ANSI B92.1 SAE花键标准及常用花键参数

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SAE化键 标准 常用几种花键参数

ANSI B92.1-1970 SAE花键标准



Form Circle is the circle which defines the deepest points of involute form control of the tooth profile. This circle along with the tooth tip circle (or start of chamfer circle)

determines the limits of tooth profile requiring control. It is located near the major circle on the internal spline and near the minor circle on the external spline. 渐开线终止圆:渐开线终止圆是用于控制齿廓上渐开线的极限距离的圆。渐开线终止圆与齿顶圆(或者修缘线的起点所在的圆)共同限制了所要求控制的渐开线齿廓的范围。渐开线终止圆的位置靠近内花键的大圆(齿根圆)或者外花键的小圆(齿根圆)。


译者注2:在《GB/T 3478.1-1995 圆柱直齿渐开线花键》中,将Form Cycle定义为两个圆:内花键的渐开线终止圆和外花键的渐开线起始圆。而在本标准中,将这两个圆统称为Form Cycle,译者将Form Cycle翻译为渐开线终止圆。

Form Clearance (cF) is the radial depth of involute profile beyond the depth of

engagement with the mating part. It allows for looseness between mating splines and for eccentricities between the minor circle (internal), the major circle (external), and their respective pitch circles. 齿形裕度:齿形裕度(cF)是相互配合的内、外花键的渐开线齿廓在径向方向上的间隙。齿形裕度是的相互配合的内、外花键之间能够存在一定松动,并且是的内花键的小圆(齿顶圆)、外花键的大圆(齿顶圆)、以及内、外花键各自的节圆之间存在一定的偏心距。

Form Diameter (DFe, DFi) the diameter of the form circle. 渐开线终止圆直径(DFe, DFi):渐开线终止圆所在圆的直径。

Internal Spline is a spline formed on the inner surface of a cylinder. 内花键:在圆柱体的孔的内表面形成的花键。

Involute Spline is one having teeth with involute profiles. 渐开线花键:花键的键齿的齿形为渐开线形式的花键。

SAE化键 标准 常用几种花键参数

Lead Variation is the variation of the direction of the spline tooth from its intended direction parallel to the reference axis, also including parallelism and alignment variations (see Fig. 1a). Note: Straight (nonhelical) splines have an infinite lead. 导向公差:导向公差是花键的键齿的实际齿线与花键的参考轴线之间的平行度公差,这个公差包括平行度公差和圆周阵列公差(见图Fig.1a)。注意:直齿花键(非螺旋花键)的导向公差为无穷大。 译者注:这一条解释有待斟酌。

Length of Engagement (Lq) is the axial length of contact between mating splines. 结合长度(Lq):结合长度是两个相互配合的内、外花键之间的接触段的长度。

Machining Tolerance (m) is the permissible variation in actual space width or actual tooth thickness. 加工公差(m):加工公差是花键的实际齿槽宽和实际齿厚的允许的变动量。

译者注:在《GB/T 3478.1-1995 圆柱直齿渐开线花键》中,将加工公差定义为T。

Major Circle is the circle formed by the outermost surface of the spline. It is the outside circle (tooth tip circle) of the external spline or the root circle of the internal spline. 大圆:大圆是花键的最大齿形面的包络圆。它是外花键的外圆(齿顶圆),和内花键的齿根圆。 Major Diameter (Do, Dri) is the diameter of the major circle. 大圆直径:大圆直径(Do, Dri)是大圆所在圆的直径。

译者注:在《GB/T 3478.1-1995 圆柱直齿渐开线花键》中,将大圆直径定义为:内花键Dei、外花键Dee。

Minor Circle is the circle formed by the innermost surface of the spline. It is the root circle of the external spline or the inside circle (tooth tip circle) of the internal spline. 小圆:小圆是花键的最小齿形面的排斥圆。它是外花键的齿根圆,和内花键的内圆(齿顶圆)。 Minor Diameter (Dre, Di) is the diameter of the minor circle. 小圆直径:小圆直径(Dre, Di)是小圆所在圆的直径。

译者注:在《GB/T 3478.1-1995 圆柱直齿渐开线花键》中,将小圆直径定义为:内花键Dii、外花键Die。

SAE化键 标准 常用几种花键参数

Nominal Clearance is the actual space width of an internal spline minus the actual tooth thickness of the mating external spline. It does not define the fit between mating members, because of the effect of variations. 理论侧隙:理论侧隙是内花键的实际齿槽宽减去与之相互配合的外花键的实际齿厚所得的值。由于内、

外花键之间的间隙。 外花键在配合时会产生一定的公差,所以理论侧隙不能够用于确定相互配合的内、

Out of Roundness is the variation of the spline from a true circular configuration. 圆度:圆度是花键与真圆的圆廓之间的公差。

