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A act, ag = to do, to drive
activity, activate激活, inactive, agency机构;介绍所, agent, agenda议事日程, agitate摇动(液体);鼓动:使焦虑*enact,
ali, alter = otherwise, else
alien外国的;外星人, alter(局部)修改, alternate交替(的), alternative替换…的东西(to), *altruism
al, ol, ul = to feed, to raise
adult, adolescent青少年, accumulate积累, *cumulative
am- = loving
amateur业余的(艺术家等), amiable友善的
amb = to go round
ambulance救护车, ambition雄心,抱负, ambitious, ambiguous模棱两可的
anim = breath; mind
animate动画, unanimous一致同意的
an-, ante-, anti- = before
ancient, ancestor祖先, antenna天线, ant蚂蚁, anticipate预料,期望, anticipation, antique古董
aud = to hear
audio, audible, audience, audit审计, auditorium礼堂, obey遵守, obedient听话的
aster, str, stell = star
astronomy, astronaut宇航员, disaster灾难, *constellation
aug, auc, aux = to increase
auction拍卖, augment增大, auxiliary辅助的
auth = creator
authentic真正的, authorize授权, authoritative, authority权利,权威;官方(pl)
B bat = to beat
bat蝙蝠, battle战役, battery电池, combat战斗, debate辩论, *batter
ben, bene, bon, boun = good
benefit好处;收益, beneficial有利的, benign良性的,和蔼的 bonus奖金
brac = arm, claw
brace臂, bracket括号;组, embrace拥抱
C cad, cas, cid = to fall, to happen
accident, incident突发事件, accidental偶然的, incidentally=by the way, incidence发生率, coincide和…一起发生, coincidence巧合, decay腐烂, accuse控告, casual随意的, casualty伤亡率, occasion场合
calc, cal = pebble
calculate, calendar日历, calcium钙
can = hollow stick
can, cane, canal运河, cannon, canoe独木舟, canvas
cap, cop, cab = to hold, to catch
capable, capacity能力;容量, capsule胶囊, capture捕获, captive俘虏,cope对付, cop警察, cab出租车, cabin机舱, cabinet内阁, cable电缆, occupy, occupation职业
cap, cab = head
cape海角, capital, captain队长;船长, *caption, chapter, cabbage
car = car, to carry
cart手推车, career, cargo货物, carriage马车;车厢, carrier, garage, carpenter木匠
cede, ceed, cess = to go, to walk, to yield
succeed, access得到;途径, accessory服饰, cease停止, concede让步, concession, exceed超过, excess过量, excessive, precede在前, preceding, precedent先例, unprecedented尚无先例的, predecessor前辈, procedure步骤, recede退步, recession衰退, succession连续, successive
cel, cele, ceil = prominent, high
ceiling天花板, excel, celebrate, celebrity名人, accelerate加速
ceive, cept, cip = to take, to hold
conceive设想,想象, concept, perceive感觉;视为, perception观点,思想, deceive, deception, deceit欺骗, discipline纪律;惩罚;自律;学科, except, exception例外, exceptional, excerpt节选, receipt, recipe菜谱, recipient接受者, reciprocal相互的, susceptible易受影响的(to), anticipate期待;预示, participate参加, participant参加者, dissipate消散;挥霍
cern, cert, cre, cri = to separate, to judge
certificate, certify证明, ascertain确定,查明, assert断言;主张, criterion标准, critical批评的,反对的;关键的, criticize, crisis危机, *decree
cern, cre, cri = to sift筛选
discern察觉, *discrete, discreet(言行)谨慎的, discrepancy差异, discriminate(against)歧视, discrimination
cid, cis = to cut
decide, decisive果断的, concise简明的, precise精确的, precision, suicide自杀, scissors剪刀, assassination暗杀
civ = citizen
civil国内的, civilian平民, civilization文明, civilize, village, vulgar粗俗的,庸俗的
cit, cite = to summon, to urge, to call
excite, cite引用, recite背诵, solicitor律师, *elicit
claim = to call
