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不同pH 值模拟混凝土孔隙液中





[摘要]在不同pH 值的混凝土中镀锌层显示有阳极逆转现象,其对基体钢的保护作用出现变化。以回填海沙导致近海陆地混凝土建筑镀锌钢管的局部腐蚀为例,模拟其实际工况,将镀锌试样置于6种不同的模拟混凝土孔隙液中,将去锌层钢基置于3.5%NaCl 中性溶液中浸泡24h ,用盐桥连接电解池,测定2种试样间的电位-时间曲线和电偶电流值,并与无预浸泡的相应值对比。结果表明:(1)当镀锌层在含有Cl -的中性溶液及pH =10.0,11.0的Ca (OH )2溶液中时,对钢基体起到了牺牲阳极的保护作用;(2)当镀锌层在pH =12.0的Ca (OH )2溶液中时,无论是否预浸泡其电位均出现逆转现象,且电偶电流值为正值,反而会促进钢基体的腐蚀;

(3)在pH =12.5的Ca (OH )2溶液中,无预浸泡时镀锌层对去锌层钢基有保护作用,预浸泡24h 后初始阶段具有保护作用,1650s 后时出现逆转,不仅已失去对钢基体的保护作用,反而会加速其腐蚀。

[关键词]腐蚀行为;阳极特性逆转;混凝土;模拟孔隙液;镀锌试样;电位-时间曲线;电偶电流[中图分类号]TG172.8[文献标识码]A [文章编号]1001-1560(2013)02-0001-03

[收稿日期]20120826[通信作者]余长春(1991-),硕士研究生,主要从事安全技术及工程研究,电话:135********,E -mail :yuchangchun521@126.com 0前言镀锌层在碱性情况下,甚至是在含有Cl -的碱性环境中均呈现阳极特性,对钢基有保护作用。但在某些pH 值下特定的时间内,有电流极性逆转现象,说明镀锌层对于钢基体并非总呈电极负性[1]。研究镀锌

的20钢试样在80?的海水和65?自来水中的极性逆转情况发现,镀锌层使用的适宜环境为80?时为自来水、65?时为海水[2]。考察铝-铁电偶在3%NaCl 溶液中发生极性逆转的温度范围,显示30 90





行混凝土施工,导致混凝土中局部Cl -浓度显著增大,








图2中的电解池A 对应于图1中的孔隙液A ,电解池B 对应于孔隙液B ;图2左侧去锌层钢基的半反

应相当于图1中A ’处(无镀锌层存在的裸钢基体处)

所发生的反应;右侧镀锌层的半反应相当于图1中1不同pH 值模拟混凝土孔隙液中镀锌层的阳极特性逆转



B ’处(有镀锌层存在的钢基体处)所发生的反应;图2中的盐桥相当于图1中混凝土的横向孔隙

C 。

电极材料准备与文献[1]相同。具体步骤如下:电极原材料为DN25热镀锌钢管,内衬聚丙烯,基体材料为Q235钢。用背散射电子技术测定镀锌层厚度为45 55μm 。从镀锌管上截取20mm ?20mm 试样,焊接测试导线,并依次用酒精、蒸馏水擦拭及清洗






混凝土孔隙液主要是不同pH 值的含Ca (OH )


的碱性溶液,混凝土孔隙液A 分两类:一类为不同pH 值的3.5%NaCl 溶液,pH 值为7.0时,编号为1,pH 值为12.5时,编号为2,其溶液是在3.5%NaCl 溶液中加入过量Ca (OH )2制得的;另一类为不同pH 值的饱和Ca (OH )2溶液,是用0.8mol /L NaHCO 3和0.25mol /L NaOH 溶液调整饱和Ca (OH )2溶液的pH 值至10.0,11.0,12.0,12.5制得的,分别用编号3 6表示。1.2.2


