1武珍A4 双面5份 Unit5第一稿自然课堂学案模板--词汇 warming up-教师版

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高一__级部 英语 学科 Book1 Unit5 Vocabulary and Warming up 第 1 课时



Task1 Vocabulary (from “quality ” on Page95 to “lose heart ”on Page 96) ⒈自己按音标正确拼读单词, 然后听录音纠正发音。

2.熟读单词并能规范书写(Copy the words and expressions in the exercise books)。 Task 2 Warming up & Pre-reading ( Page 33 ) 3.借助字典,教辅等工具书独立完成学习任务。

4.圈、点、勾画等方法找出疑难, 在小组内合作探究,互相解答。


1. Learn the words that describe people`s character and put them in two groups (Positive /Negative ).

2.Read more about the lives of some great people in English or Chinese .


(预习自测) Finish the exercises on Page ____ (教辅)


一、 质疑探究:

探究点一: 正确朗读、书写单词,并参考教辅,学习下列重点单词词组的用法

解析指导:通过阅读教辅《》上的词汇讲解,了解warming up & Pre-reading 中的重点单词词组(mean ; devote ; found ; die for ; believe in ; be free from ; be in prison ; the same ... as ... ) 的用法,并能恰当运用,完成同步练习。

探究点二: 英语的构词法

借助工具书了解英语的构词法,在本课单词中找出符合下列构成法的单词,并总结构成特点。 派生________; 合成_________; 转化______________


派生:self ---- selfish childish ; ---- selfless useless helpless peace ----- peaceful hopeful careful thankful

violence ---- violent ; importance ;difference ; invade --- invader teacher waiter ; fair --- unfair unwilling

devote –devoted – devotion ; educate – educated – education cruel ---- cruelty ; brave – bravery

equal --- equally ; active – actively ; selfless – selflessly

教学相长 博喻善导

合成:warm-hearted easy-going mankind 转化: mean vote reward

探究点三: What qualities does a great people should have ?

Look at Warming up on Page33 and Exercise 3 on Page 70 and answer the question in groups . 解析指导:

Learn the words that describe people`s character and put them in two groups (Positive /Negative ). And try to make more sentences as they can to describe a person .

探究点四: Are these famous people also great people ?

Read the information in Pre-reading on Page 33 and then discuss in groups and give reasons . 解析指导:

Know more about the qualities of great people by this action .


1. describe a great people ______ 2.devote one`s life to doing ____________ 3. die for ______ 4.fight against ____________fight for ___________ 5. work selflessly _______ 6.found the first Republic ____________

7. believe in ______ 8.give up _____________9. be free from _______________ 10.in a peaceful way ______ 11. be in prison _________________ 12.He helped black people get the same rights as white people . 13. He was the first man to land on the moon in July 1969 .


1. to read and recite the key words and expressions ; 2. to know more about great people ; 3. be able to describe a great person .

三、 当堂检测:(多媒体显示)

? 用fight against / fight for / fight with的适当形式填空

1) Two dogs ______ ________ a bone, and a third runs away with it. 2) They are____ ______ better working conditions.

3) They were ______ ________ the enemy to gain their freedom.

4) They _______ ________ the Italians in the last war and against them in this.

? 汉译英:

5) 中华人民共和国成立于1949年。

6 ) 她将全部精力放在了照顾那些无家可归的人。

四、 我的收获:(反思静悟,体验成功)

德学齐修 自主自强