claim声称;要求;认领, acclaim向…欢呼;公认, exclaim喊叫, proclaim声称, reclaim开垦(荒地)
clin = to bend, to lean
incline倾斜;倾向于, decline下降;衰退;谢绝, cliff悬崖, client客户, clinic诊所, climate气候;气氛, *clan
clud, clus, clos = to shut
conclude得出结论;结束, include, exclude, exclusive独家的;高级的, preclude阻碍, disclose揭开, enclose随信附上, cluster丛,群 clause条款
cognis, gno, gnos = to know
recognize辨认;承认, cognitive认知的, diagnose诊断, diagnosis, ignore, ignorant无知的
cor, cord, cour, cred = heart, center; trust
core, cordial诚恳的, accord, accordance一致, accordingly因此, encourage, discourage阻止, credit荣誉;信用, incredible难以置信的 Cf. court, courtesy礼貌, chorus合唱;同声
copr, corpor = body
corps, corporation, corporate企业的, incorporate融合
cosm, cosmo = order, ornament
costume流行服饰;戏装, cosmic宇宙的, *cosmopolitan,*cosmetic化妆品,
cra, crat = power, to rule
democracy民主, *democrat, monarch帝王, bureaucracy官僚主义, bureaucratic Cf. demo = the people *demography, epidemic流行病
cult, colon = to cultivate
cultivate培育, colony殖民地, colonial, colonize,*cult
cur, cours = to run
course, current当代的;水(电)流, currency货币, curriculum课程, excursion短途旅行, incur招致, occur, occurrence, recur反复发生, intercourse交往, discourse篇章, curb控制, curl卷发, curtain窗帘;遮掩, curve曲线, curse诅咒, corridor走廊
cur, car = take care of
cure, accurate准确的, accuracy, curiosity好奇, secure保障的, security, caress爱抚, charity慈善, cherish珍爱;怀有
D dec = ten
decade, decimal十进制
dec = proper, pretty
decent体面的, decorate装饰, deck甲板
dign = worthy
dignity尊严, *indignity, indignant气愤的
din, dot, dow = give
pardon, donate捐, donation, donor, anecdote轶事,趣闻, dose剂量, endow捐赠;赋予
do, du, dou = two
double, dozen, dual双重的, dubious怀疑的, duplicate复制, *dub
doc, doct, dox=to tell; to teach
document文件, *doctrine, orthodox正统的, paradox矛盾的
dom, domin = to rule, to reign, home kingdom, domain(思想)领域, domestic家庭的;国内的, dominate主宰, dominant, predominate盛行的, dome, abdomen腹部,肚子, dormitory宿舍, dorm, timber木材, tame驯服的
dem- = people
democracy民主, democratic, epidemic流行病
duce, duct = to lead
educate, education, reduce, reduction, deduct扣除;演绎, dock码头, conduct导电(热), conductor导体;乐队指挥, semiconductor半导体, induce引诱, introduce, produce, productive, reproduce繁殖
dur = lasting
durable耐用的, duration, endurance耐力, endure忍受
dyn = power
dynasty朝代, dynamic动力的;有生气的
E eco = house; to exist
economic经济的, economical节俭的, economize, ecology, eco-friendly
em, am, empt, mpt =to take
example, examine审视, exemplify举例, exempt免除的, prompt促使;迅速的
equ = even, equal
adequate充分的, inadequate不足的, equality平等, equation方程式, equator赤道, equivalent相当于的
F fab, fib = to build
fabric织物, fabricate编造, fable寓言, fabulous极好的, fiber
fact, fect, fict, feat, feit, fet, fit = to make, to produce, to do
facility设施;能力, facilitate使容易, faculty全体教师, factor, fake假冒的, defeat, defect缺点, deficiency缺陷, deficit赤字,亏空, manufacture, affect, affection爱, infect感染, infection, infectious, effect, efficiency, profit, benefit, proficiency熟练, feature特色, feat业绩, fatigue疲劳, feasible可行的
fan, fam = talk
fame声誉, infant婴儿
fan, phan = to appear, to imagine fan, phenomenon, fancy想象;花哨的, fantastic美妙的,极好的, fantasy幻觉, fond, faint昏倒;微弱的, fade褪色, *fanatic,
fare = to go