将4g 琼脂置于500mL 烧杯中,加入200mL 蒸馏水,

加热使琼脂完全溶解。将62g KCl 加热至溶解,从三叉Y 形管(见图3)的管口I 中灌入,静置,待管中溶胶完全冷凝后再将管口Ⅱ,Ⅲ透明密封胶撕去,

用刀片除去管口多余的琼脂。将制成的盐桥插入饱和KCl 溶液中备用

图3Y 型管结构图

以2块5cm 2



用恒电位阶跃法测试I -t 响应曲线,从I t =0的值估算体系的电阻约为250Ω(包括了2块铜电极的表面阻抗和盐桥电阻),因而盐桥的电阻小于250Ω,可粗略认为是图2电偶电池的内阻。1.3


以EG&G -PAR263A 型电

化学工作站进行测试:饱和甘汞电极为参比电极,电位-时间测试时间1800s ,

温度为室温。测试分2组:将去锌层钢基置于溶液1中,镀锌试样置于溶液1 6中,立即测试得到7组电极电位数据,并绘制电位-时间曲线,

此为无预浸泡数据;将镀锌试样和去锌层钢基在测试溶液中浸泡24h 后测试,

获得的7组电极电位数据为预浸泡后的数据。如无特别说明,所给电位值均为相对饱和甘汞电极(SCE )。




电偶电流测试按文献[1]的方法进行。测试时间3600s ,数据采集频率2s /点,所有测试均在室温下进行。与电位-时间测试一样,分别记录数据并绘制无预浸泡和预浸泡24h 后的电偶电流-时间曲线。







图4。其中:曲线A 电位的变化范围为-0.639 -0.505V ,相对于标准氢电极(SHE )的变化范围为-0.396 -0.262V ,对比Fe -H 2O 体系E -pH 关系(相对于SHE )[4]可知,去锌层钢基的电位值落在其腐蚀区内。同理,曲线B 相对于SHE 的电位值为-0.717 -0.716V ,对比Zn -H 2O 体系E -pH 关系(相对于SHE )[5]可知,其在腐蚀区内;依此类推,曲线C G 的电位值表明镀锌层均处于钝化区



不同pH 值模拟混凝土孔隙液中镀锌层的阳极特性逆转

以上结论与文献[1]中对镀锌试样和去锌层钢基在不同溶液中的电极电位排序基本一致。但本试验中,各溶液电极电位的值与文献[1]不完全一致,曲线的振荡情况也不尽相同。这可能是镀锌后的不同试样在碱性溶液中钝化膜的形成和溶解重现性不够好所致。曲线B G 中,曲线F 在浸泡的前650s 与其他曲线一样均落在曲线A 的下方,通过热力学比较,表明镀锌层均呈电偶对中的阳极,可以对去锌层钢基起牺牲阳极的保护作用,但是在浸泡650s 后,曲线F 位于曲线A 的上方,即镀锌层的电位高于钢基的电位,从热力学方面比较表明镀锌层将可能作为电偶电池


2.1.2预浸泡24h 后

试样在模拟孔隙液中预浸泡24h 后的电位-时


无浸泡的基本呈一致性,即曲线A 和曲线F 在一定时

间后电位高低的排序发生对换,不同的只是发生对换的时间缩短,约为测试400s 左右

。图5预浸泡24h 后的电位-时间曲线2.2电偶电流2.2.1无浸泡无浸泡试样的电偶电流-时间曲线见图6

。图6无浸泡试样的电偶电流-时间曲线由图6可知,曲线B ,C ,D ,E 和G 的电偶电流值为负值,说明从镀锌层电极流过的是阳极电流,而去锌层钢基流过的是阴极电流,从动力学上证明在电偶电池中,镀锌层对钢基起到牺牲阳极的保护作用。曲线F 中电偶电流始终为正值,且维持在4μA 左右,说明在其电偶电池中,镀锌层中流过的电流方向与上述几种情况的电流方向相反,此时,镀锌层反而加速了去锌层钢基的腐蚀。


预浸泡24h 后各溶液中试样的电偶电流-时间曲线见图7。由图7可以看出:除曲线G 外,浸泡24h 后的各电偶电流曲线与无预浸泡的基本一致;而曲

线G 在约1650s 处电流由负变正,持续增大,最终维持在2.5μA 左右,表明由1号溶液中的去锌层钢基和6号溶液中的镀锌层试样构成的电偶电池在工作一段时间后电流方向发生逆转,此后电偶电池工作的结果是去锌层钢基的腐蚀加速

