
更新时间:2024-02-01 08:21:01 阅读量: 教育文库 文档下载


请做好译前准备,查阅以下单词、翻译句子: 助理 assistant 换洗衣物laundry 名片 name card 吧台 bar counter 行李 luggage 酒水钱 drinks money 行李车 luggage barrow 前台 on the stage 停车场 parking lots 房卡 room key 时差 equation of time 走廊 corridor 预订房间book rooms 延长住宿extension 预订宴banquet reservation 入住日期arrival date 短途旅游jaunt 离店日期departure date 床头柜 night table 欢迎宴会welcome banquet

开关 switch

洗漱间 washing room Starred hotel 星级酒店 洗漱用品washing supplies foreign exchange center外汇洗衣袋 laundry bag 交易中心

经理派我来机场接您 my manager send me to meet at the airport 您全部的行李都在这里了吗? Is this the correct number of your all bags 我来帮您拿行李吧 Let me carry your luggage 我来帮你推行李车吧 let me push luggage cart for you

欢迎来到长沙,一路上辛苦了。 Welcome to changsha, did you have a pleasant journey

我代表经理及同事衷心地欢迎您。I’d like to extend to you a warm welcome on behalf of my manager and colleagues 长途跋涉,加上时差,您一定累了。 After a long flight, you must be jutlagged 我们一直盼望着您来。 We have been expecting your arrival

车子就在外面的停车场 the car is just expecting us outside the paeking lots 旅途怎么样? How aount the journey

我们为您预定了一间房间 we have reserved a room for you 我们为您安排了一次短途游览 we have arranged a jaunt for you

中国的酒店是根据星级来划分的,分为一等级、二等级以及三等级酒店。Hotels in china are divided according to the star, divided into first grade, second grade and third grade hotel 欢迎下榻我们酒店。 Welcome to stay in our hotel 让我领您去您的房间吧 let me show you to your room

您的房间在走廊的尽头。 Your room is at the end of the corridor

如果有什么不满意,请告诉我。if you have any dissatisfiction, please tell us 我们会随时为您服务。We are always at your service


swimming pool游泳池 duty-free store 免税商店 business center 商业中心 conference facility会议场所 beauty parlor 美容院 saunas 桑拿浴

bowling center 保球龄中心 disco balding

shopping center 商店区,购物中心 bar cafe