fare交通费, airfare机票, welfare, farewell告别, warfare, *thoroughfare
fas, fasc, fos, fat = to bundle, to fix
fast坚固的, fasten扎牢, fascinate使着迷, fascinating, feast盛宴, festival, fist, fate命运, fatal致命的, *fatality, fossil化石
fend, fens = to strike
defend护卫, defense, fence篱笆, offend冒犯, offense违法, offence, offensive
fer = to carry, to bear, to produce
conference, ferry渡船, freight货物, fertile肥沃的, fertilizer肥料, infer推理, refer, transfer转移,调离, *defer
fess = to speak
confess承认, manifest表明;明白的
fid, fi = to trust, true
confidence, faith信仰, faithful忠诚的, confidential机密的, federal联邦的, defy违抗, defiance违抗, hi-fi高保真(音响)
fin, finis = to end, to bound
define定义, definite明确的, definitely, definition, infinite无限的, confine局限,限制;范围, refine提炼, finance金融;资助, financial
flat = to blow
flat平的;公寓;爆胎的, flatter拍马,奉承, inflate, inflation通货膨胀
flect, flict, flex = to bend, to turn
reflect反映;反射;反思, refection, flexible灵活的
flict = to strike
conflict冲突, *afflict, *inflict
flu, flo = to run
flow, flood, flu流感, fluctuate上下波动, fluent流利的, fluid, flush脸红, float, affluent富裕的, influential有影响力的, overflow溢出
form = to shape
format格式, formula公式, formulate规划,设计, uniform统一的;制服, framework框架
fract, frag = to break to pieces
fragile脆弱的, fraction小部分, fiction小说, fracture骨折, fragment碎片, fragrance芳香, frustrate使沮丧
fund, found = base, bottom
found成立, foundation基础, fountain泉, fundamental, profound深刻的,深奥的, funeral葬礼
fuse, fund = to pour, to cast
refuse, refusal, confuse使混乱;使迷惑, confusion, fuse保险丝;熔化, diffuse扩散, refund退款, refute驳斥
G gen, gent, gn, kin, = to produce, birth
gene, genetic, gender性别, generate产生;发电, generation, generator, generous慷慨的, genius天才, genuine真正的, degenerate, homogeneous同种类的, ingenious灵巧的, pregnant, germ微生物,细菌, kin家族;血缘关系, kindness, kindergarten幼儿园
gest, ger- = to bring, to convey
digest消化, exaggerate夸大, gesture身体语;手势, register注册
grad, gress = to go; step
grade, progress, gradual循序渐进的, upgrade升级, aggressive, aggression侵略, congress, progressive, greed贪婪, greedy, ingredient组成成分
grav, gr = heavy
regret, gravity严重, grave, aggravate加剧, gray, grief悲伤, grieve
H habit, hibit = to hold, to keep
inhabit居住在, inhabitant居民, inhibit禁止, exhibit展现, exhibition, prohibit禁止
her, hes = to cling, to stick
hesitate, inherit继承, adhere依附, coherent条理清楚的, inherent内在的, heir继承人, heritage遗产
hum = ground, soil
humanity, humble自卑的, humiliate使羞辱, humor, humid潮湿的, humidity cf. hydr = water (hydrogen氢+ carbohydrate)
I it = to go
exit出口处, initiate使开始, initiative主动, initial最初的, circuit电路, *itinerary
J ject = to throw
jet喷气飞机, reject, inject注射, eject弹出, object反对, project投影, subject使隶属于;使遭受
join, junct = to connect
joint关节, junction, adjacent邻近的, adjoin, conjunction, jungle丛里
jud, jur, just = to judge, jus, juris = law, right
just, justice公正;司法, judgment, *judicial, jury, justify, justification, prejudice, adjust, injure
L laps = to slip
collapse崩溃, lapse失误;流逝, elapse(时光)流逝, eclipse
lav, lau, lu = to wash
lavatory, launch开始;推出, laundry, dilute稀释
lax, lyze = to loosen
relax, analyze, analysis, paralyze瘫痪, release, relish美味;乐趣, lease租借, leisure
lect, leg, lig = to read aloud, to gather, to choose