图7各溶液中浸泡24h 后试样的电偶电流-时间曲线2.3机理分析



泡于3.5%NaCl 中性溶液中的去锌层钢基的电位,




原因:在Cl -浓度高的部位,镀锌层若出现破坏,暴露









(1)镀锌层在pH 值分别为10.0,11.0的不含

Cl -的模拟孔隙液和在pH 值为7.0及pH 值为12.5

的含Cl -的模拟孔隙液中,无论是否浸泡都对钢基体有保护作用。镀锌层在以上述溶液中无论是否预浸泡,与去锌层钢基在3.5%NaCl 中性溶液中构成电偶对时,都对钢基体有保护作用。

(2)镀锌层在pH 值为12.0的不含Cl -的模拟孔隙液中,无论是否预浸泡,从某一时刻起,其电位会高(下转第19页)3不同pH 值模拟混凝土孔隙液中镀锌层的阳极特性逆转


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Journal of Materials Protection

(Monthly ,Started in 1960)

ISSN 1001-1560Feb.2013Vol.46No.2Serial No.409Contents &Abstracts

Reversion of Anode Characteristics of Galvanizing Coating in Simulated Concrete Pore Solution with Different pH Values YU Chang -chun 1,YOU Ge -xin 1,WANG Jian 1,LUO Peng -hua 2,LIU Jun -quan 1(1.School of Mechanical and Automotive Engineering ,South China University of Technology ,Guangzhou 510640,China ;2.Zhongshan Walsall Steel Pipe Industrial Com-pany Ltd.,Zhongshan 528000,China ).Cailiao Baohu 2013,46(02),01 03(Ch ).The backfill of the sand from the sea causes the local corrosion of galvanized steel pipes used in concrete -based buildings near the coast.Galvanized specimens were immersed into 6kinds of simulated concrete pore solution with different values ,while the steel substrate without galvanizing coating was immersed in the aqueous solution of 3.5%NaCl for 24h.After the electrolysis cell was linked with an electrolytic bridge ,the potential -time curves between the two kinds of speci-mens as well as the current of the galvanic couple were measured and compared with those in the absence of pre-immersion.It was found that ,in neutral solution containing Cl -and saturated Ca (OH )2solution with pH =10.0,11.0,the galvanizing coat-ing acted as a sacrificial anode to well protect the steel substrate.However ,in saturated Ca (OH )2solution with pH =12.0,wheth-er the galvanizing coating was pre -immersed or not ,its potential tended to reverse and relevant galvanic couple current was posi-tive ,which indicated that in this case the galvanizing coating accelerated the corrosion of the steel substrate.Moreover ,in saturated Ca (OH )2solution with pH =12.5,the galvanizing coat-ing without pre -immersion was able to protect the steel substrate ;and still in such Ca (OH )2solution ,the galvanizing coating after 24h of pre -immersion could protect the steel substrate only at the early stage ,and lost the ability after about 1650s of test while the corrosion of the steel was contrarily accelerated thereafter.Key words :corrosion behavior ;reversion of anode characteris-tics ;concrete ;simulated pore solution ;galvanizing coating ;potential -time curve ;galvanic couple current

