtual market, building up their own websites to compete for more market shares. However, online market, to some extent, erodes real market. Many consumers switch from online market to E-market because of its convenience and millions of options.


? target at 目标

? virtual market 虚拟市场 ? erode 侵蚀

? switch?to?转向

Question 4 What would you recommend that tourists buy from your country? 解题思路 可以说一些什么吃的特产啊,纪念雕像,纪念 T-shirt 等。 高分回答

I would recommend tourists to buy one of my favorite snacks, Wuxiandou, which is made of beans. This specialty of Shanghai has been popular for several decades for its good flavor and low price. So, if someone needs to purchase something to be gifts for their friends and relatives, it is definitely a good choice. 精彩表达 ? snack 小吃

? flavor 风味,滋味 PART 2

The examiner will give you a cue card which you need to talk about for one to two minutes.

Candidate Task Card(考生答题卡) Describe a popular teacher that you know. You should say: What this teacher looks like What sort of person this teacher is What this teacher helped you to learn And explain why this teacher is popoular. 解题思路

这个话题应该说不难,可以说的老师很多,数学老师,语文老师等 高分回答

In addition, he spent a lot of his leisure time to have us trained in the best way according to a well-scheduled plan. You know, a high school student does not have abundant time for training and most of the training as well as competition are supposed to be accomplished after school. Despite all these disadvantages, all of our team members overcame this limitation by sacrificing our coach’s private time. Through the efforts of Mr. Jun, our team was awarded the second prize that year.

Influenced by his great endeavor and devotion, all of our team members grows into responsible, studious and persistent adults and that’s why he is my idol forever. 精彩表达 ? talent in something 有?的才能 ? exposure to 暴露 ? formulate 规划

? psychological guidance 心理辅导 ? hooligan 阿飞,小流氓 ? timidity 胆怯 ?

endeavor 努力 ?

studious 用工的


The examiner asks questions to test whether you can speak about more complex topics that are connected to Part 2 topic.

Related Topic 1: Education in school(学校教育) Question 1 What can schools do to help students prepare for the next stage in their lives? 解题思路

可以说的角度很多,如:增加生活技能,工作技能,社交能力等。 高分回答

In order to survive in such a competitive job market, it is essential for schools to prepare the

students with necessary working skills. As I know lots of university has already offer some basic guidance such as training for writing qualified resume. More efforts should be made to guarantee the competitive advantages of the students. 精彩表达

? guidance 指导 ? resume 简历

? competitive advantages 竞争优势

Question 2 What advice would you give to someone who doesn’t like school? 解题思路 可以建议他们多交碰朋友、多参加社团活动以丰富他们的生活等。 高分回答

It is not uncommon that many students do not have strong interests in courses, which triggers their annoying feeling toward campus life. In order to eliminate their negative view toward school, school is supposed to organize more activities and clubs like basketball games, singing competition and so forth. Thus, it is less likely for the students to get bored with attending classes or pressure to pass exams.


? trigger 引发

? eliminate 消除,排除

Question 3 What can schools teach children that they can’t learn from their parents? 解题思路 这一题一定要注意话题中的限制性条件,“不能从父母那里学到的”“能从学校学到的”。 高分回答

It is clearly that certain things can only be learnt from school rather than parents. To me, school is basically a miniature of a society with teachers and fellow classmates and students might be able to get enrolled in diverse activities in the form of groups. Such forms can enable students to acquire cooperative spirits and other skills that are critical for their future development. 精彩表达

? miniature 缩略图 ? get enrolled in 参加

? cooperative spirits 合作精神

Related Topic 2: Education after school(课外教育) Question 1 In general, what opportunities are available to students after they leave school? 解题思路

针对毕业以后的发展提出的问题,不算非常难,可以从继续深造、就业等方面入手。 高分回答

A wide range of opportunities are available to students after they graduate, like looking for a job, pursuing a master degree or opening a business by themselves. For instance, my nephew partnered with his classmates, launching an E-business selling green foods. Such chances are promoted by the advanced technology. 精彩表达 ? pursue 追赶

? partner with 合伙 ? launch 发射

Question 2 How do you think school life differs from university life? 解题思路

这里主要是区分大学生活和其他学校生活的区别,可以从学业压力,就业压力等方向入手。 高分回答

School life is mostly centered around achieving a high mark in exams, while university life takes on an entirely new level. That is primary due to the fact that the ultimate goal of schools is to

enable students to get qualified to schools of higher level. So, the core issue of school is to enhance student’s performance. However, the main issue of university is

to prepare students for society. It is necessary for universities to organize more social activities. 精彩表达

? center around 以?为中心 ? take on 承担,具有 ? ultimate goal 最终目标 ? core 核心 ? enhance 促进

Question 3 How important do you think it is for individuals to carry on learning after they have finished school and university? 解题思路

刻意强调竞争激烈,不充电就无法晋升,得到好的发展。 高分回答 Learning should be a lifelong companion. It’s said that you can’t teach an old dog new tricks, but in the world of further education that doesn’t ring true at all. Personally, I’m a firm believer in the saying that one’s never too old to learn. If you keep absorbing new knowledge, you will remain active in whatever you do. Learning is the only way to gain wisdom and make steadfast progress in life. 精彩表达

? a lifelong companion 终身伴侣 ? further education 继续教育 ? ring true 听上去是真的

? make steadfast progress 稳步前进