Parallelism Variation is the variation of parallelism of a single spline tooth with respect to any other single spline tooth (see Fig. 1b). 平行度公差:平行度公差是单根键齿相对其它的单根键齿之间的平行度公差。(见图Fig.1b) Pitch (P/Ps) is a combination number of a one-to-two ratio indicating the spline proportions; the upper or first number is the diametral pitch, the lower or second

number is the stub pitch and denotes, as that fractional part of an inch, the basic radial length of engagement, both above and below the pitch circle. 径节分数(P/Ps):径节分数是由两个数组成的一个比率,它表示的是花键的比例;设这个比率为A/B(这个分数用英寸表示),则在这个分数中第一个数(分子)A表示的是花键的径节,第二个数(分母)B表示的是残余径节,径节表示的是在节圆上方的键齿在半径方向上的结合长度,残余径节表示的是在节圆下方的键齿在半径方向上的结合长度。


Pitch Circle is the reference circle from which all transverse spline tooth dimensions are constructed. 节圆:节圆是一个参考圆,花键的键齿的所有的横向尺寸都是以节圆为基础开始计算的。 Pitch Diameter (D) is the diameter of the pitch circle. 节圆直径(D):节圆直径是节圆所在圆的直径。

Pitch Point is the intersection of the spline tooth profile with the pitch circle. 节点:节点是键齿的齿廓与节圆的交点。

Pressure Angle (φ) is the angle between a line tangent to an involute and a radial line through the point of tangency. Unless otherwise specified, it is the standard pressure angle.

SAE化键 标准 常用几种花键参数


Profile Variation is any variation from the specified tooth profile normal to the flank. 齿形误差:齿形误差是特定的齿廓相对齿侧的任何公差。


Spline is a machine element consisting of integral keys (spline teeth) or keyways (spaces) equally spaced around a circle or portion thereof. 花键:花键是一种机械零件,它由凸出的齿(键齿)或凹下的沟(齿槽)组成,键齿和键槽等分一个完成圆或者部分圆弧。

Standard (Main) Pressure Angle (φD) is the pressure angle at the specified pitch diameter. 标准压力角(φD)(主压力角):标准压力角是指特定在节圆上的压力角。

Stub Pitch (Ps) is a number used to denote the radial distance from the pitch circle to the major circle of the external spline and from the pitch circle to the minor circleof the internal spline. The stub pitch for splines in this standard is twice the diametral pitch. 残余径节(Ps):残余径节是一个数,它用于表示节圆与外花键的大圆或内花键的小圆之间的半径差。在本标准中,花键的残余径节是径节的2倍。

Total Index Variation is the greatest difference in any two teeth (adjacent or otherwise) between the actual and the perfect spacing of the tooth profiles. 齿距累计误差:齿距累计误差是任意两齿的实际弧长与理论弧长之差的最大绝对值。


Total Tolerance (m +λ) is the machining tolerance plus the variation allowance. 总公差(m +λ):总公差是加工公差与综合公差之和。

译者注:在《GB/T 3478.1-1995 圆柱直齿渐开线花键》中,将总公差定义为:T+λ。 Variation Allowance (λ) is the permissible effective variation. 综合公差(λ):综合公差是在允许范围内的综合的公差。

Tooth Proportions.—There are 17 pitches: 2.5/5, 3/6, 4/8, 5/10, 6/12, 8/16, 10/20, 12/24, 16/32, 20/40, 24/48, 32/64, 40/80, 48/96, 64/128, 80/160, and 128/256. The

SAE化键 标准 常用几种花键参数

numerator in this fractional designation is known as the diametral pitch and controls the pitch diameter; the denominator, which is always double the numerator, is known as the stub pitch and controls the tooth depth. For convenience in calculation, only the

numerator is used in the formulas given and is designated as P. Diametral pitch, as in gears, means the number of teeth per inch of pitch diameter. 齿比——一共有17种齿比:2.5/5,3/6,4/8,5/10,6/12,8/16,10/20,12/24,16/32,20/40,24/48,32/64,40/80,48/96,64/128,80/160和128/256。在这一系列的分数中的分子是径节,径节的大小决定了节圆的直径;而分数中的分母通常是分子的两倍,分母是残余径节,它的作用是控制齿槽的深度。为了方便计算,在所有的公式中都使用分子作为计算参数,并且与齿轮的表示方式一样定义为径节P尺寸,也就是在节圆上,每英寸长度上的齿数。

SAE化键 标准 常用几种花键参数

SAE化键 标准 常用几种花键参数

SAE化键 标准 常用几种花键参数

SAE化键 标准 常用几种花键参数

SAE化键 标准 常用几种花键参数

