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课题: Unit1 Where did you go on vacation? Period 4 (2a-2e)

学习目标:: 1. 掌握本课的生词、短语、句型。

2. 学习用过去式写旅游日记。 自学指导 内容·学法·时间 互动策略 内容·形式·时间 展示方案 内容·形式·时间 随堂笔记 成果记录 同步演练 ☆Task1: 试听短文 你想知道Jane的假期是怎样度过的吗?一起来听听她的两则日记是如何记载的。 合上课本听P5,2b的听力材料,了解短文大意并回答随堂笔记处的两个问题。 对子互学: 对子间互相检查随堂笔记的完成情况,并认真用红笔批阅。 小组合作: 1.组长主持,小组就对学中遇到的问题进行讨论与解答。 2. 组长主持,针对本组的展示任务,研讨、形成统一的展示方案,合理分配任务,进行组内预演为展示作好充分准备。 展示一:.大家谈 组长组织组员积极有序地讨论以下问题: 1.课本2a中的两个问题。 2.试听答题中的两个问题。 ☆ 试听答题 1.Did Jane have a good time on Monday? ___________________________________ 2. What about on Tuesday? ___________________________________ 3.根据短文内容提出新问题。 ☆☆ 重点单词、短语 展示二:词、短语大探秘. 1.组长带领组员将整理出短文中重点词汇和短语呈现在黑板上,按照读—翻译—讲解—举例等步骤对知识点进行共同探究和学习。 2.有序地带领全班同学对2b短文进行跟读、分段赛读等方式学习。 展示三:共品共析 1. 组长带领组员梳理重点句含义及知识点的用法,(要求板书知识点)并在仿写、仿说环节积极调动全班参与性和互动性。 2. 将2c表格中的内容以叙述句子或对话的形式表达出来,必要处将展示内容写在展示区域。 展示四:情景想像 组长主持带领组员一起将Jane的假期对话、假期日记结合课本进行情景想像、内容编创,并以你们独特的形式演绎出来。 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ☆☆Task2: 走进短文 默读2b部分的两则日记,理解掌握文章意思,勾画、记录课文中重点单词、短语。细加琢磨其意将你的理解、认识记录到随堂笔记处。 ☆☆☆ 品读短文 重点句梳理 1. I wonder what life was like here in the past. 翻译:_____________________________ 知识点:____________________________ 仿写:______________________________ 2. What a difference a day makes! 翻译:_____________________________ 知识点:____________________________ 仿写:______________________________ ☆☆☆Task3:品读短文 1. 品读随堂笔记中的重点句,你能将他们准确地翻译成汉语吗?你可以独立完成其中知识点的梳理吗?动笔试试吧! 2. 精读全文根据你对短文的掌握完成课本P6,2c部分的表格填写。 ☆☆☆☆Task4: 情景想像 1. 通过以上几种阅读方式,你对Iane的假期一定有了很全面的了解。设想此刻你是Jane, 去完成2d中的对话交流吧。 2. 想像一下Jane愉快地重游马来西亚槟榔山的情境,完成课本2e中的日记。 我对自己说: _____________________________


1. It rained today, so they d___________ to visit the museum. 2. After a long walk, I f__________ a little tired yesterday. 3. I w__________ how she can finish this job all by herself. 4. All of players easily get e___________ exercise.

5. B_________ of the rain, we didn't go camping last week.

课后堂堂清练习 一. 补全对话。 Betty: He

Sally: Oh,Betty!Nice to see you again. How’s it going Betty: Great! I c________(1) Sally: Paris?My god.It's one of my favorite c________.(2) Betty: I like it very much.It's r________(3) a Sally: What do you go there for? Betty: No,I just went there on Sally: It must b________(4) Betty:

Sally: What did you d_______(5) Betty: Shopping!I almost went shopping e Sally: Wow!How w___________(6)

Betty: Very expensive. B________(7) the fashionable dress in Paris is pretty good.I b________(8) a lot of


二. 阅读理解

Every year the Wilsons go to the beach for a week's vacation. There are many interesting things to do at the beach.The children play games on the sand. Sometimes they build sandcastles(沙堡). There are swimming pools. The children can swim safely in these pools and the water is always clean. There is an esplanade(海滨游憩场). This is a long road by the beach. There are many cafes and restaurants on the esplanade. There is also an amusement park beside the beach. This is a place with many kinds of rides.

The Wilsons always stay at the same hotel. They usually have the same rooms. These rooms are at the front of the hotel. There is a good view of the ocean from their windows. The children are a little sad when the vacation is over because they don't want to go home. ( )1. What is the main idea of this passage?

A. The Wilsons go swimming at the beach every year. B. The Wilsons always stay at the same hotel.

C. The Wilsons always enjoy their vacation by the beach because there is lots to do. D. The Wilsons always enjoy their vacation by the beach because they like the hotel. ( )2. How long do the Wilsons stay at the beach?

A. A year. B. A week. C. Two weeks. D. A month. ( )3. Where do the children play games?

A. On the sand. B. In sandcastles. C. In the swimming pools . D. On the esplanade. ( )4. Where is the esplanade ?

A. In the amusement park. B. On the beach. C. By the beach. D. In the hotel. ( )5. Why do the children feel a little sad?

A. Because they don't like the hotel. B. Because they don't like the beach. C. Because they are bored. D. Because they don't want to go home.