Effect of Nickel Content in Hot -Dip Galvanizing Solution on Morphology as well as Hardness and Wear Resistance of Zinc -Aluminum -Nickel Coating SHAO Da -wei ,HE Zhi -rong ,ZHANG Yong -hong (School of Materials Science and Engineering ,Shaanxi University of Tech-nology ,Hanzhong 723003,China ).Cailiao Baohu 2013,46(02),04 06(Ch ).A small amount of Ni was introduced into hot -dip galvanizing solution (Zn -0.01%Al bath )to prepare Zn -Al -Ni coating [Al content 0.01%(mass fraction ;the same hereafter );Ni content 0.02% 0.12%]so as to reduce the surface roughness and increase the hardness and wear resistance of hot -dip galvanizing coating.The morphology of as -prepared Zn -Al -Ni coating was observed with a metallurgical microscope ,while the hardness and wear resistance of the coating were evalua-ted with a Vickers hardness meter and a friction and wear tester as well.It was found that ,with increasing Ni content in the hot -dip galvanizing solution ,the grain size of Zn -Al -Ni coating ini-tially tended to decline but later to rise ;and the hardness initially tended to rise but later to decline therewith.The Zn-Al-Ni coat-ing prepared from the hot -dip galvanizing solution containing 0.05%Ni had the smallest grain size ,the highest hardness and extended antiwear lifetime.Moreover ,though the Zn -Al -Ni obtained from the galvanizing bath containing 0.12%Ni had the longest antiwear lifetime ,it possessed a relatively high friction coefficient.Key words :hot -dip galvanizing ;Ni content ;morphology ;hard-ness ;wear resistance Effect of Rare Earth Salt Content in Fluxing Agent on Microstructure and Corrosion Resistance of Hot -Dip Galva-nizing Coating CAO Wen -ping ,HE Ming -yi ,LIU Hong -feng ,WANG Sheng -min ,ZHAO Xiao -jun (Institute of Material Protection ,Kunming University of Science and Technology ,Kunming 650093,Chi-na ).Cailiao Baohu 2013,46(02),07 09(Ch ).Hot -dip gal-vanizing coating was prepared by introducing rare earth salt into the fluxing agent.The morphology and microstructure of as -pre-pared hot-dip galvanizing coating were observed with a metallurgi-cal microscope and a scanning electron microscope.The corrosion resistance of as -prepared galvanizing coating was evaluated by conducting total immersion corrosion tests with an electrochemical test rig.Furthermore ,the effect of the content of the rare earth salt in the fluxing agent on the microstructure and corrosion resist-ance of as-prepared galvanizing coating was investigated.Results showed that introducing rare earth salt into the fluxing agent helped to reduce the thickness of the galvanizing coating ,improve its microstructure ,and inhibit the growth of brittle ζphase there-by affording galvanizing coating mainly consisting of δphase.In the meantime ,introducing rare earth salt also contributed to the improvement of corrosion resistance of galvanizing coating ,and the corrosion resistance of the galvanizing coating rose with in-creasing content of the rare earth salt.Particularly ,the galvani-zing coating obtained at a rare earth salt content of 0.2%had the best corrosion resistance ,and further increase in the content of the rare earth salt led to worsening in the corrosion resistance of the galvanizing coating.Key words :hot -dip galvanizing ;coating ;fluxing agent ;rare earth salt ;microstructure ;corrosion resistance Effect of Rare Earth on Microstructure as well as Wear Resistance and Corrosion Resistance of Electroless Ni -P Coating ZHANG Jing -yao 1,2,YU Zhou 1(1.College of Mechanical Engi-neering ,Yangzhou University ,Yangzhou 225127,China ;2.College of Material Science and Engineering ,Nanjing University of Science and Technology ,Nanjing 210094,China ).Cailiao Baohu 2013,46(02),10 12(Ch ).Three kinds of rare earth ions (Y 3+,Nd 3+,La 3+)were separately introduced into electro-less N -P plating bath to prepare rare earth -doped electroless Ni -P alloy coating.The microstructure and phase composition of as -prepared Ni -P alloy coating were analyzed by means of elec-tric coupled plasma mass spectrometry ,X -ray diffraction and scanning electron microscopy ,while the hardness and wear resist-ance were evaluated with a microhardness meter and a friction and wear tester.Moreover ,the corrosion rate of the coating was mea-sured.Furthermore ,the effect of rare earth ions on the micro-structure and performance of as -prepared Ni -P alloy coating was investigated.It was found that Ni -P alloy coating obtained in the presence of the rare earth ions still retained amorphous structure ,but the P content was significantly increased.Besides ,rare earth ions helped to refine the structure of the Ni -P alloy coating and increase the microhardness ,wear resistance and corrosion resist-ance of the coating to varying extents ,leading to smooth ,compact and uniform Ni -P alloy coating.Particularly ,Y 3+was the most effective in improving the structure as well as wear resiastnce and corrosion resistance of electroless Ni -P alloy coating.Namely ,the Ni -P alloy coating obtained from the electroless Ni -P plating bath containing 0.04g /L Y 3+had the maximum microhardness of

