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1.TDM——Time Division Multiplexing 时分复用FDM CDM

2.PCM——Pulse Code Modulation 脉冲编码调制

3.PCI——Peripheral Component Interconnect 周边元件连接口

4.IDE——Integrated Drive Electronics 集成驱动器电路

5.AGP——Accelerated Graphic Port 加速图形接口

B——Universal Serial Bus 通用串行接口

7.HDL——Hardware Description Language 硬件描述语言

8.PLD——Programmable Logic Device 可编程逻辑器件

9.FPGA——Field Programmable Gate Array 现场可编程门阵列

10.ASIC——Application—Specific Integrated Circuit 专用集成电路

11.DSP——Digital Signal Processor 数字信号处理器

12.SoC——System-on-Chip 片上系统

13.Learnning curve 学习曲线

14.IEEE——Institute of Electrical and Electrics Engineers


15.sample and hold circuit 采样与保持电路

16.price/performance ratio 性能价格比

17.harvard architecture 哈佛结构

18.looping scheme 循环机制

19.FFT——Fast Fourier transform 快速傅里叶变换

20.PCB——Printed Circuit Board 印刷电路板

21.SPS——Sample Per Second 每秒样本数

22.block diagram 方框图

23.Dolby Stereo 杜比立体声

24.transmission bandwidth 传输带宽

25.signal-to-noise ratio 信噪比





The generic term channel is normally used to denote a frequency in

FDMA system,a time slot in TDMA system,and a code in CDMA system

or a combination of these in a mixed system.



The third-generation systems aim to provide a seamless network that can

provide users voice,data,multimedia,and video services regardless of

their location on the network.


表(即“网表”)的过程。逻辑综合程序都能理解Verilog 和VHDL 的


Logic synthesis is the conversion of a high-level electronic circuit

description into a list of logic gates and their interconnections,called the

"netlis". Every logic synthesis program understands some subset of

Verilog and VHDL.




CPLD(Complex PLD)is a programmable logic device that includes a

reprogrammable interconnect between the logic blocks.CPLDs are mostly

EEPROM and flash based.


领域与日俱增。因此,DSP 正在成为技术专家和工程师专业知识的重


Digital signal processing is an essential element of countless home and

business systems. Its domain can only increase as time proceeds.Thus,

DSP is becoming an essential area of expertise for technologists and





Signals ,like sound,light,or voltage,are information-bearing variations.

Analog signals are real-world signals.They are defined at every point in

time and may take an infinite number of possible amplitudes.


ing better compression algorithms, it is possible to get the speech

down to 4kbps , in which case six users can be stuffed into a frame, as

illustrated in Figure 11.(b).From the operator's perspective , being able to

squeeze three to six times as many D-AMPS user is a huge win and

explains much of the popularity of PCS.


样的话,一帧就可以容纳6 位用户了。在运营商看来,“3—6 位D—

AMPS 用户只需占用相当于1 位AMPS 用户所需的带宽”是巨大的


Communication Service)普及的原因。

2.CDMA is completely different from AMPS ,D-AMPS, and GSM.

Instead of dividing the allowed frequency range into a few hundred

narrow channels, CDMA allows each station to transmit over the entire

frequency spectrum all the time .Multiple simultaneous transmissions are

separated using coding theory. CDMA also relaxes the assumption that

colliding frames are totally garbled . Instead , it assumes that multiple

signals add linearly.



送。利用编码原理,CDMA 可以将多个同时传送的信号分离开来。

在CDMA 中,“相遇数据帧会造成数据混淆”的想法不存在了——

CDMA 认为多路信号之间是线性相加的。

3.Motherboard -This is the main circuit board that all of the other internal

components connect to . The CPU and memory are usually on the

motherboard . Other systems may be found directly on the motherboard

or connected to it through a secondary connection . For example , a sound

card can be built into the motherboard or connected through PCI .

主板:所有其他内部组件都和主板连接。通常,CPU 和内部都


接到主板上。例如,声卡可以置于主板上,也可以通过PCI 总线连接


4.In practical terms , this means that one or two layers of metal

interconnect must be designed. Since an integrated circuit requires seven

or more processing stages , all the processing steps other than the final

metalization can be completed in advance . Because the uncommitted

gate arrays can be produced in volume ,the cost of each device is

relatively small.





5.Physical layer communications : FPGAs have long used to implement

the glue logic that interfaces between physical layer communication

chips and high-level networking protocol layers . The fact that today's

high-end FPGAs can contain multiple high-speed transceivers means that

communications and networking functions can be consolidated into a

single device.

物理层通信:长久以来,FPGA 用于实现通信芯片和高级网络协

议之间的“胶连”逻辑。实际上,今天的高端FPGA 可以容纳多个高


6.One of the most important applications of VHDL is to capture the

performance specification for a circuit , in the form of what is commonly

referred to as a test bench . Test benches are VHDL descriptions of circuit

stimuli and corresponding expected outputs that verify the behavior of a

circuit over time . Test benches should be an integral part of any VHDL

project and should be created in tandem with other descriptions of the


VHDL 最重要的应用之一是以所谓“测试平台”(test bench)的


源及相应期望输出的VHDL 描述。在VHDL 工程项目中,“测试平台”


7.A digital signal is a numerical representation of the analog signal .It

may be easier and cost effective to process these signals in the digital

world .In the real world ,we can convert these signals into digital signals

through the analog-to-digital converter ,process the signals,and if

needed ,bring the signals back out to the analog world through the

digital-to-analog converter.





8.Keep in mind that the distinction between DSPs and other

microprocessors is not always a clear line .For instance ,look at how Intel

describes the MMX technology addition to its Pentium processor : "Intel

engineers have added 57 powerful new instructions specifically designed

to manipulate and process video , audio and graphical data

efficiently .These instructions are oriented to the highly parallel ,

repetitive sequences often found in multimedia operations . "

别忘了:DSPs 和其他微处理器的界限并不是很清晰。例如,让我

们看一看inte 是如何描述其奔腾处理器新增的MMX 技术的:“为了

高效操作和处理视频、音频和图形数据,intel 工程师新增了57 条功



9.In practical application , these are certainly many other factors to

consider when evaluating analog versus digital filters ,or analog versus

digital signal processing in general . Most modern signal processing

8、systems use a combination of analog and digital techniques in order to

accomplish the desired function and take advantage of the best of both the

analog and the digital world .


10.Audiophiles demand the utmost sound quality , and all that factors are

treated as secondary .If you had to describe the mindest in the world , it

would be : overkill . Rather than just matching the abilities of the

human ear ,these systems are designed to exceed the limits of hearing .

It's the only way to be sure that the reproduced music is pristine .


11.Then the sample are processed in groups of 1152 (about 26 msec

worth). Each group is first passed through 32 digital filters to get 32

frequency bands . At the same time the input is fed into a psychoacoustic

model in order to determine the masked frequencies .Next each of the 32

frequency bands is further transformed to provide a finer spectral

resolution .

在这之后,样本以1152(约26ms)为一组进行处理。每组样本首先通过32 个数字滤波器,从而得到32 个频带。同时,输入信号进入心理声学模型以决定被屏蔽的频率。下一步,32 频带中的每个频带 中的每个频率进一步变换得到更好的频谱分辨率。