legend传说, allege断言, collective集体的, elect, election, select, selection, selective, intellect, intellectual, diligent勤奋的, diligence, neglect, negligible, recollect, elegant优雅的, elegance, eligible符合条件的, elite精英
leg = to appoint, to send, lawful
legal法律的,合法的, illegal非法的, delegate派遣;代表, delegation代表团, legacy遗产, legislation立法, legitimate合法的, privilege特权
lev, live = to lift up, levis = light
elevate提高, elevator, lever杠杠, levy征税, alleviate减轻, relieve, relief宽慰;救济金
lig, leag, li, lo, ly = to bind
religion, league联盟, colleague, liable有可能的,倾向的, liability责任;债务;不利条件, ally同盟, alliance, alloy合金, oblige迫使, obligation义务, rally, coalition同盟;联合
liter = letter
literature字面的, literal, literacy有文化,有读写能力 literally, literary文学的, illiterate文盲
loc, locus = to place
local本地的, locate确定方位;located位于, location方位, locomotive机车头, allocate分配, *collocation
log, loqu = thought, saying
dialog(ue), analog(ue)类似, analogy类比, catalog(ue), logic, apology, eloquent雄辩的, slogan口号
lumin = light
illuminate照明, lamp, enlighten启发
lust, luc, lud = bright
illustrate说明, illustration阐述, illusion错觉, *elude, *elusive
M magn, maj, max = great
majority, magic魔术, magistrate治安官, magnet磁铁, magnificent壮观的, magnify放大, magnitude广大, majesty雄伟, maximum最大量, mayor, climax高潮
man, manu, min = hand, to handle
manufacture, maneuver操纵, manipulate操纵;熟练使用, manual手册;人工的, minister大臣,部长, ministry, administration行政管理, command命令;掌握, commence开始, *commencement
med, medi, mid = center
Mediterranean地中海, medal奖牌, metal, media, midst, medieval中世纪的, intermediate中级的, permeate渗透, mild温和的
ment, mend, mind = to think, to speak
mention, commend称赞, recommend, comment, mood情绪, mediate沉思,冥想meditation
merc = trade
commerce商业, commercial电视广告, merchandise商品, merchant商人, mercury, mercy怜悯, merit优点,长处
merge, mers = to sink, to plunge, to swallow
emerge出现, merge合并, emergency紧急情况;急诊, immerse使沉浸, submerge
meter, mens = to measure
meter, metric公制的, diameter直径, geometry几何学, thermometer温度计, dimension大小,尺寸, immense巨大的, symmetry对称
min = small
minute微小的, minimal最小的, minimize, minimum, minor次要的, minority少数(民族), minus减;缺点, miniature微型景观, diminish减少
mir, mar = to wonder
mirror, admire, miracle奇迹, marvelous
miss, mit = to send, to throw
admit, admission, missile导弹, mission使命, commit承诺;犯(罪或错), commitment敬业;承诺, committee, commission佣金, dismiss解聘;解散;撤销(案子), dismissal, emit排放,
emission, omit省略, omission, permit, permission, *permissive溺爱的, premise前提, promise希望,前途, promising, submit递交;屈服(to), transmit传播
men, ment, mon, mat, math = to think
mention, comment评论, monitor班长, monument纪念碑, summon召唤, monster怪物, demonstrate示范
mort = death
mortal终有一死的, immortal不朽的, mortgage抵押
mot, mut, mov, mob = to move
move举动, motion运动,移动, motive动机, motivation动力, mobile, mobilize动员, mobility机动性, promote提拔;促进;促销, remote遥远的, remove, momentum动力, commute坐车上下班, *motto
N nov = new
novel新颖的, novelty, novice, innovation创新, renovate翻新
norm = carpenter’s square; standard of behavior
normal, norm准则, enormous巨大的, abnormal变态的
not, gn, norm = to mark, to know
notable, noticeable, noble高贵的, notify通知, notion理念, notorious声名狼藉的, denote意味着 acknowledge承认, cognitive认知的, recognition承认;意识, diagnosis诊断, diagnose, ignore, ignorant无知的, norm准则, enormous巨大的, abnormal, acquaintance熟人, acquaint使认识
nur, nour, nutr = to breast-feed
nurse, nursery, nurture培养,教育 nourish养育, nutrition营养, *nutrient
O ord = line, row, series
orderly有序的, disorder混乱, coordinate协调, extraordinary, subordinate下属, ornament装饰品
opt = to choose
opt选择, option, optional可选的, optimism, optimistic乐观的, adopt领养;采纳, optimum最适宜的
ora = to speak, to pray
adore崇拜,爱慕, oral口头的, oath誓言
内容;知足的, detain拘留, entertain, maintain维持;维修;主张, obtain获得, retain保持, sustain支撑
tr, ter, terr = frighten
terror, horror恐惧, terrific极好的, deteriorate恶化, tremble颤抖, tremendous巨大的
tribute = to give
contribute, attribute把归因于, distribute分配;分布, distribution, tribute贡品;颂词,礼物
trans, tra = across, over, to turn
translate, transport, transform, transmit传导;发射, transplant移植, transaction交易, transcend超越, transition过渡, transparent透明的, trade, trademark, tradition, traffic, betray背叛, traitor叛徒, treason叛国, trap陷阱;使中套, trip, tropics热带, tropical
tract, treat = to draw, line
tractor拖拉机, contract合同;收缩, abstract摘要, attract吸引, distract转移注意, extract抽取, subtract减, trace痕迹, track小径, trail轨道, train, trolley电车, trait特征, tramp, retreat后撤, retrieve检索
tut, tuit = to look at的过去分词
intuition直觉, tuition学费, tutor辅导
U uti, us = to use
abuse滥用;孽待, utilize利用, utility利用;公用事业(费)
V vac, van, void = to empty
vacation, vacant空缺, vacuum真空, vain徒劳的, vanity虚荣, van, vanish消失, void空虚, avoid, evacuate撤离, evade逃避, want
vad, vas = to go
invade, evade, evasion, invasion侵略, *wade,
vag = to wander
extravagant奢侈的,铺张的, vague不明确的
val, vail = to be strong, to be of worth, to be effective
evaluate评估, invaluable, valid有效的, invalid, avail, available可以得到的, equivalent等效的人或物, prevail盛行, prevalent
ven, vent = to come (regularly)
event事件;运动项目, avenue大街, revenue财政收入, adventure历险, venture合资企业, convenience, convention, conventional常规的, inventory存货, intervene干涉
vers, vert = to turn, to turn over versatile多才多艺的;全能的, verse诗歌, version版本, versus对;抗, adverse不利的, advertise, anniversary周年, avert避免;转移(注意力), convert转变, conversion, conversely相反地, controversy争议, reverse反面;逆转;倒车, diverse各色各样的, diversity多样化, divert, invert, universe, universal普遍的
vi, voy, vey = way, to go
via, deviate偏离, voyage, convey传达,表达, vehicle车辆, previous
vict, vig, vince = to conquer, to prove
victory, victim受害者, vigor活力, vigorous, convict判刑, conviction, convince说服, province, revenge报复,报仇
vir, virt, ver = excellence, true
virtual虚拟世界的, virtually几乎, virtue美德, virgin处女, verify证明
vis, vid, wis, wit, view = to look
visual视力的, visa, invisible无形的, vision视力;想象力;远见, envisage想象, supervise监督, video, evidence, evident明显的, envy妒忌, envious, review, survey调查, wise, wisdom智慧, wit机智, witness目击, *idol(vid),
vit, viv, bio = life
vivid生动的, survive, revive复苏, vital, vitamin, biology
voc, voke = to sound, to call
vocational, advocate提倡, evoke激发, provoke挑衅,激怒;激起, provocative, devote投身, veto否决
vol, volve = to roll, to wind evolve进化, volume册;音量;体积, involve使卷入;需要, revolve围绕, revolution革命, revolt反叛, valley峡谷, valve阀门
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